chapter 9

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Fred, Atticus, and Luke smirked, then decided to splash Velma, Trudy, and Cherry playfully. Velma laughed once they were all wet, knowing it was just a joke.

"Atticus!" Cherry glared slightly.

"Hey, take a joke." Atticus replied playfully.

Cherry sighed and rolled her eyes.

"Boys are so immature." Trudy grumbled.

"They're just having fun." Velma assured her.

"Ooh, the sun's going down." Cherry noticed.

"So it is." Trudy said, not interested.

"If we're gonna go swimming, we better do it now." Velma advised.

Trudy stared out into the waters as they waded along in their little canoe.

"I can tell you would rather be anywhere but here," Cherry said to Trudy in a dry monotone like how she used to before she expanded her social circle beyond Atticus with her life as a perky goth. "You're only here because your parents or guardians thought a little fresh air would do you some good."

"Right on the dot, they say I spend too much time on the computer." Trudy told her.

"I know how you feel." Cherry replied.

"I'm not exactly the outdoorsy-type myself, but just give a chance," Velma added in to the dark and gloomy girl. "Who knows? Maybe you'll have fun!"

Trudy sighed and put her hand into the water as they floated along and looked back to Cherry. "You don't seem like an outdoors person yourself."

"Definitely not," Cherry replied. "I'd rather be with my video games, computer, or my stories."

"You write stories?" Trudy asked.

"Oh, yes," Cherry replied. "A lot of poetry too, but mostly around Fall or Winter, mostly because everything's dead and it highlights the gloomy atmosphere around me as I wander the Earth with nothing to do but moan and groan about people who have a better life than I do and I'm an aimless follower who is more alone on the inside than she is on the outside to be surrounded by friends and family."

"Cool." Trudy said.

"Yeah, I suppose, if you don't mind being invisible to the world who scar you with words sharp as daggers in the jungle that is society..." Cherry continued to drone.

"Wow." Trudy said.

Velma smiled, Trudy and Cherry seemed as though they could bond well so far.

Fred was putting a bobber onto a fishing pole as he was going to teach Luke how to fish. "You wanna fish, Atticus?" he then asked before he was going to teach the younger boy in the canoe with them. He saw Atticus was leaning over the boat, waiting to grab something. "Atticus...?"

"Shh," Atticus shushed him before reached into the water and brought up and fish that would have been too heavy for anyone. "Gotcha."

"Awesome, Atticus!" Luke cheered.

"Thanks, someone taught me how to catch a fish without even using a net or fishing pole," Atticus smiled before noticing Luke's fishing pole got something. "And looks like you got a bite."

"I got one!" Luke cheered as he reeled the fish in with ease and caught a big flopping fish.

Fred shoved his hat over his eyes, feeling slightly humiliated that two younger people were able to outdo him in fishing. And where Luke was able to hold the big fish without having any problems. There was then a speedboat coming through which splashed Atticus, Fred, and Luke. Luke and Atticus then dropped their fish back into the water.

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