Fangs in Space

By drDevil

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The queen of the damned is bored, rich and insane. After civilisation makes first contact with a new species... More

Chapter 1: First Contact
Chapter 2: Reminiscing
Chapter 3: Tripping
Chapter 4: Meet the smurfs!
Chapter 5: Worries
Chapter 6: She-vamps are from Venus, he-vamps are from Mars
Chapter 7: Mosquito
Chapter 8: Zea's First Kiss
Chapter 10: Anastasia
Chapter 11: Preparations
Chapter 12: Blood Christening
Chapter 13: Peter's mayhem
Chapter 14: You're Poison
Chapter 15: Chloe
Chapter 16: Fear is a great substitute for love
Chapter 17: An overdose of violence
Chapter 18: Dirty
Chapter 19: Change of Plans
Chapter 20: Score settled
Chapter 21: Hot Stuff
Chapter 22: A touch of blue
Chapter 23: Annihilation
Chapter 24: Wild Horses
Chapter 25: Killjoy
Chapter 26: Big Badda Boom
Chapter 27: Pink Cloud
Chapter 28: Union and Reunion
Chapter 28: Puke and Toast
Chapter 29: The power of shame
Chapter 30: Zeander
Chapter 31: Cataclysm

Chapter 9: Realisation

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By drDevil

Komar’s POV

Colonel Bernard left the room after debriefing me about his men’s progress in infiltrating the alien liaisons’ head quarters.

Beside all sorts of interesting new foods, building materials and scientific progress, Roke had an energy source based on an unknown mineral that was not available on Earth, and had plenty of it. Multiple countries were analysing its potential use and the big energy companies were lobbying with Roke’s different governments for access to it.

This crash landing proved to be very beneficial for both planets.

Although the Rokians were initially reluctant to give their location, seeing as Veran died in rather suspicious circumstances, after a year of highly profitable trading they were more willing.

In three months from now, a meeting had been arranged between NATO and a similar organization at Roke, in one of its major cities on the southern continent, to discuss long-term cooperation between the planets.

Additionally, a worldwide network was being set up that combined the financial resources of different countries for a large trade station in space.

We had people in all these organizations, giving us easy access to classified information.

Roke’s location in the galaxy, its layout with all its vital and weak positions, its infrastructure, and the main people in office were all known to us.

Zea had proven to be a strategic genius and had thought of a battle plan that would secure the whole planet within just 48 hours.

I grinned. The smurfs would not understand what hit them.

The only thing that worried me was that Duke Reynolds might take advantage of the invasion and try to march on the palace when most of the soldiers were busy fighting at Roke.

I had just send Magnus on a mission to arrest Reynolds and his wife under the pretence of treason allegations of a fictitious vampire of nobility. This way, I could hold him prisoner for about year to make enquiries, after which I could simply let him go again, asserting that the allegations proved to be untrue.

Nasty, but necessary. He was not to have the crown ever. He would only bring chaos and death to our dimension.

I sat down behind my computer and checked my email and saw that Gerald had send me a message about the final hive being expected to be finished in two months time.

We now had 1500 hives, each carrying 1000 mosquitoes, 1500 vampire soldiers and 500 staff.

Our fleet was ready for war.

Good. I better start making blue prints for the blood bottle factories, order the supplies and start constructing the transport ships.

I wondered what the best way would be to sell the stuff. Smurf blood seemed too special for a simple shop. Maybe Gerald could think of a way to sell it in style.

I rubbed my hands. This was going to be exhilarating; finally an end to centuries of boredom. Teheee!!!

Shocked I realised that the last time I had so much fun was when Noah and I had just met.

Noah was chasing after me to reverse what we did to him. We played hide and seek for years. I smiled when I remembered how determined he had been to get us, and how we time after time managed to elude him.

At some point I had given in. I was too much in love with him to stay running.

I reached out to the cup of blood that was standing next to the computer screen and watched as my razor sharp nails scratched its surface.

No matter how often I cut them, either by biting them or clipping them, they would always stay sharp and long.

