Nentarli [COMPLETE]

By EscapeInFiction

3K 378 40

What if you were suddenly told that everything you'd ever known about yourself was a lie? What if you also fo... More

~ Two ~
~ Three ~
~ Four ~
~ Five ~
~ Six ~
~ Seven ~
~ Eight ~
~ Nine ~
~ Ten ~
~ Eleven ~
~ Twelve ~
~ Thirteen ~
~ Fourteen ~
~ Fifteen ~
~ Sixteen ~
~ Seventeen ~
~ Eighteen ~
~ Nineteen ~
~ Twenty ~
~ Twenty-one ~
~ Twenty-two ~
~ Twenty-three ~
~ Twenty-four ~
~ Twenty-five ~
~ Twenty-six ~
~ Twenty-seven ~
~ Twenty-eight ~
~ Twenty-nine ~
~ Thirty ~
~ Thirty-one ~
~ Thirty-two ~
~ Thirty-three ~
~ Thirty-four ~
~ Thirty-five ~
~ Thirty-six ~
~ Thirty-seven ~
~ Thirty-eight ~
~ Thirty-nine ~
~ Forty ~
~ Forty-one ~
~ Forty-two ~
~ Forty-three ~
~ Forty-four ~
~ Forty-five ~
~ Forty-six ~
~ Forty-seven ~
~ Forty-eight ~
~ Forty-nine ~
~ Fifty ~
~ Fifty-One ~

~ One ~

153 15 0
By EscapeInFiction

If mornings were meant to be the calm before the storm, then this one was the calmest morning of them all. The storm was brewing just on the horizon and it came with all the trimmings, being ready for it was completely out of the question. Handling it would come with its own set of problems.


"Cass! Get your lazy behind out of bed!"

Emy's awake, I thought to myself with a smile, I laid in bed listening to her trudging up the stairs. Why she felt the need to shout on her way up though I would never know.

"I'm up!" I shouted back the second she opened my bedroom door.

"You need to be dressed too!" She stated, looking around for clothes she knew would be in the wardrobe. "Why can't you get your clothes out the night before so you're ready to go on time?" She was already digging some clothes out before I had the chance to answer.

I laughed, "Because we don't all get up at the crack of dawn like you, just give me a min' to wake up." I knew she wouldn't, she was too busy laying out the clothes she thought I should wear.

Emy, Emily to everyone else, has been my best friend since forever, or as long as either of us could remember. She's about a hand shorter than me and six months younger; light brown hair and eyes, beautiful and confident, she knows what she wants and goes for it. She's also a self proclaimed fashionista, which presents a problem when she tries to help me.

"What about these?" She asked, holding out a pair of grey jeans and a purple sleeveless top I'd worn for my mum's birthday a few weeks before.

"They're too dressy for work, I'm going in my usual jeans and T-shirt, so stop fussing." I smiled and threw a pillow at her, she dodged it easily, fake scowling at me in response.

"Okay but hurry up or we're going to be late, again," she wandered off downstairs before I could tell her to stop overreacting.

I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, peering at myself in the mirror above the sink. My dark brown hair was in its usual state of disarray, no matter how much I tried to brush it into something resembling nice. It was down to the middle of my back and a wavy mess. It never looked amazing like Emy's neat, straight hair so as always I tied it into a ponytail and got dressed.

"Ah, so you actually did go for the very original jeans, slogan T-shirt and ponytail combo. My, you're so unpredictable," Emy teased when I got into the kitchen.

"Too early Emy, let the sun come up just a bit before you try to be witty." I knew what her reply would be as soon as the words left my mouth and I copied her when she spoke.

"It's already up and will be setting again before we get out of this house."

We both laughed at the familiar conversation. It was just another very predictable part of our days; up, dressed, breakfast, familiar back and forth and then out to work.

"Okay I'm ready, let's go, and don't forget your keys," I said as I headed for my jacket.

I heard cursing as Emy tried to remember where she had left them. "They're on top of the fireplace!" I shouted from the front door, waiting for her to grab them before I set the alarm.

