This Is Where We Fall (Hetali...

By mochikitty

38.9K 2.1K 2K

How are nations during the zombie apocalypse? They are just like their citizens, trying to survive. In a worl... More

The Beginning of the End (Prologue)
"Not Yet" -France & England-
"Tears for the Dead" -Russia & China-
"Ribbons" -Sweden & Finland-
"Voices" -France & England-
"What's Done Is Done" -Sweden & Finland-
"Don't Look Back" -Russia & China-
"So Close" -France & England-
"Bunnies and Eggs" --Russia & Lithuania--
"By the Sea" -Sweden & Finland-
"I Love You" -France & England-
"You There?" -Sweden & Finland-
"Silence" -France-
"Welcome" -Sweden & Finland-
"Lost and Found" -France, Canada & America-
"Silver and Blood" -Denmark, Sweden, Finland-
"The Story of Tonight" -France, Canada, America-
"Stay Alive" -Arthur-
"Here?" -Finland, Denmark-
"Unspoken History" -FACE family-
"Rest" -Berlin-
"A Perfect Night" -Berlin-
"I'm Sorry, Dearly Beloved"
This is Where We Fall | pt.1
This is Where We Fall | pt.2
This is Where We Fall | pt.3
Goodbye, Until Tomorrow [Epilogue]

"Red Metal" -FACE family-

1K 57 63
By mochikitty

Author's Note:

Before you read!

Please listen to the song 'Moon and Me' from The Addams Family musical.
Here's the link to the song:


Berlin. That was where everyone is headed. Berlin. The safe haven that was spoken about before the apocalypse even began. Berlin. It was still holding up high and tight. It still was a safe haven. Berlin. Where every living nation traveled to go to. It was the main goal in mind; the main reason they are all alive. They had to get to Berlin. Berlin was where everything would be mended and saved. That was where they had to go.


Francis sat in the driver's seat, eyes locked on the road before him. He managed to find a well working truck a couple miles from where their cabin was. It was best of luck since vehicles like these were scarce to come by. Matthew sat in the passenger seat, eyes scanning the passing scenery around them. Arthur sat in the back seat next to Alfred, who ever so slightly curled up against the corner of the door and back of his seat.

Let's get one thing straight: they were not okay. They were not the 'perfect' family in the apocalypse. Perfection does not exist. Individually they were not okay. Since he woke up, the Brit had been a bit dull in mind. There had been times where he zoned out or forgot certain things and had to be reminded. No, it wasn't something significant (yet) but it was  just a little set back. Francis took notice of this but didn't mention it since it wasn't that big. Maybe it'll wear off..

Adding onto that, Arthur and Francis hadn't seen their sons for months. All that time from when they last saw each other to their reunion was a mystery. From the time they were reunited, Francis had kept a keen eye on the two boys, taking note of every odd quality they had. Arthur had started to do the same, especially with Alfred.

Arthur sighed as the car droned on down the road as he recalled the conversation he and Francis shared before they took off.

"Something seems off.." Francis had said. "When I first saw them, they didn't appear like the boys we knew in the past. I don't know exactly what but there is something wrong."

"I know, I can sense it too." Arthur had responded. "I worry about them, Francis. I do. We may have gotten them back but there's something off about it."

Francis nodded, scratching the back of his head uncomfortably. "Listen. How about this: you watch Alfred and I'll watch Matthew. Let's just watch them and keep an eye to see if they are okay and.. just to make sure they are well. I don't want to be direct and ask them about things in case they don't wish to talk about it..."

And, that's what they agreed on. From the car ride to however longer, Arthur would watch Alfred and Francis would watch Matthew. Henceforth where they sat in the car. Both fathers were very concerned with their sons and having the fortune and blessing of being with them again they wanted to make sure they took care of the two as much as they could.

Arthur glanced over at Alfred and saw him lean against the car door. His eyes were unblinking and stared down at his lap. His hands were clasped together in his lap and occasionally scratched his palms. His body was stiff where he sat despite the lack of danger around them. Arthur looked at Francis' composure. His was relaxed and his movements were smooth. He looked back at Alfred. Alfred was hard and choppy with every slight movement he made. That wasn't good.

Francis looked at Matthew from the corner of his eye. The Canadian never took his eyes off of the land they traveled through. His purple hues were hard and alert every passing second. Unlike Alfred, Matthew seemed a bit more relaxed. Stance wise, he wasn't stiff. He was calm, yet he wasn't. It was hard to put a description to it and Francis couldn't piece it together. The Frenchman noticed that with such swiftness, Matthew would glance over at Alfred. Why? Ah, Francis refrained himself from looking at Alfred since Arthur was watching him.

