Harry Styles One Shots

By chanmapan

142K 2.4K 1.5K

Just Harry Styles one shots. I will be inviting friends to submit their one shots here if they wish. It will... More

Home by @chanmapan
Spaces Songfic by @Harryshighnote
ALASKA AND JUPITER by @dontbeadisaster
The House Sitter by @allfourthemusic
When we were young by @PoisedPen
That Day by @clouds7
Faux Vagabond by @Bea_Nice
I want to kiss you by @kristimcm
Stumbling by @hesinstripes
I'll find you in the rain by @StoryTellerHaven
Another Man by @LoveVincitOmnia
Tethered by @WalkStar
The Piano Choice by @Tommo94Haz
Another Direction by @DeannaSmith792
One last dance by @Ananokup
Change your mind by @MusicAndTvAreLife
Always Have Paris by @HarrESgirl
A quiet birthday and Happy Christmas by @TaniHanes
Ink by @emppawadap
Wildflowers by @jane_lausten
Pie in the Sky by @peanutboyfriend
All I want for Christmas by @ccalianese
Bologna by @aggressivelyfriendly
Exposure by @Fatbottomedgirls
Two Hearts Fallen by @hes_wreckedme
Giving Thanks by @WhoopsHarryStyles
Vermilion by @RubySlippers

Making the cut by @Jax430

7.8K 131 104
By chanmapan

So our journey takes us from Australia to Indiana USA. The sweet and beautiful Jax430 was kind enough to write a Harry Styles one shot just for us although she is a Niall girl. Go check her stories "Show you my heart" "Crossfate" and "Back to you". A hopeless romantic and a sweet  soul. 

The move to London was exactly what I needed. A fresh start, in some place new to get out of the small town where everybody knew, everybody's business. So, I took my life savings, found a flat with cheap rent and did everything I needed to get my certification to do hair in London.

Hair was the one thing I knew I was good at. Color was my specialty, but when I found a job at The Little Princess Trust I couldn't pass it up. I got to cut the hair for the donations, it was for an amazing cause and the pay was better than what I was making at the tiny salon in the middle of Nowhere, USA.

I checked myself over one last time in the mirror before throwing my heels in my bag and heading to the train, or was it the tube? I still wasn't quite used to the lingo around here.

Ten minutes later I was walking into the office to a very excited Annie at the front desk.

"Guess who your last appointment is today!"

"Who?" I chuckled watching her practically bounce in her seat with excitement.

"Harry.Freaking. Styles!!!"

"Oh, the One Direction guy?"

"Yes, him. He's making a donation today and you get to cut his hair. So if you need ANYTHING, let me know."

"I will do that." I laughed slipping on my black heeled booties on before going into my way into the salon.

I set up my station before I went into the employee lounge to grab my morning coffee. I was definitely not a morning person, the coffee wasn't just a way to wake me up it probably has saved a few lives over the years.

"Oh Jacki! I'm so glad I caught you before I got started. I'm going to need you to stay a little late today. We have an extra special donation. This will get us publicity to bring more attention to the program, but with such a high profile figure coming in we need to keep it under wraps for now."

"Harry Styles, yeah, Annie told me when I was coming in. It's fine, my night is free I can stay as late as you need me.

"Oh, you're the best! Now go relax and fuel up before you start your day, it's going to be a long one!" Caroline called back while making her way out of the lounge to her office.

She couldn't have been more right! It had been a particularly busy day, which was good for donations.I had been doing hair for about six years now. After a year off after high school I decided to make the one thing I enjoyed a career. I finished in less than a year and working at the age of twenty.

I thought I would be stuck in Indiana forever, listening to my version of the Desperate Housewives and their gossip and ranting about their unappreciative husband and kids.

But the stories I heard while doing hair here, meant something. My favorite stories were the ones with cancer survivors that hadn't cut their hair in years, only to finally donate it to people that were going through what they had went through. With all the horrible things I saw on the news that gave me hope that not everybody was horrible.

After I saw my last client out for the day I threw myself back in my chair. My feet were killing me, and my wrists were starting to cramp up due to the arthritis I was getting after five years of working.

I slipped my shoes off and snuck back into the lounge to grab a drink and a small snack before Harry would get here.I threw myself on the couch and chugged down some Redbull.

"You'll love her. Jacki is one of our best stylists. She's probably just through here...Jacki!"

I shot up off the couch, coughing after choking on some of my drink.

"Hi, sorry. " I finally breathed out, "Wrong pipe." I smiled sheepishly.

"Hi, so nice to meet you." He smiled. His dimple popped out and his eyes looked like they were actually sparkling. Was this guy even real? I had that fluttery feeling in my stomach like butterflies, I hadn't had that feeling in so long.

"Yeah, you too..." I looked down realizing I was still barefoot. "Sorry, I didn't realize you'd be here so soon. I'll go put my shoes on..."

"Well, we can just go ahead and get started. Jacki, why don't you lead the way?"

They followed me out to the chair. I felt like a student all over again with my instructors watching every move during practical exams.

"Okay, just have a seat." I said leaning against my counter to slip on my boots. "Let's get started, are you ready?"

"Yeah, whenever you are."

I grabbed my apron and slipped it on before putting the cape on Harry. I slipped a hair tie on my wrist, grabbed my brush and made my way around the chair.

