The Key To Lau's Heart

By twins_88

15.7K 506 78

Anyone that knows of Les Twins knows that it's very obvious who has the key to Lau's heart, Larry. This book... More

Before We Start!
The Slip
Hangouts & Hurt Feelings


3K 112 17
By twins_88

When people think of twins they think that they can feel whenever something happens to the other or read each other's mind.... In Lau and Larry's case that's not too far from the truth
Laurent's POV
       I woke up in my hotel room with the sun shining on my face and the sound of the shower on in the bathroom. I smiled to myself when I remembered that Larry and I have a club appearance tonight at the Revolution club in Germany. I checked my phone and saw it was around 10 am and since we had nothing to do until tonight I decided I could spend a little more time checking through Instagram and texting people back. As I was scrolling through my feed I heard the shower stop which was followed by Larry stepping out while rubbing his hair with a towel,"Morning bro" he said. " Morning" I smiled back and continued looking at my phone. All of the sudden my phone is knocked out of my hands by Larry who decided to jump on my bed and start tickling me."La-rry!" I shouted in between laughs," Stop it!" But I couldn't sound serious while I was laughing so he just continued to tickle me. After a couple more minutes of my screaming and laughing for him to stop he finally did and said," Come on Lau, dance with me" I laughed and slapped him in the arm," After you just tortured me? No way." And then he gave me those innocent eyes and started saying "Pleaseeeee Lau please" because he knew I couldn't resist," Fine you big baby" I laughed and pushed him slightly and got up and we danced for about 2 hours. Afterwards I decided we should eat some food to get energy for tonight. "Come on bro lets go get some food" I said. "Eh I'm not that hungry Lau but I'll go with you to get yourself some food" I looked at him like he was crazy," You mean to tell me MY Larry isn't hungry?"
"Ha. Ha. Very funny Lau but no I'm really not hungry" I really wanted him to eat but I didn't want to push it because I didn't want to fight with him before our appearance tonight.

After Larry and I spent the day playing video games and listening to music it was time to go to the club. "Come on bro lets go!" I was waiting on Barbie Larry like usual while he changed his outfit for the 5th time. "You look fine bro we have to go!"
"Okay I'm coming Lau relax!" He laughed as we walked out of our hotel room down to the lobby and into the car that was waiting for us out front. The car ride there was more quiet than usual and I could tell something was off with Larry and I decided I needed push a little even if he got defensive,"Larry? You ok bro?" He looked at me and I noticed he was slightly pale and that instantly made me worried. But he just smiled at me, I could tell it was fake because I know him too well, and said," Yeah bro I'm all good" I looked at him wearily and said ," alright man" while I grabbed his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. It wasn't long before we pulled up to the club and were escorted inside. As soon as we walked in I could tell it packed with people all here to see us and Larry and I immediately filled up with energy as they started screaming when we walked in."What's up everybody!" I screamed into the mic and they all started cheering. The feeling in the room was insane and I loved it, I could feel the energy coming off of Larry and I knew he was ready to dance but I was still a little worried because he didn't eat today and he was starting to look a little bit paler than when we were in the car. "Take it easy bro" I whispered in his ear. He just nodded and that's when the fun started. Larry and I took turns killing it to every song the DJ played and the crowds screams only gave us more energy. After awhile we decided to let everyone get back to what they were doing and get "drunk in love". Larry and I were in the VIP area just chilling with the fans and jamming out to the music and at some point I was so busy talking and laughing with fans that I didn't even realize Larry had gone somewhere else. I was going to go look for him but since he's very friendly and sociable I just figured he went to go talk to other people, plus there were too many people in the VIP area for me to find him so I just let him have his fun and went back to talking with fans.

