Young Justice Robin x Reader...

By FairyDragon7

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This is a Robin x Reader fanfiction for all you Young Justice fans out there. Hope y'all like it! :) You sa... More

Y/N Backstory
The First Encounter
The First Fight
In the Mountain
Mission Part 1
Not an Update ( Sorry )
Agonizing School Day
Second Mission
Confusing and Messed Up Situations
The Week is Over! And Halloween's Around the Corner!
Fun Times and Bad Times
Not an Update
Secrets Part 1
Secrets Part 2
A New Hero Rises
The Truth is Told

Mission Part 2

10.5K 296 48
By FairyDragon7


Here goes the second part of your first mission! Hope you like!


Dick's POV

We all boarded the bioship and went to the location we were given. S/H/N sat behind me and was admiring the bioship. It was cute earlier when she randomly jumped up and screamed "Spitfire", but I was still wondering what that was about. No one spoke a word until we were close to the location. It was a junk yard. A junk yard! 'Another bogus mission. When will Bats stop giving these kiddy missions to us!' "Miss. Martian. Please link us up." Aqualad said. I turned around to see that S/H/N was very confused. 'She looks so cute like that. I know that Bats will get mad at me if I have a crush, but at least it's on another hero. I can't hide my feelings for her from myself. I just can't tell anyone.' I thought. I felt the link up. 'Everyone linked?' I looked back at S/H/N and could see she was freaking out. "Get out of my head!" She yelled. She held her head in her hands. "Hello Megan! I forgot to tell S/H/N about the link up. We use my telepathic powers to link our conversations so we don't have to use the other technology that could be hacked. It's fairly easy. Just don't say things in your head you don't want us to hear." Miss. M. said. "That's not the issue!" S/H/N replied. "I don't like it when people are in my head. That's all. It's happened before and it didn't turn out well. So... wait! Can you read minds?" She suddenly burst. "Yes. I can. But I only use it on the enemy. I won't do it to you. I promise." Miss. M said. "I...I guess it'll be alright then. I'm sorry I yelled. I will get used to it." S/H/N apologized with a straight face. 'I don't think she's alright. She looks scared? But she doesn't want to show it.' "We are all linked. Turn on camo mode. Stay low don't interfere until I give the word." Aqualad ordered. The bottom of the bioship opened allowing us to jump out. KF tapped his lightning bolt and his suit turned black. Aqualad pushed his belt's buckle and his suit turned black and dark grey. Miss. M used her powers to change her suit black as well. Artemis's suit was dark enough because it was a dark green, and S/H/N's suit was already black. It looked good on her. SB just wore a black shirt with the Superman symbol and cargo pants. He doesn't like the tights and all. I had my cape so I was good to go. KF was the first to jump out and check the surroundings. He ran back to underneath. 'All good to go. No one is around.' He said. And with that we all jumped out of the bioship. Miss. M hid the ship and we all looked around. There were cars, metal, just... junk all over. Aqualad was giving out the plan but I heard talking to the right of me, so I disappeared from the sight of everyone and followed it. I hid behind a mound of metal and listened in on their conversation from the shadows. There were two men and one girl. "I'll give you the vile once you give me the money." The girl said. "I want to see the vile first." One of the guys said. The girl grumbled then pulled a black case out of her car. She opened it and I saw that there was that venom from Cadmus. But this time it looked purple instead of blue. I didn't speak in my head because of the mind link thing so I just kept quiet. "What are they doing?" asked a voice whispered beside me. I almost yelled. I am never scared easily, but this was unexpected. "What's wrong? Scared of a girl like me?" She asked. It was S/H/N. I didn't even know she followed me. Or did she get here on her own? I didn't know. I just told her to be quiet and listen. And so we did.


