All for You (Harry Styles Fan...

By deathstarstyles

302K 6.6K 350

Sometimes the one person you want to forget, is the one person that you need. More

All for You (Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 33

4.3K 119 13
By deathstarstyles

Harry's P.O.V ~

I locked myself in my room after I left Addison's room. I just needed some time alone to think so I wouldn't let my anger out on anyone else.

Addison's hurtful words kept replaying in my head as I paced back and forth in my room, trying my hardest not to punch a wall or throw anything I could find.

The only thing you care about is you.

I balled my hand up into a fist as her words wouldn't stop replaying over and over again.

If you honestly cared about me you wouldn't be asking me to give up my future to go on tour with you.

I walked over to the mirror that was hanging by the desk and stared at myself in the mirror. My hair was all over the place and I looked like shit. Who knew that only a couple of hours ago we were fine, perfectly fine.

The only thing you ever gave up was me when you left.

I felt everything that I was holding back flood up to the surface as I took my fist and it connected with the glass mirror, causing glass to shatter everywhere. I pulled my fist back and saw shards of glass sticking out of my bloodied hand, but it didn't hurt. I couldn't feel anything, everything was numb.

I heard footsteps running towards my door before the door flew open, and I turned to see Liam and Zayn standing in the doorway with worried faces.

"What the fuck did you do!?" Zayn yelled as he ran over to me and inspected my hand. He looked back at Liam, signaling for him to get something to clean this shit up.

"Harry, what happened?" He asked more calmly than before.

"She said no." I said, no emotion evident in my voice.

"No to what?" He asked as he continue to look at my destroyed hand.

"To staying on tour."

Zayn looked up at me with a raised eyebrow before shaking his head and looking back at my hand.

"You expected her to say yes?"

"Yeah." I said quietly as Liam walked back in with a first aid kit. None of them said anything as they nodded for me to sit on the bed. I obeyed and sat on the edge as they carefully pulled the glass that was sticking out if my hand and covering it with gauze.

"She's leaving tomorrow, so you better apologize for whatever you said so she doesn't go home not knowing where you two stand." Liam lectured as he drenched a towel in rubbing alcohol and started to clean up the blood. I stayed quiet as they finished cleaning up my hand and wrapped my hand up in a bandage.

"If you truly love her, you two can fix this." Zayn noted before he left my room with Liam following him close behind.

I looked back over at the mirror and thought about what the cleaning ladies would think when they would come here the next morning. Blood and glass were everywhere, making it look like some sort of crime scene.

Then my mind went back to Addison. She was leaving tomorrow and I wouldn't see her for who knows how long. We still have a couple months left on tour and we would be crazy busy. I just wanted us to have a shot of lasting, that's why I asked her. Because I knew being oceans apart would put a strain on our relationship, one that could cause one or both of us to do something stupid.

I laid down on my back so I was now staring up at the ceiling as Addison's words continued to run through my head.

"Fuck." I muttered to myself as I closed my eyes and attempted to block everything out.


Addison's P.O.V ~

"C'mon Addie! Catch me!" Little Harry yelled in front of me as he continued to run in the other direction.

"Hold on Harry! Wait!" I yelled back as I tried to catch up to him.

"Run faster Ad! Faster!" Little Harry continued to run away. I started to run faster so I could catch up to him, and when I finally did I grabbed his shoulder and turned him around. But now he looked older, like he does today.

"Stay with me Ad, I need you to stay." He pleaded with me.

"You know I can't stay Harry." Little me responded.

"Don't you love me? Don't you want us to work?" He asked as tears filled his emerald green eyes.

"Of course I do, with all of my heart."

"Then stay, just stay." Harry said as he took my hands in his and pulled me closer to him.

"I-I can't." I stuttered. Harry's once soft eyes became hard and filled with anger as he quickly dropped my hands and started to walk away.

"Harry wait!" I yelled as I tried to run to him but my legs wouldn't let me.

No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't move. All I could do was watch as Harry continued to walk further and further away from me.

"Harry!" I yelled as I watched as he disappeared into the distance.


I shot up in my bed as I felt sweat drip down every part of my body. It was the same nightmare, but this one was worse. Much worse. I wiped at my eyes as I grabbed my phone to check the time. 3:30 a.m.

