Lost Hearts

By AlexaPie

489 66 49

Reagan Clarkson, an average girl with an average life. Struggling in her love life with her crush, Nate, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 16

14 3 0
By AlexaPie

I've been sulking in my room the whole day, not bothering to eat dinner. I don't know what's going on with my friends but I guess they're well. I have no idea if Kelly and Evan already forgave Jillian and Jason. But I have my own problems to fix too.

Xander kept checking up on me which I appreciate. But I can't deal with anyone right now. I can't speak with anyone, I can't face anyone.

"Reagan, open the door." Xander called, knocking the door with all his might. "It's midnight. You haven't eaten yet."

I, once again, responded with silence. Just sitting in my bed, tears running down my cheek, with a crumpled invitation letter in my hands. I can't take it. I could've called Jillian but I don't think I could speak to her after breaking my trust, just like Ruby did.

Rereading the invitation letter, I wondered if they're mocking me. Those stupid people dared to send me an invitation letter, knowing that I am Mark Jenssen's ex-girlfriend and Ruby Lechner's ex-best friend. They're probably laughing right now, fully aware that I'm pathetically weeping like this.

"Reagan." Xander's voice called.

Deciding to give him a response, I yelled with a strained voice. "I'm fine. Get some sleep."

"Do you expect me to believe that you're fine? You didn't eat dinner!"

"Just leave me alone, Xander."

Xander was silent for a minute and I thought that he finally went back to his room but then I heard his voice again. "You could tell me your problems. What's wrong?"

I know I could. But I won't.

"Xander, please. Just stop." I pleaded.

"You can trust me." Xander argued.

I can't take it anymore. I should just tell him. That's what I need anyway. A listener.

I hesitantly walked towards the door. Should I tell him or not? Oh well, whatever. I twisted the door knob and pushed it open. Xander stood there, worry in his face.

"You look bad." He stated.

I rolled my eyes, "Of course. Don't remind me." I walked back to my bed and flopped down, waiting for Xander to sit.

"You're still beautiful, don't worry." Xander teased with a smirk.

I felt my face heat up. Damn him for making me blush. "Shut up."

Xander chuckled. "So what's wrong?"

I gave the crumpled letter to Xander and let him read it. His eyebrows furrowed as he read it. "Is this your father marrying or what?"

"It's my ex-boyfriend marrying my ex-bestfriend."

Shock crossed his face as he gave the letter back to me, "Are you alright with it?"

I raised an eyebrow, "If I'm alright with it, I wouldn't have been crying my eyes out."

"I'm guessing Ruby was the redhead this morning?" Xander asked.

"Yeah." I sighed. "She and Jillian were my best friends. I met them in middle school." I told him, smiling at the thought. "Mark was my first boyfriend. He was my first. We were both freshmen. We were doing well in our relationship." I chuckled. "I even thought that it would last forever. Guess not. Anyway, summer after freshman when we were invited to Ruby's birthday. Kelly doesn't even want to go but we forced her."

Xander chuckled but he didn't say anything. He just waited for me to continue.

"All of us were having a good time. Especially Mark and Ruby. I saw them kissing. I can't even believe it." I frowned. "My friends knew I broke up with Mark after I saw him cheat. But only Jillian knew that he was cheating with Ruby." I explained. "Ruby switched schools after that. We never saw her again since sophomore. Mark followed her and also switched schools. I heard they were in a relationship after a few months but I'd never thought they'll marry each other."

Xander frowned at this.

"I thought I was over it. I was over him. But I guess I'm not. Since when I first read this letter, my heart broke. One more time."

Xander became silent and so was I. We were silent. But what's confusing is that the silence comforts me.

Staring at Xander's face, I felt secured. I don't know why but I do. Xander looked at me with his intense eyes. I could feel my heart beating wildly. He moved closer to me and now we're a few inches close. My cheeks started to heat up and my eyes were asking questions to his. I've never been this confused my whole life.

"W-what are you d-doing?" I stuttered.

Xander smirked, "Don't worry, sweetheart. Mark would regret not choosing you."


A/N: Jason above!

Colin Ford as Jason Parker

 Thanks for reading!

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