We got to the junk yard and I was still kind of freaked out with people being in my head. With what's been going on lately, I was scared people would hear my thoughts. And now they can, so I have to control myself. We were all huddled and Aqualad was giving out the plan. He said not to attack and wait. I tuned him out a bit and saw Robin leave. No one noticed him so I followed him. I don't think anybody saw me either so I just kept on going. When I caught up to him, he was hiding behind a mound of metal. I decided to join him and see what he was watching. I saw two men and one girl. I saw they had the same viles from my last mission... well solo mission. I decided to speak up. "What are they doing" I whispered to him. He didn't know I was there and so he kind of got spooked which was so adorable. I mean... ugh. Never mind. I tried to hide my blush even though it was dark. I didn't know if he could see it. "What's wrong? Scared of a girl like me?" I whispered to him again. He didn't answer. He just put a finger to my mouth to tell me to be quiet and pointed to the group. I understood and did as he said. One of the guys took a vile out of the case and examined it. "Perfect." He chuckled. He put it back in the case and forcibly took the case from here. She took her gun out. "Give that back and pay for me my money!" She yelled at him. He only chuckled yet again. "We can't allow outsiders like you to know what we are capable of right now. So... sorry for the short notice but I must make sure that you don't get away. Do it." And he started walking away. The other guy nodded and pulled out his gun as well. He smirked and then shot her in the chest. She yelped in pain and was most likely dead. I got up and was about to attack him but Robin grabbed my arm. "No. We are not supposed to attack. Wait for more orders from Aqualad." He whispered to me. "Engage. There was a gunshot so engage. Make sure everyone is alright." Aqualad ordered over the mind link. I forgot about the mind link so I got spooked. "So now you are spooked over a little voice in your head?" Robin chuckled at me. And with that he was gone in the shadows. He did a little laugh that was so mesmerizing. I smiled and headed to the guy with the viles. "Umm... I am going after the guy with the case full of viles. Got that Robin? Help the woman who got shot we need to get information out of her. Hopefully she is still alive." I told everyone. I spotted the guy. He was about to get into an SUV. I shot my grapnel gun and swung over to him closing the door. "I don't think so." I smirked at him. I grabbed two shocking pellets. And slammed one on his torso and one on his wrist that held the case. He dropped the case and kneeled to the ground in pain. I used my grapnel gun to get away. I decided to hide the case before I kicked his butt. I found the best hiding place and hid it there. I would get it later. I went back to the guy and kicked his face while in midair. When I came back with another attack, he swung his arm at me and hit my stomach. My wound started to bleed again from earlier. I landed hard on the ground. I could tell he was way stronger than me. But I had to do what I could. There was someone else in the car and I needed to find out who. I got up quickly and dug into my utility belt for the rings. My fingers found one and I put it my mouth. I didn't know if it was fire or ice, so I just went with it. I held on to his arm and tripped his feet out from under him. He fell over and got back up. He started to dust off his suit and I took my chance. I grabbed his shoulders and flipped myself above him. While I was above him I bit down on the ring and ice came out of it. I froze him from head to toe. My master piece was beautiful! I dropped the ring into my hand and put it pack in my pouch. I then put my hand over my quiver. "Gun" I thought. I forgot about the mind link thing again after I thought of my weapon. My gun was then in my hand and I walked over to the car and opened the door. Inside the door was no other than...

Kid Flash's POV

Aqualad started to explain the plan to us. After he was done I looked over to where Robin and S/H/N were standing. "Hey, where are Robin and S/H/N" I asked. "I hope they listened to my orders." Aqualad sighed. "Don't tell me S/H/N is like Robin and sneaks away without anyone noticing! Ugh!" I groaned. It was annoying to me how Robin always disappeared then reappeared out of nowhere. There was suddenly a gunshot in the distance. "Engage. There was a gunshot so engage. Make sure everyone is alright." Aqualad ordered. "Well there go the other orders." I thought. "Umm... I am going after the guy with the case full of viles. Got that Robin? Help the woman who got shot we need to get information out of her. Hopefully she is still alive." S/H/N said. I ran around looking for the girl that S/H/N said got shot. I found her and she was struggling to breath. I knelt next to her tried to stop the bleeding. She suddenly grabbed my wrist. "D...don't try to me." She breathed out. She let go of my wrist. "D...don't let him g...get away w...with the Cobra Venom. H...He will use it to... to take whatever he w...wants. P...please stop him." I could tell she was slipping away. "Ok. I promise we will stop him. But I need to ask you something. Why were you going to give the venom to him anyway?" I asked her. "I... I wasn't. I was going to get the first and t...then *cough* *cough* then I was going to destroy the venom. I h...had it all p...planned, but I guess it b...backfired." She chuckled. "Hold on a little longer. I can stop the bleeding." I told here. " I want to die. Please. I... I want to be with my daughter once again." She smiled and a tear rolled down her face. "Thank you." And with that she closed her eyes and faded away. I got up and felt bad I couldn't save her but... she was happy. I walked away. I was not in the mood to run. "Gun" S/H/N said. I was confused and didn't know what she meant. I was about to ask but then heard a scream. I got my running mood back and ran around the junk yard to find out who screamed.