"I've been waiting ages for you, hurry up or we're going to be late."

She narrowed her eyes at me when I let out a laugh, locking the door behind us.

Our house was a small building; two bedrooms, a living room, kitchen, bathroom and an attic neither of us would ever go in. We had lived together for nearly two years and we both loved it, our neighbours were mostly elderly people. With the exception of Mr Park; a middle aged man, we assumed, we didn't actually know much about him.

He had black hair, green eyes and a strange ability to know how you felt without having said a word about it. Apart from that it was a boring place, we lived a few streets away from where we worked so we walked.

"Cass, are you even listening to me?" Emy was frowning and I realised she had been talking while we walked, and I hadn't heard a word of it.

"Sorry Emy, my head waz in the clouds, what were you saying?" We crossed at the only set of traffic lights on our way and she repeated what she'd said.

"I was telling you about that fashion course I'm thinking of applying for, it's such a great opportunity and according to my advisor it will take me onto much bigger things. I'm thinking cat walks, my own shop and who knows, maybe even Paris!"

She was beaming and I gave her a soft smile, she always spoke so passionately about fashion, something I could never get into.

"That sounds brilliant... I wish I had your ambition Emy, I just don't know what I want to do with my life or my future. It's all so boring and predictable, yes I know I say that a lot before you tell me for the thousandth time."

"More like the millionth but I wasn't going to, this time," Emy winked at me, we'd had this discussion numerous times. "I know you'll figure something out Cass, this can't be it for you, I won't believe that for a second."

She was my best friend in the whole world but even she couldn't make me feel better about it- I didn't let her know that though.

"I guess, I just wish something would happen that could give me a clue about what I'm meant to do with my life."

My eyes widened in surprise when she grabbed my hand suddenly, "I see a tall, handsome stranger in your future that will change everything you know, foreveerr." She spoke in a mystical voice and lingered on the last word, looking deep into my eyes for the longest minute until we both burst out laughing.

"Get off me, you absolute weirdo and lets go get some work done before we both need new jobs."

We laughed and chatted amicably the rest of they way, however I couldn't shake the niggling feeling in the back of my mind.

Work was quiet, we worked in a clothes shop on the high street. It was a small place, mostly women's clothes and a cafe through the back. Besides myself and Emy, there was Clare, a small blonde haired part timer who complained a lot and Dave, our manager. He was as gay as the day is long and far too highly strung. We loved him though, even if he took his mood swings out on us most of the time.

"Cassandra, Emily, you're almost late again, just like this morning. Why can't you both arrive early for once?"

"We only went down the street for some lunch, it's not like we were miles away from here Dave, calm down." Emy told him while I hung our jackets in the back.

"Yes and there could have been a big rush, then what would I have done?"

Emy and I were making faces at each other behind his back.

"Oh, you would have downed your energy drink, donned your cape and taken all of them on singlehandedly." I told him.

"And saved the day!" Emy finished off and we saluted him while laughing much more than necessary. He walked off while muttering under his breath and flapping his arms in what we had come to recognise as exasperation.

A few hours of boredom and we finally finished for the day, walking home in the cold sunshine. Mr Park was out in his garden when we arrived in the street; he was sat on an upturned plant pot, looking rather happy with himself.

"Hello Mr Park, how are you?" I asked with a polite smile, we often stopped to talk to him if he was out in the street or tending his garden.

"The roses are looking beautiful today," Emy said, leaning over the wall to smell them.

We admired the rest of the garden, it really was a sight to see. He had all different coloured roses growing; red, pink, yellow, purple, blue and even light green ones that I had never seen before. Emy adored them, green was her favourite colour.

"Oh hello girls, I'm very good thank you. Yes, the roses are flourishing today. You must be tired after your long day... oh, am I boring you?" He looked between the two of us.

Our mouths dropped open, he did this every time we talked and yet we still couldn't understand how he knew. It couldn't have been a coincidence that I was feeling bored with my life. At times it was unnerving but mostly just confusing or frustrating.

