Made In The A.M. (BWWM/ INTER...

By KoolLePlaisir

447K 15K 4.1K

'Won't you stay till the a.m.? All my favourite conversations Always made in the a.m. 'Cause we don't know wh... More

1: The Beginning
2: Mrs. Hendry?
3: Don't
4: Missing You
5: Speak Now
6: When I Realized 'It's You' (1)
7: When I Realized 'It's You' (2)
8: Moments of Heaven & Hell
9: +
11: Mr. Hendry
12: ❌ed My Path
13: Spending Time
14: Fuck You
15: Before Thought
16: Ticking Clocks
17: Wild Boys
18: A.M.
19: My Vows To You
20: Family to Foe
21: Gifts From the Past
22: No More Games
23: All About You
24: Guy Talk
25: Trouble Finds You
26: Set That Bitch Straight
27: Thanksgiving Pettiness
28: No Letting Go
29: Turning Pages
30: One Last Chance

10: EXit That Way

11.4K 474 63
By KoolLePlaisir

Hey! First, did y'all watch Zayn's video for 'Like I Would'? Ana a.k.a. Kreesha Turner is in it. Even when you can barely see her she is beautiful. Anyways, here is the other side of last chapter. I hope you enjoy. Deuces!

P.s. This is unedited!


Sugar and I are talking to kill time until it is time for my next meeting. She is telling me about how her date with Miroslav went last night. Apparently, my Slovakia boo used to be a playboy and a few of his many conquests confronted him about it. "Queen, this chick had the nerve to sit down at the table with us and start eating off our plates", Harmony continued telling me about Tammy, a white woman with a lot of attitude and boldness. I giggled, "Are you serious? Then what happen?", I asked before biting into the chocolate and nut covered strawberry I had been eating. She re-crossed her legs the opposite way from their previous position.

"She asked him how he was doing and if he was done playing with me yet like he had done her. I had just sat my sweet ass right there eating my food while she went to town on him. Hell, I even willingly shared some of my food with her", she responded making me burst out laughing at the mental images. I could literally see Harmony with her cheeks full of food holding out her fork with food on it like 'Girl, you want some?' She giggled, "Ma, he looked so scared. After she had left he moved the butter knife to his side of the table like he thought I was going to try to cut him or something. I honestly thought it was funny. I could not even really be mad at him because that all happened before me, but I made it clear that if anything happens during me a butter knife will be the least of his worries", she said rising to her feet from the chair on the outside of my desk.

I nodded, "And you know that I will be right there beside you in court. Me, Fin, and your uncles all will", I commented and she smiled. "Speaking of King, how have y'all been? He hasn't came by today and the day is almost over", she asked. I bit my lip, a smile forming on them at the mention of my man. "We are great. He isn't coming today though because I told him that today was too busy for me, so no lunch or anything together for the day", I responded checking the time on my desktop. It is time for my meeting so I rose to my feet and smoothed out any wrinkles I might have with my hands. Harmony taking that as her que gave me quick little pep talk before she left to escort my appointment to the meeting room.

I grabbed my tablet and the file I needed off the desk before making my way to the meeting room I had reserved for my appointments today. Before I could open the door to the meeting room the door opened and Harmony came walking out. She looked annoyed and wished me luck as we passed each other. I sighed thinking that it was another one of 'those' clients. By 'those' I mean the clients that come in her with a superiority complex or act like the world evolves around them. I hate those clients, but I very much so love to set them straight.

So with a deep breath I opened the door and entered the room shuttle door behind me. I had not acknowledge my client's presence yet but from the strong smell of Cologne in the room my client was a male. I started to introduce myself when I froze at the sight of Toni sitting in my seat at the head of the table where I usually sit during meetings with clients.

He was staring at me the exact same way that he used to. It was the same way that he would look at art or a picture he had mentally seen while looking at something while we were out and about. I hate that look now. I used to love it. I used to love him. I sighed but kept myself professional for the time being.

"What are you doing here, Mr. Mahfud? I made it very clear that I will not work with you or your wife. So what is the meaning of this?", I demanded breaking the tense silence of the room. He just stared at me for a few more seconds making my skin crawl as he looked me from my head to toes before looking me straight in the eyes. "I wanted to talk to you without any distractions or other people", he said nonchalantly. "In case you have not noticed Mr. Mahfud, I am very busy woman. So I will have to decline us speaking and ask you to please leave", I responded politely. He tsked, "In case you have not noticed Ms. Williams, I am scheduled for this meeting and I have already paid for your services so I would advise you to have a seat so that we can discuss a few things", he said, an edge to his voice.

