Round 2

By LovableLexi

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I'm ur everyday guy... everyday 22 year old... just an everyday cousin... everyday Andy... just an everyday b... More

Round 2
Ch.1: I'm Back!
Ch.2: Some Nights
Ch.3: Heights - Nope!
Ch.4: You know...
Ch.5: Trouble...
Ch.6: Missing Liam
Ch.7: #done
Ch.8: *breathes*
Ch.9: Drunken Trouble
Ch.10: Forgive?
Ch.12: Teasing Zayn
Ch.13: I spy... Zayn
Ch.14: zzzAYN
Ch.15: Feelin Green [Pt.1]
Ch.16: Feelin Green [Pt.2]
Ch.17: Ferris Wheel of Wonder
Ch.18: Just a BROmance
Ch.19: Just a bROMANCE
Ch.20: Tragedy Has Struck
Ch.21: Welcome Home Party

Ch.11: Purple Ceiling

92 2 1
By LovableLexi

Zayn P.O.V

I banged on Niall's door. he opened it up quickly, making me knock on his head. "Ow." He mumbled, rubbing his head. "Oops! Sorry Niall." I said, rubbing his sore head. He sighed. "Can I help you Zayn?" He asked. I nodded, then shook my head. "No. Get changed. We are gonna go to Madame Tussauds." I said excitedly. Niall raised an eyebrow and shot me a funny glare. "Why are you so happy about it?" He asked. I shrugged and walked away.

I knocked on Harry's door; loud and obnoxiously.

"Stop knocking before you break my door!" Harry called from inside. I stopped knocking and he opened his door. "Yes Zayn?" He asked. "We are going to Madame Tussauds soon, so you need to get ready." I explained. He nodded and closed his door.

Rude much?

I walked back to my room.

I took out a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. I quickly changed and grabbed one of my very old leather jackets. I grabbed my phone and headed back downstairs.

I curled up on the couch and squeezed the pillow as if it was Liam I was holding.


I sniffled. why didn't I go with him? His family doesn't hate me. Wait, what if they do? What if Liam is embarrassed of me? What if he really does prefer Sophia with her "attractive" looks? Ugh, that slob. Why did management gave to assign her out of all the other sweet girls out their?

"Zayn?" Andy shook me, squatting down in front of me. "Hmm?" I hummed. "What's wrong?" He asked, rubbing my tear stained cheeks. "Rubbish." I chuckled as I sat up, still squeezing the pillow. He sat on the coffee table in front of me. "If it's such rubbish, then why are you crying over it?" He questioned. I shrugged and looked at the ground.

"Cause I'm rubbish." I mumbled. Andy tilted my head up. "Your not rubbish. What would make you think that?" He questioned. "Liam." I mumbled. "And why would Liam think your rubbish?" He asked, rubbing knee. "Because he didn't bring me with him." I mumbled, squeezing the pillow tighter. "Just because he didn't bring you with him, doesn't mean he thinks your rubbish." He said.

I looked up. "But he seems happy with Sophia." I said. His eyes widened and his eyebrow raised. "Your talking rubbish nonsense." He said. I shrugged. Andy sighed and patted my shoulder. "I can tell you now, he doesn't have any feeling toward Sophia. I mean, have you a seen her eat steak? Nasty." Andy shivered. I chuckled.

"Now, wash your face up, you look like a dumped prom date." He joked. I smiled and nodded.


I was sitting in the back beside Niall. Harry was on the right and I was on the left of Niall.

Louis and Andy were chatting quietly, Niall was humming to himself, and Harry was listening to music.

Then there's me.

I would sleep, but now I'm worried I'm gonna talk in my sleep again.

I would listen to music, but I don't wanna waste my phone battery.

I would try to bring up a conversation, but that involves to much work.

I'm a lazy bum.

I pulled out my phone. I'll text Liam. He's worth wasting my battery life.

Hey Li-Li - Zee xx

My phone vibrated moments later.

Hi Zee! - Li xx

How r u? - Zee xx

Sad bc ur not here snuggling w/me ); - Li xx

I miss u! - Zee xx

I miss u more! - Li xx

I miss u most! <3 - Zee xx

:* kisses - Li xx

Mawh Mawh - Zee xx

Have fun ;) but not 2much fun! - Li xx

Alright. ;) <3 - Zee xx

I set my phone on my lap and looked out the window.

The car stopped at a red light and I noticed a happy couple. Sitting together...

Holding hands...

Staring at each other lovingly...

In public...

A tear rolled down my cheek. I wish Liam and I could be like that. Stupid Modest!.

The car began to move again.

