Anything Can Happen

By Petty1972

30.8K 1.3K 476

*COMPLETED* *SEQUEL IS RECONNECTION* It's been two years since Austin & Ally ended and none of the cast has s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Just because
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16.5
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Cousin Graduated
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
I got tagged + important information
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Quick question

Chapter 20

612 27 8
By Petty1972

Laura's POV

I woke up this morning to have a pillow tucked between both of my arms and sighed heavily. I carefully got up and walked immediately into the bathroom. Putting my hair into a high ponytail, I manage to set the water for my shower and pick out some clothes for the day. Making sure to be extra careful, I stripped down and got into the water. The water instantly relaxed my muscles and wet my hair. Feeling the water dripped down my skin made me feel quite stress relieved. After washing my hair and body, I grab my fluffy red towel and wrap it around my lady parts. I stepped out of the tub and made my way over to the sink. Humming 'Say You'll Stay' while I comb out my straight, wet hair. As most females would do, I put on my undergarments then my outfit and strolled downstairs into the kitchen. Seeing that Rebecca was still knocked out on the couch, I made some french toast, eggs, bacon and some sausages. I get out three plates and make their dishes first then placing them in the microwave before making myself a plate. I put my phone in front of me and put on some music while I eat. 'Man, this is delicious!' I thought 'I'm the best chef ever. Well, Chef Ronnie is then Stormie and Ross, so I guess I come in fourth.' I giggle at my small fight with myself and continue to eat. Slightly swaying to the music, I placed my dish into the sink and grabbed my phone shutting off the music. Walking into the living room, seeing that Rebecca hasn't moved from that spot I decided to scare her. I rubbed my hand against her arm lightly causing her to twitch.

"Rocky, please, I have to feed the baby. Don't tickle me." She giggled. Pressing my lips into a suppressed smile, I do it again, and she turns over. "Rocky, baby, relax. I'll be right back." The next thing I do makes her have a funny reaction. I tickled her so hard to the point she was leaning so I took that as my opportunity to push off the couch. I began to run out of the room trying not to laugh while shaking my head. After running away, I walked into the guest room upstairs to see nobody in the bed and yet it wasn't made. Shrugging it off, I went back downstairs to see Rebecca sitting at the island located in the kitchen, eating the food I made.

"Morning Becca!" I exclaimed while getting myself a bottle of water out of the refrigerator.

"Hey, Laur." She says gloomily.

"What's wrong?"

"I miss Rocky. His lusciously long hair, his laugh, his love for Mac 'n' cheese. I just miss him." She explained with tears clouding up in her eyes. Instantly, I gave her a hug. I knew how she felt. I felt this way when Ross went on tour and when A&A ended. It's quite a powerful feeling in between that person and yourself. Well, this only happens if you have a strong connection between that special someone and yourself. We then pulled away and talked about random things until Luke walked down the stairs and into the kitchen clumsily.

"Woah, Luke are you okay?" Rebecca questioned walking over to him concerned.

"Yeah, I don't remember anything last night. I probably got drunk." He answered.

I shuffled in my seat awkwardly. First of all, I don't like this guy, and secondly, if he's still here Ross would try to beat him even though he's paralyzed. Rebecca grabbed her plate off the table and washed it while Luke ate.

"Um... Luke, I think you should get going. I'm going to get Ross from the hospital, and he will be in a wheelchair thanks to someone who will not be named." I glared directly at Luke and dragged him out of his seat and out the door. I didn't care for the things that Rebecca was telling me about him being a 'good' guy. He injured my boyfriend. I left the house, grabbing my keys on the way out, pushing Luke out.

"Laura, I'm sorry. I am. I was forced to do it." Luke pleads.

"I don't care if you were forced to. You still hurt the man that I love, and now we can't find his family. Why don't you just leave us alone?" I shouted shooting daggers directly at him. Luke looked at me with guilt in his eyes. I got into the car and quickly drove off leaving him stranded. Getting at a red light, I put on my seatbelt and decided to change the station by turning buttons on the radio to turn the station.