I sat the folder and my tablet down on the table. I pulled my phone from out of my pocket and called one of my bosses, Roman Denisov. The phone rang twice before he answered, business voice already in place. "Denisov", he answered making me roll my eyes. "Hello, sir. This is Ana. I hope that I did not interrupt anything, but I am calling you concerning Toni Mahfud. I clearly stated that that I would not do business with him or his spouse, yet he is sitting in my meeting room in my chair as we speak. Why is that?", I responded getting straight to the point. He sighed, "I apologize for that Anastasia, but my husband thought that it would be fine if you worked for him. I know that you have history with him, but sweetheart for the company's sake, put that aside. However, if he gets out of line call me and I will personally beat his ass and make sure that he does not have a penny to his name afterwards", he said, business voice now gone.

"Fine. For you and the company, but Branson will be hearing from me", I agreed. "I would not expect it to be any other kind of way. I have to go, sweetheart, but I will be stopping by later to check on you. I love you and call me if you need me", Mr. Denisov said making me smile despite the situation they had put me in. "I love you too and I will. Bye", I responded. "Bye", then he hung up and I was forced to deal with my ex. I took a deep breath before addressing him. "It seems that you were telling the truth, Mr. Mahfud. I am Anastasia Williams and I will be your lawyer for as long as you need. If you at anytime f-", he interrupted me and I wanted nothing more than to slap him for it. "Enough with the formalities. We have made love way too many times for you to be speaking with me so formally, Ana. It is just Toni", he said and I ignored.

"Why do you require my services Mr. Mahfud?", I asked. "Didn't you read the papers I sent you?", he responded. "Of course, Mr. Mahfud. But I still want you to tell me about it. It makes my job that much easier to have all of the pieces to the puzzle to finish it", I responded condescendingly. He hummed, a smirk appearing on his face. "Anastasia, I really do not like speaking across the room to you. Come sit beside me and I will gladly explain my business with you to you", he said. With a sigh I grabbed his file and my tablet before walking down the left side of the table and taking the chair to his right.

"Explain it to me, Mr. Mahfud", I demanded and he did. He gave me a rundown about him signing a contract with this agency a year ago, but he recently took some shots for a new one that wants to sign him with them. His original agency was not happy and are suing him for a breech of contract and will not let him out of his contract unless he buys his way out. This is where I come in. I am supposed to find the almighty loophole and help him beat the agency so he can walk. This honestly is a cakewalk for me and that is why I think he specifically came to me.

"I can have this all cleared up in 2 weeks max. If I run into any trouble with your agency I will notify you. Before I make any major moves I will notify you beforehand for your permission to carry them out. In a few days I will email you with an update. Have a nice day, Mr. Mahfud", I said dismissively picking up my tablet and unlocking it.

"We need to talk", he said. I raised a brow, eyes still trained on my tablet screen as I checked and responded to emails. "Toni, our meeting is done for now so I see no plausible reason for us to need to talk now", I responded crossing my legs one over the other. He ran his hand through his hair. "I want to catch up. I want to make sure that you're okay", he said wistfully and I almost believed him. He had 2 years to make sure that I was okay, but he was too busy trying to turn a hoe into a housewife.

I scoffed, "I am great and we have nothing to catch up on. You wanted to be with her, you got her. I am happily engaged to be married to an amazing man that just so happens to be my best friend and child, I ain't got no worries except for figuring out my outfits", I responded casually. "He won't ever be me, Ana", was Toni's big comeback and I laughed. I full belly, hunched over laughed. "What is so funny?", he boomed and I paused, laughter ceasing. I stared at him blankly before bursting out laughing again. "What the fuck is so funny, Anastasia!?", he demanded, hoping to his feet and leaning towards me with his hands flat on the table.

