Why Me? ( A TFP Fanfic)

By Lava_Star95

55.7K 1.8K 883

Lavanya (Lava for short) is a 17 year old girl she grew up in New York until her mother died in a car acciden... More

Lavanya Stars
Chpt. 1 The Begining (edited)
Chpt. 2 School (Edited)
Chpt. 3 Vince
Chpt. 4 Help! Mrs. Darby!
Chpt. 5 No Not HIM!!
Chpt. 6 The Autobots
Chpt. 7 My Guardian
Chpt. 8 Where are your parents?
Chpt. 9 Wheeljack?
AN: I'm Sorry
Chpt. 10 What am I?
Chpt. 11 The Escape
Chpt. 12 Thank you
Not A Chapter But A Thank You Note
Chpt. 13 What now?!
Chpt. 14 You're Leaving?
Chpt. 15 What's Happening!
Chpt. 16 Can you be my sire?
Chpt. 18 Doc's Discovery
Chpt. 19
Chpt. 20 The Test (For lack of a better title)
OH MY PRIMUS (Not A Chpt.)
Chpt. 21 An Explanation
Chpt. 22
Chpt. 23
Chpt. 24 It Has Begun
Chpt. 25 Let the hunt continue!!
Chpt. 26
Chpt. 27

Chpt. 17 O COME ON!!!

1.7K 59 47
By Lava_Star95

AN: Warning slight human cussing.

I woke up, I don't know how many hours later, to cold. I looked up and I was laying in a room on a berth. 'Was my talk with Do-Sire only a dream?' I carefully stand up and walk to the edge of the berth and looked down. It wasn't that far. I walk to the corner and swing my legs over the edge. I was just about to grab the leg of the Berth and try to slide down it like a firepole, but just as my legs touch the leg of the berth the door opened and I heard.

"Lava! what do you think you are doing!" The shouting scared the slag out of me. I let out a yelp as my fingers slipped and I started falling toward the ground. I heard a few rushed pedsteps then I landed on a metal servo instead of the concrete ground. I was frozen for a minute as I tried to register what just happened.

"Lava, what were you thinking?" I looked up to see an angry Doctor holding me. I hugged myself and looked at my feet.

"I wasn't. I'm sorry" I didn't dare look up to meet his optics. I didn't want to see the anger. Sire sighed.

"Lava, look at me." Sire ordered softly. I shook my head. "Lava. Look at me" He said more sternly, with a tone in his voice that I didn't dare disobey. I slowly looked up to meet his optics and was shocked to not see any anger in them, but another emotion that I am not as familiar with. His look was caring though not hard, but soft and kind.  "Lava I'm not mad at you. You just scared me when I came in to check on you and I see you dangling of of the berth."

"Wait how did I scare you? I'm the one who was startled into slipping and falling." I inquired looking up at him. 'Hmm inquired that is such a fun word inquired, inquire, inquiry.' I quickly shook my head to bring my mind back to the present. Doc sighed and looked down at me with now sad optics. 'Wow he is showing all sorts of emotions today!'

"I love you like a sire would his sparkling Lava. I would hate it if you got hurt, especially if it was because I scared you." I continued to look into his optics and could tell that he was telling the truth. I leaned over and hugged his thumb, which was next to me to steady myself if needed.

"Don't worry I'm not going anywhere yet, one and two I was startled not scared there is a big difference." I let go of his thumb and crossed my arm defiantely.

"Uh huh" He raised his optical ridge at me.

"Well there is" I insisted, "I wasn't expecting the door to open and somebot to come in yelling." I said now glaring up at him. He shook his head and chuckled lightly.

"What in the name of Cybertron am I going to do with you?" He asked I know it was a rhetorical question, but I couldn't help but answer.

"Well I guess you could always go and dump me back on my rock." I said with a slight cuckle looking down at my feet.

"Well I could, but I don't think either of us would be to happy about it." Sire said. "Now I am sure that you are starving since you haven't eaten that much since Wheeljack saved you, so why don't we go into town and get you some food healthier that stuff Miko is bringing you." He stood up and started toward the door of the room we were in.

"Alright, but..." I started, but rethought it and stopped.

"Yes?" Sire prompted me.

"I..." I stopped and sighed. " Thank You." He stopped walking and looked down at me.

"For what?" He asked.

"For not giving up on me and actually caring." I said looking up into his optics.

"Of course Lava, You are more than welcome." He said. He held me up to his chassis in an oversized hug, which I returned by spreading my arms along his chassis as far as they could reach. I thought for a moment about what I was dying to say. I decided why not. YOLO. Right?

"Love you Sire." I said quietly into his chassis, but loud enough that I knew he could still hear it. He froze slightly and soon relaxed.

"And I you Lava." We stayed there for a moment, before Sire pulled me away and lifted me up to his shoulder. I climbed on. "Now let's go get you some good food." He said as we walked out into the main area.

"YAYYY!!!!" I yelled so loud even I cringed at my volume, I definitely felt Sire flinch. "Sorry" I whispered.

"You're fine just keep in mind that you are right next to my audio receptor." He said as he kept walking toward the exit.

"Ok" I said perking back up slightly. "Where are we going?"

