The Hybrids: A One Direction...

By nouisleepover

51.9K 1.6K 345

Five boys, created in a lab, genetically enhanced with five different powers that are meant to help them comp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 5

2.8K 105 33
By nouisleepover

Louis’ “Politics in America” class had just let out, and he has only 20 minutes between now and his next class to get lunch. As he is walking around the back of the building, a short cut to his class he discovered not long ago, his stomach rumbles and he realizes just how hungry he is. Wanting to get the most time to sit down and eat lunch that he can, he glances around to see if anyone is watching. He’s planning on using his gift to get to Kaptopis as fast as he can, leaving him with almost a full 20 minutes for lunch.

With that he takes off like a bat out of hell, running at the fastest speed he can. Louis doesn’t waste time when it comes to food. Meanwhile, Zayn is still perched outside of the cafe, leaned up against a wall, puffing on a cigarette. He hears footsteps coming, and knowing he’s not allowed to be smoking within 30 feet of the cafe gets scared of getting caught, thus using his power of invisibility. He stays completely still, blending in with the brick wall behind him.

A streak of what seems to be a person flies around the corner. Zayn can’t believe his eyes, as the blur of light stops just shy of the outside seating to Kaptopsis, and reveals itself to be a windblown Louis. Zayn wants to say something, but he’s invisible now, and if he approaches Louis, his cover will be blown. Too late. In walking towards the door Louis sees the floating cigarette, that Zayn forgot to drop in his state of fear, through the reflection in the window.

“What the hell?” Louis questions, turning on his heels to face the invisible Zayn. He walks over to investigate the floating cigarette, that he thought may have been caught in a spider’s web or something. No other explanation would make sense. But in grabbing for it, he touches Zayn’s hand that he can’t see. “Holy fuck!” Louis shouts, as Zayn appears from out of nowhere right in front of his eyes.

“Listen, man, I can explain. But first I would like you to tell me how to actual hell you were running that fast.”

Shit, Louis thought, I didn’t think anyone saw me. “What do you mean? I was just running.”

“Don’t try to pull that. I saw you, kind of. I saw this big blur and then you were just there. What is that shit, mate?” Zayn looks intently at Louis, his features cold.

“You tell me about that Harry Potter wizard stunt you just pulled, and I will tell you about what you saw.” Louis bargains.

“Fine, cool,” Zayn shrugs.

“But can we get something to eat first, I am literally starving,” Louis pleads. Zayn nods in agreement and they both enter the cafe together.

Inside, Liam is still trying to get information out of Niall. “Niall. What did you see?” he asks for the third time.

Niall still sits with his head down, shaking it. “Wait for it,” he holds a finger up to Liam, who raises his eyebrows at Niall. Niall then moves his finger to point to the door just as Zayn and Louis walk in. “That.”

Just as he saw it happen, he shoots out of the booth, shouting, “No fucking way!” Liam is startled and watches as Niall rushes to the two boys who’ve just entered the cafe. He’s dragging them back to the booth, and Liam slides over, leaving room for them to sit.

“Sit down, both of ya’.” Niall says, shoving Zayn and Louis towards Liam’s side of the booth.

“What the hell mate!” Louis shouts at Niall, “what is your problem?”

“What Agency?” is all Niall responds with.

Zayn and Louis look at each other, silently asking one another how to get out of this mess. “I’ve no idea what you’re talking about,” Louis answers.

Niall’s fists are clenched tight, wrists resting on the edge of the table. “Louis don’t do this right now. It is beyond important you tell me what Agency,” Niall’s voice is low, strained. He’s trying not to explode on them, and bring attention to their conversation.

“Why so important?” Zayn throws a questioning look at Niall.

Fed up with their bullshit and beating around the bush, Niall simply cuts to the chase. “Were you adopted from this Agency?” The look on Louis and Zayn’s face alone answers the question.

“How did you . . . ?” Louis’ brows squeeze together in confusion.

“Because, so were we.” Liam answers this time, and Louis and Zayn look from him to Niall in unison.

