Darla's Camp Scare

By PerkyGoth14

3.1K 11 317

Darla is miserably lonely this summer as Amber has won a free scholarship to a gymnastics camp and won't be b... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22

chapter 17

63 0 16
By PerkyGoth14

Later that night, everybody met back at Camp Little Moose and made a campfire with a lantern to share their discoveries together with each other.

"But what would someone need dynamite for?" Patch asked.

"Oh, are you guys really gonna just sit around here and try and solve this mystery?" Deacon spoke up.

"Kid, if I wanted an obnoxious whiner whenever I take them on an adventure, I would've forced Cherry to do bidding for me... Oh, wait, I already do..." Drell smirked slightly.

Cherry squirmed and groaned to him.

"Clearly someone doesn't want us to be at Camp Little Moose," Deacon said. "I think we should listen to them. I'm going to Camp Big Moose where it's safe. Who's with me?"

Shaggy and Scooby of course raised their hands, but then they put their hands down after Velma sent them a disappointed glare.

"Trudy, Luke, Darla, Amber, maybe it's best if y'all go with Deacon," Burt suggested.

"Forget it, I'm a Little Mooser!" Luke retorted. "I wanna help you guys catch whoever's messing with our camp."

"Me too." Trudy added in as she stood up and put her hood down to show her purple hair and even actually smiled.

"Same here." Darla said.

"What about you then, little lady?" Burt then asked Amber. "You're a Big Mooser, ain't ya?"

"Yeah, but my best friend is a Little Mooser, so I'm gonna be one too." Amber put her arm around Darla with a smile.

"Aw! Thanks, Amber." Darla smiled.

"Of course." Amber smiled back.

"We gotta find out more about this city that's under Big Moose Lake." Patch said.

"Are you sure?" Velma asked the kids.

"Yep," Trudy smiled back as she straightened out her hair. "I wanna help solve the mystery."

'I know I do." Amber agreed.

"Oh, you're all nuts!" Deacon threw off his hat. "You hear me? Nuts!" he then breathed through his inhaler before storming off. "I'm outta here!"

"Somebody's stubborn about adventure..." Goku commented.

"Couldn't agree more." Atticus said.

"I better give him a lift up to Big Moose," Jessica spoke up as she started to follow Deacon. "I have to get the jeep back anyway."

"Have a safe drive back." Mo said.

"Thank you." Jessica nodded to her as she went to catch up with Deacon.

Fred looked thoughtful. "It still feels like we're missing a piece of the puzzle."

"What we need is an expert on this area." Daphne suggested.

"I know just the person." Velma smiled once she had an idea.

"Who do you have in mind, Velma?" Mo asked.

"Come on, let's go to 'Camp City', get in the van." Velma told the others as she suggested to get into the Mystery Machine to make a stop for the night to see who she had in mind.

"Me and Atticus will meet you there." Goku said.

"Alright, let's get going then." Velma said as she and the others got into the Mystery Machine.

"Come on, let's go on my motor bike." Drell told Cherry.

Cherry's face turned pale and she gulped while nervously squeezing her eyes shut.

"Drell, I think she'd rather prefer the Mystery Machine." Atticus said.

"PLEASE!" Cherry begged Mystery Inc, she was even on her knees.

"Whoa! Like, you must really not want to be in the same vehicle as him." Shaggy said.

"I don't wanna be anywhere alone with him..." Cherry looked back anxiously.

"Okay, okay, you can come with us." Daphne said.

"Thank you..." Cherry looked relieved.

Drell shrugged. "Guess I'll just hang out here then."

"We still have plenty of room in the Mystery Machine." Fred said.

"Eh, you go on without me," Drell insisted. "I might as well hang out here if I'm not really gonna do anything."

The others then shrugged and nodded to him as they went into the Mystery Machine.

Drell then smiled to Atticus and Goku. "So, you kids getting along okay?"

"Yes, we're doing just fine and we're about to take off to the skies to meet them at Camp City." Atticus said.

"Guess I'll curl up for the night with a good book..." Drell replied.

"Or you could just go into my cabin and do some exercises." Goku said.

"Are you saying I'm not the warlock I used to be?" Drell crossed his arms. "I'll have you know, I was voted as the Netherworld's Sexiest Warlock Alive for three centuries in a row!"

"Dare I ask who the judges were?" Cherry moaned.

"Yeah, who were the judges?" Atticus asked.

"None of your business..." Drell scoffed.

"Okay, okay, just wanted to know." Atticus said.

"Whoever did, sorry, ladies, I'm officially off the market." Drell took off his glasses and gave a rather lustful wink with a sultry smile to look sexy.

"Oh, brother." Mo rolled her eyes.