I wiped away a stray tear and recomposed myself before rising to my feet and grabbing my belongings off the table. "You. I actually thought that I would still seriously feel some type of way after seeing you again after you hurt me like you did, but I have come to the realization that I do not give not one fuck anymore. I have Stephen, my man and he makes me unbelievably happy, way happier than you ever could. So whatever this is supposed to be, this conversation, it is over. There is nothing that needs to be said and as soon as this case is over I want you gone again. Honey, I am good", I responded. He scoffed, "Why are you playing so hard to get, Ana? I know that you still want me", he asked and I had heard enough of his bullshit. I stepped to the side of the chair before walking to the door. I had barely even cracked it before it was slammed back shut.

"Toni, I have been very patient and tolerant with you. Now back the hell up and let me out of this room", I said calmly while mentally counting in my head so I did not blow up on him. "Not until you admit that I still make you nervous and that a part of you still loves me like I do you", he responded gruffly. I rolled my eyes, "Get the fuck away from me, Toni. I am so done with you right now. What part of happily engaged do you not understand? I want absolutely nothing to do with you. I do not want anything from you. Leave me alone. I am happy and I will not let you or anyone ruin my happiness", I spat.

He chuckled like I had just told him a joke. "You think that I would really believe that shit? I made you happy. You still want me. I saw it in your eyes when I came here the first time. You miss me. You miss the kisses we shared, my touch, and most definitely the sex", he husked pinning me against the door using his body. "Get the fuck off of me!", I snapped and pushed off the door as hard as I could, successfully getting him off of me. I threw open the door and went to take a step when my forearm was caught. I jerked away from him and slapped him across his face. "Fuck you, Toni. You are so damn arrogant and narcissistic! I do not want anything to do with you! If you want a easy fuck then call your fucking wife! You cheated on me with my best friend and all the fuck you had to say was 'sorry'. You cannot tell me that you honestly thought that I would anything to do with you after that kind of betray! You need to get the fuck off my floor and vacate the premises before I fucking have you tossed out! Do not fuck with me! I am not the same naive woman that I used to be! Do not touch me! Do no-", and suddenly the room began to spin. Then I was being swallowed by darkness.

When I came to I was lying in a hospital bed with Toni standing at my bedside. I felt nauseous. He was not supposed to be here. Fin is supposed to be beside me. Toni should just leave and not come back. Toni was texting on his phone so he did not notice that I was awake yet. Well, that was until I cleared my throat.

"Why are you still here?", I asked. He smirked, "I had to make sure that my girl is okay and I found out why you are currently lying in a hospital bed", he responded smugly. I glared at him, "Nothing that I do or about me concerns you anymore, Toni. So not make me add a suit to your already pending one that you will for sure lose", I warned. He leaned down so that he was invading my personal space. "Why isn't it? I came back for you, Anastasia. The only reason I am with Jasmine is because she had gotten pregnant with our daughter during the last month you and I were still together. I do not love Jasmine nor have I ever. All that she was to me was a convenience for sex. I want you back, Ana. Just forget about everyone else and give me another chance, babe" he said, his face slowly getting closer to mine. But before he could go any further the door slammed open against the wall and a livid Fin came striding into the room.

"What the fuck is going on in here!?", he bellowed startling us apart. Stephen's eyes zeroed in on Toni and he stalked up to him, standing toe to toe with him. "Why the fuck are you here with my woman, Toni? Last I checked, Ana is taking my last name and you have no authority to make decisions where her health is concerned", he said calmly, too calmly. His voice may have been calm, but within his eyes a storm was brewing. "Fin?", I called reaching out for him but he never looked my way. "Stephen", I said sternly trying to grab his attention, but again I failed.

"What the hell is going on?", I yelled bringing the two men out of their stare down. "I don't know, but I sure as hell am going to find out. Why the fuck have you lied to the doctor and told them that you are Ana's husband and kept everyone from seeing about her?", Fin asked snatching Toni up by the collar of his jacket. "What?", I asked incredulously while Toni just smirked. "I never told them that, but I never denied it when they asked. See, babe. Even strangers can see that I am the better man for you", Toni said haughtily. Then in the blink of an eye Fin's fist was connecting with the side of Toni's face and they went to fighting. "Finny! Stephen, stop!", I yelled picking up the call button for the nurse's station.

This was not the first time I have seen Fin fight someone, but it is surely the first I have seen him this angry while fighting before. Stephen looked like a mad man as he rained down punches on Toni mercilessly. I got out of bed ignoring the way the room shook around me a little and made my way over to the fight. I know that it is dangerous to get in the middle of a fight, but I have to get Fin off of Toni. "Finny, please stop, baby!", I called using the foot of the bed to keep myself upright. He froze momentarily glancing over his shoulder at me, which was a mistake on both of our parts.