~Anything Can Happen~

Walking into the hospital, I smelled the scent of sanitation and felt the cold air. I walked up to the front desk, got a pass and went up to Ross' room. When I arrived, I saw that he already had his shirt and boxers on, but he didn't have on any pants. I giggled and grabbed his sweat pants off the bed and helped him put them on him. After putting on his pants, I put on his socks and sneakers then put into the yellow wheelchair that was in the room already.

"Hey, baby," Ross says smiling. "Thanks for helping me."

"No problem, Rossy. I love you." I said smiling. I leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips. "Alright, let's go." I wheeled him out to the car and helped him get in. Then, I put the wheelchair in the trunk and got into the car.

"Laura, how were you able to get me in the car considering that I'm taller than you and weigh more than you? Plus, you have a cast on. How did you get it?"

"Well, first of all, I had to help some individuals in my family, since they got sick and couldn't walk or were like you, paralyzed. The other thing, I was trying to skateboard, and I fell off." I look away from him and start humming while starting the car.

"That's not true. You're lying." He declares. Damn it! He knows me too well.

"No, I'm not." I testify.

"Oh really, you always look away and start humming when you're lying. Laura, I know you."

"Fine," I sigh. "You got me. I don't think I should tell you." I look down only to have an index finger forcefully lift my head up.

"Laura, you could tell me anything. Trust me."

"Fine. You might get mad but, you should know."

"You didn't cheat on me, did you?" He asked worriedly.

"No! I didn't." I accidentally yell. Then, awkwardly laugh. "No, it's just that. Luke was the one that shot you and apparently, he knew Rebecca from high school, and she talked to him, and he told her that he was sorry. I don't trust him. The cast was from a fight that Luke and I got into last night. He twisted my arm in the wrong direction, and I knocked him cold." During my explanation, Ross clenched his fist making it look white then he chuckled when I told him that I knocked him out.

"That's my girl," He says smiling and raises his hand up for a high-five which I give to him. "We both have knocked him out. Aren't we violent." He chuckles. I laugh while nodding and put on my seatbelt with him doing the same.

"Oh, I almost forgot. He was gonna sleep in your room and use your clothes to wear, and I got mad." Ross shook his head and smiled.


Two weeks later

So, it's been two weeks, and we still can't find the Lynch family.  Oh, by the way, I got my cast off. Vanessa, Drew, and Elijah came over to visit us today. Elijah is just way too cute. I'm currently cradling him while Ross sits next to me with him arm around me. He has just started therapy to get the feeling back in his legs. So far, Ross has a ton of improvement. He says that he's starting to feel a tingling in his legs, which is good. Lately, I haven't been feeling like myself. I've been eating more than usual and have always felt sick to certain smells that I love. I think it's my time of the month. I should be getting it today. Well, we'll see. Elijah is such a calm baby. He's also really chubby and is always happy. If Elijah cries, it's for the simplest reason. Either he's hungry, or he needs a diaper change. There was suddenly a knock on the door. I got up holding a happy Elijah up to my chest while Vanessa and Drew speak with Ross and Rebecca. I opened the front door and saw no one at the door, but there is a small white piece of paper. It's quite evident that the sheet didn't knock on the door. I read the little sheet and silently squealed. I made my way to the living room rather quickly.

"Guys, I know where they are," I exclaim excitedly.

"Who?" Vanessa asks with a confused face.

"The other Lynchs. The family. I know where they are."

"Well, where are they?" Ross says and attempts to get up only to be pushed down lightly by Rebecca.

"They're in an abandoned house about 2 hours from here."

"Vanessa, would you like to come with us to find them?" Rebecca asks kindly.

"Becca, she has Elijah," I say looking at her with a small frown.

"Yeah, sorry guys. I would love to but I can't." She says.

Suddenly, I feel a pile of bile rush up to my throat. My attempt to swallow it back down doesn't help it if anything it makes it worse. I quickly give my nephew to his father and rush to the bathroom. I forgot to close the door when I leaned over the toilet bowl. I began dry heaving and eventually, I threw up everything that I ate earlier. I heard Ross yell if I'm alright and suddenly heard footsteps getting louder. I attempted to look over at the door to see Rebecca and Vanessa at the door before throwing up again into the toilet. I then felt my hair being picked up and a hand rubbing my back. After I had finished emptying my guts, I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth. I then turned towards the girls and Vanessa looked like she had many questions while Becca, on the other hand, seemed concerned.

