Goodbye My Love

By cityofamber

20.6K 681 208

The Story of Victoria Riddle, daughter of the infamous Dark Lord. This will be her first year at Hogwarts Sch... More

Goodbye My Love
My Father, The Dark Lord.
Meeting the Marauders
Empty threats may not be so empty..
Pain, Death & Vengence ; Part 1
Pain, Death & Vengence ; Part 2
A kid named Remus
Clearly, death just doesnt like me

Ghosts know how to party

1.1K 88 58
By cityofamber

"Are you actually kidding me right now James?," I said exasperatedly looking into the mirror, after much arguing I had once again lost and given James permission to help me look like a ghost.

Apparently to look a ghost, you need to have your face poorly covered in white powder while wearing black so you can "blend in."

James isn't the top in the class.

"Potter you are a true idiot," I said while he frowned, "they're not going to let us in looking like this!"

Sirius looked up from his place in the middle of the common room and started hysterically laughing, "You look awful, Riddle."

"Lovely," I said annoyed," just lovely!"

Suddenly the common room door opened and entered, Remus Lupin. I called him over and he looked kind of surprised and shocked under all the books he was carrying.

"Hey Remus," I said happily,"how's it going?"

"Good, but um, what's on your face? It's kind of creepy, no offense!" He added on quickly. 

I sighed, while the two idiots behind me started hysterically laughing. 

"I'm going to go take a shower, soak in the waters of defeat," I said sullenly.

I had actually quite gotten my hopes up about finding out what could have been the possible cause of my ressurection. Even though I didn't show it, the whole coming back to life thing was really messing with me. How in the world could it be possible? This just didn't happen everyday, people just don't just come back to life, it's not right!

I sighed and as Lupin said, "Wait, why are you dressed like that anyways?"

I exchanged a look with Sirius and James, "The ghosts' are having a party, and we really want to go."

Lupin made a face,"Why would you want to go to a ghost party?"

I froze, while James looked at Sirius. We all kind of awkwardly stood there, not answering, the uncomfortableness of the situation was increasing every second.

Finally Sirius spoke,"Why wouldn't you want to go to a ghost party?"

I muffled a laugh, while Lupin smiled and said, "I guess, well um, you guys don't have to sneak in, I'm really good friends with one of the ghosts, his name is Gabe, he'll get us in."

"Score, bloody hell, you're awesome mate," James said happily, quite relieved, seeing how his make up skils sucked.

"Wait yeah that's cool, but how come you're friends with a ghost?" Sirius said looking at Lupin weirdly.

Lupin got quite red as he said, "Gabe's my only friend."

I frowned, "We're your friends Remus."

"Really?" He said hopefully.

"Yea of course," James said,"there's just one problem with the ghost party..." He said trailing off.

I sighed, of course there was, nothing could just be simple! 

"What is it now?" Sirius said evidently just as wary.

"It's kind of after curfew, meaning were going to have sneak out of the common room," he said sheepishly and recoiling under the death look I was giving him,"I was going to tell you Riddle but I knew you'd give me that look!"

I didn't know weather I wanted to laugh or hit James.

So I did both.

"Ow! Riddle, that hurt!" 

"Suck it up," I said while frowning and seating myself on the couch.

Both Sirius and Lupin were hysterically laughing, barely able to breathe.

"Ugh," I said, "So what's the plan? We just sneak out of the common room, talk to Gabe and hope that none of the teachers wanted a midnight snack?"

"Oh lighten up, Riddle,"Sirius said, "it'll be okay, anyways the best adventures are the ones that aren't planned."

"Yea and those adventures usually lead to someone in getting in trouble," I said sourly.

"If anything we'll just say it was all Sirius's fault,"James said, peering up at Sirius while smiling.

Sirius glared at him, "Brilliant plan Potter."

"My plans usually are," James said smugly back.

It was going to be a long night.


"Will you please shut up!" I whisper screamed at the quarreling James and Sirius. It was currently around midnight and we had just made our way out of the common room and to the dungeons where the ghost party was being held.

"He stepped on my foot!" Sirius whispered screamed back.

"Yea because he said I was stupid!" James whispered screamed.

I heard Remus sigh while I said, "Jesus Christ, Sirius stop stepping on his foot and James you are stupid now both of you shut the bloody hell up!"