I put down the cup and thought about the love of my life. Both human and vampire.

A single blood tear travelled down my cheek.

God, how I missed him. I wiped the tear away.

At least I had Zea. They hadn’t died in vain. The four of us had offered our people a way out of the blood thirst and killing.

Zea is the key. Or so we think.

I sighed.

We will know when she tries to reproduce. I wished she and Kieran would stop messing around and get to it. Our people need a saviour. And anyway, I really, really want to be a granny.

Kieran’s POV

Evidently, I had said something that had offended her, because she was off me and walking in the direction of the hangar within an eye blink.

I tried calling her when she walked away but she simply ignored me.

I laid my head on the dusty ground and touched my lips with my fingers.

What the hell had that been?

It started as self-defence (well not really, she did look hot in that outfit) had quickly escalated in something entirely different.

She had ignited something in me. Something I had never felt before.

Zea. Cute but devilish little Zea.

I glanced at her retreating figure and groaned. That latex suit would be the end of me.

I smiled. She was definitively not a child anymore. And the cute was out of date as well. I touched my jaw; that girl had a mean right swing. Hot damn.

Zea really did not need me as a protector.

If Queen Komar believed that my presence was going to restore Zea reputation and keep her from going on a killing spree she was a fool. That was not going to work.

Zea does what Zea wants, regardless of the consequences.

Or Komar has a secret agenda. So what was she planning?

I got up and dusted off my jeans. There was only one way to find out; go with the flow.

I grinned. Hell, I didn’t mind seeing more of Zea. She was breath taking when she was furious.

Who would have thought that such a skinny pain-in-the-ass teenager with crazy ginger hair and a big mouth would turn up so delicious?

Yup, this was going to be interesting. And I wouldn’t mind tasting the local food as well. If it is was as good as Vince told everybody, vampires would come running for it.

By now, Gerald and Magnus had approached me and where heavily whispering amongst each other, stealing glances at me and looking nervously in the direction that Zea disappeared to,

“Could you show us how you managed to hold on the craft? We need to find out way it crashed and fixed it.” Gerald said annoyed while scratching his head.

 I nodded and we walked over to the mosquito.

I pointed to the protrusions and showed them where I had hanged while holding on to them.

Gerald was busy writing but Magnus studied me.

“Is there something going on between you and Zea that I should be aware of?” he asked me.

I pulled up an eyebrow.

“Why are you asking?” I responded casually.

His eyes flashed and his fangs shot out.

“I am her godfather and since Dravec is no longer here I will make sure that she receives the respect that she deserves”.

I stared at him. The guy was serious.

“I wanted to marry her to make right for that dreadful mistake that I made at the ball.  But she wouldn’t let me.” I tried to explain.

Gerald coughed “She knocked him out.” Magnus smiled, “That’s my girl, she is nobody’s fool.”

I glared at him. Obviously, like Zea, he thought I was after the crone.

Magnus cleared his throat. “Kieran, just keep away from her. She doesn’t need your bullsh*t.”

“That is going a little bit difficult since I am expected to be her protector.” I commented drily.

“Just stop messing around and keep a respectful distance.” He instructed me coldly.

“Whatever.” I commented back, upset that he immediately thought the worst of me.

I had known him for centuries; apparently our friendship and trust were not as tough as I originally thought them to be.

“If you ever hurt her again I’ll rip your throat out.” He growled before he walked away.

“Hurt her again?” I yelled to his back. “What do you mean? Again?”

He swivelled around.

“You mean you hadn’t notice it?” he asked disbelievingly.

“What are you talking about?” I asked him confused.

Gerald looked up from his notebook and joined the conversation. “Our little Zea has had this gigantic crush on you ever since you rescued her from that assassin.” He informed me drily.

“What? Nooo…Yes?…NOOOO! Really?” I asked in disbelief.

Magnus and Gerald nodded.


My heart sank. And I had left her standing all by herself in the middle of the dance floor at her first ball.

I cringed. My god that must have hurt.

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