"No, we're fine thanks, Mr Park," Emy answered for us, "Erm... why are you sat on a plant pot?" She liked to point out odd behaviour where other people might think it awkward to ask.

"Well, I heard somewhere that it's a good remedy for back pain," he said with a big smile on his face. "Have a nice evening girls. Take a rose if you like, there's a purple and green that are almost at full bloom." Both were our favourite colours, though I didn't like to dwell on how he might know that. We picked our flowers and said goodbye, walking down the street to our house without looking back.

"I swear he gets more weird everyday," Emy whispered, walking up the path to the front door.

"At least he's not boring," I replied.

"Oh you have got to let this boring thing go," she chuckled on her way into the kitchen to make something to eat.

I rolled my eyes in full view of her, hoping she'd catch my real frustrations and leave it alone. She did.

"So, are you coming tomorrow night?" Emy asked for the hundredth time, once we'd settled on the sofa, "You said you'd decide today and I really want you to."

There was a party her cousin was having for his birthday, but I had already told her repeatedly that I didn't want to go, it just wasn't my scene.

"I'm sure you can go without me, and you'll have more fun if you don't feel the need to look after me the whole time."

Which she did at all the occasions she took me to, I felt like a baby and a burden.

"I always have fun when you're there, and I look after you because you'd end up in a corner reading a book if I didn't... or back home staring into space or something the whole night. Oh please, Cass I want you to come, it'll be fun and maybe something exciting and spontaneous will happen!"

She laughed and nudged my arm, I tutted after a few more nudges and the pleading expression she was fixing me with.

"Alright I'll come but you can tell Sam to keep his annoying friends away from me," she hugged me so tightly, I chuckled despite myself.

"Thank you, thank you! You're the best, eek I can't wait to pick out your outfit!"

She grinned and I groaned loudly, knowing she'd be able to dress me in anything she liked and I couldn't do anything about it. We had a standing agreement that she didn't pester me as much about my everyday wear if she got to pick my outfits for special occasions.

* * * * * * *

When we arrived at the party the next night it had already been going for an hour. We didn't know most of the people there. Sam, Emy's cousin, greeted us when we walked in; he was a year younger than us, he had black hair, brown eyes. He was about half a foot taller than me and was a giant pain in the neck. We were still attending however and we wished him a happy birthday regardless.

"Hey! Glad you could make it, I have some friends who are dying to meet you both," Sam smiled mischievously.

"Sam I told you yesterday, neither of us want to talk to your annoying, childish little friends," Emy scolded him.

"Woah, I was only joking, calm down, cuz," he nudged her side and chuckled heartily before he walked off to join his friends- all of whom were downing shots.

"Does he realise he's just not funny?" I asked Emy while watching Sam down two shots one after the other.

"I don't know but let's get a drink and find a seat."

The room was packed with people within the next hour, we didn't know any of them to talk to and I was getting the immense urge to leave. A bad feeling was creeping over me, the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on end and I became restless.

"Emy, can we go soon? I don't feel right."

Emy stared over at me and frowned, "What is it? Do you feel ill?" She started to look worried, she kept watching my face.

"No not ill, I just have this really bad feeling, like somebody's watching me, or us," I looked into her eyes to try and calm myself.

She was still frowning but thankfully she didn't think I was being silly or paranoid. She could tell I was serious but didn't seem to know what to make of it.

"Okay, I'll say goodbye to Sam for us and then we'll go. Can you ring a taxi, but wait for me here?"

"Yeah I can, please don't be too long though, I don't like this feeling."

She rushed off and I took my phone out of my bag to ring for a taxi. The operator couldn't hear me over the music. I started panicking, the bad feeling was gnawing at me and I was freaking out. I knew I'd have to go outside and I just wanted to go home, I'd have to be really quick and meet Emy back at our seats. I got up to go outside, still on the phone to the taxi company who were starting to get a little impatient.

