The Terran Enclave - Klithian...

By maxd01

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This is the second series based on my Folician Chronicles stories. There are six books and one stand alone i... More

Prologue - Welcome Brice
Chapter 1 - Kevin heads to Earth
Chapter 2 - Misty becomes a ship Liraque
Chapter 3 - Misty and Blake
Chapter 4 - I need help Kevin
Chapter 5 - Welcome Liraque Silvery Skies
Chapter 6 - You are hired
Chapter 7 - Come to Folicia with me
Chapter 8 - Welcome to Folicia Cindy and Sophia
Chapter 10 - Who let my mother in here?
Chapter 11 - Saul I accept being your mate
Chapter 12 - Can I help you Sophia?
Chapter 13 - Hands what happened to you?
Chapter 14 - You want me for what?
Chapter 15 - Heading towards where they belong
Chapter 16 - Stan this is the Goddess
Chapter 17 - Stan I do love you

Chapter 9 - Will you marry me Dark Storm?

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By maxd01

Dark Storm was sitting near Gentle as she was holding her newest grandpup. She had recently delivered the little girl and Dark was pleased Gentle was letting her help. That threat Hands had made so many years ago had forced her to really stop and think about what was important to her. The more she thought about it the more she realized Gentle was important to her. Their relationship was still a work in progress but it was getting better, "You have a lovely little girl. All of your pups are so lovely even if they are almost as stubborn as Ray's and Flitter's." Dark had to grin when she said that.

She had watched Linc drive people nuts with his feats of escape. Butterfly wasn't as active but goodness she could be stubborn when she wanted to. Dark had to wonder if Flitter had been like that as a child. Ray was fairly mellow as were his siblings. Even Hands was fairly mellow until worked up. She knew that from personal experience.

Gentle snorted at her, "Dame I am convinced that all of Ray's pups are stubborn horrible little stinkers. Almost all the pups are bull headed and independent. There are a few who aren't but most are as active as Linc and Butterfly." Gentle figured it was because Ray refused to let them, especially the boys, be constrained. She looked over at their newest pup and lightly stroked her cheek, "They are all lovely as well. We used to joke about Ray making the rest of the Folicia jealous because of all the pretty babies." At the moment she and her mother were sitting on a sofa looking out one of the windows. It was storming outside so it was dark out even though it wasn't that late. Other than the street lights and lights from other houses the only other illumination was the lightening. So they could enjoy the view the lights had been turned down.

"Dame, what can you tell me about my Sire?" She had been wanting to know for so very long. It had taken Gentle a long time to gather the courage to ask. Zantha had helped and they had talked about it a number of times. Gentle really wanted to know what her father had been like. She needed to know and now that her and her mother were healing their relationship it was time to ask.

Dark Storm stiffened slightly since it was a painful memory for her. She had really liked the man and he had been very good looking. When he had moved on from her and hadn't had anything else to do with her it had hurt badly. She tried asking him once but he refused to talk to her. She called an image of him up and sent it to Gentle. Saul had been a tall man, as tall as Gentle was. He kept his head bald though he had a goatee. His skin was a rich chocolate brown and he had dark piercing eyes. He resembled Gentle by being well muscled also.

"Saul was a striking human. The first time I saw him he caught my attention and how I hoped he might take an interest in me." Dark Storm looked out the window as her mind went back to that cruise. She hadn't wanted to go but she had been selected by her pack. At that point they had just discovered humans and being fertile with them. They hoped that she would come back pregnant with a boy pup. It was considered a great honor back then since it gave everyone hope. Though she didn't realize it there was a trace of a smile on her face as she thought about him.

Gentle received the image and he was a very attractive man. She knew humans came in other colors than the whitish pink. Other than Gloria that was their color. They were what they called Causcsian. Even though Rafique was darker in coloration he was still Caucasian. Looking at the image she could see a resemblance to the man. As she was looking at the image Gentle was listening to her mother talk about the man. She wanted to push for more information but for this she was going to do her best to be patient.

"He was smart, witty, and smooth. Almost from the day he was brought aboard the ship he had half the crew lusting after him. He could talk to a female for even a short time and have her wrapped around his fingers. When he left the crew was not happy. They wanted to keep him and bring him back to Folicia." She had to admit she had wanted to bring him back as well even after getting the cold shoulder, "As I am sure you can figure out he did take me to bed. By the Goddess he was a hell of a lover. He knew what he was doing and he was damn good." If she hadn't had the black skin similar to Gentles she would have blushed.

Gentle almost choked on that, "Um, Dame, not trying to sound bad but I really don't need to know about that part. Sorry but even at my age even considering you having sex..." She shuddered as she made a face, "How come you never talked about him? It sounds like you really liked him." Maybe not love but she had a feeling it had been more than just getting pregnant. She had never known her Dame to have been in a relationship and this was a side of her Dame she had never known.

Dark Storm had to start laughing at her daughter's reaction and comment, "Deal with it Gentle, goodness knows I have heard enough stories about you and Ray. Birdy cheerfully told me about you meeting him aboard ship. Something about Flitter not getting enough sleep." She smirked at her daughter before looking out the window again.

"I did like him Gentle, he was such a nice man. He was much like Ray in that he enjoyed talking to the women aboard ship. When I was sent on the cruise I wasn't pleased. No, I was angry and upset. I felt that I could better serve our pack doing what I did best. Not getting pregnant in the hopes of maybe having a male pup." Dark Storm knew that would probably hurt Gentle but it was the truth. Now looking back, she was glad she had Gentle. Dark Storm had been talking to a Liraque at the temple near her pack. Gentle had exceeded anything she might have even considered for a child of hers.

