By ChloexSmith

7.3K 254 154

[BOOK 2] She hadn't known it would be like this. Saving her newfound friend, Sandy's, life was only the begin... More

I. sandy
II. ginger's curse
III. secrets
IV. memories and fangirls
V. cold flashes
VI. happy birthday
VII. tears from a broken heart
IX. izzy
X. beautiful, yet deadly
XI. the darkness within
XII. a frozen heart
XIII. sacrifices
XIV. missing neverland
XV. lost
XVI. searching
XVII. the last beat
XVIII. i promised
XIX. forgiving
XX. epilogue
Book Three Reveal

VIII. party crashers

304 12 4
By ChloexSmith

Chapter Status: Edited.


Mary Margaret smiles as she blows out the candles. For Mary Margaret's birthday, they decided to have a Snow themed ball in the school's hall. The walls are lined with white lights, and Regina and Emma use their magic to cover the ball with snowflakes. The room is absolutely breath-taking, all the boys wear black or white suits, and the girls wear different coloured dresses. Tahlia wears a "poofy" blue dress with long sleeves. Although Tahlia was told not to go, she had to, Mary Margaret is one of the sweetest people she has ever met, and there is no way Tahlia was going to miss this.

She dances with Anna, Henry, Nicholas, and even Chloe and Matt, but she cannot help but miss Sandy and Aaron who were both invited, but neither came. Tahlia declines the piece of cake Henry tries to give her and steps away from the group. Henry jogs after her, and she sighs, sitting down on one of the chairs that are against the hall's walls.

"Are you okay?" he asks, sitting down beside her with a plate holding the vanilla cake in his hands.

"I just feel so bad," she admits.

"I understand, but you were just trying to save her. Sure, maybe the plan was a bit stupid, but you can't beat yourself up for it," he says sympathetically.

"I'm an idiot," she replies in frustration, not having anything else to say.

"Maybe," Henry wraps his arm around her, "but you're my idiot," he smiles.

Tahlia rolls his eyes at his cheesiness but smiles anyway.

"Come dance with us, it'll make you feel better," he stands, offering his free hand.

"You still have to eat your cake," Tahlia points out.

He looks down at it before beginning to eat it quickly, making Tahlia laugh loudly.

"Done," he smiles, the cake still in his mouth.

"That's disgusting" she laughs.

He smirks before swallowing what was left.

"Now, come dance with us," he instructs.

"Fine," Tahlia sighs before standing up and taking Henry's hand.

He drags her to the dance floor where people were beginning to fill again as music plays loudly. Anna moves away from Nicholas and hugs Tahlia.

"Dance with me!" she says in a strange, slightly slurred, voice.

"We shall spin!" Tahlia declares, taking her hand and spinning her.

"That's my job," Nicholas teases, grabbing Anna and pulling her away from Tahlia.

"No, my wife," Tahlia cries dramatically, making them all laugh.

Tahlia has completely forgotten about Sandy. She never gets to have a good time anymore, it is always an endless cycle of drama, so it feels amazing to have one night with no worries. At least that was what they hoped. Suddenly, the hall's doors fly open, a gush of cold wind attacking everyone's skin. The music stops, the stereo frozen. Mary Margaret, Regina, Emma, Killian, and David all step forward in front of the crowd. They watch as the doors and the walls near them slowly freeze, a cold mist entering the doorway.

"Everyone step back!" David shouts.

Tahlia goes to step forward, but Henry grabs her arm and drags her back with the crowd. Two silhouettes appear, one female, the other, male.

"No," Regina whispers in shock.

It cannot be them. The mist disappears in a second and there they are, the White Witch and Jack Frost, wearing their signature smirks on their pale faces.

"Hello," the witch greets before making her way inside.

"What are you doing here?" Mary Margaret demands.

"I hope we didn't disturb your party," Jack frowns sarcastically.

"Regina," the witch smiles flakily.

"Jadis," Regina replies in monotone.

"I'm sure you know who we're looking for," Jadis smirks.

"And that is?" Regina questions.

