Tigress ➳ An Avengers Fanfic...

By -starlings

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tigress [tahy-gris] n.- a female tiger; a woman resembling a tiger, as in fierceness or courage Calypso was o... More



19.5K 463 238
By -starlings

       Back straight. Don't make eye contact unless spoken to. Be polite. 

        I ran over the rules in my head, careful not to forget any of them.

        Stand still. No talking. Smile. 

        Failure to keep these rules meant no dinner for three days and a harsh beating. It could be worse, depending on how badly you behaved. 

        The Headmistress stalked the halls outside, snapping at the children to hurry up or to stop being lazy, saying that whoever it was, it wouldn't be them. She's such a ray of sunshine. 

        I smoothed out my white lace dress, the nicest thing I owned, and ran my fingers through my wavy blonde hair. "Calypso!" a shrill voice yelled. I held back a groan. 

        "I'm coming, Headmistress!" I called, hoping I sounded cheerful enough for her. Shoving my feet in a pair of white wedges I had "borrowed" from an older girl and, checking my reflection one last time in the hand mirror in the bathroom, I opened the door and stepped outside. 

        "Hurry up, girl," a voice hissed. I whirled around to see the Headmistress glaring at me, her beady eyes roaming over my appearance. She grabbed a fistful of hair and dragged me down the hall. Trying not to scream or trip, I followed her through the kitchen and into the front room. The other kids were already there, looking nervous and hopeful. I was shoved next to the older kids. 

        The Headmistress leaned in close. "Don't break the rules," she spat, her sour breath making me cringe away from her. She stalked down the row of kids, tugging on shirts and dresses, yelling at the kids who had done something wrong. 

        A small tug at my dress had me looking down into a pair of bright green eyes filled with tears. 

        "Caly, I'm scared," a small voice whispered. 

        "It's okay, Leah. It'll be over soon." I leaned down, careful to avoid the Headmistress's watchful eye. Leah's anxious gaze shot around the room. 


        Those eyes shot back to me. 

        "It's okay. You're okay." I pulled her into a quick hug. "Now go stand in line so you don't get in trouble." Leah nodded and scurried off towards the other little kids. 

        Sighing, I straightened and ignored the strange looks from the other kids around me. 

        Suddenly, a lady bustled into the room, her skirt swishing with every step. "They're here," she hissed urgently, and everyone instantly brightened. Except me. I could care less who it was or what they wanted. It was always the same. The little kids were always taken first. They were adorable, innocent, and small. Who would want a cute little kid? I didn't know why the rest of us even bothered to come. 

        The Headmistress followed the lady out of the room with one last sinister glare at each of us. Everyone held their breath as voices sounded outside the room and grew closer and closer to us. 

        The Headmistress reappeared, a bearded man and a pretty woman at her heels. "These are the children," she hummed pleasantly, gesturing toward us. 

        No duh, I thought. 

        The lady pressed her hands to her cheeks, her eyes shining as she ran them over each of us. She stepped forward, the bearded man watching her and smiling slightly. The perfect couple. She stopped in front of the young kids. No surprise. 

        "We take very good care of them here, making sure they know their manners and how to act properly," the Headmistress told her, and I couldn't stop the snort that escaped me. 

        The Headmistress's head whipped in my direction, and her eyes darkened menacingly. I winced when I realized what I had done. 

        The Headmistress then made us each introduce ourselves to the couple. When they approached me, I looked up. "My name is Calypso, and I'm sixteen years old," I said in a bored voice. 

        The lady looked slightly surprised, and the Headmistress glared at me. Oops. I offered a small smile towards the lady, and she returned it before moving on, her husband's hands resting on her shoulders. 

        When they had met everyone, the couple turned back towards the Headmistress. The trio walked out of the room, and sighs of relief echoed around me. 

        We waited in impatient silence until the couple came back into the room. 

        "Leah," the man called, and my heart caught in my throat. Leah stepped forward, practically bursting with excitement. 

        "We'd like her," the woman said, entwining her hand with the man's, and he smiled down at her. My heart clenched. I was happy for Leah. 