"Laura, when was the last time you got your...stuff" Vanessa asks.

"Um, last month. But, I should be getting it today."

"Laur, have you and Ross recently been frisky," Rebecca asks.

"Um," I looked down. "Yeah."

"I'm gonna get you a pregnancy test," Vanessa says and runs out.

"Come on, Laura. Ross is probably anxious." Rebecca says and pulls Laura out the bathroom with her.

Ross sat on the couch with his head in his hands, so I sat next to him and rubbed his arm. He looked up at me worried.

"Laura are you okay?" Ross asks immediately.

"Baby, I'm all right."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm positive."

"Okay. Say, where's Vanessa?"

"Oh, she just went to the corner store to get me a chocolate bar."

"Who's hungry?" Rebecca asks to take move onto a different subject.

"I am," Ross says looking at her.

"So am I," I announce laying my head on Ross' shoulder. Rebecca nods and goes heads into the kitchen. It was now that I noticed Elijah and Drew still here.

"Drew, would you like to watch a movie with us or head down to the mancave? I could watch Elijah."Almost instantly, my nephew was in my arms, and my soon-to-be brother-in-law vanished.

-End Of POV


After about 10 minutes, Vanessa returned to the house holding a bag containing the pregnancy test. She went into the living room and saw Ross, Laura, and Elijah fast asleep with a movie playing. She quietly took a picture and took her sleeping baby out of her sister's arms and into his blue and brown car seat. Vanessa then lightly taps Laura then shakes her gently to wake her up. Laura sits up and stretches before looking at Vanessa. Laura gets handed the plastic bag and walks to the bathroom to pee on the stick to see if she is expecting or not. Waiting for 5 minutes, she anxiously sat on the toilet seat rubbing her hands on her jeans pants to get the sweat off. Then...there was a ding. She stood up immediately and grabbed the test to see two bold pink straight lines. Her hands shook slightly and her eyes swelled up with tears. 'I'm pregnant,' she thought 'and I have a paralyzed boyfriend. What am I going to do?' Laura walked out holding the test behind her back and walks into the kitchen where Vanessa and Becca were at.

"Girls, you guys might be an aunt," I exclaim before pulling the test from behind my back showing it to them.

"Oh my goodness!" Rebecca squeals.

"Good luck, sister." Vanessa gives Laura a high-five.

"So, can I eat now? I'm hungry." Laura asked rubbing her stomach. The girls laugh and start to eat. After lunch, they decide to wake up Ross and find the Lynch family while Vanessa, Drew, and Elijah go home.  Rebecca helps Ross get into his wheelchair and in the car while Laura sits in the back putting the address into the GPS from the paper. Off they went.

~Anything Can Happen~

The house was large and seemed to be made out of bricks. Laura went up to the door and knocked. 'This is so stupid. Who goes up to a kidnappers house and knocks on their door.' Rebecca thought. The door soon opened, and a tall guy with brown hair and brown eyes looked down at her.

"Is this her?" The muscular male yelled.

"That's her!" Multiple voices replied.

The man seemed to be about 26 years old smiled at her and hugged her tightly. Laura fought for the person to let go which he finally did.

"I can't believe I found you. Well, thanks to them." The man opened the door wider, so the Lynch' were in clear view.

"Don't hurt me. Please. Stormie are you guys okay?" She asked concerned.

"Sweetie, we're perfectly fine. Your brother treated us quite nicely."

"Brother," Laura says out loud and looks at the male. "Who are you?"

"My name is Christopher Gonzalez. Chris for short." He says while looking outside.

"Um, excuse me but my eyes are over here. Plus, how can you be my brother? Your last name is Gonzalez and why did you kidnap my family?" Laura interrogates.

Christopher looked down with a guilty expression on his face.

Alright, so hey Ronnies!! What is up? I hope you enjoyed the new chapter. Thank you to all my new readers you guys are amazing. Just wondering can you guys help share my book? Cause I noticed a decline in votes and comments but it's okay if you guys don't. So hope you guys have a wonderful day/night/afternoon. I practically spent my whole day on this chapter, and I planned it quite a while back so... Love you guys so much and don't forget to vote and comment. Oh, and share!

~Queen Ronnie~

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