A feeling of unease consumes all four of the boys; this is simply too much for them. But when they thought it couldn’t possibly get any more bizarre, Harry approaches the table. The boys look at each other, positive that there is only one reason he is towering over their booth.

"You guys were adopted from The Agency too?" Harry asks, his voice a confused whisper. Though he's already fully aware of the answer having used his ability to read minds to listen in on their conversation, uninvitedly.

"What do you mean 'too'?" Niall asks him, having a feeling he already knows the answer.

"My mum told me that she adopted me from some agency when I was a baby and they told her that on my fifteenth birthday I was going to develop a super power." Harry explained to the other boys.

Each of the boys took turns explaining their similar adoption stories that their own mothers shared with them.

"This is so fucking weird. All of us just met at a frat party last night and now we all seem to share the same secrets, having super powers. How the hell am I supposed to explain this to my mum?" Louis stated, clearly flabbergasted.

"So . . ." Zayn dragged out before pausing to ask with a smirk on his face, "What is everyone's powers?"

"I have super strength." Liam bragged, knowing his power has got to be the best.

"Yeah. I know, I'm going to have the bruise to prove it you dick." Niall says while rubbing his still aching shoulder from being thrown into the wall.

Liam, Harry, Louis and Zayn all laughed in unison, Niall joining in as well.

"Well, Zayn here," Louis said while grabbing Zayn's shoulder and squeezing it slightly, "saw me use my power to get here in the blink of an eye. Literally too. I have super speed."

The boys all agreed that that was a pretty ace power to have.

Zayn was next to explain himself by mocking Louis and saying "Well, Louis here," he too grabs Louis' shoulder and squeezes it, "saw my damn cigarette floating in midair because I was too scared it was a teacher and forgot that I couldn't make inanimate objects disappear with me. Good thing it was him too because if a teacher would of saw the cigarette floating who knows what would happen for fuck’s sake."

Liam was incredibly jealous of Zayn's power to turn invisible as it was always his wish to be able to do just that.

Harry explained to the four boys how he could read minds, causing him to overhear them talking about the Agency and super powers. They now understood why Harry suddenly appeared at their table with a shocked expression on his face just minutes before.

Niall then took his turn to explain how he saw Liam using his power and how he saw Louis and Zayn walk in the cafe talking before they even walked in by using his own power of seeing the future. He explained how he could see the future but he can't alter it, mentally asking himself if that could possibly be the downfall to his power. Every power has to have a weakness, right?

After about 15 minutes of talking and bragging about their powers while scarfing down some food, Niall, being the future teller that he is, has an idea.

"Hey guys, we only have about 5 more minutes until we have to get to class. Why don't we meet up at Sawgrass Park and put our powers to good use and have a proper squabble?" Niall asks the boys.

They all easily agree to meet up at the park at half 2 in the morning while normal people should be asleep, to show off their individual powers.


Its just after half two, and the only light illuminating the deserted field in which Harry stands comes from the moon. It’s already passed when they said they’d meet, and he’s still the only one there. Just as worry that they aren’t coming creeps over him, he hears the mixed voices from Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn fill his head coming from behind him. He turns around, waving at  them.

“Not gonna lie, I was almost scared you weren’t coming.” It makes sense that they all showed up at the same time, seeing as how they live in the same dorm. Louis drove them here, and they were still laughing about some stupid story Louis told on the drive over.

“Nah, we’re here. I personally am really excited for this,” Louis says, excited to finally show someone how awesome of a gift he has.

“Same,” Liam says, feeling the same way about it as Louis.

“Well cut the small talk. Let’s get down to business, this is gonna be so sick.” Niall says practically jumping up and down, clearly the most excited about watching everyone show off their powers. “I say we have the super speedy fella take on the Incredible Hulk.”

“I’m in,” Louis says, without so much as thinking about it.

“You’re on.” Liam says, a giant smirk playing on his face.

“Wait, it’s gotta be like a proper match. Meet in the middle and shake hands, and all that kind of shit,” says Niall, still getting far too much enjoyment out of this. Liam and Louis do just that, shaking hands and bowing towards each other as if about to spar one another in a karate meet.

