three a.m. ➳ zustin a.u.

By iamderekhale

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what was supposed to be a 3 a.m. call to his ex turned into something far more. ©inspiringwifi | 2016 More

prologue ➳ at 3 a.m.
one ➳ call back
two ➳ 6a.m.
three ➳ ring ring
four ➳ is it too late now to say
five ➳ new message!
read this (please read it)
six ➳ beautiful
seven ➳ a for awkward
eight ➳ relationshits
nine ➳ snapchat me that
ten ➳ mama knows best
eleven ➳ here comes trouble
twelve ➳ pretty and petty
thirteen ➳ jack in a box
fourteen ➳ no pressure
fifteen ➳ fOoL fOr YoU
sixteen ➳ don't tell me you're my heartbreaker
snap [zustin]
seventeen ➳ wth
eighteen ➳ tweet tweet
author's note
twenty ➳ far away
twenty one ➳ grass ain't greener
twenty two ➳ surprise
twenty three ➳ recovery
twenty four ➳ you plus me
twenty five ➳ hold tight
twenty six ➳ familiar faces
The DUFF (Zustin Mieber AU)
twenty seven ➳ chances
twenty eight ➳ top to bottom
twenty nine ➳ everybody hates bieber
thirty one ➳ bye bye lily
thirty two ➳ yes sir
epilogue ➳ mine

nineteen ➳ let's start a riot

4.5K 314 984
By iamderekhale



And also the comments on last chapter were insane in the crane so I had to give you guys something cause you deserve it. DUHHHHHH. Like yeah fam.


When you guys aren't even partially emotionally prepared for what's about to go down and now I suddenly feel guilty but I also don't because I'm evil.

But honestly, if you make it through this chapter without hating me, you're the real MVP.

Happy reading beauties. ❤️

Justin Bieber
yikes. someone's mighty salty.
Like • Comment • 22 minutes ago
👍 Chaz Somers and 27 others like this.

Chaz Somers
lol! this is hilarious bro.
22 minutes ago • Like • 👍 1

Ryan Butler
Grow up Justin. It wasn't that funny, like at all.
17 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍 2

Hailey Baldwin
im laughing
13 minutes ago • Like • 👍 3

Alfredo Flores
We're too old for this shit.
10 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍 7

Selena Gomez
Agreed Al. What has Justin done now?
9 minutes ago • Like

Ariana Grande
omgggg can all you guys shut up and go the fuck to sleep
5 minutes ago • Like

Zayn honestly couldn't believe it.

Justin decided to not reply to his messages and instead throw an indirect at him through Facebook. It made absolutely no sense and it was by far the most immature thing the prick has ever done.

But if he wants to talk through Facebook so bad, than so be it.

Zayn Malik
Glad that you find my annoyance hilarious. And sharing our business with your friends Justin? Very mature. Thanks.
4 minutes ago • Like

A while later, he received a notification. Zayn expected it to be Justin but instead, it was just one of his friends.

Sean Evans
oh god oh god
55 seconds ago • Like

Despite responding to what his friends had to say, Justin still completely ignored Zayn's entire existence in his messages and under the status. Which was cool, really, because two could play that game.

Zayn Malik
When you have so many guys and ladies who want you and your ex is trying to get back into your life but you're dodging all of them for a dick. You know what I could be doing right now? Pimping, that's what. Got me fucked up.
Like • Comment • 3 minutes ago
Louis Tomlinson and 6 others like this.

Louis Tomlinson
3 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍 1

Jack Gilinsky
You could be laying with me.
2 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍 1

Zayn Malik
I could be doing that ^ like wow.
2 minutes ago • Like • 👍 1

Harry Styles
1 minute ago • Like

Louis Tomlinson
Go away babe........
23 seconds ago • Like

And because of course, Justin hasn't had enough, he goes and makes yet another status.

Justin Bieber
when he thinks he's making you jealous... lol. stop wasting your breathe and stop wasting my time.
Like • Comment • 2 minutes ago
Hailey Baldwin and 2 others like this.