"Great." I muttered to myself as I slowly got out of bed so I could start getting ready to go to the airport.

I haven't heard anything from Harry since our fight yesterday, even though his room's right next to mine. But I did hear the shattering glass when he punched the mirror. I wanted more than anything to rush in there and help him, to be there for him. But I knew if I did we would end up fighting again right after. He was supposed to take me to the airport today along with Liam and Natalie, but now I have no clue what he's going to do.

I tried to get Harry out of my mind as I threw on a pair of black yoga pants and one of my old grey sweatshirts before I threw my hair up in a bun. I didn't bother with putting makeup on, mainly because I was too tired to do so. I found my pair of white Converse by the door and slipped them on before I grabbed my suitcase and started to roll it out to the living area.

I walked past Harry's room and contemplated stopping to see if he was still sleeping, but I restrained myself since I knew he would be pissed if I woke him up. So I kept walking into the living room until I saw Natalie and Liam sitting on the couch, whispering to each other. I coughed obnoxiously, causing them to get out of their own little world and look at me.

"Why do you look so tired?" Natalie asked as she took Liam's hand in hers.

"Well good morning to you too." I grunted as I set my suitcase by the door and took a seat on the couch across from the couple.

"We should leave soon, so you won't miss your flight or anything." Liam said as he wrapped his arm around Natalie's shoulder and pulled her closer to him. I had to admit, they were pretty damn cute. I just wished Harry and I were like that right now.

"Uh yeah.. Is Harry coming?" I asked him with a slight hope.

"I.. I don't know." Liam said nervously as he dropped Natalie's hand and messed with his hair.

"Oh.. Well I should probably say goodbye before we leave." I said softly. Both of them nodded awkwardly and watched as I got up from the couch to make my way to Harry's room.

I walked down the hallway and stopped at his door. I stood there for a couple seconds, deciding whether or not this was a good idea or not before I lightly knocked on his door.

"Come in." I faintly heard him say so I slowly opened his door to be welcomed by his dark room. I looked over to where his bed is and saw that he had his side table lamp on so I could see his face clearly as he rubbed his eyes and sat up in the bed, revealing his bare chest.

"Uh, sorry if I woke you." I said quietly as I took a few steps in and stopped.

"It's alright." Harry responded in his deep morning voice. I shifted in my spot and looked down at my feet as I tried to think of something to say to him.

"Um, are you going to come with us to the airport?" I asked him as I played with the sleeves of my sweatshirt. Harry ran his fingers through his hair with his good hand before he finally looked back at me with sorry eyes.

"I don't think so." He said softly. I felt a pain go through my heard when he said that and I tried to hold back the tears that I've been holding in since last night.

"Oh." I breathed out.

"Did you sleep okay?" He asked me to make this conversation not so awkward.

"No, not really. I uh, I had a nightmare so I woke up pretty early." I stuttered and shoved my hands in my sweatshirt pocket.

"Oh." Harry responded, knowing what nightmare I was referring to. I wanted him to get up and pull me into a giant hug and tell me he's sorry, not just sit there and say one word.

"Yeah.. Well have fun on tour I guess."

"Thanks." Harry said coldly, probably because I mentioned the tour. I nodded as I started to walk out of his room so I could get the hell out of here.

"Addison." Harry said, causing me to turn around.

"Yeah?" I asked hopefully.

"Have a good flight." Harry weakly smiled.

"Right. Thanks." I said before I walked out of his room and closed the door behind me. I rested my back against his door and took a deep breath before I collected myself and rejoined Liam and Natalie.

"Is he coming?" Natalie asked me as she saw me walk in.

"No." I said coldly and put my purse over my shoulder. "Let's go." I said as I grabbed my suitcase and waited for them to catch up.

"Addison.." Natalie started to say but I just shook my head.

"Not now Nat." I smiled at her as we walked down the hallway towards the elevator.

Natalie kept her mouth shut as the three of us walked into the elevator and Liam pressed the button to go to the lobby. Natalie and Liam stood very close together, every once in a while smiling up at each other as Liam would put his arm around Nat's waist and pull her closer to him.