When he turned his attention back to Toni he was met with a fist to the face. "Stephen", I gasped sitting at the foot of the bed, my legs feeling too weak to hold me up anymore. "Please, stop fighting? Toni, please leave?", I called over the loud commotion they were making as they fought, right as the room door burst open again and people came rushing into the room.

Amongst those people were Miroslav, Max, and Harmony, who came rushing to my side alongside a doctor and two nurses while the men rushed over to the fighting. Stephen and Toni were separated and restrained while I was helped back into bed. "Ms. Williams you need to stay in bed. Your body is still recovering and your straining your body and putting stress on your baby", the doctor scolded and just like that the room became silent with the exception of the heart monitor I was still hooked up to. "B-baby?", I stuttered, my eyes watering. He nodded and the tears began to fall. "I'm pregnant. Can I please have a moment with my fiancé?", I responded, my mind racing a mile a minute.

"Of course. Everyone else out please, we will not overwhelm my patient any further. You can all come back in an hour", the doctor said ushering everyone else out of the room. "Are you keeping it?" I looked at the door where Toni stood looking at me with an unreadable expression on his face. Although I felt tired and my mouth was dry, I still answered strongly. "Absolutely", I responded. He nodded then walked out of the room with Ro and Max following behind him leaving Fin in the room with me.

He said nothing as he walked over to the sink and pulled his hoodie and shirt off over his head sitting them on the counter.

He had some blood in the left corner of his mouth and a cut just above his right eyebrow. I watched as he grabbed a few paper towels from the dispenser and wet them before cleaning the blood from his face. He was washing his hands with cold water when I finally broke the silence we had been in for last few minutes. "Are you okay, Finny?", I asked cautiously so I would not set him off. He turned off the water and turned around to face me, leaning against the sink with his phone in his hands.

He sighed and sat his phone beside him on the counter. "You are pregnant with my baby. How do you think I feel, love?", he responded making me look down at my lap. "I don't know. I just want to know if you are okay with being a father in a couple of months. I know this is all happening pretty fast, bu-", he interrupted my rambling. "For fuck sakes, Anastasia!", he snapped startling me and I bit my lip to keep myself from crying all over again when I had just gotten my wits together. He groaned snatching the hat off his head, tossing it on the counter beside his phone and ran a hand through it in frustration. "Do you hear yourself. I get that you are scared, but I am not. I am happy and so should you be. We are getting married in two months and we are having a baby. This everything I have ever wanted with you and more, but if you think that things are moving too fast then we can slow down and push the wedding back", he said and I shook my head.

"No. We are not pushing our wedding back. You are right, I am scared. I am scared that I won't be a good mother like my mother was to me and my brother. She was the best and I do not want to disappoint her, you, and most of all our child. I love our baby so much already and I just don't want to mess up. Yes, I do feel that everything is happening all at once and it is overwhelming me, but I would not change a thing that has happened between us Finny except us getting together a lot sooner", I confessed and with 4 quick strides he was pulling me into his arms and kissing me passionately.

We seemed to of lost all sense of time as we exchanged tender kisses and gently caresses between us. Next thing I know the doctor is walking back into the room and is talking to us before letting our friends come back into the room. This time there is no Toni, but I know I will be seeing him soon. I have yet to tell Fin that we are working together because I did not want to ruin our peaceful mood so I decided to tell him when we were at home. Our friends congratulated us and we all just laughed and talked until they had to go. Later that night Fin made me change my plans about telling him at home when he told me about his little lunch date with India.

To say I neither of us were happy campers would be an understatement, but we did not hold it against each other. He understood my work circumstances and I understood why he called her for lunch. Now just because I understood it, it did not mean that I was okay with it. The same could be said about him with my situation, but both of our unwanted company were long forgotten when things got hit and heavy in my room leaving me deliciously sore and the both of us sated. I slept as comfortable as a person could in a hospital bed wrapped in the love of my life's arms as he spooned me with his hands resting on the stomach where our baby is. As I fell asleep all I could think about was holding my baby in my arms while my husband wrapped us up in his.

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