There was absolutely no way that one was going to slide.

Zayn Malik
Who's wasting who's time here? Says the one who decided to go sleep with a desperate lil thing despite having a perfectly perfect guy waiting for you. #malelogic?????
2 minutes ago • Like • 👍 1

Zayn Malik
And if you're not jealous or bothered, why say anything?
2 minutes ago • Like

Zayn Malik
Why even throw subs? Snooping through my comments?
2 minutes ago • Like

Zayn Malik
I swear it's always you "unbothered" people that are always the ones who are mostly bothered.
1 minute ago • Like

Justin Bieber
lol are you done now? you're blowing up my notifications.
10 seconds ago • Like

So Zayn decided to not reply to the status through the comments, but in fact made his own status, one he was sure Justin would see.

Zayn Malik
You can watch my skinny ass twist boy, as I bounce onto the next dick boy. ;)
Unlike • Comment • 19 minutes ago
You, Ariana Grande and 19 others like this.

Carter Reynolds
u can bounce on2 dis dick :p
17 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍 6

Louis Tomlinson
^ what dick? Scoot your centimeter Peter having ass off under this status.
16 minutes ago • Like • 👍 8

Harry Styles
15 minutes ago • Like

Harry Styles
but stop Zee, #Zustin all the way :((((((((((((((
15 minutes ago • Like

Sean Evans
shots fired
13 minutes ago • Like • 👍 2

Kendall Jenner
Tell Justin that I'm going to drag his ass from New York, all the way to LA so we can all fuck him up together.
5 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍 13

Kylie Jenner
^ witchu sis, nobody fucks with my GBF.
4 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍 5

Carter Reynolds
i dnt have a dick yet ur on it??? yeah. stfu before i shove my "non-existent" dick down ur throat lou.
3 minutes ago • Like

Harry Styles
wtffffffffffff don't talk to my fucking husband like that you prick.
2 minutes ago • Like

Sean Evans
all of ya'll gotta chill, no netflix
1 minute ago • Unlike • 👍 1

Suddenly Facebook was a battle field and Zayn would gladly take the blame if it were his fault, but frankly, it wasn't.

If Justin had been mature enough to simply speak to him, they wouldn't be in this mess. But no. Instead, he decided he'd target Zayn on social media knowing very well all their friends would see it.

And Justin just kept coming too, whether it was through comments or his own statuses, Justin kept sending indirects and it got to the point where Zayn was no longer standing for it.

His mother always told him not to fight fire with fire, but sometimes, someone has to risk the chance of an explosion.

Zayn Malik
When he's too much of a pussy to fight his own battles so he has to post it up on social media for his friends to come help. So much for being a man baby boy.
Like • Comment • 53 seconds ago

Immediately, his notifications went off and that status was gaining more attention than anything else he's posted that night.

Ariana Grande, Kendall Jenner and 5 more liked your status.

Chaz Somers, Jack Johnson and 1 more commented on your status.

Zayn decided to wait it out by going to get a drink from his fridge, and when he got back, there were more notifications than before.

He clicked the notification for the status posted up five minutes ago and began to scroll through the comments.

Chaz Somers
but who's the one responding through social media too? right.........
5 minutes ago • Like

Jack Johnson
^ okay? He has the right cause Justin did it first.
5 minutes ago • Like • 👍 1

Jack Gilinsky
Seriously though lol
5 minutes ago • Like

Sean Evans
where's the chill tonight? #savage
4 minutes ago • Unlike • 👍 3

Hailey Baldwin
oh don't be all mad and pouty bc he doesn't want you baby boy.
4 minutes ago • Like

Ariana Grande
Hailey Baldwin lol, you have to get off under this status tbh. he's playing you too so what's your point really?¿?¿ right
4 minutes ago • Like • 👍 1

