All Knowing

De katrinalynn3

4.7K 228 13

Arella is a psychic who loves the color black a little too much, just trying to get through high school, fly... Mais

Chapter 5
Chapter 5 &6
Chapter 7&8
Chapter 9 & 10
Chapter 10 & 11
Chapter 12 & 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15, 16, 17 & 18
Chapter 19 & 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 22
Chapter 22, 23 & 24
Chapter 24, 25 & 26
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
End of All Knowing- Chapter 27, 28, 29
Link to Sequel (All Seeing)

All Knowing

802 23 8
De katrinalynn3

--Dedicated to CrystalClover for bring a great writer and writing her current story "The Stories of Ali"--

Chapter 1

            I was so lucky I lived on the lake.  I don’t think I could take it inside my head if I couldn’t see the sunset every evening.

            No one ever bothered me on the lake.  My head could clear staring across the water, watching as the colors changed as time got later and night approached.

            Eventually, though, I had to come inside.  Return to the jumbled, hectic, confusing thing that was my life.

            I walked back inside the house through the sliding glass doors out back.  I caught my reflection in the glass for just a glimpse but it was long enough to startle me.  My jet black hair was completely a mess, my eyeliner was smeared across my eyes, matching my black eyes.  Black.  I always wore so much black.  Not necessarily because I was a depressed person but I just like the color.

            I slipped off my shoes and headed to the safety of my bedroom, away from my overprotective father dozing away on our couch in the living room.

            “I’m going to bed, dad.  Goodnight.”  I called loud enough for him to hear.

            “Okay, Arella!  Goodnight, I love you!”

            Yeah, yeah.  I thought.

            Once inside my room I sat down on my large expansive bed.  I turned on my stereo and let the music drown out all other thoughts in my head, falling asleep.

Chapter 2

            Beep!  Beep!

            I really need to change my alarm to something a little less shrill for six in the morning.

            I jumped out of bed and turned off my alarm clock.  I walked to the bathroom and made myself presentable.  Tamed my think black mane of hair, put on some eyeliner and mascara and called it good.

            I’m not trying to impress anyone.

            Back in my room I was digging through my drawer when I felt it.  Damn.

            Images flew past me.  My mother.  An overpowering feeling of love came over me.  I pulled my hand back out as if I had been struck by lightning.

             That always happens.  Ever since I can remember I have been able to touch objects and sense emotions imprinted on said object, or even see images.  This came in handy when I lost something but other than that it was just a hassle.

            I grabbed my Chuck Taylors, slipped them on and was on my way upstairs.  Once upstairs I grabbed a granola bar and my keys and went for my car outside.

            I never had to put up with my dad in the morning.  He owned a fancy French restaurant in the city and never had to leave for work until evening came around.

            I got in my purple Volvo and was on my way to school when my hand started to get that familiar itch.  I grabbed a pen sitting in the cup holder and let my hand start  moving over the notebook I kept on the passenger seat for times like this.


            That’s what formed on the paper in front of me I big black strokes.  I dropped the pen back in the cup holder and returned my hand to the wheel.  Nervous, I slowed the car down a bit.

            Today?  What’s going to happen today?

            That’s another thing that I can do.  My hand will get these urges to write things.  Sometimes it’s my subconscious reminding me I forgot my cell phone at home.  Other times it’s someone from the other side trying to warn me of my mother’s death.  One might consider this helpful…not quite.

            I got to school and pulled into my parking space.  I took my sweet time getting out of the car , slammed the door and proceeded to enter the dismal learning institution that is commonly referred to as High School.

Chapter 2

             After stopping at my locker for my things I was headed for my first period class when I ran into someone not paying attention to where they were walking.

            “Oh, sorry, I was just…”, He trailed off as he looked up from the floor.  He looked almost frightened when we met eyes.

            He had white blonde hair that was fairly shaggy but not greasy and unkempt like most high school boys who try and grow their hair out.  But what caught my eye wasn’t the hair or how tall he was or even his tall, lean body.  His eyes, they were slate gray.  They pierced into me, seeming like they could see every secret I ever held.

            “Um, it’s uh, no problem…?”  I sounded positively dumbstruck.  Pull it together Arella.

            He nodded and hurried away, returning his eyes to the floor as if it was the most fascinating thing he had ever laid eyes upon.