"Tahlia Kennedy, you know, the most powerful sorcerer in the Enchanted Forest, your son's girlfriend, the best friend of our old slave," Jack describes.

"How do you know all of that?" Emma asks in bewilderment.

"We have some pretty powerful magic, Swan, magic that makes yours look mediocre," Jadis smirks, "now, where is she?"

Henry's grip on Tahlia's wrist tightens, but despite his quiet pleads not to move she pulls away from him and pushes through the crowd. Jadis is uglier up close, dark blue eyes filled with hatred, her pale skin looking almost broken. Her blonde hair is in dreads, clumped together from the cold that she surrounds herself with.

Her body is thin, her skin with pink and brown patches, her dress is white and long, but covered in brown stains and rips. Jack stands beside her, he seems a lot more groomed, his white hair swooped across his forehead. He looks noticeably smugger, a smirk seemingly permanent on his face. His eyes are bright blue, filled with mischief, Jack seems a lot like Pan, but Jack is so much worse. He wears no shoes, his shirt long and blue, and his brown pants ripped at the bottom.

"Tahlia, you're a lot weaker than I thought you'd be," Jadis smirks.

"Well, you're a lot uglier than I expected," Tahlia replies.

Jadis' smirk disappears, "you have a big mouth for someone that I could kill in the blink of an eye," she growls.

"You're about as thick in the head as your dreadlocks," Tahlia crosses her arms.

Everyone watched intently, praying that Jadis will not attack.

"Let's see how much you can talk on the battlefield," Jack steps forward, "we'll see you tomorrow Tahlia."

They turn around and in only a moment they are gone, leaving everyone to stare at the spot they had been, silent. Anna suddenly rushes forward and shoves Tahlia.

"You're an idiot!" she shouts.

"Tahlia, you're going to get yourself killed," Chloe snaps once she reaches them.

"I'm more than willing to die to protect this town," Tahlia practically growls

"Tahlia, you can't throw yourself under the bus like that," Emma points out.

"It's either me, or everyone else," she shrugs.

She is trying to stay confident, but inside she is panicking, it is so clearly evident in her eyes.

"Okay, the party's over," Mary Margaret announces.

"No," Tahlia interjects, she waves her hand and all the damage Jadis and Jack had left behind disappears. The music begins to play again, "it's your birthday, have fun," Tahlia smiles.

Mary Margaret smiles in return and hugs Tahlia, "thank you," she mumbles.

When they pull away Tahlia smiles again before heading towards the hall's doors.

"Where are you going?" Henry asks.

"I have to go see someone," Tahlia replies seriously.

"You're not going to try and find them, are you?" Henry asks angrily.

"Of course not, I'm not that stupid, I'll see you tonight."

Tahlia quickly pecks his lips before heading outside.

"Where is she going?" Anna asks, jogging over to Henry.

"I'm not sure, but I have a feeling she's going to see Sandy."

And Henry was right, Tahlia's only been to Sandy's house once, but she remembers where it is like the back of her hand. Storybrooke is only a small town, she knows every inch of it like she's been here her whole life. When she arrives at the doorstep, she takes in a deep breath before ringing the doorbell. She only has to wait a few seconds before the door is opened.

"Hell-" Sandy's mother stops, "what do you want?"

"Please, Mrs Hagans, I really have to see Sandy," Tahlia begs.

"No way, you're not allowed anywhere near my daughter, not after what you've done to her," she snaps.

"After I saved her life? Sure, what I did was terrible, but she's going to live, isn't she?" Tahlia tries to keep her voice down. "But I might not, so please, I really need to see her."

Her mother stays silent before opening the door a bit wider, stepping to the side.

"Okay, but only because you saved her," Sandy's mother is close to tears, Tahlia smiles at her before stepping inside. "Her room's upstairs, first door on the right, in case you forgot."

Mrs Hagans walks back into the living room. Tahlia makes her way up the carpeted stairs slowly, she needs some extra time to think of what to say. She knocks on Sandy's door.

"Come in!"

