Mayhem of Hellish Majesties

By SingularSnowflake

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Mary is a princess. But she's not your typical Snow White or Sleeping Beauty. She fights, much to the disappr... More

Chapter 1: It All Started One Night After too Much Benadryl
Chapter 2: I Have a Dream
Chapter 3: Snuggles and Lucy
Chapter 4: Dating Game
Chapter 5: Someone Dies
Chapter 6: Long Live the Queen
Chapter 8: Deal With a Devil
Chapter 9: Hip Hip Hooray, Time to Save the Day
Chapter 10: Every End is a New Beginning

Chapter 7: The Beginning of the End

50 6 0
By SingularSnowflake

My coronation was celebrated throughout the kingdom. Merriment, parties, and dancing spread throughout the land. The gleeful week ended abruptly just as quickly as it had begun. Dark, thunderous clouds swallowed the sun. Fear and foreboding blanketed the kingdom in a fog, suffocating any happiness that had the chance to sneak through. Mother Nature released a clear warning which my people chose to ignore. The dancing continued until the first gunshot.

No one seemed to know where it came from, or who it was intended for, but everyone remembered the moment of silence that followed.

The whole kingdom held its breath.

I was informed during a meeting with my closest advisors what had happened. One man died. My knights were hunting down the location of the shooter. What happened in the next moment caused my rapidly thudding heart to skip a beat. There were soldiers from the kingdom to the East of us approaching, fast, they carried a flag of war.

I commanded my advisor in charge of the army to do whatever he had to keep them from reaching the borders of our kingdom. My knights were sent to secure the children, and other adults who had not joined the forces. With little help from my servants and much protest from my mother I donned my suit of armor. Everyone pleaded with me not to go as they feared for my safety and what would become of the kingdom without a ruler. My argument left no room for compromise, "My grandmother fought and they made her queen. My father fought and was the best commander of our army this kingdom ever knew. I will not let my people go and risk their lives while I'm safely in the castle." My horse was brought out from the stables. I grabbed my father's sword, the one thing he had left me aside from the kingdom, sheathed it then rode off into battle.

Not long after I arrived did I know we were doomed. The neighboring kingdom had an army far superior to ours. Their soldiers were greater in numbers and training. Two people seemed to lead them, from a distance I couldn't tell who but once I moved closer my blood began to boil. Nikolai brought down my army and a slew of knights with what could only be a cursed black sword. Once I saw Lilith it all came back, she was the one who tried to kill me and might have succeeded over nothing but petty jealousy. She had made the mistake of underestimating me once, I would not let it happen again.

She used her magic to lure the men from my kingdom to her then she inhaled the life straight from the body. I jumped down from my horse and moved toward her. My sword moved with a mind of its own, anyone who had the colors of the eastern kingdom was struck the second they came within five feet of me. My eyes were trained on the she-demon who had now taken at least twenty or so lives. She saw me right in the middle of taking a soul, she released her food and he fell unconscious to the ground. My sword was given to Elijah, who had broken his in the heat of battle and I moved in for the kill.

"Come now Lilith it can't be a fair fight if you just use your magic. Besides, that didn't seem to work so well for you the first time now did it?" Her eyes flamed over into a smoldering blue. If she had the power of killing with looks I'd have been dead. She clenched her fists but changed back to her natural appearance.

"Sweet little Mary, when are you going to learn? Lucifer only helped you to benefit himself. That's what he does, he's Satan." Her words had no effect on me. We circled each other waiting to see who would make the first move.

"Oh trust me I know. But it is sad, don't you think? How you're so obsessed with someone who despises you so much he'd kill you more than once." This set her off. She morphed again into my greatest fear, Medusa. Lucifer seemed to have the abilities of what he morphed into, I assumed it was the same for Lilith. I knew what she would change into and I was ready. Long ago I thought that being brave and courageous meant having no fears. I thought my father would live forever because of his bravery. I later learned that to be courageous is to be scared, terrified even, but to still face that fear and refuse to let it win.

Lilith released a growl before she launched herself at me. I covered my eyes and pulled the mirror from my boot. I held it out in front of me and wished on every star in the now night sky my plan would work. I heard stone cracking and falling apart. I opened my eyes and found Lilith, a pile of broken rock, at my feet.

My head raised at the sound of screams. I ran up to Elijah just as he was instructed our troops to retreat. "Mary the opposing forces are too strong and large. We must retreat or we will lose too many citizens." I nodded in agreement. After looking around and seeing a large number of my people either wounded or dead I knew we couldn't win.

Just as I had gotten up on my horse I noticed a familiar figure on the horizon. He waved me over. I turned my horse in his direction and had her gallop towards him.

(I'll post the chosen Lilith here so stay tuned.)

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