Larry POV
       Lau and I had just killed the stage and we were now in the VIP area talking with the fans and I was having a great time. But I can't deny that I had been feeling pretty bad all day, my head was pounding, I felt hot and then cold all the sudden, and I was starting to become dizzy. I know I was probably feeling this way because I hadn't eaten much in the past 24 hours or drank much water for that matter and I didn't get much sleep last night. So yeah, I knew this was mostly brought on upon because I haven't been taking care of myself.  And even though I felt like crap, I didn't want to tell Lau about it because we were both having a great time and I knew if I told him how I felt he would immediately baby me and force me to go back to the hotel room. But after about 20 more minutes I was feeling 10 times worse than I had all throughout the entire day and everything was starting to go out of focus. My head started pounding and I couldn't even focus on the girl I was talking to anymore. I figured I just needed some fresh air so I excused myself and started to try and push my way through the crowd. There were so many people and it was very hot and making me feel even worse. At this moment I regretted not telling Lau about it or just leaving earlier instead of pushing myself too far while I was dancing but it was too late because now I felt like I had been hit like a truck and i knew if I didn't get out soon I would most likely black out. All I could think was," I need Lau."

Laurent's POV
     I was talking with fans but I couldn't help but think about where Larry was and I knew I needed to check on him because he wasn't feeling good and I know he wasn't no matter how many times he tries to deny it.  Then out of nowhere I felt this dull pain in my head and it suddenly became very hot. Right away I knew this pain wasn't coming from me. This has happened a couple times before with Larry and I and I knew this was Larry's pain I was feeling. Once I figured that out I knew I had to get to Larry right away. I started pushing my way through people, not even bothering to say excuse me because my vision was starting to blur and I knew Larry was experiencing something worse. All of the sudden I see a tall figure with a hat on ,trying to slowly push his way through the crowd while swaying slightly side to side. I ran to grab his arm and hooked my arm and his other side before he could fall. I half walked/carried Larry outside, ignoring everyone's concerned glances and "Is he okay?" or "what happened?". Once I got outside I set him down on a bench and cupped his face," Larry what happened? Look at me." He had a glazed look on his face but now that we were outside in the cool air I could tell it was making him more alert which caused me to breath a sigh of relief because I didn't want him to pass out. "Larry please say something bro, I need to know what's wrong." I said concerned and deciding whether I should take him to the hospital or not. "I'm dizzy Lau" he mumbled and that's when it all clicked. He didn't eat all day,I hadn't seen him drink much and he went all out while dancing tonight. I felt the crushing feeling of guilt because I am supposed to watch over my twin and now look what happened to him.
"Okay listen bro I'm gonna call our driver to come get us and we are gonna go back to hotel room and get you some food and water okay?" He just nodded and layed his head on my shoulder. I called the driver to come get us and luckily he was only a minute or two away. After I hung up ,a fan came outside and brought us a couple waters because she saw how light headed Larry looked. I thanked her and opened one up for Larry. "Hey Larry drink this for me okay? The driver is almost here" I watched as he slowly took small sips with his eyes half way closed. I was so worried for him and I couldn't help but still feel guilty and I made a silent promise to make sure to take care of him better. Finally the driver pulled up and I helped Larry into the car where he laid his head down on my lap the whole ride there while I ran my hair through his twists in hopes of providing some sort of comfort. Once we got there I helped him up and we slowly walked to the elevator and went up to our room. I could tell he was slowly feeling a little better and looked more alert but he definitely needed food and sleep and I was going to make sure he got that. " alright bro I'm gonna order some fruit and sandwiches and anything else you want but I want you to eat a little bit healthier to get your energy back up." I thought he would argue with me but he just nodded and walked inside our hotel room heading straight for the bed while holding the side of his head with one hand. I helped him to the bed,got him some pain pills, more water and ordered the food as he laid there with his arm draped over his eyes. Once I ordered the food I walked over to the bed and saw that he had fallen asleep. I rubbed my hand across his hand and decided I would let him sleep until the food got here. I gently kissed his cheek and took a deep long breath, making another silent promise to myself to take care of him better and make sure I never have to see my twin like that ever again.
This wasn't the best but I hope you enjoyed! ❤️

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