Scarlett's Phoenix✔

By BriBillau

892K 26.9K 2.6K

"It isn't girly, I think it's really sweet." She said with a grin. "Maybe you should add some color to your... More

Chapter 1: Phoenix
Chapter 2: Scarlett
Chapter 3: Phoenix
Chapter 4: Scarlett
Chapter 5: Phoenix
Chapter 6: Scarlett
Chapter 7: Phoenix
Chapter 8: Scarlett
Chapter 10: Scarlett
Chapter 11: Phoenix
Chapter 12: Scarlett
Chapter 13: Phoenix
Chapter 14: Scarlett
Chapter 15: Phoenix
Chapter 16: Scarlett
Chapter 17: Phoenix
Chapter 18: Scarlett
Chapter 19: Phoenix
Chapter 20: Scarlett
Chapter 21: Phoenix
Chapter 22: Scarlett
Chapter 23: Phoenix
Chapter 24: Scarlett
Chapter 25: Phoenix
Chapter 26: Scarlett
Chapter 27: Phoenix
Chapter 28: Scarlett
Chapter 29: Phoenix
Chapter 30: Scarlett
Chapter 31: Phoenix
Chapter 32: Scarlett
Chapter 33: Phoenix
Chapter 34: Scarlett
Chapter 35: Phoenix
Relentless/Spin-off News
Bonus Scene: Logan
New Story!

Chapter 9: Phoenix

29.6K 862 54
By BriBillau

Josh Duhamel is Ace.

In light of a new army character, I want to thank every single person who has fought for our country and will fight for our country. Nothing but gratitude and respect for all of you.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the chapter (:

Phoenix's Pov:
Maybe I was just being optimistic but I think it was official, Scarlett was the perfect woman for me. I have thought about it for days and I couldn't find a flaw. I couldn't find one thing in personality or appearance that I didn't like.

We talked for hours, we laughed, and learned new things about each other. It was nice, it had been a long time since I was able to just be myself and have a normal conversation. We refrained from talking too much in depth on our past lives and I was grateful, I didn't want to talk about me yet. I just wanted to know about her.

She talked with so much passion and love for her drawings and art. Part of me wanted to talk some sense into her mother for taking away something she obviously loved. I glanced at the drawings on her wall throughout the conversation and was astounded by her talent. I was impressed she kept the skill even after her mother took it from her.

While talking to her, I realized that while she had a mother who sounded like she needed an intervention, she still had a father who loved her unconditionally and an older brother who would drop everything to come to her rescue if she needed. She was bitter when her mother came up, but I could sense the love behind all of the resentment.

She had years of her life that were obviously tough. Years of school with no friends and a home life where she would never be good enough in her mom's eyes. She was robbed of a social life and was forced into situations she didn't want. In a way, she was broken like I was, just in different ways.

I only have one friend from high school Ace, my best friend since we were three. Words cannot express how much I missed him. His father was in the army when Ace was a baby, unfortunately he was killed in battle. Ace felt like he owed his father and his country. He joined right out of high school and I had only seen him once since then. We wrote and occasionally were able to video chat but it wasn't the same as being able to talk to him in person.

I was pissed off when he told me he was leaving, but I understood his reasoning. That still didn't stop me from dreading the day we would all get that call that he wasn't coming home. He knew everything about me, Ace and Damon are the only living souls who know the story.

My past would come back to haunt me just like it always did. In reality, Scarlett was too good for me. What would she think when she found out what happened? When she found out how broken I am? The things I've done? The weakness hidden deep inside of me?

What if she thought I wasn't worth the trouble? I have handled rejection before, but I don't know if I could handle hers.

I've decided not to tell her yet, while that may be selfish on my part, I wanted time with her. I wanted time for her to get to know me for me. I won't lie to her if she asks, but I won't tell her until I'm ready to face the possible consequences.

She went to dinner with her brother and I went to leave. I could see the look of sadness of her face when she thought of her brother leaving. She spoke of him like I spoke about Ace.

I walked into my quiet apartment and chucked my keys onto the island. I made myself something to eat and sat down to watch a few episodes of Game of Thrones. As I sat down to watch, my eyes on the screen, I wasn't fully retaining anything I saw. My eyes were slowly beginning to get heavy against my will.


I was hiding behind the staircase as I heard laughter at the door.