I opened the door and my father was inside of the car smiling at me. "Hello S/H/N. How's it going." He smiled evily at me. I don't think he knows it's me. I stood there in pure shock. I didn't know what to do. "Is that anyway to treat your poor, old, father?" He asked. " did you find me?" I asked. My gun was still pointed at him. "I didn't. You just showed up. Anyways. How has it been. Living with your secrets. Not telling anyone who you are and what you did. I should leak out the information on the news. Oh! That would be fun!" He laughed like the Joker. I glared at him. "I didn't kill her! I didn't.. it was... it was an accident!" I yelled at him.


I was only 7 years old at the time.

"Mom?" I asked as I looked up to my mother who was holding my hand. We were walking to the park to have ice cream and then we were going to get a gift for my father for his birthday. "Yes honey?" she replied. "What do you think father will like for his birthday?" I asked. "Well he likes certain stuff, but if it's form you, he will be happy with anything." She smiled. My face lit up in joy. "Alright! That makes me happy!" I gleamed with joy. I let go of her hand and put it to my face to think. We were crossing the busy street when a truck was speeding our way. I was too busy figuring out what to get him that I didn't know what was going on around me. My mother thought I was still walking beside her but I stopped in the middle of the street to think better. The truck was coming full speed and not stopping. "Y/N! Watch out!" My mother shouted. I looked up with her with the happiest smile on my face. I knew what I was going to get him. "Move! Y/N! Move!" She yelled at me. I was so confused. I looked over to the truck and freaked out. I couldn't move I was so scared. The next thing I know was being pushed to the ground and the truck flying beside me. I looked for my mother and found her on the ground in a pool of blood. I ran over to her and caressed her head. "Mom! What happened!" I screamed as tears threatened to flow. "I love you, sweetie." She calmly told me. "I love you too! Please don't go. I need you! Dad needs you! What about his present? I'll do anything to help you! Please! Stay with me! Don't... don't die!" The tears were now flowing freely down my face. A crowd started to form and I could hear sirens. My outfit was now drenched in blood. She lifted her hand to my face and looked at me. "Take care of your little brother. Help dad when he needs it. Make sure to not get into too much trouble. Ok?" She asked putting on a weak smile. "NO! It's not ok. Not without you! I don't want you to go!" I cried. "Don't worry honey. I will always be with you. Right here." She pointed to my heart. "But I don't want you to just be in my heart!" I told her. She chuckled then cringed. A man came up and tried to drag me away. He succeded at first but I slipped away and slid to my mom. I grabbed her head and hugged it to protect her. I glared at them. They tried to separate me from my mother. "Let them take you. Please." She told me. "No! I want to be with you!" I yelled. She wiped the tears of my face a looked me straight in the eye. I could tell she was already fading away. "I love you Y/N." She smiled her biggest smile she could and her hand slipped from my face and her head bobbed to the side. "Mom? MOM? Mom!!!" I freaked out. "MOM!!!!!!" I screamed. I was pulled away from her again and taken to an ambulance truck. They sat me down on the edge of the back. They started asking me questions like, "What happened?", "Are you ok?, "Are you hurt?", "Where is your father?". I remembered the truck. "There was a truck. It went that way. I pointed and when they looked I ran towards where I pointed. I saw it crash somewhere. I kept running and found it. The police followed me and I showed them the car. They took out their guns and got the guy out of his car. You could smell the alcohol. He was drunk and killed my mom. Later, my father came for me and took me home. My brother ran away a year later.

