The Future Is Brighter With Y...

By AlexWrites2

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*LIGHT CIVIL WAR SPOILERS* Set after Civil War with a twist. Instead of being frozen Steve and Sam look for a... More

Chapter 1. Sam
Chapter 2. Getting Settled
Chapter 3. Sammy
Chapter 4. Nightmares
Chapter 6. Steve
Chapter 7. Carnival or no Carnival
Chapter 8. Carnival
Chapter 9. The Sheriff
Chapter 10. The Break-In
Chapter 11. Guests

Chapter 5. Essentially a Filler

856 43 6
By AlexWrites2

The next day you tried your best to work with your sprained arm. Mostly because you didn't want Bucky to feel worse than he already did. He was correct though, a bruise started to form about midday. Occasionally you'd catch him staring at it when you were working, and you'd quickly get him to focus his attention elsewhere. Besides, this wasn't the first time you'd gotten hurt in this type of situation.

Bucky was helpful throughout the day, but his mind was distant. You tried to keep up a dialogue every once in a while because of last night's events. Most times you'd fall short. While you made lunch you asked him if he'd like a can of coke.

"They still have Coca Cola?" He asked in genuine shock. You chuckled a bit.

"Sure do. Did they have cherry coke back in your time?" He nodded.

"If you went down to the diner on the corner they'd put some cherry flavoring in it for you. Stevie and I used to go get that every friday." He babbled on. Then he stopped in shock of his memory. "I didnt- I didn't know I remembered that." His eyes were wide and he looked like a child who just discovered something new. You smiled at him and brought him a can.

"That's great Bucky." You sat down the can. You'd already popped the top on the off chance he didn't know how to do it. Anything that could save him a bit of embarrassment you were willing to do. "Now we have the cherry already in the coke though." He looked down at it in wonder.

"That's neat." He said with a small smile. It was the first genuine smile he'd given you since he'd been here. And the small gesture made you want to clap and cheer.

"Do you remember anything else about the diner?" You said softly. You sat down at the table with him. You didn't want to be too forceful with helping him regain his memory. Just a small push in the direction.

Bucky popped the top of the can and took a small sip. His eyebrows raised and he licked his lips slightly.

"Damn." He said with a small sigh. He paused to think about your question. You could almost see the wheels turning as he concentrated on bringing something forth from his memory. "I think Steve would always get a burger. Extra fries and a milkshake. He was always trying to gain weight." He tapped the side of his can with a metal finger. "I'd get... a grilled cheese." He said happily. You nodded for him to go on. "With pickles in the sandwich. It was the best. I never got fries though. I don't think- " He paused and tapped the side of his head. "I don't think i like potatos?" You gasped and he looked at you in confusion.

"How can you not like potatoes!!" You practically screeched.

"I just dont. I cant remember why." You giggled.

"That's practically a sin down here in the south. You haven't lived till you've tried my potato gratin." He wrinkled his nose.

"What's in it?" He asked with concern.

"Potatos, onion, cheese." You listed it off. He looked disgusted and you couldn't help but laugh. "Alright so no potato gratin. That's covered. But I can do grilled cheese with pickles. Dill or sweet?" He gave a small smile.

"Dill. I hate sweet pickles."

"You know that for sure?"

"Absolutely positive." You took a sip of your coke and listened as he described what he could remember about the diner. Until you heard your phone ring and you ran to get it.

"Hello." You said while looking up at Bucky. He was studying the can of cherry coke and tracing the design with his finger tip.

"Hey (Y/N)? This is Steve Rogers." The deep baritone voice answered.

"Oh hi Steve!" Bucky looked up from his focus at you. "How's it going?"

"Pretty good. I just wanted to check in on you and Bucky. It's been a while since you've sent me an update." You smacked your forehead.

"Oh man I'm sorry. I completly forgot!" You had sent Steve a few emails the first week Bucky had been here. After a while you'd kind of forgotten and gotten lazy.

"Its completely fine. Is everything alright?" You smiled.

"Its all good. You looked down at your calender and an idea popped into your head. "Hey gimme a sec Steve." You pressed the phones reciever to your chest and whispered to Bucky. "Hey, do you want me to invite Steve for dinner tommrow or Sunday?" His eyes lit up and he nodded.

"That sounds great." Bucky answered and you gave him a smile. You pushed the phone back to your ear.

"Hey Steve, would you possibly like to come have dinner over here? I think it'd do some good."