It went quite after that until we reached the dungeons, "Lupin, so where's this Gabe ghost." James said quietly, opening the dungeon door as a stream of harsh sounding music and a foul odor came out.

"What do you see, James, any other humans?" Sirius asked, trying to peer over James' shoulder.

"No, just a ton of ghosts and it smells awful,"said James and the party light suddenly illuminated his disgusted face, "if my knowledge of magic is even someone accurate I'm pretty sure I just saw a vampire."

"Wait how do you know they're a vampire," I asked, moving James out of the way to see for myself.

"Uh," he said and you could hear disgust in his voice,"there's blood on his face."

"Lovely," I said half disgusted, half fascinated, "Remus, any sign of Gabe?"

"Yea," he said, peering in, "he's right over there by the the food table, I think."

"Alright, mate, go get him," Sirius said, pushing him in.

"What?! Why me?" Remus said, he clearly didn't want to go in there, well to be honest neither did I, that vampire really wasn't appealing.

Or you know, those 100 of ghosts. 

I grimaced,"You're the only one who knows him, Lu, and it'll look downright strange if we all go trooping in there at the same time."

"Take one for the team mate," James said, pushing a reluctant Remus in even more.

We waited outside, James and Sirius unable to stop laughing, apparently sneaking out was the funniest thing in the world to them. 

"Okay remember guys," I said seriously,"We're crashing a ghost party for a reason, we need to find out if any of these ghosts died from making an Unbreakable Vow, or any ghost that knows a lot about death."

"I think they all know quite a lot about death, seeing how they are dead." Sirius said, and I could hear the smile in his voice.

I glared at him but I don't think he saw me considering how dark it was, "Shut up."

The door from the other side opened, and Lupin came out along with a silvery ghost trailing behind him, Gabe.

"Gabe, these are my friends, James, Victoria and Sirius," Lupin said, almost proudly, and I felt a rush of affection for Lupin, it felt as if he craved a friend just as much as I did. 

"Hello, my name is Gabriel, but you may call me Gabe," Gabe said in a quite, friendly tone,"I hear you guys would like to come in, seeing as your friends of Remus, I think it'd be fit to let you in."

"Thank you so much!" I said gratefully, smiling.

"However, " Gabe continued, "I'm not sure if the other ghosts would approve, so just stay quiet."

I nodded and then realized he couldn't see me,"Yes of course, we just need to talk to a few ghosts and we'll be out of your way."

"Wait Gabe," James said,"Do you know anything about the Unbreakable Vow?"

Gabe paused for a moment, obviously thinking,"No, but I know the Rose Lady does, she's an old ghost who died from making that vow, it was quite tragic actually, anyways she's standing in the far right corner. However, be warned she's.. Ah what's the word...difficult to talk too."

"Oh, thanks mate, we appreciate it," Sirius said, as he opened the door shedding light on all of us.

I made out Gabes face, he was wearing a suit along with what seemed dark long hair, he was actually quite handsome, if you were into the whole dead thing.

We entered the room, finally able to make out the party. Ghosts filled every inch of the room, talking with each other. There was a stage in the middle in which a ghost band was singing a very harsh melody. A food table stood at the back, from which a horrible odor filled my nose, and I immediately stepped back.

But all in all, these ghosts definitely knew how to party.

"This is the best ghost party I've ever been too," James said, excitedly peering around at everything.

"This is the only ghost party you've ever been too," I said, looking at James.

He shrugged his shoulders and walked off into the midst of ghosts,"wait no James, where are you going?!" I yelled at his retreating back, to only get a wave in return.

I exhaled and looked at Lupin, he spoke, "Don't worry Vic, Gabe and I will follow him and make sure he doesn't get himself into trouble,you and Sirius go to talk to the Rose lady."

I shot him a grateful look as him and Gabe started walking away, making a mental note to fill Lupin in with everything. He had helped us immensely, he deserved to know.

Sirius grabbed my arm,"Come on Riddle, let's go find out why you're not floating around with rest of these ghosts right now."


Weekly update! I hope you liked and you guys are obviously going to get some answers next chapter! The chapters kind of short but I wanted to upload something before I went to bed so I hope you like and I love all your comments so tell me what you think and feel free to ask any questions! :) love you guys xxxx

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