The Alpha Saved Me (Editing A...

By ChocoholicLover

848K 16.4K 912

Sometimes life doesn't go as planned. At times, you get dragged down to the deepest pits of your mind, the un... More

Chapter 1 (Pic Of Blake)
Chapter 2 (Pic Of Alexis)
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34

Chapter 5 (Pic Of Isabella)

29.2K 600 12
By ChocoholicLover


Although I won't think about him that way, I won't do the same to him as so many others have done to me. No, I'll decide what I think about him after I know him for a while and not just of the rumours.

Soon I reached school. I was actually excited to meet him, I know it's amazing. I found my locker and looked around, craning my neck hoping to see him. Hmm I guess no luck, I turned back to the locker and screamed causing a lot of people to look at me.

It was Blake, he was standing right beside me with a goofy smile on his face. He was so close that if I leaned in I would've been able to kiss him. That thought stopped me up short. I looked at his luscious red lips in shock. I had actually thought of kissing him.

Am I falling for him ?

Chapter 7:

I can't be, I most definitely do not like Blake Rider. That was practically impossible considering that I just met him. I shook my head trying to clear my mind. Yes you do, a tiny voice in the back of my head whispered to me.

You have to stop denying it.

Who said that! I can do whatever I want. They always leave me, I can't take that chance.

If you don't, it will just hurt you even more!

I sighed softly, it's always seems like there's a war going on in my head. "What's wrong? " I looked up at Blake's concerned eyes. "Nothing," I whispered. Everything was fine, boy how wrong I was.

I picked my books out from my locker and slammed it closed. "Well what are we waiting for," I said brightly to Blake. We headed to my first class, as he being a gentlemen decided to walk me to. Before I could enter he lifted my face to his, "Don't forget your promise to me." He whispered softly stroking my cheek.

All I could do was stare dazed back at him. He chuckled softly at my expression then gave me my bag and walked away while I watched him until I couldn't see him any more. I walked to my desk and started banging my head onto the desk.

Why does life have to be so complicated? I groaned in frustration as I hit my head on the table again.

"You should be careful." A voice beside me said. I looked up and saw a girl that looked exactly like Blake but girl version. She had long black hair and grey eyes. She was really pretty, I don't even think that word counts, she was beautiful.

I'm definitely straight but even I could tell she was very beautiful. I felt any self confidence I had left when I saw her. "Yeah, I'm sorry." I said shyly.

She burst out laughing at my shyness, and everyone in the room turned to look at her especially the guys, but she was oblivious to it. Some gave her weird looks for talking to me. I wanted to bang my head on the table again but I didn't want to embarass myself more then I already had.

She burst out laughing even more at my red cheeks which made me blush even more. "You're pretty funny you know," she told me. "So do you know my twin brother Blake?" She asked me trying to not look interested at my answer which she failed at.

"Um, yeah?" Jeesh that sounded more like a question then a answer.

"Do you like him?" She asked me. " U-Um," I managed to splutter out but before I could answer I was saved by the bell. I bolted up and ran out of the class like a bat out of hell. I crashed into something hard falling on my butt. I looked up while rubbing my sore bottom, I gasped.

Why oh why did I have to crash into him? Mick scowled at me in hate. Now you're probably wondering why he hates me so much I only crashed into him right? Well just a few weeks ago I went in this cafe and he was there.

So I being the klutz I am, was carrying my cup of coffee and accidently tripped and spilt it on top of him. Now you may say that isn't so bad but guess what else I did, so everyone was laughing at him and I started apologising but he wasn't listening. He just kept shouting at me but there was a cop there and he thought I was in danger so guess what he did, yup he arrested him!

Back to the present time, he snarled at me then lifted me up by my shirt. I cowered back closing my eyes whimpering waiting for the blow. I kept going back to the past and all the memories so much like this.

I was preparing dinner for him and myself. It was one of the rare times he was home. "Get me the water!" He had growled at me. I went to get it but while carrying it and coming back I had tripped. Dropping the jug making it crack into a thousand pieces when it hit the floor.

"You b*tch!," He had shouted at me. "You can't even do one simple thing, why do I even put up with you!" He then slapped me, making me fall to the ground. I scrambled as far as I could away from him.

Tears poured out of my eyes as I sobbed . He kicked my ribs repeatedly, probably nearly breaking one. He picked me up by my shirt, and snarled at me slapping me repeatedly again.

I snapped back to reality seeing his hand so close to my face yet not hitting me. I followed up his arm and saw a another arm holding him from doing anything to me. I looked and saw someone that made me widen my eyes in shock.

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