The Girl and The Outlaw (An A...

By LindsayBreanne

55.1K 1.3K 209

Lindsay is a 18 year old girl who has left her hometown to live with her brother Jake in L.A California,while... More

Chapter 1: Moving In With Jake!
Chapter 2: The Perverted Roommate...
Chaper 3: A Good Nights sleep, And a Good morning, And a Tattoo?!
Chapter 4: Tattoos and kisses!
Chapter 5: I've seen Sparks Fly!
Chapter 6: Falling For You...
Chapter 7: A Date A Kiss.... Falling In Love?!
Chapter 8: A Date A Kiss.... Falling In Love?! (part two of chapter)
Chapter 9: Another kiss & Another good day in LA!
Chapter 11: I Need a drink!
Chapter 12: Stolen Innocence...
Chapter 13: Touring With My Brother and my Boyfriend!
Chapter 14: The End Of Tour, And Meeting The Family!
Chapter 15: Back Home, And Happier Then Ever!
Chapter 16: The Doctors Office, And The Surprise.
Chapter 17: The Reveal!
Chapter 18: Boy Or Girl?
Chapter 19: The Birth Of A Little Outlaw!
Chapter 20: Going Home With A Baby.
Chapter 21: First Night At Home With The Baby.
Chapter 22: Diaper Changes, Bottles, And Another Baby!
Chapter 23: Weddings & Funerals.
Chapter 24: Saying Goodbye Is Never Easy
Chapter 25: I Said I Loved You And You Hurt Me...
Chapter 26: Getting Revenge, And Making Up.
Chapter 27: Growing Older. (Final Chapter)
Authors note! I started the Sequel!

Chapter 10: It's happening again...

2.3K 60 11
By LindsayBreanne

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(I'm looking for new characters to use in this story, if you want to be featured in this story please comment below!! Thanks!)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3 hours later*

I called Sammi and Lauren after Juliet And Ella Said They Couldn't go shopping, Sammi and Lauren came with me to the mall! I love the mall! They have amazing stores! Like Hot Topic, Spencer's, Journey, Forver 21, and Victoria Secret! Victorias secret was my least Favorite store.. But ehh, it's okay.
Anyways after we went shopping I went home And sat my bags on the floor, I was fixing to go up stairs when I noticed a hot pink Peep toe Pump Stiletto Shoe on the floor... That isn't mine... I continued up the stairs and as I reached the top step I heard a girl moaning, I walk closer to the end of the hall way, closer to my room, but when I reached CC's bedroom door I heard the same girl in his room, it was lauren... EWWW! but I heard a different girl down the hall, as I Reached Andy's door, which is right across from mine and Ashley's I heard a girl.. It was Juliet... Once again EWWW! I noticed our door was part open I look and Ashley was asleep... Aww! He's so cute when he's asleep! I took off my Shoes and took off my short and pants and Jewlery and I put on my AP Fashion Inc. PJ set! I had on the new " I ❤ Ash" Pjs, I love them!
Then I look at Ashley... Still asleep, laying on his back with his hands tucked behind his head, he has on a New Mötley Crüe Shirt I got for him last week... He has worn that think for three days straight... He loves it! Lol btw.... MÖTLEY CRÜE RÜLES!!! :p haha sorry!! I'm random at times!
I slowly got under the covers, and slowly moved next to him, he didn't wake up... I looked at his beautiful face, his muscular arms, I really truly love him, I hope he knows that... I was going to lay my head on my pillow next to him but I heard my phone buzz.. It was a text from an unknown number...

The text read... "Hello Lindsay.. Remember me? I'm your ex boyfriend.. You know... The one who you had put in jail?! Well... Tomorrow at noon I'll be outside you house, as soon as you walk out... POP! Bye bye Baby! See you tomorrow, Slut!" ...... Oh... My... GOD!! I put my phone down and started to cry I noticed Ashley waking up I tried to stop cry but it only got worse... "Baby? Are you okay?" he asked with a worried tone I shook my head no, "What's wrong baby?" he asked pulling me into his lap and comforting me, I just pointed at the phone... I felt a little light headed..... Next thing I knew I blacked out....

Ashley's POV*

"Baby? Are you okay?" I asked worried... Why is my Angel Crying? She shook her head no, "Whats wrong baby?" I asked pulling her into my lap to comfort her, she pointed to the phone... I grabbed her phone and looked at the text.... NOBODY HURTS MY LOVE!!! I felt her head hit my chest, I looked down an she was out cold.. Oh god!!
"ANDY, JAKE, YOU GUYS!! COME HERE QUICK!!" I shouted getting out of bed "What's Wrong?!" Jake asked he looked at his sister laying there cold..... "LINDSAY!!" Then Ella came running in "Oh God What Happened?!" she asked putting her hand on Jake's shoulder "I don't know she got a text from her ex and she started crying and then she passed out!! I need to get her to the hospital!" I said panicking a bit "Jake go get the car I'll help Ashley with Lindsay!" Ella said, and with that he left to pull the car round, I told Ella to too get out so I could quickly pull on some jeans I put on my Nike Sneakers, then grabbed my phone and pick Lindsay up, then I walk carefully down the steps owns out the front door I put her in the back seat with me, and off to the hospital we went... I hope she'll be okay, I can't loose her!