He was here. Why did my dad have to go to the fundraiser? Why couldn't mom stay with me? Why couldn't I just go and stay with Ace? Why did this keep happening to me?

"Phoenix must be hiding. I'll go find him." My dad said.

"No, I got it. If we waste anymore time, you'll be late for the fundraiser. You two should go." I heard his voice from the door. He sounded smug, I could hear the excitement in his voice. He was looking forward to looking for me. The hunt.

The voice that made be shrink in fear and whimper softly, I didn't want to make too much noise. I didn't want him to hear me. I didn't want him to find me.

"Are you sure?" My dad asked nervously. I could tell he was anxious to leave.

"Positive. We'll be fine." He said with fake innocence. I knew that voice, he had plans for me.

"Alright. Phoenix, we are leaving! We love you!" My dad yelled. I heard a giggle from my mother before I heard the door open.

I heard the door shut and I knew it was just me and him. We were alone.

His boots made a sound as he walked around. "Phoenix." He sang in a taunting, menacing voice. It was like his voice echoed off of the walls. It was eerie, terrifying.

"You know the longer you hide, the more it's gonna hurt. Don't make me look for you Phoenix."

I knew he was telling the truth, but that still didn't make me want to come out of hiding. I wanted my parents. Why can't they make him go away?

"No?" He laughed. He was close, he was coming towards the staircase. I shrunk back, trying to make myself smaller. Maybe he wouldn't see me.

Who was I kidding? He would always find me eventually. But still, he walked right past the staircase and I watched him walk into the kitchen.

This was my only chance.

I bolted. Running towards the door. This was my one shot. I could run to a neighbor or I could run to Ace's house. I was almost there, I reached out to grab the door knob.

Sadly, my moment of possible freedom was shot, when I felt hands wrap around me.

"No! Let me go, please!" I yelled. I pleaded for him to let me go. Scratching at his arms and hands trying to loosen his hold.

He just laughed and leaned into my ear. "I told you not to hide or run from me, Phoenix. Now, you're really gonna get it." He whispered.

He started carrying me further into the house. I was screaming, but I never took my eyes off of the door.

I almost made it. I was almost there.

I woke with a start. Panting and thin coat of sweat on my body. I didn't move, just laid there for a second. I must have dozed off, I didn't remember falling asleep.

I finally regained my composure and picked up my phone and saw it was almost two in the morning.

I threw the blanket I must have grabbed earlier off of my body and trudged my way to the bathroom. I didn't bother looking into the mirror. I didn't need to see how haunted I looked.

I got in the shower practically on auto pilot. I was deep in thought, before I knew it, the water was freezing. I turned the water off and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I looked in the mirror and saw my face, but really all I could see was the fear. The look on my face in the dream. I was terrified. I hated to admit how weak I was at that time.

My eyes were bloodshot and my skin was pale. It was like I was twelve years old again, weak. I was scared, every time he came I was always wondering if he was going to kill me.

Part of me knew he wouldn't because my parents would suspect him. The other part of me was hoping he would. Sometimes death was better than living a life of constant fear.

I walked away from the mirror and went to my room to get a pair of boxers to sleep in. It was 2 am and I had no interest in staying awake.

I thought about Scarlett and if she got home safe. I decided to send her a quick text. Hey. I just wanted to know if you got home safe. Let me know. See you tomorrow. X

I put my phone on the charger and laid in bed. She was probably sleeping but I would see her text in the morning if she was alright. I went back to sleep. Desperately hoping for a dreamless slumber.


I didn't get anything from Scar. I woke up and automatically looked at my phone and there was nothing from her. But there was a text from Damon asking me to come in early to finish that goddamn bike. The guy is coming to get it tomorrow night and I still had some work to do.

I was forced to skip my workout and that already stressed me out. I got dressed and decided to stop and see Scarlett before I left just to be sure. It will make me worry all day if I don't do it now.

I grabbed my keys and wallet and walked next door to her apartment. I don't know if she is up yet, but I needed to know she was okay. After what happened in that alley, I didn't even want to think about her being in danger.

I knocked on her door and waited before knocking again. "Shit! Hold on I'm coming!" I heard her voice from inside the apartment making me chuckle. The door opened to reveal the most beautiful woman to walk the earth. I would never get tired of seeing her, just the sight of her made my heart race.

