Our Love Story

By sagivens123

9.3K 153 11

Jo Wilson works with her Attending Arizona Robbins and she realizes that she's slowly falling for her and wan... More

Our Beginning
Jo Wilson
Arizona Robbins
The Date
The Fight
So what now??
I'm Leaving
Got My Baby
My Ex is back
The New Chick
Am I falling for her????
The break up??
Moving on
The Divorce
1 more signature
The End
I want her back😩
The break up! pt 2
The Reconciliation
Back together? Maybe

Married????? What?????

313 7 0
By sagivens123

I wake up and Jo is already gone I hop in the shower get Sofia dressed and I'm out the door Hey I'm 30 minutes early when I get to work and I see Bae DAMN she is so fine I go up to her and give her a kiss "Hey Arizona what's up?" Nothing I have a surgery then I'm off to Amelia and Owen's wedding "Damn I totally forgot about that" yea so I'm heading over there around 4 because I have to do my hair and makeup you going? Yea I'll be there around 4-4:15 what time does it start? "5:00" ok I'll try to be there around 4. Arizona leaves to go to surgery and do post-ops, I head to the residents lounge and on my way I ran into Stephanie hey Stef how's it going, oh good Jo but Michael's brain is bleeding a little bit and Amelia just wants to check on it to see if she needs to stop it or leave it and let it resolve on it's own. Ok well can I come up to the gallery to watch? Sure. Here comes Amelia, hey Michael you ready for surgery? Yes ready as I'll ever be, Stephanie will you be there? Yes I will be up in the gallery watching the whole time. Ok guys it's time to go. We wheel Michael into surgery and on my way I text Arizona and tell her that I'm heading to surgery she texts back ok, I head in Amelia and I scrub in and now it's time, she opens his brain and and see's where the bleeding is coming from she try's to stop it gets it contained and then out of no where his pressure bottoms out he's losing a lot of blood and Amelia try's to stop it but it's too much his brain hemorrhages Amelia tells me to go get Stephanie to hurry up, that she can not see this I said ok I'm halling ass trying to get up to the gallery but I made it a little too late I yell "Stephanie don't look" but it's too late Amelia pronounces him dead "Time of Death 18:52" I try to say Stephanie I'm sor-- but she cuts me off and walks out of the gallery.The rest of the crew went to Amelia and Owen's wedding Meredith texts me and tells me that the ceremony was great and that y'all missed a great Wedding. I text Arizona "Come to the on-call room we need to talk" She texts back "ok" and comes to the on-call room "Hey Jo what's going on" Mike died "oh noo" yea so I'm going to take Stef out for a drink if that's ok with you "yea stay as long as you want I'll probably just stay here and check up on my patients. I text Jo and tell her I couldn't make it to the wedding, she texts me back "I didn't make it either going to the bar with Stephanie see you at home." "So I head over to Joe's bar, it's Stephanie, me, and guess who I run into Callie, so we're all sitting there drinking and Stef calls it a night and asks Callie if she could take me home she says yes. Come on girl, damn you're drunk. Hey Callie I have something to tell you but you can't tell Arizona, " Yea Jo what is it?" " I'm MARRIED" Callie stared at Jo for a sec couldn't believe what she just heard but I tried to forget all that and take Jo home.We make it to Arizona's apartment and Jo starts taking off her clothes and I say " Hey put your clothes back on, I try and wrestled with her to put her clothes back on, she falls on the bed taking me with her and I end up falling on top of her Arizona walks in and sees what's going on she runs over and pushes Callie, I'm yelling " STOP it's not what it looks like BAE STOP"..............

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