At the hospital*

When we arrived I got out of the car and picked Lindsay up and went inside and walked up to the front desk with a very lifeless looking Lindsay..
"Miss! Miss! Can you help me? My Girlfriend Passed out and she needs help! Please!" "Okay Sir! Sir Calm down Please. We need a nurse and a doctor with a gurney at the front desk ASAP!" she said into her radio, then before I knew it there was a doctor and a nurse with a bed, I laid her down and they took her back, her brother filled out her paperwork, and signed her into the hospital, the we sat down and waited......

Jakes POV*

After we signed Lindsay into the hospital we sat there for what seemed like hours before the doctor came out with a clip board.... "Family of Lindsay Pitts?" "That's us!" I said standing up "Well, Lindsay is perfectly fine. She blacked out do to stress, she just needs to rest for a few hours and she can go home!" he said looking at his clipboard. "Is that all?" Ashley asked standing up next to me "That's about it, oh and I almost forgot she's asking for Ashley to come see her, she's in room 269." and with that he walked off...

Ashley's POV*

I started walking down the hall looking for room 269.. Haha 69!
Ashley Stop laughing at that number! I got to her room and knocked "Come in.." I heard her weak voice say, I walked in "Hey baby, how ya feeling?" I asked walking next to her bed "Like Crap...." she said rather sleepy "I'm sorry baby!" I said kissing her cheek "The doctor said you need to rest for a few hours and then you can go home.." I said smiling a bit "That makes me feel a bit better." she said moving a strand of hair out of my eye "Will you lay down with me?" she asked as she moved over making room for me "Sure.. But if a nurse comes in and gets into me for being in your bed.. I'm blaming you." I said getting into her bed and wrapping my arms around her "I love you Lindsay! More then you'll ever know!" I said kissing the top of her head "I love you to Ashley! More then I could ever scream!" she said kissing my jaw since she couldn't reach my cheek I smiled "Quoting Andy Now aren't we?" I asked her "Hey! It's a good song!!" she said then stuck her tongue out at me I just laughed

Lindsay's POV*

He's so cute when he laughs! I really do love him! He's so sweet! "Ashley.. I'm hungry!" I said just as my stomach growled loudly "Well, We can go get some-" he was cut off by the doctor walking in "Well Miss,Pitts.. your free to go, Just sign this and can change into your clothes and leave!" he handed me the papers, I signed them and handed them back to the Doctor, I put my old clothes on and we left...

30 minutes later at the house*

I got out and ran to the kitchen, I found some pizza left from last night and took a bite of the cold pizza It was GOOD!! "Hungry Much!" Ella said kinda rude.. "Hey! You shouldn't be rude to me.. I Have The Waist line of a Pencil and I can see almost all of my ribs! I've been through a lot of crap Lately so leave me alone!!" I lashed at her. "Oh God... I'm so sorry.. " she said walking over and hugging me I hugged her back "It's okay.. you didn't know.. I've been Throwing up every few days for the past few weeks.. it started the week before I moved out here... I should've told someone..." I said looking at the floor then looking up at my brother who had pain in his eyes.. "Are you Relapsing?" he asked I looked at Ashley then back to Jake Then back to the floor "I think so.." then I felt Sick to my stomach "Uh oh... " I bolted to the Bathroom and made it over to the Toilet in enough time so didn't puke on the floor, Ashley came and held my hair back for me "I'm gonna help you through this, I promise!" he said and helped me up off of the floor "I know you will Baby... Ugh, I need to brush my teeth.." I brushed my teeth and went to take a nap, "Ashley! Come Here!" I said looking at two little Fluffy Ball dogs "Yeah?" he asked stepping in "What are those?!" I asked smiling because I love dogs "oh... Uh I thought you might like to have pets so you aren't lonely when I go on tour in 2 months,so I got two dogs...." he said worried about what I was gonna say... "Ashley... I LOVE THEM! They are so cute! Do they have names?" I smiled and picked up the black dog and then the white dog, "Yeah, they do! The white one is Tokyo, and the black one is Killer." he said petting Tokyo "Well, they are adorable! Oh and I'm gonna take a nap... Will you stay with me?" I sat on the bed and let the dogs lay down on the bed "Yeah, I'm kinda tired to.." he said laying down under the covers, I got under the covers and laid my head on his chest, then the dogs crawled up in between mine and Ashley's legs and fell asleep, "Well I guess our dogs were tired too." I laughed a bit, Ashley laughed "I guess so." he started stroking my hair softly "I love you, Mr, Outlaw!" I said holding his hand "I love you too Miss, Outlaw!" I smiled and started to drift off into a deep sleep....

-------------------------------------------------------------------(Authors note: thank all so much for reading this far!! Hope you all liked this chapter, I know it's short but I've been busy with school and stuff.. So um please share this story with your friends! Tweet the link to the story, and help me get more reads! Thanks my beautiful Readers! I love you all!! Night!)----------------------------------------------------------------------

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