Bonds Beyond Time 2: Paradox...

By galaxyjoonie

7K 106 46

What happens if Yusei, Yugi and Jaden face Paradox once more? What would happen? Will they defeat him or peri... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

2.2K 30 11
By galaxyjoonie

*****Venice, Italy. Duel Academy*****

Boom! Boom! Crash! Boom! Crash!

A tall figure was running from the beams of light that were aiming to hit him. He jumped from one building to another, safely dodging the orbs of lights that nearly hit him. He heaved, "That was a close one." The figure was Jaden Yuki, the reincarnation of the Supreme King.

An orb of light appeared beside him, it was the spirit of his late professor Lyman Banner. "It seems like this has happened before." On the other side stood Yubel, the queen of Supreme Darkness. Jaden asked, "Why does it feel like I'm having déjà vu?" Yubel remarks, "Something seems strange about this, Jaden." A booming voice spoke from above, "Jaden Yuki! You may have defeated me once, but now you will perish! If not by me, the hands of time will surely be your downfall." Jaden became puzzled, "Hands of time?" The booming voice cackles, "Perish!"

**** Nightmare ****


A large cityscape is torn apart, debris flies through the air. A massive trench divides buildings and mortified people watch as a skyscraper leans towards them. Many other people fall, screaming into the trench as they perish. A large beam of light emerges from the skies, bathing the tall building then it sweeps forwards; neutralizing everything in its path—

A spiky-haired boy with yellow highlights and a criminal marker bolts up, sweating. He breathes out in panic, realizing that it was a nightmare. It was Yusei Fudo.

Yusei leans against the railing, thinking about his nightmare. A voice from behind spoke up, "Yusei? Did you have that dream again?" Yusei answers, "If it only was a dream, Crow." Crow replies, "It was a long time ago and New Domino City's built itself since your father's research was......compromised." Jack Atlas nodded in agreement, "Right. You need to stop changing things that can't be changed. That was the past, you need to let it be and focus on the future." Yusei sighs, "I wish it was that easy." Yusei heard a sound from behind. He turns and catches his riding helmet. Jack remarks, "I think I know what'll cheer you up, mate." Crow exclaims, "C'mon Yusei, let's ride." Yusei begins to smile, "Alright."

Yusei thought to himself, "Maybe one day I will be able to forget the pain my father's research caused New Domino; but that day isn't today." Yusei speeds up, Jack and Crow follow suit. Yusei notices that someone is following them. A shrieking sound is made as the duel runner catches up with them. Crow said, "Looks like we've got a tailgater!" Jack replies back, "I've never seen that duel runner before." Crow adds, "Yeah or the duelist that's driving it." Jack was surprised, "I can't believe it, he's challenging us to a duel." Yusei remarks, "If it's a duel he wants, a duel he'll get." Jack calls out, "I'll lend a hand, mate." Computer: Duel mode engaged.

Later on, Junk Synchron and Junk Warrior emerge from a puff of smoke. Twin-Sword Marauder, Mad Archfiend and Sinister Sprocket emerge as well. Crow remarks, "Whoever this guy is, he's got some skills!" Jack said, "True, but only two more attacks and this duel's finished. Let's do this, Yusei!" Yusei murmurs to himself, "It's time, old friend." Yusei said, "I synchro summon— Stardust Dragon!" Jack then said, "Now I synchro summon— Red Dragon Archfiend!" The unknown man states, "I don't think so!" The man pulls out a card and Red Dragon Archfiend disappears. Crow was shocked, "Am I seeing things? Red Dragon Archfiend, it's—" Jack finishes, "Gone! It's been stolen!" Yusei was stunned, "How could that be?!?" The man laughs, "Heheheheheheh. A great many things are possible, Yusei--and now that I have the mighty Red Dragon Archfiend, the downfall of your era of time is certain!" Yusei asked, "Who are you?" The man cackles, "Heheheheh--!" Yusei yells, "Wait!" Jack said, "Red Dragon...."

