Soon to be.

By LuvIzOverRated

3.6K 97 18


Soon To Be
Chapter 1 / the party
Chapter 2 / Week 7
Charter 3 / Week 12
Charter 4 / Meeting Friends
Chatrer 5 - Memories and Protectiveness
Chapter 6 / Week 20 and Doctors appointment
Chapter 7 - Moving/Cravings
Chapter 8 - 33 weeks / surprising

epilogue - delivery/name

274 13 2
By LuvIzOverRated

Denices POV

A sharp pain went though my body into my lower abdomen. I screamed because it hurts so much. I know what the pain is. My babies are about to be born. Doctors and nurses rushed me into the delivery room. Jack grabbed my hand as they set me up for the birth of the babies. They told Jackson to put on the PPE (Personal Pretective Equipment). Once everything was done they pulled my legs up and told me to push. I pushed with all my might. 

"Come on Denices hard pushes if you want the babies to come out quickly" The doctor said.

"Come on babe you can do it." Jack whispered in my ear,

"I hate you Jackson. I am never having sex with u again. This hurts like heck." I moaned. 

"it's going to be okay"

I pushed for what seemed like forever. finally after many hours of labor my twins are in my arms. They are so beautiful. I looked up at Jackson and saw a few tears rolling down his face.

"Do you want to hold them?" I asked.

He shook his head yes. I passed him our baby boy first. He was the first born and the biggest of the too. After I gave him our baby girl. I laughed at the way he looked with her. He is all muscles and big then she is so small and fragile. He sat next to my bed and kissed my lips.

"Okay baby names. What are we going to name them." I asked him.

"Our baby boy could be Jackson Jr. and our baby girl could be Avrianna." He suggested.

" I love them. Welcome to the world Jackson and Avrianna. Mommy and Daddy loves u."


Ok finished it there cause I got writers block on this story. I know it sucks but maybe next book will be better. Happy holidays everyone.

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