She was wearing short black shorts and an orange tank top. Her hair was a mess, insinuating that I woke her up. She was beautiful in every way. This is the most skin I've seen, I wanted to see more. Her legs looked creamy and smooth, she was tall so her legs were long.

"Phoenix!" She said with surprise. She tried to cover herself up but that wasn't doing anything other than push her breasts up into my view.

"What are you doing here? Is everything okay?" She asked.

"Yeah, everything is okay." I assured her "I was just making sure you got home safe and were doing okay after everything."

She relaxed and smiled at me "Yeah I'm fine. My head actually feels a lot better. As you can see I got home okay, my brother drove me home."

"Good. I'm sorry if I seem like stalker or something but I do care about you and I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I rushed out. This girl makes me feel like a pussy. I have never acted this way in front of a girl.

She just giggled "Phoenix, I'm fine I promise. I like you too and I like that you care." She likes me. That's all I got out of that sentence.

I stepped up into the door frame and leaned on it. "You like me, huh?" I felt a grin make its way onto my face.

She turned bright red and stammered out a response. She was everything I wanted, I needed to make sure she knew that. I interrupted her. "Go out with me." Shocking both her and myself. Where did this newfound confidence come from?

She stopped "What?" She sputtered out.

I leaned into her ear and whispered. "Please, go out with me?"

I looked at her face and rubbed her nose against mine before stepping back to look at her fully. "How about Saturday? We can go out, before you go to your first day at work and I shouldn't be busy. Let me take you out. It's obvious we like each other, let's give it a shot."

She seemed happy. Her eyes were sparkling and a grin grew on her face. God, she was an angel.

"Yeah! I mean, yes I would love to go out with you." She giggled out. She was so cute.

"Great. How about Saturday at eight?" I asked.

She nodded solemnly but she looked excited. "I gotta get to work." I walked up and kissed her on the cheek. "I'll see you, Saturday."

I turned and walked down the path. I couldn't resist, I turned back and said "Nice pj's by the way." I winked. I heard her gasp and then the door shut. I smiled.

The smile stayed on my face the whole walk to work.

I walked in with a small grin and I swear you could hear a pin drop in the place. Apparently, me smiling and being happy is a rare occurrence.

I walked up to, Chris still slightly grinning and he looked at me like I was the ghost from Christmas past. "You alright, Phoenix?" He chuckled.

"I am on cloud nine Chris and how are you this morning?" I asked brightly.

He looked amused at the tone of my voice. "I'm good. Um, dad just said to work on the bike today. Nothing extra for you but he wants it done, pronto." He stressed.

"I know. I'll get started on that. See you later, have a good day!" I told him while walking towards my section.

"You too!" He giggled back. I saw him shake his head.

I walked over to the bike and saw what I got done the last time I was here. The parts are all together and the skeleton is good. I'm going to need Brandon to look over the engine to make sure everything is in the right place and then I finish my work on the design. The bike should be done by the time the guy wants it.

I hope I'm getting a good cut of the money here. I have spent every day here working on this bike and doing overtime hours. If the guy isn't happy with it, then I don't know what could make him happy.

I was able to keep my mind off of Scarlett while I finished this bike. Around seven I started to get a headache, probably from not eating or drinking all day. I decided to go out and get some food before coming back and finishing. I went to Damon's office, he was working on some paperwork.

I knocked and opened the door. "D? You want anything to eat? I'm going to go to that new burger joint around the corner."

He nodded, "Yeah, just get me whatever you're getting. You know I'm not picky. Thanks kid."

"I'll be back." I told him before leaving the shop and making my way down the street. It was just now getting dark, I wanted to get there and back before the crazies wandered the streets.

I got to the place and ordered Damon and I some dinner. I got us some burgers, fries and 2 milkshakes. We've earned it, especially when the guy leaves happily with his bike. I'll consider this an award for my hard work.

I gave Damon his food when I got back. I gave him the milkshake last, "I got you chocolate, you spoiled shit." I joked.

He grinned "I knew there was a reason to keep you around." He took a sip of it and closed his eyes in bliss. 

"I haven't tried this place before, is it any good?" I started digging around in my bag for the fries.

He nodded "Like drinking chocolate heaven from a straw."

I chuckled "I'm gonna finish this damn bike."

He lifted his drink in a silent "thanks." I nodded and went back go my section, eating as I worked. Hopefully, by the end of the night, this will be done and I can focus on my date with Scarlett.

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