****At the hideout****

Jack inquires, "Can someone tell me what just happened?" Crow answers, "I would but I'm not sure myself!" Jack was melancholy, "I still can't believe they took Red Dragon Archfiend..." Jack growls, "Why take him? That's my question." A door opens revealing three people. Akiza Izinski said, "What's up, guys?" The three people come into the hideout. It was Leo, Luna and Akiza. Jack retorts, "No offense, but this isn't exactly time for a social call." Leo scoffs, "Whoever said this was social, Jack? We happen to be here on business!" Yusei became interested, "Business? What's up?"

You gasped, "Did you feel that, Tempest?" The spirit of Tempest Magician nods, "Unfortunately so, Y/N." You took another look at the article Akiza showed you. Another spirit appears by your side, it was Sky aka the Maiden of the Skies. She spoke gravely, "I fear that this man is up to something terrible." You said, "We have to go find the others." The two spirits nod in agreement.

Yusei gazes at the article the twins showed him. Crow remarks, "I recognize that guy!" Jack replies, "I should hope so, that's Maximillion Pegasus, he's the chairman of Industrial Illusions. He's the creator of Duel Monsters!" Crow points, "Look at who's next to 'im." Yusei said, "Yugi Muto. The King of Games himself. They say he's the best duelist to have ever picked up a deck." Jack remarks, "Doesn't look so tough to me. Then again, how can you with that dated haircut? Still, even I admit he's a dueling legend. What I wouldn't give to see Yugi in action way back in his day." Yusei inquires, "This is what you wanted to show us?" Akiza shook her head and spoke urgently, "Scroll over to the next page." Another article reads, "Dragon Devastation". Yusei was shocked, "Wait...Red Dragon Archfiend....and Black Rose Dragon?!" A gentle voice spoke up, "There's more to this I fear." Everyone looked up and Yusei said, "Y/N." Yusei thought, "What does she mean?" You stepped inside, "Akiza asked me to take a look at the article as well. That man.....his aura is darker than any of the shadow spirits we have fought." Jack groans, "Don't bring those vermins into this!" Yusei gave Jack a look and asked, "What do you mean by that?" Before you could explain, Akiza exclaims, "What's going on outside?"

You all run outside to see that New Domino City is slowly disintegrating. Sky said, "It is as I feared, the city is slowly disappearing as we speak." Jack said, "I don't like the looks of this, guys." Luna screams, "Leo, what's happening?" Leo answers fearfully, "Our city's vanishing!" Akiza questions, "But why?" You thought to yourself, "Is this what my vision showed me?" Jack asked, "If something changes in the past, isn't it supposed to change the future?" Yusei's eyes widen when he thinks of before, "What that masked man said was true! Our era, our period in time--" He said, "It's meeting its end!" Suddenly, all the marks of the dragon glow one by one. You then see the Seal of the Crimson Dragon on Yusei's back. Akiza exclaims, "It's the Mark of the Crimson Dragon!" Leo points, "And look-- it's power is surging through Yusei's duel runner too!" You saw that Yusei's feet were slowly moving towards his duel runner. Akiza questions, "What are you doing?" Yusei yells back, "I'm not sure but it's calling to me!" You had a look of worry in your eyes.

Yusei's runner was blazing on the highway. Yusei said, "I don't know where you're taking me but if it's somewhere that'll give me a chance to stop this, then lead the way!" He spoke with determination, "Let's go!"

"You're worried about him, aren't you?" It was Luna who had asked you that question. You don't reply and stare at the dark skies. It was Jack who spoke next, "Y/N, you have to help Yusei." You reply, "That's insane, Jack! How am I supposed to help him when he's already left?" Akiza said, "You know, Yusei might have the Crimson Dragon but you have your own power too." You reply sadly, "I can't help him. I'll just get in his way." Luna shook her head, "No way Y/N! You've helped Yusei more times than we can all count!" Akiza adds, "We're rooting for you both, Y/N. Don't worry." You said, "Everyone...." You ask, "Are you sure about this?" They all nod and Jack remarks, "Now go!" Crow, Akiza and Jack push you towards your own duel runner. You said, "Alright...time to find Yusei and those stolen cards!" They all watched as your duel runner faded into the skies. Akiza whispers, "Good luck, Y/N....Yusei."

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