Full Of Fame

By kitkat_TMI

98.8K 3.7K 497

Clary finally graduated high school and has a great start in her acting career. Clary's best friend, AKA a Vi... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Author's Note

Chapter 2

3.8K 122 11
By kitkat_TMI

🔝There is Jace's Black Ferrari! 🔝
I hope you enjoyed my first chapter of "Full Of Fame" !! I will try to update almost every weekend. Maybe once or twice each week. Plz follow me and comment down below if you have some ideas!
Also the character belong to Cassandra Clare and her series called "the mortal instruments"
Have a great day Angels!
Clary fray as Katherine Mcnamara
Jace Herondale or Lightwood as Dominic Sherwood
Isabelle Lightwood as Emeraude Toubia
Alec Lightwood as Mathew Daddario
Magnus Bane as Harry Shum, Jr.


Clary's P.O.V

When I heard that Jace is also attending the meeting with Magnus at the same time as me I got really angry with Izzy.

"Izzy why didn't you tell me sooner that Jace is also going to attend the meeting with Magnus!!!!" I shout at her while I'm driving.

"Well Clary you would have gotten mad at me or at Magnus!" Izzy says back.


Izzy just stares at me with a blank expression on her face. I could tell that I surprised her.

"Izzy I'm sorry is just Jace is so annoying and he is very rude to me and I don't like him at all" I say with a calming voice.....for now

"Yea yea I know he bullied you but-"

"Bully me?? Oh! Is that why every one was saying to me it's ok or it will get better." I cut her off and at the same time laughing out loud.

"Yeah.....why are you laughing??" She said and stared at me with a confusing look

"He bullied me? I just thought he was like that to everyone?." I say trying to hide the hurt.

He called me names, he would say things that will hurt me, and sometimes just pushed me around.

"Izzy the reason I don't like your brother is because he calls me idiotic names and he is really annoying and also because he uses girls like there his dolls." I say while I'm parking in front of Taki's.

Izzy just stayed silent for the rest of the time. She knew that I was lying.

When I got out of the car I took a big huge breathe in and then let it all out.

Calm down Clary it is just Jace.

As I was adjusting my maroon skirt and my gold feather necklace, Izzy and I quickly put on our sun glasses and hoping that no one will notice us.


Jace P.O.V
As I greet Magnus, I sit down and stare outside of the window hoping, to see Clary with her emerald eyes and fiery hair. Oh and also Isaballe. As I got distracted thinking about Clary and all of her features I suddenly hear the bell from the front door that will notify the employers that someone has came in.

I quickly look to see a girl with black hair and another girl but this one is a..... REDHEAD!!.....CLARY!

God does she look more beautiful.

"Clary over hear!" I heard Magnus shout.

As soon as she turns around old memories are rushing to my brain. She is not the same Clary I knew 3 years ago. Clary has gotten taller, she got curvier, and man is her chest bigger? I blush as the thought goes through my mind and I quickly turn to face the window. Man what am I doing, Jace Herondale DOES NOT BLUSH FOR ANYONE.

When she came closer with a big smile on her beautiful face I notice that her white long sleeve shirt made her hair stand out even more.

"Magnus!" Clary said while hugging him. Then she rushes over to Alec and says

"Alec nice to see you!!" She says to Alec while giving him a death hug and then she turned to me. We make eye contact for a while.

"Oh and hi Jace" she says to me and then she waves at me. Oddly I'm very disappointed. I quickly wave back and say hi to her and hoping she didn't notice me blush.

"JACE!!!" Isabelle said to me while giving me a death hug while I'm sitting down. "Isabelle!! I missed you so much." I said to her while I was hugging her back.

Isabelle sat down by me, Magnus sat across from me and Clary sat across from Isabelle. Then Alec decided to sit by Isabelle making me more squished.

"So Magnus why did you need me and Izzy." Clary finally spoke and breaking the awkward silence.

"Honey have you eaten yet...No ok umm can we order now!" Magnus shout at some kid who looked like my age. Soon he came running towards our table.

He has hazel brown eyes with freckles around his cheeks. He is kinda muscular and his hair is obviously dyed brown. I guess you can say that he is kinda good looking for his age.

While the kid was writing something in the little paycheck notebook thing he said "Hello my name is Josh and I will be you're ......" He stop and looked to see who are his customers, but then he spotted Clary and just stares at her for the next 2 minutes

"wow......hh...hi...." Josh said weakly while staring at Clary dreamily.

Like seriously dude I'm right here back off. I wish she can be mine. I look at Clary and see that she is blushing like crazy! A flare of jealously goes through my body. I fake a cough so he could STOP STARING AT MY CLARY....wait Jace she is not yours....not yours...

Izzy's P.O.V
God this Josh kid can't stop staring at Clary luckily Jace faked a cough and he finally payed attention to the other people who want to order!

"Can I have a cheeseburger" Jace said in a quite annoyed tone.

"I will have some chili fries" said Magnus

"Nachos please" Alec said

"Salad" I said

"And you?" He asked Clary

"I will take a salad too" she quickly said

As he went towards the counter he was still staring at clary and same goes to Clary.

"Oo I saw cupid shot an arrow!!" I said jokingly to Clary.

"Shut up Izzy..He is kinda cute" she said while looking over her shoulder and No surprise that he is still staring at her. I thought I saw Jace flinch but I must have imagine it or he was too quick.

"Do you want me to get his number.. Clary?" I said to her with my eyes fluttering. She just shrugged and said "As much as I want you too Izzy...I'm not looking to go into a relationship." She said frowning.

Again I saw Jace tense up.

"Okay what has gotten into you Jace!" I said sounding worried

"Nothing Izzy...... Nothing." He said while looking at Clary, but you know Clary she can be oblivious sometimes.

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