
By Gleek4ever15

1.3K 15 10

Harmony Campbell was a good girl until her boyfriend Chase started abusing her. She tried dumping him but he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

97 1 0
By Gleek4ever15

"Do you want to go out somewhere?" I asked Harmony once the movie ended.

"We can't. What if Chase is there?" she asked.

"We can wear disguises. Besides, I'm sure he's not going to be there. Let's just go to dinner or something."

She was silent for a moment but then sighed. "Okay but I need to disguise myself. Do you have sunglasses and a hat I could wear?"

"Yeah." I walked to my desk, grabbed a hat and sunglasses, and handed them to her. When she put them on you could barely recognize her. She looked in the mirror and smiled her beautiful smile.

"Perfect." We walked downstairs to where my mom was reading a magazine.

"We're going out," I said.

"Okay. Just be back before ten. It's a school night." I rolled my eyes and we walked to my car.

"What am I suppose to do while you're at school?" Harmony asked.

"Come with me."

Her eyes widened. "No, I can't!"

I smiled. "Sure you can."

"But I have to go to my school!"

"Does Chase go to your school?"

"Yes but-" I cut her off.

"Then you're going to my school."

She sighed. "Can I turn on the radio?"

"Of course." She turned the radio on and a song I recognized but don't know the name of was playing. "What song is this?"

"Mine by Taylor Swift." She sang along quietly but I could still hear her. She has such an amazing voice. "Do you remember we were sitting there by the water? You put your arm around me for the first time. You made a rebel of a careless man's careful daughter. You are the best thing that's ever been mine," she sang.

"You have a great voice."

She smiled. "Thanks." We pulled into the parking lot of Subway and I parked at the entrance. We walked in hand in hand and ordered. There was an empty booth so we sat down and ate. "So what's your school like?"

"Just like any other school, really. I think you'll like it. We'll go to the principal's office tomorrow and get your schedule."

"Don't I have to get enrolled first?"

"I already called while you were in the shower."

"Oh." There was a short pause. "Wait, what?"

I laughed. "I wasn't going to let you go somewhere that Chase could be."

She rolled her eyes and stood up to throw her pizza box away. I did the same and then we left. "So basically I would've had no choice anyway?"

"No. You would've had a choice as long as you said yes." I glanced at her from the driver's seat and smiled.

"Whatever. It's still not much of a choice."

"Do you usually argue a lot?"

"Pretty much. You better get used to it."

"I think I already have." I pulled into my driveway and parked the car. I took the key out of the igntion and we walked inside and up to my room.

We walked out of the principal's office hand in hand. "So would you like me to show you where your locker is?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Okay." We turned to the right and we were instantly at her locker. She took her schedule from me and started putting in her combination.

"How long am I going to have to go to this school exactly?"

"I don't know. Until Chase starts leaving you alone." I shrugged.

"But that could take forever!"

"So?" She opened her mouth to say something when someone shouting my name cut her off.

"Hey, Ben!" I turned around and saw my two best friends Zac and Darren coming our way.

"Hey. How goes it?" I asked once they reached us.

"Good. You ready for the big game?" Zac asked.

"What game?"

"The playoffs."

"Oh, yeah. That's today. I don't think I'm gonna be able to go."

"What? But you have to go!" he said as if it's a big deal if I don't.

"They're having a party afterwards. It's at Allison Fields's house," Darren added. Allison is the captain of the cheerleading squad and apparently the hottest girl in school. Every guy wants to date her except for me.

"Sorry but I'm not going."

"You're so lame," they both teased. Finally they noticed Harmony and smiled at her.

"Hey, who's this?" Darren asked.

"This is Harmony. My girlfriend." I put my arm around her and smiled. "Harmony, these are my best friends. Zac and Darren."

She shook their hands. "It's nice to meet you."

"Likewise. So how'd you two meet?" Zac asked.

"I went out to dinner last night and I bumped into her," I lied smoothly. She gave me a grateful smile.

"Cool. Well see you later man." They smiled at Harmony before turning and walking away.

"Thanks for not telling them. How'd you come up with an excuse so quickly?"

"Well I knew they would ask that so I just thought about what to say on the way here."


"So what class do you have first?"

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