Before Liam can react, Louis takes off. He reaches the opposite end of the field before Liam can even figure out what direction he left in. He suddenly feels like this will not end well for him. However, not giving up, he walks over to the woodsy area of the park and rips a tree from its roots with ease, not sure what he is going to do with it. At this point, he is mostly just showing off.

Louis, trying to have some fun, runs back to where Liam is standing. Liam smirks, and swings the tree in his direction, but again, Louis is off in the blink of an eye.

Defeated and angry, Liam finds himself wishing he could rip the ground from under Louis’ feet. He’s staring in Louis’ direction, when suddenly the grass starts to ripple outwards from his feet, as if he were the pebble that was dropped into a still pond. The ripple reaches Louis, and he is shot into the air about 3 or 4 feet, coming down on his back with a loud thud.

Liam feels all of the boys’ eyes on him. “Whoa,” he mutters.

“What the hell was that? That was cheap. You didn’t tell us you could manipulate the damn elements too, Liam. I call bullshit.” Louis shouts, walking back in Liam’s direction.

“Do you not see the look on his face, Lou? He didn’t know,” Zayn says.

“I’ve never done that before. I wonder if I could do it again.” Liam tries to muster the same energy he felt a minute ago, and then again the ground is shaking underneath him. “This. Is. So. Ace!” Liam is more than pumped about his newly discovered second power.

“I still call bullshit.” Louis says, not accepting his defeat well. “But I gotta admit, that’s pretty awesome.” He fist bumps Liam. Even in losing, Louis is at least a good sport.

“Well, my powers don’t take much showing off, physically. But if you wanna see them in action, start thinking at me?” Harry’s voice trails upwards, and his statement turns into a question as he realizes how odd the request sounds.

Your power sucks. Not really, I’m actually jealous of it, Louis thinks at Harry.

“Good, you should be,” he answers Louis out loud.

“Sick.” Louis responds, smiling and shaking his head.

“Next?” Harry offers.

Can you hear me? thinks Zayn. Don’t tell the others, but I think you and I have the best powers.

Harry responds, “I think so too,” and smiles at Zayn before being caught off guard by the next voice he hears in his head.

I like your curly locks and massive dimples, big boy, Niall thinks, in a mock girly voice.

“You’re gross,” Harry chuckles in response to Niall’s weird thoughts.

You’re sexy, Niall thinks at him again.

Stop that you weirdo, Harry thinks back.

Niall’s mouth falls open. This seems to be his automatic response lately. “What did you just say?”

“I didn’t say anything.”

“I know you didn’t SAY anything, like out loud. But I heard your voice. In my head. Calling me a weirdo.”

“No . . . Really? Let me try with someone else,” disbelief clear in Harry’s voice.

Hello, Mr. Incredible Hulk, he thinks to Liam.

“Holy shit,” Liam replies to Harry’s voice in his head out loud. “Niall wasn’t kidding.”

“This is so killer. I’ve never been able to do this before. And you’ve never been able to screw with the elements before, Liam. That’s got to be more than just coincidence.” Harry says, by now knowing that nothing involving these 5 boys as a group is solely coincidence.

Before any of the boys could respond to Harry, their phones go off simultaneously.

“What?” they question in unison.

The same text fills the screen of all five of their phones.

*Congratulations boys. You are one step closer to saving the world. Next step, costumes. - The S.*


A/N: Soo, another cliffhanger. Oops! Hahah gotta keep you interested though! Sorry again that it took us a while to update! We had sort of clashing schedules yesterday, and had to work on the chapter separately this time, making it hard to okay each others' parts. NONETHELESS HERE IT IS AND IT WAS ONE OF OUR FAVORITES TO WRITE!! Please tell us how you like it by VOTING and COMMENTING, we lovelovelove to hear what you have to say! And once again, THANK YOU ALL FOR THE READS. WE STILL CANT GET OVER HOW FAST THE READS ARE ADDING UP!! You all are the best we love you! P.S. sorry for the extra long A/N. Big love, stay golden!

xx Montana

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