Hailey Baldwin
Ariana Grande he's playing me but he keeps coming back for more? ;) oh okay go on
3 minutes ago • Like

Ariana Grande
Hailey Baldwin your whole neighborhood comes back for more. you give free sex. what man whore would miss out on that? but trust me honey, no man is gonna stick around for some washed up clit.
3 minutes ago • Like • 👍 9

Sean Evans
3 minutes ago • Like • 👍 1

Alfredo Flores
Oh nah... Hailey, you want me to lead you to your casket now?
3 minutes ago • Like • 👍 4

Louis Tomlinson
Yikes blondie. Need some pepper with that salt?
2 minutes ago • Like • 👍 3

Harry Styles
need some ice for that burn?
2 minutes ago • Like • 👍 2

Niall Horan
so what's new....??????
1 minute ago • Like

Louis Tomlinson
You never fail to be late to the party, huh Niall?
1 minute ago • Like

Niall Horan
again, what's new??????
45 seconds ago • Like

Zayn was getting ready to reply to a few comments when a FaceTime request popped up at right the side of his laptop screen.

His heart took a leap when he realized it was Justin calling.

And really, curse his stupid heart for still wanting the bastard after all of this.

Nonetheless, he was sure that this is a conversation that they needed to have therefore, after the fifth ring, Zayn clicked Accept.

The second the call connected, Justin began speaking, well, more like snapping.

"Oh, so I'm a pussy now, huh?"

"Yeah, yeah you are," Zayn clarified trying to ignore how great Justin looked topless at the moment.

"Well you are what you eat."

"I hope you get herpes," he hissed, "but honestly, if you're going around sleeping with people like Hailey you'll be lucky if you don't catch every STD in the book."

"You don't even know her."

"I know enough."

"No Zayn," the sudden shout made Zayn flinch.

Justin has never risen his voice at the man like that, and it was honestly frightening. The worst part about it had to be the way Justin was looking at him, as if he'd been practicing that look to perfect it for year. It looked like he even wanted Zayn dead, and that was possibly an underestimation of how hard Justin was glaring at him right now.

"You don't know shit! You think you do, but you don't!"

"Oh, I don't?"

"No," Justin shook his head frantically, "you don't! You don't know a God damn thing and that's one of your biggest problems. You're out here walking around like you're fucking Einstein when in reality you can't analyze and observe the simplest and littlest things! It's sad and pathetic!"

"Oh that's just rich coming from the guy who decided to sleep with a female he knew damn well I dislike just to get back at me!"

Justin growled deep in his throat, tugging at the ends of his hair which was a clear sign of frustration, "here you go again! Saying things you don't even know are true! I didn't sleep with Hailey to get back at you! I slept with Hailey because I thought we were moving on from each other!"

"What even made you think that?!"

"Uh, I don't know, that picture with you and that Jack guy."

"I only went out with Jack the other day to get my mind off of you because I thought you were sleeping with Hailey!"

"And there you go thinking that you know things again," Justin spat, "how typical."

Zayn quirked a brow, "well you ended up sleeping with her anyways so was I really all that wrong?"

"Maybe I wouldn't have slept with her if you had just communicated with me! If you had just told me what was going on!"

"Communication works both ways dumbass!"

"You're the one who jumps to conclusions first despite being utterly clueless so I think it would make more sense for you to be the first to speak up!"

"Well maybe I'd know more if you'd open your mouth and tell me things like you're supposed to!"

Justin paused momentarily, thick eyebrows scrunching and frowning to broadcast confusion. He looked a little angrier now despite the glare disappearing, and that had Zayn more fearful than before.

"Like I'm supposed to," Justin repeated, "l-like I'm supposed to," and this time he laughed, "what is this? A relationship? I know we're out here trying to pretend like we're committed to one another but that's not working, seriously."

That actually hurt. That actually got Zayn to quiet down for a moment. He was too shocked to speak words.

All this time they've been working to get up to what exactly? All of it seemed like a game now and Zayn felt like an absolute fool.

