The Key To Lau's Heart

By twins_88

15.7K 506 78

Anyone that knows of Les Twins knows that it's very obvious who has the key to Lau's heart, Larry. This book... More

Before We Start!
The Slip

Hangouts & Hurt Feelings

2.5K 102 13
By twins_88

Suggested by : Lovelylueboo
This is about the twins doing their holiday Google hangout and when the question," what is your biggest fear?" comes up, Lau ends up getting his feelings hurt.

Ps: I changed up some up the words that they said from the actual Google hangout and made it shorter because I just wanted to focus on after the hangout more. Enjoy!
Lau's POV
   Today my brother and I are doing our second google hangout in LA and I'm really excited. We had a relaxing morning, ate breakfast, got in the car and now we are setting up for the hangout.

"Hey Larry what are you doing bro?" I laughed as I watched him messing with the tree behind us and looking at all the ornaments.

"I'm just checking myself out." He said as he rubbed a hand on his chin and looking at a reflective ornament

"Shut up bro," I laughed and smacked him "Come on we are about to start"

We soon started the hangout and it was going pretty well, it was relaxing and I loved communicating with my fans. Pretty soon we were getting towards the end of the hangout and the last question was ,"What is your biggest fear?"

As soon as I heard this question I immediately thought about losing my brother and how I couldn't live without him.

"To lose my brother." I said

Larry started giggling a little, trying not to be serious and I just said again," To lose my brother for real."

"Yeah that's the worst cause if I lose my brother then you never gonna see me again. Never. Never." Larry said.

It made me feel good that Larry felt the same about me and I was surprised that he was actually showing emotions because he usually tries to hide them as much as possible.

But then he said," you know what? I can not say my brother." And there it was. I knew Larry couldn't show emotions about me without trying to cover it up and I just rolled my eyes

"We have a huge problem. Some people say,'Oh I have only 4 in my family, my sister and my mom and dad"

After that I just drowned him out and went on my phone and looked at the pictures of last night when I went to the bar without him.

I noticed he stopped talking and I looked at him from the corner of my eye and knew he saw the pictures and was going to say something.

"That was yesterday?"
"You did go out?"
"It's a bar." I tried to explain to him. We went back and forth for several minutes as I was trying to explain to him that I didn't do anything fun or exciting without him, I was just trying to let him sleep cause he needed it.

"Okay anyways what was the question?" Larry asked

"Your biggest fear!" I said slightly annoyed.

"Oh yeah it's hard because my brother and me, we have like 9 brothers and sisters so it's not only us that we have to take care of. Yeah we have to take care of each other, yeah, sure, true but I really care more about my family more than my brother..."

That really hurt me feelings but I let him continue

"'s not bad! I just know he's fine. Like whenever he's hurt I know he's fine"

"But for me it's different!" I interrupted him,"I always care more about you more than anyone! And I don't want to, I swear I don't want to but it's like.."

"Yeah but you don't show me anything, you don't show me anything" Larry said as he talked over me.

I just rolled my eyes because my twin never sees what I do for him and never notices how much he truly means to me.

"Okay let's move on" the lady that was asking us questions for the hangout said.

The rest of the hangout went good and for a moment I forgot what Larry had said even though it really hurt my feelings but soon that all came crashing back to me after we ended the hangout.

I went to sit on the couch while Larry talked to the people who worked at DanceOn and our manager and I just got on my phone, not really doing anything important but I didn't want to talk to Larry right now.

But soon enough I felt a body similar to mine come to fill the spot next to me on the couch and nudge my shoulder with his.

"What are you looking at Lau? You ready to go back to the hotel soon?"

I completely ignored his first question and just said a quiet," Yeah". I wanted him to know I was mad. 

And of course he immediately knew because come on, he is my twin. "What's wrong with you? Why aren't you looking at me?"

"Nothing Larry I'm just ready to leave okay?" I said as I continued to stare down at my phone.

"Fine" he said and I could hear the slight annoyance and hurt in his tone. He got up from the couch and went back over to the table to go back to talking to them.

