A Very Different Life (Comple...

By MichellePierre

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Nikki's life has always been laid out for her but what happens when some new people show up at school. Her li... More

Part 2
Part 3
Two Mates
Part 5
The fight
Part 7
Part 8
Too much at once
Surprised yet
Part 10
The Final Chapter
Authors Note


933 10 4
By MichellePierre

Part 1

Nikki P.O.V.

        My first day back at school as a Senior, my grades have always been great, I mean I’m not a nerd or anything I just get along with my family good so it gives me a lot of time to study, since I don’t have to work or anything. My parents both have great jobs my dad’s a Plastic Surgeon, and my mom’s a Neurologist. So they really don’t have time for me since there work keeps them busy plus we live in super big community and they are always going out with the other members.

Oh I forgot my name is Nikki Sutton, I am 17 years old, I have this cool BMW 335I, it’s gray with dark tinted windows and a sound system that would make any guy jealous. My parents bought me this for my 16th Birthday, yea that’s the only time they actually paid me any attention in the last few years. I am not into any of the clubs at school it’s not like they would want nor I am a cheerleader, I just can’t understand walking around all day in some outfit that has to fit too tight, besides I am not big however my breasts on the other hand would just not fit in those little outfits, and no- just because my dad is a Plastic Surgeon I didn’t get a boob job, they are very real and all mine. Most people think there fake but I don’t care what no one else things.

 You could say I am not your typical rich kid, I don’t hang out with all the popular kids, I actually just kind of stay to myself, except for this one best friend I have Misty, they all think she’s pretty weird but who the hell cares. She kind of dresses gothic and likes to read all the books on vampires and tries to see if she can meet one, I mean she’s pretty crazy I don’t think they exist but I am not going to tell her that. Every Friday night we always go to the gothic clubs and hang out she’s convinced that if we hang out in these places she might get what she wants.

 She is so desperate to get away from her parent’s house, not that they are abusive or anything they just don’t pay her any attention at all. Sort of like mine but its worse at her house and they always think that she’s going through a phase and they don’t give her money or anything because they think she’s into drugs too. Which of course she’s not but they aren’t convinced of that, they have been trying to get her to go see this shrink but she refuses to go. Me and Misty meet up at the lockers and of course the first thing on her mind is “So are we going to any clubs this weekend or not?”  

I look at her knowing that she wants to go and so I just shrug and say “Of course don’t we go every week. So let me see your schedule so we can know what classes we have together.”

She pulls out her schedule and we compare our schedules and see that we have the first classes together at least until lunch. She squeals and says “Okay why do we only have the first of the day together but not the second half. I mean the only classes we don’t have together but opposite of each other is Art and Home Education.”

I look at her and just shake my head and say “I don’t know I guess they feel like we spend too much time together…hahaha.”

We make our way to class and of course we have Math not my favorite class but of course Misty is good at. We make our way to our usual place and sit down. We are so into our own world that we didn’t even hear the teacher walk in until she says “Hello class is anyone going to pay attention today or are we still socializing like its summer break.”

The whole class laughs at her trying to get our attention and then starts the class of course Ms. Green insist on giving us homework our first day, ‘bitch’.

Anyway as me and Misty make our way to the second class which is Science and I am good at it but Misty isn’t. Misty grumps and says as we sit down “I sure hope that Mr. Dressel is the teacher I hear he is a dumbass and is always giving people a shit ton of work.”

I just laughed at her and said “I hear we are supposed to have a new teacher this year rumor had it that he retired after all the shit he caused last year.”

Right after those words left my mouth the door opened and in walked this young good looking teacher. Me and Misty both just looked at each other but it still felt like something was off about him. He said “Alright class let’s get started on today.” His voice was so perfect and husky and I could listen to it all day.

Please tell me this is not going to be how my year is going to be. I am going to have to control myself and not try to fantasize about my teacher.

After the class was over I was so happy and no homework from him. Which was also perfect and we were now on our way to English another class I was dreading but both me and Misty hated this class equally. And of course Ms. Donovan was a bitch as always and gave us homework.

We were now on our way to lunch and I was so ready because I was hungry and couldn’t wait to eat. Misty of course was happy too and said “I am so hungry I but I don’t want to eat this crap why don’t we ditch and go out to McDonalds or something.”