Alfred and Matthew. Their stories mysterious to everyone but themselves. Their stories connected to each other. A story that Arthur and Francis longed to hear but had too much consideration to not directly ask them for it.

"Alfred," Arthur spoke softly, causing the American to jump a bit, "Um, want to play a car game? We always played those when we drove to world meetings." Matthew blinked, turning his head a bit to listen and look at what Alfred's response was.

Alfred looked over at Arthur and nodded with a small smile. "Yeah, sure. Let's play. Yeah."

Arthur smiled back, keeping note at how his voice was a bit uncertain as he agreed. "Alright. Do you want to play I Spy? That was always fun."

Francis smiled a bit as he recalled the past memories of their family car trips. At times when he would force them all to spend quality time together and go on vacations they would always pass the time with a fun car game. Of course, it took a while to get games started since there always was arguing on who chose the game. Seeing how there was no arguing now was another odd thing to keep a note on.

"Okay.. I like that game.." Alfred mumbled, licking his lips awkwardly. He looked outside, his eyes clumsily looking at what was visible. "Um, I spy.. with my little eye.. something tall and green."

Arthur looked outside to find what Alfred was hinting at. His clues were quite easy and semi direct considering the only tall green things were the trees around. Arthur could've easily asked a harder one, and that's something Alfred always did. They would ask each other the hardest ones they could think of in attempts to stump the other. That competition didn't seem to matter now.

"Is it.. a tree?" Arthur guessed, pretending to actually not completely know. Alfred chuckled quietly and nodded. "Yeah.. You got it."

Matthew didn't turn to watch his brother but he kept his ears in tuned to the other. Francis noticed this, wondering why he was so observant of his brother. Sure, the two always were aware of each other but Matthew seemed even more. Now that he thought about it, Francis always saw the Canadian by Alfred's side and if he wasn't he was keeping a sharp eye on him. It was as if he was concerned for his well being 24/7.

"Do you know how far we are from Berlin?" Matthew questioned out of the blue, keeping his main focus on Alfred.

Francis looked over at him then at the map on the arm rest to his side. "We aren't too far. Maybe three hours if we continue going at this rate. We might be delayed if we run out of gas, but with what we have now we'll get a lot of ground covered." He noticed Matthew nod shortly as thoughts were quickly made. He could tell he was thinking because his eyes weren't focused on the road before them but merely stared at it with no thought relating to it.

"Okay, just making sure." Matthew responded after a moment, taking a look at the map himself.

"Don't worry." Francis assured, giving the other a little smile. "We'll get there. I promise." The smile wasn't returned. But what was exchanged was another nod and sigh. The Frenchman's smile disappeared as he furrowed his brow slightly as he thought about Matthew. He would always return his smiles, always. There never was a time where he never gave him a smile back.

Arthur and Alfred continued to play the car game, Alfred doing it with such beginner's skill and Arthur playing along whilst observing him. He came to notice how playing the game with Alfred was much like playing a game with a toddler. Everyone knows when you play with a child you make the easiest problems seem hard just to make them feel like they're smart and great even though they aren't. It's like a grown man letting a child win at arm wrestle to make it seem he was better and stronger than him. That's how Arthur felt with Alfred. The other was so easy played and had the faintest demeanor of a child.

"My turn.." Arthur said once he guessed Alfred's observation. "I spy with my little eye.." He looked outside the car for something to describe. A stop sign was in sight. "I spy something red and metal."

Alfred's breathing hitched at that description, his eyes widening. His hands started to tremble as he stared unblinkingly at the car seat before him. Red and metal. Red and metal. Red and metal. Those two words echoed and repeated over and over in his head like a broken record. "R-Red and metal.. Red and m-metal.."

Arthur looked over at the American, concern flushing through his face. "Alfred? What's wrong?"

Tears welling up in his eyes, Alfred started to feel his breathing pick up and come in quick, short breathes. His trembling hands went up to grasp his arms as if attempting to hug himself. Under his breath, he mumbled different words that related to what would be red and metal, "P-Pipe.. Chains.. Kn-Knife.." Matthew, who had been paying attention to the whole entire game, quickly unbuckled his seat belt.

"Keep driving." The Canadian ordered to Francis as he climbed back quickly to the seat.