"I AM going to give you some money and take you to the store so You can get some food that you can keep here at base." He said as he sat me down by the exit then he just transformed and opened his passenger side door. "Come on, get in." I jogged over and climbed in he shut the door behind me while I buckled. Then we drove out of base.

~~~~~Slight time skip to the store brought to you by The Doctor of Doom's Wrenches of Wrath~~~~~

We pulled up to the storer about 30 minutes later. The drive was quiet but it wasn't an awkward silence just friendly quiet.

He pulled up in a spot as far away as possible in the parking lot. Probably so people don't become suspicious of why there is an ambulance in the grocery store parking lot. Anyway I unbuckled and was about to open the door.

"Wait, Lava, here." Sire stopped me. He opened the glove box and inside was a small credit card.

"Where did you get this?" I asked not really wanting him to spend his money on me.

"It is one that Fowler gave all of us a copy of so we can use it if we even need to. I thought this would have a great occasion to use it." He responded then opened his door. "Ok, so go get the nutrients you need, but don't get too much junk." I gave him a grin.

"I wasn't planning on it," I then got out and walked into the store.

I walked around and got some fresh fruit, mostly apples. I then grabbed a box of cereal. I don't know if they have a fridge in base so I didn't get any milk I also grabbed some plastic silverware and paper plates. I then went to the preserved aisle and got some cans of soup along with canned fruits. I also grabbed some Gatorade out of the drinks aisle to help me stay hydrated at base. I then walked by a little area where they have a few clothes and realized that I've been wearing the same clothes for a few days now. So I decided to see what they have.

I was looking through the jeans when I saw a VERY familiar face about 3 yards away. I froze. It was HIM. I slowly started making my way to checkout, clothes can wait.  I was walking without taking my eyes off of HIM, but that was my mistake.I tripped and fell backwards and let out a grunt when I landed. I hit my head on a display behinds me. He whipped his head around and caught me in his glare, and he sneered at me.

"There you are you bitch. I wondered where you went you little whore." He said in a low menacing voice. He took a few steps toward me. "Now you are coming home right now." He grabbed my arm and pulled me up roughly dislocating my shoulder. I came out of my stupor and started trying to get away. The pain was horrible. 

"No! SIR-" I was cut off by him slapping me. I fell to the ground again.

"Get up you little bitch!" He said yanking me up by the back of my shirt. "We are going home now. Do not make a scene." He hissed in my ear. I still tried to get out of his grip. He responded by punching me in the gut, hard. I fell to the ground again. Then he kicked me in the ribs. I heard one or three ribs cracking. He must have been wearing his steel toed boots. I gasped, suddenly not being able to breath. I coughed and spat out some blood on the ground. 'Fan-fraggin-tastic.'

 "Get up now!!!" I shakily tried to stand and  was dragged behind him. We made it out of the store and started walking toward home. I was trying to stand up and walk to lessen the pain, but he was walking to fast. I kept falling back down, just causing more pain. 

'Thank Primus' I thought as I realized we would be walking right by Sire. As we got close I put up a fight again. I managed to land a solid kick where the sun don't shine, and he loosened his grip long enough for me to twist out of it. Although the pain was killing my abdomen and chest. 

"SIRE!!!" I yelled as I stumbled toward him. He opened the door once I got close.

"LAVANYA YOU FUCKING BITCH GET BACK HERE RIGHT NOW!!!!!! YOU FUCKING LITTLE BITCHING WHORE ARE IN SO MUCH FUCKING TROUBLE!!!!!!" HE yelled as I climbed into Sire. As soon as I was in fully Sire shut the door and took off out of the parking lot. He turned on his sirens so he wouldn't get stopped and he headed back toward base. Once the store was no longer in view I tried to relax, but couldn't. A sudden wave of exhaustion hit me though, along with a huge pain in the back of my head. I put my hand on the back of my head. I brought back in front of my to look and it had blood on it.

"S-s-sire." I whisper and held my hand toward the dashboard, unsure of where he could see from in this form. Black dots started covering my vision.

"Lava I know this will be hard, but I need you to stay awake. Ok? You need to stay awake." He said. I was suddenly very nauseous. I didn't want to risk opening my mouth and vomiting, so I just nodded.

We kept driving. We were out of town now and almost to base. It was getting harder for me too keep my eyes open. They kept closing on their own and Sire would hit the brakes slightly, then the gas, to jerk me awake. One time he did it a bit to hard and my forehead hit the dash board.

"Slag" I heard Sire cuss. The only way I knew it was him is because no one else was with us. My hearing had gotten a bit fuzzy. "Com --- Lav --- almos -- ere. Stay --- me." I couldn't quite catch all that he said. I had my elbows on my knees and my face in my hands wishing that there was some way to numb the pain. I realized that no matter how hard I tried I couldn't do it. I am too weak. The pain is too much. The darkness is becoming more dominant.

"I'm sorry Sire" I whisper, as I let my head slip out of my hands and I tip over so I am now lying in his passenger and middle seat.

"No LAV--" That was last I heard before I fell into the darkness this time was different though. I had a feeling in my stomach like I was falling. Falling down, down, down into the dominion of darkness.

AN: OK!! There we go! I know you all thinking FINALLY!! I apologize. I have had a lot of Algebra 2 homework so yeah.  Also Jackie does come back into the story soon. I just wanted Lava to bond with Doc a bit first. 

The winner of last chapter Guess the Song was...  prowlerfruitbat1120   !!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!! 
Ok here is this chapter's song it was also suggested by Wiredhawkes so here ya go! Bueno Suerte!!!!

You know I'm not one to break promises,

I don't want to hurt you but I need to breathe.

At the end of it all, you're still my best friend,

But there's something inside that I need to release.

Which way is right, which way is wrong,

How do I say that I need to move on?

You know we're heading separate ways.

And it feels like I am just too close to love you,

There's nothing I can really say.

I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more,

Got to be true to myself.

And it feels like I am just too close to love you,

So I'll be on my way.

You've given me more than I can return,

Yet there's oh so much that you deserve.

There's nothing to say, nothing to do.

I've nothing to give,

I must live without you.

You know we're heading separate ways.

And it feels like I am just too close to love you,

There's nothing I can really say.

I can't lie no more, I can't hide no more,

Got to be true to myself.

And it feels like I am just too close to love you,

So I'll be on my way.  

Ok there ya go. 

Till All Are One


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