"I think my brain just lost its lunch." Cherry sounded revolted.

"You and me both." Colette added.

The others were then leaving. Drell sighed as he conjured up a hammock by the lantern and read a book as he was all alone.

'He's all alone...' Sombra's voice told Cherry.

"I shouldn't bother him..." Cherry replied.

Atticus and Goku both took off flying into the sky as they flew to Camp City where Goku would also see how Atticus's landing was doing. Cherry watched them go as she nervously watched Drell lounging in the hammock.

"Cherry, I know you're still there, I can smell your fear." Drell mumbled.

'You are becoming useless to me.' Sombra's voice said.

"No, I can do it, really!" Cherry shivered.

'Then do something...' Sombra sounded impatient.

"Umm..." Cherry covered her eyes as she tried to think of something.

'Oh, never mind, just go wait at the dam.' Sombra's voice told her.

Cherry sighed and walked off.

"Oh, Clementine, I have difficulties with my own life too..." Drell chuckled as he read his book.

Atticus and Goku continued to fly in the air.

"Race ya there!" Atticus called out.

"Oh, you are so on!" Goku laughed.

"Eat my dust, old man!" Atticus laughed back before flying off faster.

"Oh, that's it!" Goku laughed as he picked up the pace to go after Atticus and outwit him in the speed department.

And where to his surprise, Atticus was able to keep up with his speed and which worried him about the Wiccan slowing down.

"This is awesome!" Atticus cheered and laughed.

"Atticus! You know how to slow down when you are descending back to the ground, right?!" Goku called out.

"Uh-Oh." Atticus said.

"I'll teach you!" Goku told him.

"HELP!" Atticus yelped.

"Okay, all you have to do is reduce your speed!" Goku told him. "As in, you have to slow down!"

"How do I do that?!" Atticus asked. "I don't have brakes, you know!"

"Just concentrate on slowing down!" Goku told him.

"Okay!" Atticus replied back before starting to concentrate on himself, thinking of slowing down so he wouldn't crash.

"Oh, I hope he does it right..." Goku said to himself.

And where his hopes were right as Atticus started to slow down as he descended down to the ground as they finally made it to Camp City.

"Nice landing, Atticus." Fred smiled.

Atticus smiled back as he opened his eyes and saw that he made himself land safely.

"That was perfect." Goku smiled.

Atticus smiled back.

'Come on, let's get inside." Velma told them as she was about to with the others who rode in the Mystery Machine with her.

"Time to get some answers." Goku said.

"You kids did the right thing coming to me," an elder man's voice told the group as they came inside the store. "I know just about everything there is to know about this area."

"What can you tell us about a city at the bottom of Big Moose Lake?" Atticus asked.

"Ah, you mean Moose Creek," the man replied with a small smile as he was looking for a file from his cabinet. "It used to be an old mining town, but years ago, they moved everybody out there and dammed the creek and created Big Moose Lake. Of course, that's only part of the story..."

"What's the rest of the story?" Mo asked.

The man found the file and set it open and down on a table to show them pictures and information. "Moose Creek was home to a notorious gangster named Ricky LaRue."

"Gangsters now?" Atticus groaned slightly.

"Oh, great, just what we need." Patch also groaned.

"After pulling the biggest bank heist of his life, the cops were hot on Ricky's trail," the old man continued. "So, the legend goes, he stashed his loot somewhere in Moose Creek. They locked LaRue up and threw away the key. And not long after, the dam was built, flooding the town of Moose Creek."

"Then that means LaRue drowned with the town." Colette said.

Goodness..." Patch put a paw to his muzzle.

"Let me see..." the old man took a look through the file.

'I wonder who his partner was.' Mo thought to herself.

"Do you mind if we borrow this?" Velma asked.

"Be my guest." the old man allowed as he kept searching. "But if you kids happen to find LaRue's loot, don't be afraid to spend a little of that scratch over at Camp City, ya hear? Hmm... Can't get anything on a partner, but that he shared information with a cell-mate of his named Boretti, that's all I can find, sorry, young man."

"It's okay." Atticus said.

"Let's just go with what we have." Velma suggested.

"I agree." Patch said.

With that, they all returned to the van and drove off with the information that they had.

Cherry looked very drowsy as she was by the dam and looked like she was about to fall asleep.

"Wake up!" Boretti told her.

"Gah, sorry, Mom, I love you!" Cherry suddenly woke up.

"Stay awake." Boretti said.

Okay..." Cherry mumbled.

"Good." Boretti said.

Cherry sighed as she rubbed her eyes. "Ugh..."

"Come on, you two." The Woodsman said.

Cherry fluttered her lips. The Woodsman soon came with the dynamite. 

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