"What's happening?" Francis asked quickly, looking back at the back seat from the driver's mirror. His question was ignored. All he could see was Alfred shaking in the back and whimpering while Arthur tried to talk to him. 

"Alfred? Hey, calm down. What's wrong? Are you okay?" The anxious Brit questioned softly, worried of what was happening with Alfred. One moment they were playing a game and the next moment the American is freaking out in the back seat. Was it something he said?

Matthew hopped into the back, wedging himself in the middle section between Alfred and Arthur. He turned to Alfred, gently taking the other's hands into his. Alfred flinched at the touch and continued to whimper and pant where he sat.

"Alfred, hey. Hey, look at me." Matthew spoke in a sweet tone, urging for the American to look him in the eyes. "It's okay, it's okay. We're okay, right? We're in the car. We're with Arthur and Francis. We're going to Berlin- the nice place." Note: he didn't say 'safe'. "There's nothing bad here. We're in the car with family."

Alfred shook his head, his eyes staring down at his lap as he struggled to intake air. He was hyperventilating, which obviously worried the hell out of Arthur and Francis but didn't seem to with Matthew. He shrunk away from his brother while attempting to pull his knees up to his chest for more comfort. His mind was spinning and every little thing was shattering his delicate nerves.

"R-Red metal.. Red m-metal.." Alfred repeated, his voice cracking into a sob. "Metal.. Red.. Not again, not again.. I don't want.. D-Don't.. They're coming again.. Th-They found us.. They.. Red.. All red.. Nothing red.. Metal.. Sharp metal-" A loud cry broke out from him as he shook even more where he sat. Fresh tears ran down his face and in between his fingers as he covered his face.

"Haha! Look at him boys!"

Alfred cried out as flashes of voices yelled into his ears from memories.

"Quit your crying, you shouldn't feel a thing."

"Want another one?!" Hit. "And another?!" Hit. "Let's go for ten this time!" Hit. "That's more like it!"

The American's cries increased as vivid scraps of memories flew past him. What if they came for him again? What if they're going to take him back? What if Matthew was going to be taken away again? What if he was to be locked up again? What if they were going to hit him again? What if-

Francis looked back quickly then back at the road, debating whether he should stop the car or not. He would've but Matthew had spoke to him so seriously he thought it was best he didn't. That was another observation he held. The Canadian was much more.. leader like now. The quiet, 'follower' boy was no where to be seen. Cause here he was rushing to help in the blink of an eye and giving orders to his father.

"Shh, shhh.. Alfred.." Matthew whispered softly, slowly snaking a hand behind the American's back and pulling him into a gentle hug. Alfred stiffened even more at that but didn't pull away since this was Matthew. "It's okay, it's okay.. I'm here and I'll protect you, okay? Nothing's going to harm you.. not while I'm around." He rubbed Alfred's back as he spoke, keeping his hug firm yet soft. "You trust me, right?"

Alfred didn't say anything but Matthew took this as a 'yes'. So, he continued to hold his shaking brother in his arms.

"Wanna sing the song?" Matthew whispered softly, never taking his eyes off Alfred. Yes, the song. The song always was an effective thing to calm the other. The American gave a small nod as Matthew let out a little chuckle. "Okay.." With that, he began to sing: "When the daylight ends.. And the moon ascends. I would rather be, just the moon and me.."

It was a song from a musical that came from a well known comic and tv show in the United States. The song was sung in a sweet tune that could equally be heard as a lullaby. Truth be told, it was one of Alfred's favorite songs and one he would sing almost every night if he had the chance (or remembered). So hearing it almost always soothed his nerves- especially when he was like this.

Arthur watched the two, his eyes still filled with worry and confusion. The two fathers watched Matthew continue with the sweet song: "When I feel her pull, then my heart is full.. And the night is softly, sweetly calling.. Alfred, look and see!"

Alfred sniffed, lifting his head up a bit. His voice was extremely quiet compared to Matthew's but he sang along with the next verse: "La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la... it's a dream that's coming true.. When the moon says 'I love you.'"

They didn't continue on with the rest of the lyrics but Matthew merely hummed the rest while stroking Alfred's hair gently. The American hummed quietly as well, feeling his nerves and mind settle back into a calm state- or at least the state he was before his whole panic scene happened. That song was sung every time Alfred had one of his freak outs. Matthew would sing it as he urged Alfred to sing along at that part and then continued to hum the rest. That's the little routine the Canadian planned out with his brother to make sure he was okay.

As the two brothers hummed to each other, Arthur and Francis both continued to sit where they were, getting their final observations.