Niall nudged me. I turned around. "You okay mate?" He asked. I shrugged tiredly. "Alright." He said, not exactly sure of himself.

I turned back to the window. I leaned against the window and closed my eyes.

"Morning Zee." Liam kissed my cheek. I wrapped my arms around him. "Mornin Li." I mumbled in his hair. He rested his chin on my chest and looked up at me. I smiled tiredly down at him.

"Can we stay in bed all day?" He asked, rubbing my cheek. I nodded and pulled him in for a kiss. He wrapped his arms around my neck, pulling me up. I wrapped my arms around his waist, sitting up.

His hands traced down my body, down to my waist band. He snuck his cold hands into boxers. I felt his cold fingers push through my entrance. I moaned loudly.

He added a second, thrusting the both of them roughly. I moved my hands through his hair and pulled him closer.

"Fuck Liam." I moaned, biting his bottom lip. "You wanna ride me?" He whispered. I nodded and began to nip his neck.

He chuckled, backing away. I looked up at him confused. "What's so funny?" I asked. "Wake up. You can dream about Liam later." Liam said in an Irish accent. "What are you talking about Liam?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "Wake up!"

I jumped up and looked around. "He's up." Niall said, clicking my buckle. "We're here?" I asked. He nodded and pushed me out the door.

I stumbled out.

Oh, we are here. How long was I asleep for?

Harry and Niall stood beside me and smirked. "W-What?" I asked nervously. Niall and Harry looked at each other devilishly, then back at me. "I-It's rude t-to stare." I said, uncomfortably.

"Have a very sexy moan." Louis came up from behind us, causing me to jump and blush. Niall and Harry burst into fits of laughter. I looked down, embarrassed. I really need to stop dreaming about Liam when others are around.

I shoved my hands in my pockets. Andy wrapped an arm around me as we entered the building.

Andy spoke to the lady at the front desk, while the rest of us looked around. Sure, we've been here before, but it seems to change every time.

"Where do you think we should go first?" Niall asked excitedly, looking all around. I shrugged. "How about the super heroes?" Louis suggested, pulling Niall away from us. Probably heading toward the super hero section.

Harry and I stared at each other uncomfortably.

Andy walked over to us. "You guys ready to explore?" He asked cherry. We both nodded. "Great, where are we going first?" Andy asked, repeating Niall. I shrugged. "I don't mind."


"That was fun." I chuckled as we all walked out of the building. "Eh, I wish they talked and moved." Niall shrugged. "But if we talked and moved, girls would be grinding all over." Louis joked. "Especially the mouth." Harry licked his lips, poking Niall's cheeks. "So? It's not my problem." He said as if it was nothing.

We piled into the car. "Alright, where to now?" Louis asked Andy, looking over at him. Andy whispered something to Louis, making him smirk.

Harry, Niall, and I all looked at each other confused. "What do you think their talking about?" Niall whispered loudly. Harry shushed him. "Maybe about the fancy restaurant Liam recommended." I whispered quietly. Niall nodded his head side-to-side. "Well I dot see what else we would do tonight." Harry whispered.

We looked up to Andy, staring him down. He stared outside, then noticed us in the rear view mirror. He smirked and stuck his tongue out, causing Niall to burst into fits of giggles.

I looked out my window, watching all the big building we past. I sighed, resting my chin on the edge.

Lights lit up the street. Music began to blast from bars.

Louis took a turn down a quiet road. Little street lights, no big buildings, and barely any people.

Louis took another turn, revealing an average sized building. Lights glowed over a large logo sign. "Where are we?" Harry asked, his face pressed against the window. "The restaurant Liam suggested." Andy answered.

Louis parked and we got out. We followed Andy into the restaurant.

One word: wow

High ceilings,

Artwork that looked like it was from Ancient Greece on the walls,

A big chandelier,

And so much more that you'd find in gazillionar houses.

I should buy a big house and fill it with fancy crap.

A waiter showed us to a table.


It was covered in a silk sheet and classy wooden chairs surrounded it. I don't want to touch it, worried I might break it.

I sat down in between Niall and Louis. I picked up the menu. "Damn, this food is expensive." Niall gasped. Andy kicked him under the table. "Niall, language." He whispered.

Our waiter walked over to us with a fancy looking beer bottle on his tray. "Who is Zayn Malik?" He asked. I raised my hand shyly. "This is for you," he set the beer bottle in front of me, "Liam Payne instructed me to give this to, hoping it make your day. Enjoy." He said with no emotion, before walking away.