The way he looked at her reminded me of how Harry would look at me, like I was the only person in the world that mattered. Now he can barely look me in the eye.

Once we got back to the lobby, I walked ahead of Liam and Nat and walked out of the hotel to be met by a large group of fans who were waiting for a glimpse of the boys. It was way too early to be surrounded by screaming girls, so I quickly made my way to the car and kept my head down while I ignored their questions.

"Where's Harry?"

"Did you two break up?!"

"Did you cheat on our Harry you whore!"

Lovely, I thought as I climbed into the car quickly followed by Liam and Nat.

"Just ignore them Ad. You and Harry will be fine." Natalie tried to reassure me.

"I-I'm not so sure." I said as I tried to hold in everything and stared out the window until we got to the airport.


We arrived at the airport a little while later and thankfully no one was there. Liam grabbed our bags as Nat and I started to walk inside the airport.

"Thanks Li." Natalie told him as he gave us our bags and gave her a sweet kiss on the cheek.

"No problem babe." Liam smiled down at her and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"I'll give you two a minute while I find our gate." I forced a smile towards them as I found a baggage man and handed him my bag before I started to find our gate.

I slowly walked down one of the giant halls of the airport, quickly walking past the multitude of small shops and restaurants. I pulled out my ticket to double check our gate, 215.

211, 212, 213, 214...... 215.

I found two empty seats and sat down, leaving my purse on the other one so Natalie had a place to sit. As I waited for her to find me, I pulled out my phone and checked my messages.


A part of me hoped Harry would have sent me something, anything. A simple "sorry" or "I love you" would have been enough, but of course he chose nothing.

All I wanted was for us to work out, to have some sort of "fairy tale" ending like in those stupid movies. Maybe he would stop me from leaving by rushing down to the airport, or he would frantically call me and tell me how stupid he was being.

But deep down, I had a feeling neither of us would get that ending.

After waiting for a couple minutes, I saw Natalie's red hair pop into my line of vision as she walked over to me with a smile on her face.

"Thanks. For giving us a minute." She told me and gave me a weak smile.

"You would have done the same thing if uh.. if Harry was here." I told her as I blinked my tears away.

Nat didn't say anything else, probably in fear that I would start crying in the middle of the airport. I'm not lying when I say I'm happy for her, she hasn't had a decent guy in her life in a long time and I'n glad it's Liam, since I sort of know him. But every time I saw her and Liam, my mind would flash back to me and Harry.

The fact that this fight has gotten so out of hand in such a short amount of time astounds me. Sure, we fight all the time. But eventually, after twenty minutes or so one of us would to back and apologize and things would go back to normal.

But this time was different. We both said things that I don't think can be taken back, and Harry will probably always resent me for not staying. I just don't see a way of how this will ever end happily.

"Flight 215 is now boarding, flight 215 is now boarding." A lady on the intercom said as people started lining up to board the plane. I grabbed my purse and my ticket before I added to the line as Natalie followed behind me.

Every time the line would move forward, I would look around the airport and see if I saw Harry running and calling my name like those scenes in the cheesy love stories. But every time I looked, there was nothing. I got to the front of the line and let the lady scan my ticket before I started to board the plane. Before I walked in, I took one last look, hoping with all of my heart that I would see Harry trying to find me.

But he still wasn't here.

I took a deep breath as I held my tears and boarded the plane with Natalie. We found our seats which were in the middle section of the plane and Nat let me take the window seat. Once I was seated, I plugged my earphones into my phone and put them in my ears so I could tune everything out.

I put my playlist on shuffle, and the first song that came on was 5 Seconds of Summer's new song that Niall put on my phone when he found out I didn't have any of their music in my library.

As I listened to it, I kept looking up to where people were boarding to see if maybe, just maybe Harry came for me. But that hope was crushed when the final person came on the plane and they closed the door.

After holding everything in all day, I let myself cry as I realized that this was most likely the end.

AN: Sad chapter I know :(

I'm not sure how many chapters are left, but we're getting close to the end! Thank you all so much for reading, I never dreamed that this book would get 20k+ reads and people would like it so much.

I hope you all like this chapter!

Comment how you think Harry and Addison are going to make up, or if they'll make up at all!

Please keep commenting & voting!

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