Mrs. And Mr. Mafia

By Canadian_author_13

5.1M 110K 68.7K

First story in the 'Mafia' series My hand lowered in horror. I had just hit him. I just fucking hit my "husba... More

Twenty one
Twenty Two


340K 6.9K 7K
By Canadian_author_13

Emma's POV
I woke up as the rays of sunshine blinded me through my curtains.
"Get up! Get up!"
My mother squealed running into my bedroom, three maids following behind.

I asked shoving my face under my pillow. I wasn't a morning person, at all.

"Why?! It's your eighteenth birthday!"
My mother nearly screamed. Oh. My. God. She was right. I sat up quickly and jumped out of bed.

I hugged my mother, squealing. Today I was finally a young woman! We jumped around together when my father walked in.

"There's my girls!"
He said smiling and pulled us both into a hug.

I hugged him back before stepping away.
"Finally! I'm free!"
I exclaimed and my parents glanced at each other.

My mother smiled sweetly and led me over to my walk in closet.
"Lets find you your birthday dress."
She said and I smiled.

We looked through my closet before deciding upon my navy blue dress with the cool white vintage design.

We curled my hair and did my makeup. I did a dark red lipstick with simple eye shadow and mascara.

I put on my simple black flats then left to go eat my breakfast. I raced down the spiralling stairs, but stopped midway.

My father was greeting an older man and his wife who had her arm intwined with his. I knew these people.

They stepped out of the way and a ruggedly handsome young man walked in. I knew instantly who he was.

He had a small trimmed beard and his hair was slicked back. He had his hands in his pockets as he looked around the front entrance.

It was none other than Nikolai Ivanov and his parents, Mr. And Mrs. Ivanov. My old "friend".

Why was he here? He missed three birthdays but he showed up for this one? Sure I missed his last three but I wasn't allowed to go.

I knew he had to be allowed because he was "the boss" of everything. He never shut up about it.

My father exclaimed snapping me out of my thoughts. I forced a smile and pushed my hair back.
"Yes dad?"
I replied, slowly descending down the stairs.

"You remember the Ivanov family?"
He asked resting a hand on my shoulder.
"Why yes of course. Mr. And Mrs. Ivanov it's so nice to see you again. And of course Nikolai, nice to see you also after three years."
I replied, still smiling.

Mr. And Mrs. Ivanov shook my hand while Nikolai stood there with his arms now crossed.

"Why don't you two go catch up?"
My father asked, motioning towards Nikolai. I shook my head and my dad became suddenly nervous.

"I haven't ate yet. After I eat we can 'catch up'."
I replied and everyone nodded, except for Nikolai who watched me carefully. I stepped away from everyone and left to the dining room.


I brushed my teeth then reapplied my lipstick. I walked out of the bathroom and shut off the lights.

Nikolai stood outside of it with his arms crossed.
"Took you long enough."
He muttered and I glared at him. He grabbed my hand and I yanked it away.

He stared at me doubtfully then grabbed my hand again, with a deathly grip and brought it over to rest on his arm.

"Shall we?"
He asked and I dug my nails into his flesh.
I replied and we descended down the staircase and out the back door.

We both stayed silent and ignored each other.
"So hows life?"
He asked breaking the silence.
I replied and he nodded. Everything then fell silent again.

"So, eighteen."
He asked breaking the new silence.
"Yeah. That makes you what? Twenty one now, right?"
I replied. He nodded and I sighed.

"Why are you here? Like why miss my other three birthdays but come to this one?"
I asked.
"I can't tell you."
He replied and cleared his throat.
I muttered and we kept walking slowly, and silently.

He didn't seem the same. When we first met sure he was still rude but now he just seemed plain cold.

No hint of him actually caring about my answers in his low voice. No hint of humility.


I sat down next to my father on the couch and sighed. The Ivanov's were discussing something in the study.

Dinner was to be ready soon, they'd been in there since after freaking lunch.

"Dad, I still hate him."
I muttered and he chuckled, nervously.
"Of course you don't dear!"
My mother exclaimed nervously, glancing at the closed doors of my parents study where the Russian's were.

I narrowed my eyes when the head maid scurried over.
"Dinner is served."
She said softly then turned away and scurried off.
"Ella, get the guests."
My father said to my mother.

My father got up and took my hand. He rested it on my arm and we left as my mother scurried over to the study.

She softly knocked and the door opened, thats all I saw as we turned the corner to the dining room.

My father escorted me to my seat and pulled it out. I sat down and he pushed me in.

It was my favourite tonight, seafood fettuccini Alfredo with garlic bread.

I smiled and my mother walked in, the Ivanov's behind her. Nikolai sat in a seat next to me while his parents sat across from us.

My father kept glancing at them all throughout dinner and finally Mr. Ivanov sighed.

"We have decided the union is still intact."
He said professionally and I stopped eating. My parents looked excited, Nikolai looked stone faced and I was confused.

"W-whats going on?"
I asked and my parents sighed.

"You see Emma, it' arranged for you and Nikolai to be wed one week after your eighteenth birthday."
My father explained.
I screamed standing up.

"Yes, Emma please sit down."
My mother said and I sat back down. I glanced at Nikolai, he fucking knew.

"You knew."
I hissed pointing at him.

"I knew since my eighteenth birthday."
He replied and my jaw nearly dropped to the freaking floor.

"He wasn't allowed to see or tell you."
My father added and I glared at them all.
"I'm supposed to marry him next week?!"
I exclaimed and everyone nodded.
I muttered.

"We are going dress shopping tomorrow, everything else is all ready."
My mother replied and smiled. She began tearing up and my dad held her hand tightly.

"I always wanted to go dress shopping for you."
She added and I forced a smile.

Be happy. Be happy. Be happy. How was I supposed to be happy?! I was getting married to, him!

I stood up and excused myself from the table. I scurried up to my room and slammed the door shut. I locked it then went and threw myself onto my bed.

I rested on my back then reached over and grabbed my pillow. I took a deep breath then at the top of my lungs, I screamed into my pillow.

I repeated this process until my throat felt too sore. I threw the pillow away then stared up at the roof. I hated everything about this.

Marriage to a guy I barely knew. I screamed again, regretting it immediately.

My door opened and Nikolai stepped in. I got out of bed so I was standing also.
"Would you stop your fucking screaming?! I swear to god if you act like this when we're married-"
He began, but I interuppted him.

"Oh please! You can't even hurt a fly!"
I shot back. He chuckled, a low humourless chuckle.

He approached me and I stepped away, until my back was pressed against the bed post.

His body was inches from mine, trapping me.
"I've killed people, Emma. I'm pretty sure there's no exception for a fly, or my fiancee."
He whispered. How he said it sent shivers down my spine.

Fucking scary as shit. But I wasn't going to let him scare me. I glared at him and he studied me.

His hand came close too my cheek but he didn't touch it.
"Unfortunately, I can't touch you until after the wedding."
He whispered and I almost let out a sigh of relief.

"So until then, dear. Heres your ring."
He added and handed me a small box. He then turned around and left the room.

He shut the door behind him and I opened the box revealing a beautiful silver diamond band.

I slipped it on my finger then I sighed and crawled into bed.

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