I took a deep breath and started brushing through his hair. I had done literally, thousands of haircuts, but this one was making me ridiculously nervous. One wrong snip and I would have some very pissed off females after me.

I gathered his hair in my hand before tying it off with the elastic.

"Okay...last chance, you good?"

"Yup, cut away."

I took a deep breath before working my shears through his hair.

"Alright, here it is." I held out the ponytail for him to see looking at him in the mirror.

He smiled at me in the mirror, the way his eyes were locked into mine was so intense I had to look away. I wasn't the girl that got flustered by an attractive guy, I was strong and independent, but this one had me turning into goo.

"Okay, I'll take that, and after Jacki finishes we can get some photos. How does that sound?"

"Perfect, thank you." He smiled as I passed the hair over to Caroline.

"Alright, let's get you shampooed." I said as I showed him the way to the bowl.

I leaned him back in the bowl after adjusting the water temperature.

"Is that too hot?"

"No, it's great." He said relaxing back into the bowl.

After his hair was wet, I started massaging the shampoo into his hair.

"That feels really good."

He spoke slowly in a low tone that made it appear that he was analyzing every word he said before it was leaving his mouth.

"You're American."

"You're very observant, Mr. Styles."

He smirked before readjusting as I rinsed and conditioned his hair.

"So, what's your story? You just decided to move all the way over here alone?"

"Who said I was alone?" I said as I towel dried his hair as he sat up from the bowl.

"Oh, sorry I just thought...I didn't see a ring and I figured your family was still in America..." He replied stumbling over his words.

"Its fine," I laughed, "you're right, I moved here alone."

"Ah," He chuckled, "you got me."

"You made it too easy." I smirked as I brushed through his wet hair.

After talking it over, and decided exactly how much shorter he wanted to go and the style, I began cutting.

Without an audience, I felt much more at ease.

"So, are you going to tell me the story?"

"It's not very exciting; very cliché really." I hated telling the story. It made me feel stupid, like I wasn't good enough. I mean how do you not notice your fiancé sleeping with you step-sister. If she hadn't gotten pregnant I would be married to him and he'd still be sleeping with her.


"Yeah, I guess. What about you? Big movie role, models lined up to go out with you. You must be enjoying your break."

"I am. The movie is a wonderful opportunity, and the models are just friends." He stared into the mirror like he was begging me to believe him.

I gave him a small smile before finishing up the haircut.

"Alright, let's get you styled and then you can take your photos."

I grabbed the product working it through his hair and grabbing my blow dryer. Once his hair was styled I showed him out to the lobby.

"Well, don't you look handsome?" Caroline cheered, making Harry blush.

"It's all Jacki, really. She's amazing." He replied making me blush.

"I told you, she's one of our best!"

"Alright, are we ready for pictures?" Annie asked popping up with a camera.

"Yeah, do you mind getting a few with my phone, please?"

I stepped back as Caroline took his phone taking a picture of just his hand holding his hair out away from his body.

"Now, one with Jacki?"

"Oh, no, I don't usually get in the pictures, its fine."

"Please?" Looking him in the eye was like some sort of magic. It was an intense stare. I couldn't say no.

"Okay..." I walked over to him slowly, he still was looking me straight into my eyes.

When I got next to him, his arm slipped around my waist and his hand settled on my hip, holding me tight into his side. The butterflies were back when he pulled me close.

"Well, you two look so good together!"

You had to love Caroline's enthusiasm, she could cheer me up on the worst of days. They took the usual pictures they post on the site and some employees got pictures and autographs before everybody packed up to leave.

Harry was gracious and thanked everybody before leaving as well just leaving me and Caroline. I packed up my bag and slipped my comfy shoes on before turning the lights off in the salon. Caroline finished up filing out some papers before she locked up.

"Have a good day sweetheart, I'll see you tomorrow."

"Bye, Caroline."

I started down the street before a black Range Rover pulled up next to me. I kept walking trying to think about all the episodes of CSI and SVU I've seen. I was definitely about to be murdered, I hate it when my mother is right.

"Jacki!" I looked to the side to see Harry with his window rolled down.

"Harry, what the fuck?"

"Shhh! Get in the car, quickly."

I hurried to get into the car, realizing he's trying to avoid being seen.

"Alright Bond, what's up?"

I didn't even have time to process him coming at me before his lips were on mine.

"I've wanted to do that all afternoon."

"Uh...I, um. Okay."

"Sorry, shit...um...I'm sorry. I just you're pretty and nice and you don't even seem phased that I'm famous and it was just so refreshing."

"Um, I don't...I just, um I wasn't expecting that."

"Let me take you out. On a real date. I want to get to know you, Jacki."

"This is for real? Like this isn't some kind of weird joke?"

"No, I promise you it's not a joke. Tomorrow night, I can make you dinner. I'll send a car to come pick you up."

He sounds crazy. I can't just go on a date with Harry Styles! But those eyes, again, they make me want to know him, like he wants to get to know me.

"Okay, yeah. Tomorrow is perfect."

"Good, I'll send a driver around seven."

"Okay, bye Harry."

"Bye, Jacki."

I got out of the car in a daze and started walking towards the train. I have a date with Harry Styles, and I have this weird feeling it's not going to be a one-time thing.


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