"I'm not the one who has issues with committing."

"Well, I don't need to commit Zayn," Justin stated matter-of-factly, "we're not together."

It was a cold reminder.

Zayn wasn't sure where any of this was coming from or how they got this far into the situation that it had Justin saying things he'd never think to say before. But the whole issue was getting to him now, so much that his eyes were beginning to grow wet.

"And you said it yourself... I can't remain faithful. That's why Selena left me," said the Canadian, voice as stone cold as his darkened eyes, "your words, am I right? So what? You're going to bring up my one and only relationship and try to guilt me or something? Is that what we're doing now? Because I can easily bring up your little make out with Jack."

"It didn't mean anything and you know that," Zayn hissed.

"Do I? Do I really? I don't know if a damn thing you tell me is true. I mean, you are all the way across the country. Hell, you could even be lying to me about living in Los Angeles."

"Where is all of this going Justin," he asked, no longer being able to bare this conversation.

Coming in, he felt more confident. Zayn felt like he had so much to back up whatever he had to say, but leaving... well, he just may leave heartbroken.

"I'm trying to tell you Zayn... whatever we have here, it isn't working and it won't work. We're too far from each other. You know this, and I've always known this. Deep down inside..." Justin trailed off, "I've always known that you were some sort of project."


A word so simple and harmless attacking Zayn like a stake right to the heart.

"I wanted to test myself again, see if I was ready. But as you've proved to me, I'm not."

Justin made no kind of eye contact as he said those words. He looked everywhere aside from the screen while Zayn, Zayn could not take his eyes off the man he'd fell for. It was practically impossible at the moment.

"A project? A toy?"

"Yeah Zayn, you were a toy," Justin admitted, "and it's unfortunate that I couldn't play longer but feelings just aren't for me, y'know?"

The way the words rolled off his tongue so swiftly would have anyone believing that he'd planned this for a while now, months even.

"I just can't do it... I can't pretend to have interest in someone I don't really care about any longer. All of this is just... exhausting."

That exact moment, Zayn finally allowed himself to release a choked sob, hand covering his mouth.

The words were almost unbelievable, but with a tone like that, there was no way for Justin to fake it.


"I hate you," said Zayn before Justin could go on, "I hate you! I hate you Justin! I hate you for dragging me into this! I hate you for making me believe in something again! I hate you so much for letting me fall for you! I hate you," he gasped out, "I hate— I hate that even after all of this...," he breathed, tears running down his cheeks like a waterfall, "I would still forgive you."

Zayn didn't look at Justin again, he couldn't bring himself to do so.

Truly, he couldn't do any of this anymore.

"I don't want to hear what you have to say anymore. You got your point across. Congratulations. You win, I lose Star Playboy," Zayn chuckled bitterly, "I'm done Justin. I'm done... Goodbye."


But he was hearing none of it, with one click, Zayn turned off his whole laptop and set it aside.

He dropped onto his bed, and held back no longer.

Zayn cried his heart and soul out like he'd been wanting to do the whole time.

He hasn't cried like this since Liam and never expected to cry like this again but life has a funny way of working.

So he cried until his vision blurred out.

He cried until the skin masking his flesh burned due to the warm streaming water.

He cried until his eyes felt tired.

He cried until he fell asleep.


***Bonuses: Facebook Statuses

******Extra: [Big] Sean's Response to the Overall Thing (I messed up a lot on this one. SORRY.)

I wanted to do another FaceTime one that's like meh. Another time.


Well that was something... Seriously the most heartbreaking thing I've ever written and I'm so hurt.

This chapter was supposed to be a whole lot of like cursing and insults but then I was like, nah, why not make it emotional? So you guys got sassy and snarky then emotional and painful. Best of both worlds, aye?


Next two chapters will be lil filler chapters.

Things kind of just got fucked up man.

But tell me what you all thought, yeah?

Thanks for all the love, care and support beauties!

I love you all so much. ❤️

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