Francis: Something must've happened.. Something traumatising. I've never seen Matthew so in-charge and strong. Usually it's Alfred taking care of him whenever it came to little scares or just nerves. It's as if their roles were switched since now Matthew was the one comforting and aiding to him. Even before it all happened he was still keeping a good eye out for him out of protection and his safety. I wonder what happened...

Arthur: Alfred... What happened to you? I've never once seen you in such a state. You were always so cheerful and strong and unfazed by anything. Nothing used to scare you or send you down like that. You always were so loud and carefree... What happened? It's as if your personality (lacking the enthusiasm and happy-go-lucky) was switched over to Matthew. God.. I wonder what happened.. and if there's any way to help you.

No words. No words were spoken from that point on. Matthew remained in the back middle seat close to Alfred. Alfred stayed awake and jumpy in the little corner of the seat. Arthur stared out the side window, his mind working quickly and heart hurting. He didn't mean to upset the American, and he really wished to know what happened to them. If anyone hurt him.. oh boy, were they in for a shit storm if they crossed paths with the Brit. Francis continued to drive, occasionally glancing back at them then back to the road.

There was something missing with the family. Yes, they weren't the perfect, well minded family in the apocalypse. They were no different than everyone else enduring the nonstop horrors that happened every day. Two fathers distant yet close to their broken sons. One father facing mild memory problems, the other carrying the concern and worry of his family. One brother broken and scared beyond belief for who knows what and why, and the other brother putting obligations on himself to protect and be with his sibling.

An hour passed and Alfred had fallen asleep leaning against the car door. They were only twenty miles away from Berlin, which relaxed Matthew ever so slightly. Nonetheless, he kept a sharp eye out for Alfred and for the world around them. Arthur had kept silent, uneasy with his word choice since he didn't want to trigger anything again. Francis continued driving, frequently humming under his breathe to keep his spirits up.

After a moment, Arthur couldn't keep silent anymore. He turned over to Matthew, biting his lip awkwardly. "Matthew.. What happen—"

"Come out on the truck bed with me." Matthew whispered over to Arthur, scooting a bit away from Alfred as if not to wake him. He had been anticipating their curiosity. "I'll explain back there. I can't talk about it here." The Canadian leaned forward a bit into the driver's side, smiling out of kindness and comfort. "Don't stop the car, okay Papa? We'll go through the back window."

It was key Francis kept driving. No matter what- if Alfred had another breakdown or all hell broke loose- Matthew had to make sure the car kept going. The longer they took, the longer it'd be till Alfred got to Berlin. Berlin was said to be a safe space, right? That's what Ludwig announced. So, quite possibly, that could be the safe place for Alfred to fully recover and be at peace.

Carefully, the Brit and Canadian climbed through the back window of the truck and sat in the trunk bed. It was dusty and filthy- just like the rest of the world- and had a few random scraps of garbage and rubble from who knows where. Arthur sat in the corner against the back and Matthew sat opposite. They merely sat there in silence whilst listening to the crunching gravel below the running tires.

"I know about yours and Francis's little game with watching us." Matthew spoke after a minute or so, still keeping his eyes on the moving scenery. "I heard you guys and could tell with your hard stares. I know you and Papa. I can tell when you guys are concerned.."

"It's been so long since we've seen you.. and you both are so different from when we last met." Arthur sighed, glancing over at the other. His emerald eyes shined as he looked up at the blue sky, his mind drifting off a bit. He snapped back to focus when Matthew cleared his throat.

"To aid your guys' worries, I'll tell you what happened." The other said, looking over to his father. "Knowing you both, you'd probably go to drastic measures to find out since we can never keep secrets with you two." A little chuckle escaped his lips before he began his story...

"So this is what happened..."


Author's Note:

I would like to dedicate this chapter to my dear reader who brought up the fact that this family had been seemingly given the "good life" in the apocalypse. I originally made it so they were the good chapters with the least amount of angst and tears, but then I came to realize that it wasn't fair to the others. So, voilà! Here was my plan B for the family. You're welcome :)

Also, yes, sorry for the cliffhanger lmao. I was going to include the story behind Alfred and Matthew in this chapter but the amount of words were annoying me and I wanna set it up a certain way. But don't worry! I'll probably upload the next chapter in a couple days- you (most likely) won't have to wait a week.

Thank you again, A True Shipper on Fanfiction! I really appreciated your review and critique! ❤️

As usual; 

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please leave your feedback in the reviews/comments!

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