Sandy obviously thinks it is her father, who always knocks on the door before coming in. However, to her surprise, Tahlia opens the door slowly and steps inside.

"What do you want Dad?"

Sandy turns around in her chair, her face immediately drops, Tahlia can see the anger building up inside of her.

"What do you want?" Sandy growls.

"I came here to apologise," Tahlia shuts Sandy's door and goes to step forward.

"Don't step any closer," Sandy snaps, Tahlia stops mid step and steps back slightly. "I don't want to hear your apologies, now please just leave me alone," Sandy demands before turning back around.

"Sandy, please, I don't know how much longer I have," Tahlia begs softly.

"What do you mean?" Sandy questions, not turning around.

"Well, there are some people in town that want to kill me," she admits. "I don't know much about them, but I'm probably not going to make this out alive."

Sandy turns back around, not knowing what to say.

"This isn't because of me, is it?" she asks.

Tahlia quickly shakes her head, "of course not, they're here for me."

They're both silent for a moment before Sandy speaks.

"You look beautiful in that dress."

Tahlia laughs slightly, "thanks," she smiles.


"I'm sorry," they both say in sync, making them both laugh lightly.

"You shouldn't be sorry," Tahlia says.

"No, I overreacted, you were just trying to help," Sandy says quickly, "you seem tired."

"I am," Tahlia admits, looking down at the floor.

"Maybe you should go home," she suggests softly, Tahlia nods and turns around. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Sandy quickly asks.

Tahlia turns back around and smiles.

"Yeah, I'll see you then."


"Jadis huh?" Pan asks.

"Yep," Tahlia nods.

It is another one of her dream visits, usually, it is just to catch up and talk, but this time it is urgent.

"She's pretty evil, and that's coming from me," Pan states.

"I don't know if I can beat her," Tahlia admits softly.

"Tahlia, you are the most powerful sorcerer that I know, you just haven't unlocked your powers yet," Pan shrugs.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" she questions.

"I'm not sure" he admits.

"This is ridiculous," she groans, leaning forward and placing her face in her hands.

"I'm not good at compliments and comforting people, but if it helps, I think you can beat her" Pan says.

"Really?" Tahlia asks, looking up at him.

"Yeah," he pauses, frowning, "I just remembered something."

"And that is?" Tahlia asks impatiently.

"Jadis has a daughter," he replies.

"Seriously?" she questions in disbelief, "someone actually tapped that?"

"Yeah, her names Izzy Silver, I think she might be able to help you," he says, pretending he understands what "tapped that" means.

"One question, why would her daughter help me defeat her mother?" Tahlia frowns.

"I used to be friends with Aslan, and Izzy never liked her mother's actions," he explains. "Even though I'm sure they both hate me, they don't hate you, so maybe I can send them a message."

"Really?" Tahlia smiles.

"Yeah, I think they might come and help you, Izzy might at least," he shrugs.

"Thank you," Tahlia hugs him tightly.

Pan does not hug her back, he is not good at showing affection.

"You better head back home and get some actual sleep, who knows when Jadis and Jack plan to attack," Pan says.

"Hey, that rhymes," Tahlia smiles, "but yeah, you're right, I probably should, see you later."

She smiles before she disappears into thin air. Pan runs a hand though his hair.

"She doesn't know what's coming," he mumbles to himself before getting up and heading back to his camp.

No one knows what's coming.


School is so stressful I hate year ten so much ufkjhewno [edit: what a baby]

Anyway, I'm home sick today so I was able to finish the chapter! YAY FOR SICKNESS

I'm sure most of my readers are asleep right now, so if you read this when you wake up... HI


This isn't great, as usual, but I've had little motivation, but hey, I'm sure when the drama really starts I get really into it, so hopefully the writing will be better then.

QOTD: Would you read a third book?

I'm planning a third book, which may or may not be longer than this. And that book would finish off Tahlia's drama and stuff and all that, but idk if I'll actually write it. (But I have all the ideas and stuff for it, so if someone would read it then it's ready to be written)

Also thank you so so so much for 450 reads! You guys are incredible! X


Word Count: 2003.

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