Lost Hearts

By AlexaPie

489 66 49

Reagan Clarkson, an average girl with an average life. Struggling in her love life with her crush, Nate, she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 9

14 3 0
By AlexaPie

"Are you still ignoring me?" I asked.

It's dismissal and here I am in the parking lot, with Nate. Ever since lunch, he keeps avoiding my eyes and doesn't talk to me. Whenever I talk to him, he just keeps nodding. It's bothering me and I just can't let the day pass without confronting him.

"What?" Nate turned around to face me, his backpack slung over his shoulders.

"What happened," I asked slowly, hesitating to speak the word 'us' but whatever, "To us?"

Nate's eyes seemed to brighten but I'm not sure, "I guess I'm just upset."

"Why?" I asked, taking one step closer to him.

He avoided my eyes, "I'm jealous."

To say I'm shocked would be an understatement. He's jealous? Over what? I blinked my eyes, "What do you mean?"

"You and Alexander." He confessed. "The two of you seemed to be close."

I let out a humorless laugh, "The two of us." I stated, which sounded more like a question. "Are incompatible."

He raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"He hates me, I hate him." I explained. "Mutual feelings. We consider each other as enemies."

"You seem to enjoy his company, though."

"Excuse me?" I asked, with annoyance in voice. "I despise that bastard. He's moody like hell, he flirts like hell, and he's a jerk like hell."

Nate chuckled, "What is he? A demon from hell?"

"More like a bastard from hell.


I entered my house with a huge smile. I can't completely comprehend that Nate's jealous. Does that mean he likes me? Nah. I am, once again, hallucinating. I threw my bag at the couch and went to the kitchen.

I saw a Xander baking cookies, his back facing me. I wonder if he's still mad. But seriously! I don't know what his problem is but getting mad at me when he's the one sleeping, without permission, in my room is horrible. I guess I'm still annoyed but cookies are heaven. "Are those cookies for me?"

Xander turned around, raising an eyebrow, "How's school?"



What the fuck. Did. He. Just. Asked?

I burst out laughing. Never in my life did I found a simple question so funny.

Xander frowned, "What?"

"What a-are you?" I managed to ask between my uncontrollable laughs. "My father?"

"Funny, Reagan." He stated with a bored expression, turning around to continue bake the cookies.

I managed to stop my laughs, walking closer to Xander. "School's good, dad. Why didn't you come?"

He ignored my joke and answered calmly, "Not in the mood."

Of course. He's moody. "Anyway!" I exclaimed, trying to lighten up the mood. "Those cookies are for me, right?"

"It's for me." He answered, turning back to face me. I used my puppy eyes technique. Though I'm not sure if it worked, he chuckled and said, "But I guess you could have some."

"So that means I'm forgiven?"

"For what?"

"Well you got mad at me for no reason." I explained. "Am I forgiven?"

He clenched his jaw, "I was not mad. Let's just forget what happened earlier."

"If you say so."


I moaned as I tasted the yummy delight of the cookie. So heavenly delicious! I didn't know Xander could bake this good. Why is the world so unfair? "Why can you cook so well?" I asked.

"Because I'm perfect, sweetheart." He smirked, winking at me.

I rolled my eyes. "Nobody's perfect, sweetheart." I mocked him.

He gave me an amused look. "So about yesterday night." He started. "You do know the reasons, right?"

"I fainted."

Xander nodded. "Why did you faint?"

Hell if I know. I just had a stupid flashback about my kid self and a boy and then lights out. "Who knows." I sighed. "I was over fatigued." I explained, Kelly told me that my body's over fatigued. Probably because of the flashbacks.

"That's what Kelly said." Xander stated, munching on his cookie.

We were silent. It's a peaceful silent, not an awkward one. The silence that can comfort you. I looked at Xander. This is my first time to analyze his face. Like, completely stare at it. Gorgeous. Charming. I snort at the thought which causes Xander to give me a questioning look. As if I'd admit that he's hot.

Well, he is hot. But I'll never tell him.


A/N: Hello to you all! 

Let me inform you my posting schedule: ONCE A WEEK – Either Friday night or Saturday morning/ afternoon

 There are times when I would post more than once a week when I feel like it, just like now. Thanks for reading!

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