I looked up at the other lads. "Liam instructed him to give you beer?" Niall asked. I shrugged and popped the cap off. I took a quick swig of it.

This is amazing

Expensive beer is officially my favorite kind of beer

"Well, what does it taste like?" Louis asked, earning a confused glare from Andy. I set it down and gulped, clearing my throat. "It's thick, almost like vodka." I chuckled, my voice low and cracked. Damn, that's stuff is thick. It's kind of burning my throat as well.


Niall passed out, making Andy carry him inside. Harry looked a little dazed. Louis looked tired and awake at the same time.

"Earth to Harry?" I poked Harry's side as we entered the flat "Hmm?" He hummed, looking at me. "Are you tired?" I teased, giggling. He glared at me and jogged up the stairs to his room.

I giggled and fell onto the couch.

The ceiling is very white. How come it's white and not purple? Purple is a very nice color. It should be purple.

"Your not going to bed, are you?" Andy questioned, sitting by my feet. I shook my he's and began tracing imaginary circles. He chuckled and pulled out a folded piece of paper. I sat up and watched him intensely as he opened it up.

Louis came trotting over to us and sat down on the coffee table in front of Andy. "What's left on the list?" Louis asked. "I don't know, maybe Andy knows." I giggled as I sat up. Andy chuckled, patting my head.

X Museum of London

X British Museum

X National Gallery

X London Eye

X Madame Tussauds

X Tower of London

X Theater

X Dave § Busters

The Carnival

Six Flags

X Go out to eat some where fancy

Baseball game

X Football game

"What do you want to do tomorrow, Zayn?" Andy asked, turning towards me. I stuck my tongue out at Louis, earning a scoff from him.

Haha, he's jealous Andy asked me and not him.

"I..." I tapped my chin, "I... I like rides. Especially dick rides. Liam's is the best." I giggled. Louis and Andy burst out laughing.

Ahhhh, Liam.

His dick is so long...

And thick...

And smells like happiness...

I looked back up at the ceiling, tracing imaginary circles again.

"How much did you drink?" Andy laughed. I looked back over to him. He looks so much like Liam.

He had a Liam nose,

A Liam hair cut,

A Liam skin tone,

A Liam body...

Does he have a Liam dick?

"Can I see you dick?" I asked. Louis began to laugh harder, falling to the ground. Andy began laughing along with Louis, clutching his stomach.

I don't see what's so funny.

It was a serious question.

Do they not take me seriously?

Am I just a child to them?

I sniffled and rubbed my eyes. Andy stopped laughing. "Zayn, what's wrong?" He asked, rubbing cheek. "I-I'm n-not a ch-child." I stuttered, rubbing my eyes. Andy shook his head. "No, your not," He wiped my tears away, "your a half drunk, half sober, twenty year old." He stated. Louis nodded. "I-I know." I sniffled. Andy smiled warmly. "How about you get ready for bed and I'll make you some warm tea?" He asked. I nodded and stood up.

I ran up to my room. I stared at the door for a few seconds.

How do you open one of these?

I looked all over it, then spotted the shiny dot sticking out of the side. I turned it and a clicking sound went off. "Oooohh." I muttered, opening the door up.

I walked in and fell face forward onto my bed.

Mmmmm, the smell of cupcakes.

Oh wait, that's my cologne.

Or is that my clothes?

Either way, it smells good.


I rolled off my bed as my door opened. I heard Andy chuckling. "Hey Zaynie boy." He whispered. I giggled, swaying from side-to-side.

Andy walked over to me. He set the tea cup on my bed stand.

He squatted down beside me and lifted me up from the ground. I sat down on my bed. Andy stripped my shirt off and tossed it to the side. "Your not aloud to do that, only Liam came do that." I giggled, poking his chest.

He shook his head, pushing me back on to my bed as he un did my jeans. i began to play with my hands. They look so big, but their not. Harry has big hands though. Maybe he could tell me why their so big.

Andy pulled me up. "Time for bed." He said. I pouted. "But I want Leeyum." I whined. Andy sighed and patted my cheek. "Liam will come, but only if you fall a sleep." He said. I nodded and climbed under my covers. I heard Andy chuckling. "Drink your tea before falling a sleep, g'night Zayn." He said, pecking my forehead. I giggled and poked his cheek, making him laugh.

Andy walked out, leaving the door a crack. I stared at the light creeping in, slowly falling a sleep.

A/N: Heyyyyyyyyy!

Vas up my munchkins?

Yes, I called u munchkins.

I'm not sure why.

Anyway, where do you think they should go next?

Carnival, Baseball game, or Six Flags? Do you have any other suggestions of where they should go?


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