
By NiallsRealGirl93

18.2K 130 31

just whenever I feel like it I don't do requests sorry thankful for 16K ♥️ • 1D • 5SOS • NEWHOPECLUB More

"Please believe me" -niall
Niall foodpoisoning
Luke the runs
Niall lactose intolerance
new hope club // reece wings
NHC || reece sickfic
damn dairy - reece NHC
sick reecey // nhc

Hides being sick- niall

1.9K 19 5
By NiallsRealGirl93

No one pov.

The boys where busy trying to get everything on time for their 5th album. Their last album before the break and oh how they needed that break. It was Saturday and they were supposed to be in an interview in 10 minutes but....

Harry pov

"Niaaaaalll!! I swear, if you don't get your little Irish ass out of that bathroom i'm gonna pee on louis."
"I said one minute, i'm almost... Done alright." He paused mid-sentence. Also he had been in the bathroom for almost ten minutes now and i started to worry. "You said that literally 5 minutes ago. Please just hurry we need to be in an interview in less than ten minutes" i heart the toilet flush and the sound of a spray. Niall came out of the bathroom. "God if you where takin a shit you could've told me."
"Well said. Could've. I didn't." He laughed. I rolled my eyes and quickly got in the bathroom.
"Please guys aren't you ready yet?!"
I heart Liam from the hall. "Sorry Liam but NIALL here needed to use the toilet for 10 minutes." I yelled through the door. "Beside" i flushed the toilet and walked out of the bathroom. "Where the hell is Lou?"
"Well beside you two, louis is ACTUALLY in time for the first time. He's already in the van so come on hurry." We followed Liam into the van when i heart, i think, a whale. "What on earth was that" i laughed looking at Niall who apparently made that noise. He turned red and looked at the ground. "Yeah eh.. I eh haven't eaten yet. I'll eat something at the interview."
"I don't think we have time for that Ni, i'm sorry." Liam said while opening the car doors. "Well there you are you're lucky the studio is literally a 3 minute drive" Paul said while starting the van.

Niall pov.

Okay let me start with one thing real quick, i wasn't hungry at all. And second i indeed took a shit but not a normal everyday one if you know what i mean. I mean i'm having the worst stomach cramps in history. But as long as nobody seem to notice i could play it off real good. "Niall you have exactly 5 minutes to eat something, lucky for you our hair and makeup is already done." Liam said pointing the buffet. "Oh yeah, you sure we don't need to get on."
"If you're quick you can make it."
He smiled. The sweetheart he is always caring for us. I walked to the buffed and took a sandwich not wanting to trigger my stomach. I really wanted a brown bread sandwich but of course there weren't any brown bread sandwiches. Within 5 minutes i had finished me sandwich and the interview started knowing it was a really bad idea.
"The biggest band on the planet here is... ONE DIRECTION!!!" We were announced and sat down on the a little to small sofa. But let's face it, every sofa was to small for us. "So, hello boys..." The interview started and went well the first 10 minutes. But then i started to feel the sandwich wanting to come out. I quickly raised my hand. "Yeh Niall?"
"I ehh.. May i go to the bathroom please?" I tapped my foot on the ground not wanting to hear a no.
"Ehh yeah.. I guess. It's here immediately at your right." She pointed the direction the bathroom was. "Thank you" i mumbled and tried not to run to the bathroom too fast. But when i was out of sight i sprinted.

Liam pov.

It was 10 minutes later and Niall still wasn't back, i mean, i can say i'm a little worried. And as if the interviewer could read my mind she asked: "ehm, isn't it strange Niall still isn't back?" Harry and louis looked around. As if they didn't notice he was gone for so long. Fools. "Yeah, i just started wondering why he's still not back" louis said. Before anyone could speak i stood up. "I'll go check on him alright?" The interviewer nodded and started asking questions again. I knew it wasn't smart to let only harry an louis do the interview because of the whole 'Larry stylinson'  thing but i couldn't care less. I reached the bathroom and knocked on the door. "I-it's occupied."
"Niall? Are you okay?" It was silent for a moment. I was about to open the door before.." No! No don't come in. I'm okay, i'll be out in a bit."
"Niall you've been in here for 10 minutes now and this morning you already was in the bathroom for also 10 minutes you're not okay. I'm coming in." I tried to open the door but it was locked. "I-it's locked.."
"Niall let me in i know you're not okay!" The lock clicked and i stormed in. "Niall?" He just sat on the toilet with pants around his ankles. It smelled really bad but i didn't mind. Niall was sick! All this time. "Ni how long have you been feeling unwell?"
"S-since this morning.. I'm sorry i didn't say anything li i-i'm so sorry" he cried and gagged. I quickly gave him the bin standing next to me and he promptly threw up. Probably because of all the stress. "Ni is it because of the stress?" I asked while rubbing his back. "I-i think.... So" he said between heaves. "Mmhhh poor boy. You think you can finish the interview?"
"I-i think so, only a few minutes left s-so i can do it, eh i'm ok you can go back now" Niall placed the bin on the ground. "I'll clean it myself okay?" I nodded and went back to the studio. "Oh hello, is Niall okay?"
"Well.. He has some issues but he'll be okay." They all nodded and we went back to the interview. 5 minutes later Niall came in and i could see he threw up when i walked away. He looked awful i really wanna know what got him this sick. "So that was it for today. One direction thank you for being here. Goodbye" we heart a 'cut' from the cameraman.
"Nialler what's wrong?" Harry asked immediately. "I'm a little sick nothing to worry about." He said. "Ni look at yourself.. Your not okay. Please tell us the truth.. Or even something next time." Louis stated. "Well.. Get better Niall. The next people are coming i don't wanna push.." The interviewer said. "No it's okay we should go anyway." I stood up and the lads followed. "For how many days should i cancel our schedule, Ni?"
"Zero!! I sweat i'm okay.. It's just.. O you know Liam"
"What is it li?" Harry asked. I told them about Niall's 'sickness'
"I told you guys, it's nothing." Then i heart a loud rumble. But we were already in the van.. O god. "Ni? Was that you?" I questioned.
"We need to pull over. Now!" Niall screamed and we immediately pulled over. The car doors swung open and Niall ran into the.. Bushes? What was he going to do. "Niall? Niall!!"
"Guys come on." I walked to harry and louis attempting to get them out of the woods. Eventually the got what i meant. We waited in the van for 10 minutes then i realized we always carry toilet paper with us for this kind of situations. So i went to bring him some. "Liam omg you're my ultimate hero i love you" i threw the toilet paper and walked back. Another 5 minutes later Niall reached the van. "So again.. How many days you want me to cancel our schedule?" I asked again. "Just begin with tomorrow and then we see it any further." he crawled in the back of the van. "Hey bud, what got you this sick?" Louis asked after a while. I saw him thinking. "Mmmh i honestly don't know.. Maybe just a stomach bug, i got the worst cramps ever."
"I feel sorry for you.."

No one pov

On our way back home nothing happened. Back home he was constantly taking trips to the bathroom but the next day he was back to himself.

Sorry it's a little short and late but my situation is no motivation (tell me if you get that one)
Also i'm working on something not Niall sooo your welcome
Bye xx

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