I said “Sure but I am driving because last time I rode with you we almost got into an accident.”

So with that we left and headed over to McDonalds and got us a burger and fries and headed back.

When I pulled up and all the guys were watching in the parking lot and enjoyed the sound coming off my car. When we got out, they all just stood there in shock realizing who it was.

Of course Mr. Popular Jake Mathews had to say something “Hey Nikki, what are doing with a system like that? Where’s your man at?”

I said “First off Jake, this is my car don’t get mad because my car and system looks and sounds better than that piece of shit you drive.”

He said “Oh really so now little Nikki is all grown up and ready to play with the big boys, huh? Too bad you don’t race I might enjoying taking a sweet piece of that ass.”

I started laughing him and said “Really little boy tell you what Jake when you are ready to race come find me that is if you’re not afraid of losing your rep and your ass to a chick.”

His smirk left his face and said “After school meet me here and I will head us to the track to race. Make sure you bring your sweet ass and the money for when you lose.”

I smirked at him and said “Okay I will be here but make sure you bring the money for when you lose and I will enjoy taking it from you and buying me something nice with it all your money little boy.”

After all of our classes I met up with Misty and we headed to our lockers to get our books and then made our way to the parking lot to meet up with Jake and of course all his fans where the cars were and on our way to the track of course Misty wouldn’t stop talking about taking Jake out since all he liked to do was treat girls like crap.

When we arrived Jake got out and said “Alright Nikki the cost is a thousand if you lose.”

I said “Put up or shut up little boy and lets race.”

Once we were back in our cars, Misty said “I will drop the flag and race.”

As the race started I took off on Jake and of course I beat him and when I got out I said “So Jake tell me what it feels like to lose to a girl?”

Jake shook his head said “I never thought I would lose to a girl, but here’s your money that was a good race.”

I smirked and said “I enjoyed it maybe we can do it again sometime.”

He said “How about I take you out to dinner Friday night?”

I said “I have plans for Friday but how about Saturday?”

He said “R-Really?”

I walked closer to him and put my hand on his chest and smiled seductively and said “Sure why not?”

He smiled down at me and wrapped his arms around my waist and said “Alright, sweetheart but now can I have a least a parting kiss as an agreement.”

I looked up at him and said “Sure.”

When his lips touched mine it was amazing I have never felt something so wonderful before. And when his lips left mine I looked up and saw his beautiful blue eyes looking at mine. He said “Wow Nikki I didn’t think kissing you would feel like that.”

Then this little girl strolled over and said “Jake I know you just didn’t kiss this little skank.”

He said “Actually, Lisa I just did and I think that you need to respect her more. That is unless you want to try a hand at racing her too.” Of course he looked back at me and smirked while waiting for her response.

Which of course was just a foot stomp and a huff and she said “Whatever you can have that little slut, but don’t come crying to me when she gives you something.”

You know I have never done nothing to no one for her to talk about me like that so before she could walk to far I said “Hey Lisa, I don’t think Jake should worry about anything coming from me but I think all the members of both the football and basketball team need to be tested considering you have screwed all of them already.”

Misty was literally rolling on the ground holding her stomach laughing at what I said. Lisa all she could do was stare at me for a while before trying to come up with something finally after staring me down she said “Whatever fake Barbie, I am sure nothing on you is real.”

I was laughing at her when she finished and I said “Really that’s the best you could come back with. Damn Lisa that’s pathetic  don’t you think but just for your information I am as real as they get but I heard from my dad that he took care of some things for you am I right?”

The whole parking lot was laughing and talking about what was going on I mean she was like the most popular girl and was always known to be such a bitch but I have always been the not so popular girl. Well I think our levels just changed.

Jake turned and smiled at me and said “I am looking forward to tomorrow; I will meet you in the parking lot.”

I said “Sure alright I will see then.”

With that me and Misty left and I handed her the money and told her to either spend it or keep it I wasn’t worried about the money. Of course she starts crying and telling me how wonderful of a friend I am and whatever but when I dropped her off we were back to laughing about how everything went down at the track. I was not looking forward to tomorrow because I had a feeling Lisa would be there to make my day worse somehow.

Hello my lovely people....Thanks for reading don't forget to vote and comment. Let me know what you think I will always listen to all comments. 

I will update again soon I won't give a date but I should have it ready in a week. 

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