Those Green Eyes [Larry Styli...

By harry_call_me_maybe

1.6K 34 9

This is a Larry Stylinson fan fiction :) Punk Louis+Flower Child Harry I'm not that good of a writer so it's... More

Those Green Eyes [Larry Stylinson]

part 2 (sorry, this is going to be a really short chapter)

215 19 6
By harry_call_me_maybe

Louis P.O.V:

I was sitting on the steps of the steps of the library, waiting for the boy with the green eyes. The boy with the green eyes was quite pretty, like a princess.

  I watched as the green eyed, curly haired boy walked out of the library carrying a few books. Our eyes locked for a second before he blushed and looked down. I slowly stood up, grabbing my skateboard and walking over to the boy.

   "Hi." the boy said softly, looking up at me. Damn those green eyes, they're so beautiful. "Ello." I replied, standing in front of the younger boy. "will you please move.." the boy said blankly, trying to push past me. "Hm. No." I said, a cocky smirk forming on my face. He rolled his green eyes and pushed past me starting to walk down the street.

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