            Through all years of being at this school I never thought I would actually have any type of school girl crush.  For obvious reasons.  But this boy was…different.  Not to mention his strange demeanor, acting like he was afraid of me.  Like I was Medussa or something.  Must be all the black, they all act scared.

            I made it to my first period and sat through forty minutes of how fun it is to factor polynomials.  Not.

            The rest of the day went by uneventfully.  Sitting in desks that forced me to relive students emotions or thoughts that I really didn’t care to know.  Occasionally talking to a few acquaintances whom I really would not call ‘friends’ because I only ever talked to them at school.

             I’m not anti-social, I just never have been able to relate to anyone else enough to have a best friend.

            Everything about today was normal…until I got to my seventh period U.S. History class.

            I was the first one in the classroom, like always.  The rest of the kids never got in until the last thirty seconds before the tardy bell rings.  I was sitting in the back corner waiting when I saw him again.  He walked into the room and looked at the desks.

            It was a pretty simple decision, choosing where to sit, especially when the whole room is empty but he looked like he was waging a war inside his head.  He would look over towards me then look away towards the other side of the room.  Finally he decided on the seat in front of me.

            “Hey.  I guess we have history together.” Oh wow.  No duh.  I’m an idiot when it comes to talking with this guy.

            “Uh, yeah I guess so…My name is Draven by the way.”  I could tell he was just going through the motions of being a nice guy, polite, never even making eye contact.

            “I’m Arella.”

            After I stated my name he smiled and turned around towards the front of the room where kids were starting to enter the classroom.

             The other girls saw him and immediately turned to each other and whispered.  They all rushed to sit next to him, practically killing each other in the process.  And so began the plethora of comments.

            “Hey, Draven.  I love your hair.”

            “Draven, your going to love having this class with me.

            “Hey Dray-“ She was cut off when he turned to her and said;

            “My name is not Dray.  Don’t call me Dray.”  He was suddenly angry and all the girls returned to talking with each other.  A big cloud of awkward having enveloped us all.

            Mr. Howard began class, rambling on about the Civil War or something.  I wasn’t really paying attention to Mr. Howard when Draven was sitting right in front of me.  

            Towards the end of class we were allowed time to talk.  All the girls turned to each other.

            “I don’t get what the deal is with him.  All I did was call him Dray.”

            It was at this point I could see Draven’s hands tense up and go white knuckled.

            The light bulbs above us suddenly shattered, sending tiny shards everywhere.  All the girls started screaming.  The guys were jumping out of their desks.  The teacher was yelling at everyone to calm down.  All the while Draven just sat there, tensed up.

            I was so enthralled watching Draven that I didn’t even realize that one of the glass shards had fallen down the side of my face, leaving a trail of blood.  The only reason I noticed it was when drops of red started to appear on my desk.

            “Holy crap!  Arella, you’re bleeding everywhere!”  One of the girls named Lauren, exclaimed, causing the whole class to turn and stare.

            I reached up my hand to feel my face and blood was all over my hand.

            “Arella, why don’t you go to the nurses office and get that taken care of.”

            Draven turned around and once he saw the blood he said;  “oh my god, I’m so sorry, Arella.”

            “Why are you apologizing?  You didn’t make all the lights shatter.”

            “Right, yeah, well I’m just…sorry you got hurt.”  He was so reluctant to even look at me earlier and now his eyes were locked on my face, unwavering.

            “Thanks, Draven.  I think I need to get to the nurses office, though.”  To further my point, I could feel the blood dripping down my neck and my shirt was soaking it up.

            I got up from my desk and was almost out the door, but I thought I saw through the corner of my eye Draven sitting with his head in his hands.  But I can’t be certain, the room was dark.

Chapter 4

            I was sitting in my car replaying my history History class experience trying to figure out how light bulbs randomly break all at once.  It was a little weird that it happened at the same time Draven was getting angry.  But I’m sure that meant nothing.

After I was done contemplating these things, I was on my way to work.  I really didn’t need a job, I have perfect grades and near perfect test scores, I had already been offered numerous scholarships from colleges all along the east coast.  I just needed some way to spend my free time and keep gas in my car.

            I work at a downtown tattoo shop.  Usually I just do lacky jobs like running errands, cleaning, ordering new supplies, but I recently started working the front desk.

            I got the job after I came here so many times they just started to put me to work, I don’t get paid a lot but It’s enough.