~Flashback End~

They never arrested that man. And that was the reason I became S/H/N. To find him. I haven't yet. But I will one day. If he's not already dead. "Where's B/N ( Brother's Name )! "Oh, him? He's working for me trying to find you." I was shocked. Little B/N. No! He would never! He... he... My father took his chance with my shock and pounced on me with a Taser. "AHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed in pain. He hit the spot where I got stabbed. Now the wound was probably a little bit bigger. He smiled the most disgusting smile I could think of. I didn't know what to do, so I just scooted back until I came in contact with a metal box. I was cornered. "I will finish my job." He said. "I will torture you 10 times worse than before, or better yet, 100 times more. You won't get away from me this time. I will make sure of that. Maybe I will even capture your new friends and kill them in front of you." He laughed like the Joker again. I couldn't move out of fear. "Night, night!" He yelled. I closed my eyes ready for the impact, but it never came. I looked up and saw Robin in front of me. He stopped the hammer and threw it across the ground. "..." I tried to say his name, but nothing came out. He started to fight my father. My father gave up and ran back to the car. "I'll get you later S/H/N." And with that he got in the car and drove off. Robin didn't go after the SUV. Instead he came over to me. He couldn't see my eyes, but he could tell I was scared. He started to shake me. "S/H/N! Snap out of it! S/H/N! S/H/N!!!" I snapped out of the trance and looked over at him. He sighed out of relief. "I'm glad you're okay. I was feeling a little distraught, heavy on the dis." He said. He helped me up. Once I was up, I tripped and landed in his arms. I nodded in thanks. "R...Robin?" My voice was scratchy. "Th...thanks for saving me." My voice whimpered. He smiled at me and I felt safe. The rest of the team showed up one by one from different directions. "I heard a scream." Superboy said. "Is anyone hurt?" Megan finished. "The woman you told us about, she didn't make it. But I she said to not let that guy have the case." Kid Flash told everyone. "We must get the case back then." Aqualad said. "Well it looks like he's long gone now." Artemis reminded us. I remembered the case and ran to the place I hid it. Everyone was confused but lit up in joy when I came back. "I grabbed it and hid it before I attacked." I told them. I gave the case to Aqualad. "Good work S/H/N. How about we go home. "Everyone agreed." When we got back on the bioship, everyone was excited about another completed mission. They all talked accept for me. I sat in my seat and looked outside. We were off the mind link so I could think freely now. 'Why would B/N do that? He loves me, and he believed me. I need to find him.' I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. "S/H/N, are you alright?" Aqualad asked. I didn't notice that everyone stopped talking and was looking at me with worried faces. "Oh... Y...Yeah. Just thinking." I gave them a fake smile. "Well you were thinking out loud." Kid Flash pointed out. "Who were you talking about and what did he believe about you?" Kid Flash asked. "N...nothing. Just..." I was interrupted by Robin. "She was attacked by one of the men there and got hit. So she was losing blood, I guess, and was too shocked to do anything. So just leave her alone for now." He got half of that right, but the blood thing? I remembered I was hit again on my stomach. Without hesitation, I pulled my shirt up a bit to examine my wound. I was about 2 centimeters bigger and my shirt was stained on the inside with blood. I cringed and so did everyone else. " did you know about this?" I asked as I put my shirt back down. I could see the blood staining your shirt. It was darker than usual. "Well. T...thanks." I thanked him. They forgot about my brother and continued chatting among themselves. 'That was a close one. Thanks Robin. I owe you one.' We were at the mountain and we were getting off of the bioship. "S/H/N! Come clean that wound." Megan called. "Ok. Coming!" I called back. 'Where are you B/N?'



This one is very long, but there was so much information I wanted to put in that I just did it. Woo hoo! You have a brother! Hope you all liked it, and bye for now! :) Also, I'm so excited!!!!! Civil War came out, but I haven't seen it yet. I wanted to see it with my friend, but tickets were sold out. :( So I can't wait to see it!!!! YAY!

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