"Sure (Y/N)! When's a good day?" You chatted with Steve some more and worked out the details while Bucky listened in. You chatted for quite some time about mundane things. Bucky seemed a bit bored by the conversation and he washed his dishes quickly before walking off to his room. Finally you ended your phone call with Steve and headed down the hall to Bucky's room. You knocked lightly before opening the door. You found Bucky sitting silently reading his book. He looked up at you and sat his book down.

"So he's coming over?" He asked with a bit of excitement in his voice.

"Yep. Sunday night." You sat down on the bed and pointed at the book.

"Do you like it so far?" You asked. He shrugged.

"Its okay. I like Atticus Finch." He said with a chuckle.

"So did I." You talk with him for a while about To Kill a Mockingbird. Then you segwayed back to Steve's visit. "Are you worried about him coming over?" He shook his head.

"From what I remember, Steve is my best friend. It should be natural." You nodded.

"But you haven't spent much time together since he was unfrozen." He shrugged.

"We fought together against Stark. I think we are good." You chuckled. "What?"

"Nothing, I just, I love how simple men are. Like girls would make some huge thing out of this but you too are just friends again immediately." You chuckled and stood up. "It reminds me of why I sticked to Sam in highschool." Bucky nodded and picked up his book.

"For 100 year old super soldiers we are pretty simple." He said with a smirk. Your jaw dropped slightly.

Did he just make a JOKE

You regained your posture and laughed a bit.

"Alright. Well I'm gonna go make dinner. Any idea what you want?" He cracked a smile.

"Grilled cheese with pickles?"

The next day went by smoothly. Bucky helped you clean the house and you made a quick grocery trip to get food for the dinner. You'd decided with bucky's help that you'd make pot roast and green beans. You had promised Bucky he wouldn't have to eat them but you were also making mashed potatos.

"Why do you need a whole container of crisco for one dinner?!" Bucky exclaimed holding up the fat that you had tossed in the cart. You smiled and continued walking down the aisles. You hummed silently to yourself and Bucky grumbled from behind you.

His broken silence was incredible and you enjoyed his newfound voice. Although at moments he still stayed silent when you knew he wished to respond to things.

He flinched as you put the sack of potatos into your cart. You chuckled.

"Figured out why you don't like potatos yet?" You hollered back to him. He shook his head and narrowed his eyes in concentration.

"Nasty." Was all he said. You finished picking up the groceries and headed to the front of the store to check out. As you neared the part of the supermarket with the most people Bucky moved closer to you. His eyes moved back and forth looking at all the people. Kids stared up at him and he made sure his sleeve covered his arm. You gave him a quick smile and turned to the man behind the register.

" Hey there Sal." The old man gave you a huge grin.

"Howdy there (Y/N)! How's the farm going?"

"Its sticking around." You shrugged with a friendly smile. His eyes wandered to look at the dark figure following you. Bucky kept his head down.

"Uh (Y/N)? Who's your friend?"" Saw's eyes narrowed at the suspicious looking super soldier stacking canned plums onto the conveyor belt. Bucky looked up nervously and glanced at you. With a gulp you looked back up at Sal.

Can't necessarily say I have the world's most notorious assassin staying in my guest room can I?

"Oh this is Bucky he's uh." You stuttered trying to think of a proper backstory. "He served with my brother!" You looked back at Bucky with wide eyes. It was the only thing you could think up on such a short notice and you immediatly regretted it.

"You knew Johnny eh?" Sal said bagging a few cans. Bucky nodded slowly. "He was a good boy. Such a shame. Such a damn shame." Sal shook his head. Bucky looked up to see the pained expression on your face. You quickly recovered and handed Sal a wad of cash.

"Yeah sure Sal." You mumbled darkly. He finished your order and gave you a smile.

"I always said though, that boy had no buissness enlisting. Kid like that can't handle it." Your hands started to shake at your sides. "I guess the only one to blame is yall's daddy for pushing him." Your eyes started to blur with anger. "Now you (Y/N), you would've been great at war!" You gripped the cart for support.

"We better be going." Bucky's deep vibrato broke through your anger. He lightly pushed the small of your back towards the door. You looked back to see Sal smiling cheerily.

"You have a blessed day (Y/N)" Sal said with a pat to your arm. You flinched away and gave him a weak grin. Focusing all your energy into keeping up your facade.

"You too Sal." You quickly headed out of the market and towards your truck, Bucky following with a confused expression. You threw the groceries in the truck bed and practically jumped into the drivers seat. Your heart was beating heavy. You jumped slightly as the passenger door opened and Bucky sat down. You looked up at his blank stare.

"He seemed nice." Was all he said. His eyes never left yours.

"I suppose.' You croaked out. You started the truck and didn't slow down until you reached the farm.

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