            I suppose the closest thing I have to a best friend would be Jared.  He was always the one to do my piercings and he designed my first tattoo.  He’s also the only person who knows about my psychic powers.  He guessed.

            I pulled up to ‘Needle-Point’ and parked.  Someone normal might see this place and turn the other way, personally I love it.

            I walked inside and sat down at the front desk, checking the phone machine when Jared came from the back of the store through a black curtain separating it from the front.

            “Hey babe, how was school?”  He asked, though I could tell he really didn’t care.

            Jared was twenty-two years old, had multiple facial piercings, and spiky black hair.  He wore jeans with a wallet chain hanging to the side.  He was a very talented artist who could probably be doing more than working at a cheap tattoo parlor but he didn’t really like being in the limelight, he flew under the radar.

            “Same old stuff, but…”  I was about to mention Draven when I remembered how protective Jared gets about men.  We’ll occasionally have guys come in here and they’ll try to hit on me and Jared will automatically start throwing around empty threats.  He wouldn’t hurt a fly.

            “’But’ what?  Arella, your blushing.  Who is it?  And, how, might I add, did you get the bandage on the side of your face?”

            Crap, I thought.

            “I’m not blushing, you’re crazy.  And I just accidentally scratched myself, get over it.”

            “Woah, defensive.  And I know you didn’t just scratch yourself, you’re not that clumsy.”  He was on to me.  “Well whatever is I’m sure I’ll get it out of you eventually.  By the way, new apprentice coming in tonight to shadow me, he’s going to start working here.”

            “Name?”  I really wasn’t in the mood to put on a happy face and meet new employees.

            “I forgot, but he’s a really good artist and since Natalia quit we need someone to replace her,” He explained.  “Although, he is a little weird.”

            “Look who’s talking,” I gestured at him.  “He’ll fit right in.”  I just hoped he wasn’t one of those artists that came in here every once in a while and started acting all cocky, they never lasted long.

            Just then the phone rang.

            “Needle-Point tattoos and piercings, what can I do for you?”  I’ve said it so many times that I’m not sure I sound even human anymore, more like one of those monotone answering machines.

            “Uh, yeah, I’m the new apprentice coming in tonight.  What time do you want me, exactly?”

            “Just a minute, let me check.”  I told him.  His voice sounded familiar but I couldn’t quite place it.

            “What time do you want the new guy over here?”  I asked Jared.

            “Oh like, seven or so.”  He answered.

            I put the phone back to my ear, “You could come around seven o clock.”

            “Okay, thanks.”  He replied, then hung up. 

            The rest of the evening passed by, stragglers coming in every so often. 

            Seven o clock rolled by and I watched as a sliver mustang pulled up.  Must be the new guy.  He has a lot of balls to be parking that thing down in this part of town.  I couldn’t really make out what he looked like because the windows of the shop were almost black.  But wasn’t I surprised when the new guy walked inside.

            “Oh hey Arella.  You work here?”  He asked.

            “Um, yeah, I guess I do.”  I told him back.  Jared came out front at that time.

            “Hey Draven, you’re gonna love it here.”

            Oh Shit.

            An awkward silence started to grow.  Jared was looking back and forth between us.

            “Do you guys know each other or something?”  He asked.

            “Yeah, apparently we’re classmates now.”  I said, peeling my eyes away from Draven, who had returned his eyes to the ground again.

            “Ooookay…anyway, Draven why don’t you come back with me and I’ll show you around.”

            Draven and Jared went behind the curtain and left me alone with my thoughts.

            If Draven is going to work here I’m going to freak out.  Except, I’m not sure why, he’s just a cute boy.  Yet, he seems so much more different than anyone else, except for maybe me.  It already feels like there is something connecting us.

            While these thoughts were running through my mind I had been resting my face on my hand, the bad side of my face, with the bandage.

            “Ow, crap.”  I saw my reflection in the computer screen.  Then Draven was suddenly there.

            “Are you okay?”  He was looking at my bandage which was turning red with the blood leaking through it.

            “Yeah.  I just need to go back and get another bandage…how did you…?”  I was about to ask him how he knew I was in pain but stopped myself, he was only being nice.

            I stood up and walked back behind the curtain and went over the first aid kit hanging on the wall.  I grabbed it and took it to the bathroom.  I left the bathroom door open just a crack and I could see Draven sitting at his new desk, leaned over with his head in his hands again.

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