I just huffed and continued scrolling through Instagram.

I couldn't help but to feel a little bad for ignoring Larry and not letting him know why I was mad but it really did hurt me when he said that he cares about our family more than me and that I "never" show him love.

I know Larry means well and he has a very hard time showing affection in front of the public eye but I just couldn't believe that my twin thinks I don't show him love because I always try my best to let him know that he is my whole world. 

I was too lost in my thoughts to realize that my twin was standing in front of me waving his hand in front my face and saying ,"Lau... Earth to Laurent...Lau!"

"Sorry. What do you want?" I kept it short because I still wanted him to know I was mad.

He looked at me with a hurt expression but it quickly turned to annoyance because that's just Larry. He can't let people see him vulnerable. "We are leaving." He said and walked away.

We walked out of the building silently and got into the car that was waiting out front for us to take us to the hotel.

We sat on opposite ends of the backseat and our usual loud, music-blasting- while -we-talk-and- laugh-about- anything-and-everything car ride was completely silent while I was on my phone again and Larry was just staring out the window and looking at the people walking around LA.

After what felt like years but in reality was only about 15 minutes, we arrived at our hotel.

We got out and as Larry walked around from the other side of the car he must have not seen the curb and he tripped and before I could even process what was happening I grabbed him by his arm before he could even fall.

"You okay bro?" I asked concerningly.

"Yeah" He said and shoved my hand away.

I rolled my eyes and followed him into the hotel. This is just typical Larry, always making me out to be the bad guy and feel bad when in reality it's his fault.

Once I got up to the hotel room that we shared I saw Larry on his bed, scrolling through his phone.

I just sighed and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door behind me and locking it. I looked at myself in the mirror and rubbed my hands over my face.

Larry and I always get in arguments about little things but that doesn't mean I don't get sad anytime we do get in arguments because I don't like ignoring my twin and I know he doesn't like ignoring me.

I just wish he would admit to what to he said at the hangout and apologize for it so we can go back to talking and messing around with each other.

I took another look at myself and opened the door, preparing to tell Larry that I was going out if he was going to continue to act like this but as soon as I opened the door, there was my twin.

I could see the guilt in his eyes and before I could say anything he started speaking at a mile a minute," Listen Lau I'm really sorry about what I said at the hangout earlier, it took me a while to figure out why you were mad at me all of the sudden because it all seemed fine for the rest of the hangout but as soon as those words came out of my mouth to answer that question, I regretted it. You know that I'm bad at showing my emotions and I didn't mean what I said. You are the most important person in my life Lau and I just meant that because you're my twin, I know that you know how to take care of yourself and that you're okay and I don't have to worry about you so much. But it came out the wrong way and I'm really really sorry, please for-"

"Larry!" I put my hand over his mouth and laughed a little bit because of how fast he was talking. "Listen bro I knew that you didn't mean it and I tried my best not to take it that way but it did hurt my feelings and I felt like you didn't love me as much as I love you and it just hurt but I accept your apology and thank you for explaining it. Oh and do you really think I don't show you enough love?"

I could see that he looked relieved that I accepted his apology and then he sighed and said," No Lau I do think you show me enough love and I'm sorry again for saying that stupid thing because I do see all the little things you do for me and I'm sorry if I don't show you enough appreciation for it."

"It's okay bro" I smiled and pulled him in for a hug.

We stayed like that for a minute or so, just accepting the unspoken apologies to each other.

Then I smiled and started tickling him.

"L-Lau! Stop! That's n-not fair! " Larry screamed and he laughed and tried to push me away.

"Revenge time, little brother!" I said as I pushed him on the bed and started hitting him with a pillow and continued tickling him.

I smiled to myself and as I gave him a little break to catch his breath before tickling him again. "This is how I like things to be with my twin." I thought to myself

Hey guys I'm so sorry it's been so long since I updated!! I've been trying to finish up the school year and focus on finals before I'm off for the summer and I've also been having writers block but I will be writing more soon!! Hope you enjoyed and thank you for all the love!! ❤️

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