        A few minutes later, the Headmistress excused us, giving me a look that told me I was going to get it later. I ran upstairs with Leah. 

        As soon as we reached the room that she shared with three other young girls, we squealed in excitement. I twirled her around the room. "You're getting out!" I yelled, making Leah laugh. "Quick, let's pack all your stuff so you can get out of this wretched place as soon as possible." 

        We ran around the room, grabbing Leah's few belongings and shoving them into a small suitcase. I helped Leah change into some more comfortable clothes and folded her dress, placing it in the suitcase. I zipped it up as she found her shoes, and together, we walked downstairs. 

        The couple was waiting, bright smiles on their faces. I handed the suitcase to Leah's new father and turned to face my best friend. She ran into my arms and hugged me just as tightly as I hugged her. 

        In the eight years I had been here, Leah was the only friend I had made. The other kids my age found me too quiet, too mysterious, too weird. Now she was leaving, and I was going to be alone. 

        Her new mother took her hand, smiling down at her, and I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. As they left, Leah looked back at me and smiled happily. Then, she was gone.


       "HOW DARE YOU!" The Headmistress's shrill voice screeched. She grabbed my hair and threw me into the kitchen counter. I slid to the floor, not bothering to get up. The Headmistress grabbed my arm in a tight grip and dragged me down the hall. A door slammed open, and I was tossed out onto the cold concrete. 

        "Boys, hold her arms," the Headmistress instructed. 

        Two boys my age reached over and pinned me against the wall. The Headmistress adjusted her stance, and I turned away. 

        No, please. Anything but this, I pleaded mentally. 

        Her fist slammed into my face. 

        I screamed, writhing against the boys' hands. A kick was sent to my ribs, making me double over, and another one snapped my head back. A punch to my face, a kick to my knee. I screamed and fell to the ground. 

        The Headmistress hit me over and over until I was crying and screaming from the pain. 

        "Please," I sobbed as she delivered another blow. 

        "YOU WILL NEVER DISRESPECT ME," the Headmistress bellowed. 

        Suddenly, the blows stopped. I looked up through teary eyes. 

        "You will stay out here until everyone is finished with their dinner. You also won't be eating," she instructed. I said nothing. 

        She walked back inside, the boys following. One sneered at me. "Enjoy the cold, freak," he said, and they both laughed, only getting cut off by the closing of the door.


Huddled on the back steps, I rubbed my hands up and down my arms to keep them warm. 

My dress was unfortunately sleeveless. Just my luck. 

A flash of red caught my eye. I looked up, blinking in surprise. 

There it was again. Faint, but definitely there. I watched in silence, but it never came back. 

Exhausted, hurting, and cold, I soon fell asleep.


     "Wake up, freak," a voice said. 

        I stirred, blinking lazily, and looked up. The boy from earlier stood over me, scowling. I scrambled to my feet and hurried past him and into the warm building, past the kitchen, down the hallway, and into my room. The other girls I shared the room with stared at me. 

        I quickly changed into a T-shirt and a pair of cotton pants and slid under my blankets, bunching them under my chin. Reaching under my pillow, I grabbed my picture and pulled it out. 

        Six-year-old me sat up in a huge oak tree, looking over at my parents. They sat on either side of me, smiling at each other over my head. We were all laughing and eating ice cream, just like the happy family we were. 

        They had both died when I was ten. 

        We were at a beach, just walking along the dock and talking happily. People came out of nowhere, holding huge guns and spears. 

        My parents' first concern was me. They told me that they loved me, that I had to be brave, and then something hit me square in the chest and sent me tumbling me over the side of the dock and into the ocean. 

        I remembered sinking to the bottom of the ocean, blood swirling around me, blue light glowing from my chest. 

        A few moments later the bodies of my parents hit the water and joined me on the bottom of the ocean floor. 

        The last thing I remembered was a tall figure with a green cloak and a golden helmet staring down into the sea. 

        Someone had apparently fished me out of the ocean after that. Then I was put here. 

        My parents had died right in front of me. They loved me, just as I loved them. 

        But now, I'm all alone. Just me, the Headmistress, and this orphanage.

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