I stood just outside of the doors, I repeated the addresses and the order was placed. I was just turning to go back inside when I saw them. Two men, in their twenties maybe, standing at the other side of the car park, watching me.

Since there was nobody else out there I knew I really wasn't being paranoid. They weren't dressed to party either, in their unusual looking clothes. The longer I looked, the closer they seemed to get and yet I hadn't seen their feet move. I was terrified and I ran back inside to find Emy. I found her at our seats looking around anxiously.

"There you are, I've been looking for you! I thought we agreed to..." She trailed off, seeing the tears in my eyes and how scared I must have looked, "What's wrong? What happened? Cass, you're shaking!"

I trembled some words out, "There were... guys outside, watching me... they were moving closer..." I coughed and wiped the tears away, Emy looked worried and angry simultaneously.

"Wait here, I'm going to take a look, they better hope I don't see them out there."

Emy was my strength in the more emotional situations, but in this instance I didn't want her to put herself at risk.

"Emy, just leave it, come back!" I shouted to her over the music. She either couldn't hear me or didn't want to.

I decided to focus on calming down, nobody at the party had noticed any of my strange behaviour; most were drunk or dancing, or both. I thought about going to find Sam and asking him to check it out but I knew he would probably tease me about overreacting.

Emy came back inside a few seconds later looking flustered. "Well, there's nobody out there now but our taxi just arrived. Let's get you home."

She linked her arm in mine and we went out to the car. I didn't look around as we both got in the back and the driver set off. I was too scared that I would see them again, staring at me and the worst part was that I felt like I'd seen them before.

When we got to our house, Emy paid the driver and we walked quickly to the front door. I just wanted to get inside where it was warm and safe.

"Cass, I can't find my keys," Emy said quietly, rummaging through her bag, "I know I brought them because you reminded me," still rummaging, she cursed to herself.

"That wasn't very ladylike, Emily," a voice spoke from behind us suddenly, we both screamed and turned.

It was Mr Park, standing at the garden gate looking particularly alert for that time of night.

"Mr Park! Sorry, you scared us, we've had a weird night and I can't find my keys," Emy explained to him while still going through her bag.

"Girls," he began and his whole demeanour was tentative. "I know this is going to sound a little peculiar but did you by any chance come into contact with any strange people tonight?"

His usual intuitive nature always stunned us but this time it was different, he had details he just shouldn't know and he seemed worried when he mentioned the strangers. Despite being able to see that we were alright, he kept looking warily at us.

"Erm, yeah... I saw two men watching me outside the party we were at. How did you know?"

The more I looked, the more I saw differences in him tonight, like he was more sure of himself than usual and stronger looking somehow.

He was stood straighter than usual, despite resting his hands on the top of the gate posts.

"Girls, do you trust me? Answer quickly because this is very important." He looked at us both separately and we looked at each other questioningly, the question had caught us off guard.

We had known him nearly two years, he was the first person to welcome us onto the street and had always been really nice and helpful. I knew Emy was thinking along the same lines, it's what happens when you've been best friends your whole life.

We both answered "Yes" together, albeit a little hesitantly.

Mr Park looked relieved, "May I come in? We have a few things to discuss and you two are exhausted," he was still waiting at the garden gate.

Curiosity was starting to get the better of me and my thinking was that if anything untoward happened, we could defend ourselves better in our own home.

"Sure, Mr Park, if I could find my keys," Emy replied for both of us before going back to looking in her bag.

I kept wishing I'd taken my keys as well.

"Would you... erm, mind if I picked the lock? We really need to get inside and talk as soon as possible." He asked while walking up the path to us.

He pulled a small, silver lock pick out of his pocket. I didn't know whether to be more stunned by another strange question or the lock pick itself. I'd only ever seen things like that in old TV shows.

"Go ahead, please try not to break the lock though, we've just had it fixed after someone broke their key in it last week."

I looked pointedly over at Emy, who stuck her tongue out at me with a small smile turning up the corners of her mouth. I was feeling safer somehow, now that Mr Park was with us, and he had the front door open in seconds.

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