"I was young and to be honest I wasn't ready to consider having a child. Don't take this the wrong way Gentle. I know I wasn't a good mother and you don't know how much that bothers me now." She chewed on the inside of her lip before speaking again. Dark Storm really hoped that Gentle would just let her talk or she might not be able to say what she needed to, "I want you to know I have been talking to a Liraque back in Stone Valley. She has been helping me deal with a number of issues. Gentle I love you and I am so sorry for many things. You have made me very proud of you. You are a pack mother and you are a fine mother and mate to Ray." She looked down at the little girl and had to smile, "And you make beautiful babies."

Gentle felt her ears lower when her mother said she cared for her. That alone meant more than anything and she was going to have to thank Hands. He might have browbeat her mother but it had also started them talking again. They were closer than they had ever been though there was still a fair way to go, "Thank you Dame, that means so much to me." Gentle left it at that. She had a feeling her mother had more to say. She was proud of her mother for actually asking for help. That she was trying to heal their relationship.

Dark Storm wrapped an arm around her daughter, "As I was saying Saul was something special. He had a personality and quality that so many of our males don't. He knew who he was and was comfortable in his skin. It showed and that was part of his draw and we could always count on him to relax with us." She was definitely smiling now as she was thinking back. How she missed the man.


Saul was heading up towards New York. For the last twenty some years he simply couldn't settle down. Hell he had been avoiding relationships for that long as well. There was just something missing in his life and he hadn't been able to explain it. It had frustrated him for so many years which was why he kept moving. He was searching for something or someone. Why he felt it was someone he simply didn't know.

One thing which really bothered him was a number of investments made in his name many years ago. That had really bothered him since he had no idea why they had been made. Even more than that was why the investments were close to three hundred thousand dollars. He had checked into it but nobody could or would tell him who had made them. It was all legal and above board as long as he paid the taxes as he withdrew the funds.

It had allowed him a comfortable life style since he really didn't need much money. Most of the funds had been left in the accounts and they had accrued over the last twenty some years. Now he had well over a million dollars. He didn't really pay attention to his net worth. He left that to his accountant and investment manager. If he needed money, he would request some. Since he had a job as well he was very well off. Currently he was working as a traveling representative for a medical equipment company.

As he was driving towards New York he had to grin slightly, back when he was young he had been a biker. He had gone through college but wasn't ready to settle down. He had picked up an old Indian and rebuilt it. He had put so many miles on that damn bike before he had lost it. That was something he wasn't proud of since it had been in a card game. That made him grimace since he had betted he could out race another biker. He had lost though he had managed to steal the man's girl. Now she had been a great deal of fun before he had moved on. Saul wasn't going to say it was an equal tradeoff even though she had been fun.

The one thing which did bother him was a 2-month bender he had been on after that. He had gone over the deep end for some reason. That time lapse was shortly before the investments. Saul had to wonder, again, if the investments related to that time. If so why and what had he done to earn so damn much money?

As he was driving he started to frowning, the engine of his car started sounding somewhat off. He knew every sound the engine of his car made. He had rebuilt it as well. It was his pride and joy since it was a 1969 Pontiac GTO. It was the model known as 'The Judge' and how he loved it. It had the 370 hp option. It wasn't all original numbers but damn it he loved the car. If the engine was having issues he could fix it but depending on what was wrong it could take some time.

At the next sputter he started looking for a place to pull off the highway. Eventually he found an off ramp and took it. He managed to nurse his car to a parking lot for a business. Right as he pulled into a parking spot the engine died, "Damn it, I know nothing should be wrong." He had checked her out before heading this way. As it was he was going to need to get it towed to a shop to find out what was wrong. He could do the work but he frankly didn't have the time.

With a grumble Saul climbed out of the vehicle and headed towards the building. From the look of it this was a warehouse place. He walked in the entrance to what he hoped was the main office and headed to the desk, "Excuse me, I need to see about getting a tow. Not sure why but my car died and I barely managed to park it. I am not from around here and don't know of what tow company to call."

The moment he had walked in to the room his image was processed and alerts went off. The images of every human they had ever taken had been loaded to the Enclave database. Alonia had been alerted that one of them had pulled into the parking lot. When Saul walked into the office she damn near lost her shield. Damn but he was one hot man even if he was older, "Good morning sir, we can help you with that. Would you like some coffee while I call a company?"

He gave the woman a polite smile since for some reason she almost felt familiar. It was odd since he hadn't had a female feel that way for so long, "I would appreciate that and thanks. I just checked my car out and it shouldn't be having a problem." He looked out the door and glared at his car. He loved the damn thing and she had let him down.

Even as Alonia was talking to Saul, Kevin was alerted as well. He stared at the VRHUD and accessed the records for the man. When he did he could only stare. This was Gentles father and Kevin knew the history since he had heard about it from Ray. It had been a one off conversation after Kevin had witnessed a disagreement between the two women. They looked related and he had quietly asked what was going on.

Damn it! Now what was he supposed to do? This was not something they had expected or planned on even if their images were in the databanks, *Smiles I have a problem, I am sure you were alerted as well. This is Gentle's father and Dark Storm's, well, partner.* He was drawing a blank at the moment.

Smiles was looking at the information as well. With a slight, well, smile she replied, *I will go and talk to him. Go and do Pack Father stuff Kevin.* She stood and walked out away from her desk and towards the front. When she walked in she gave Alonia a slight smile before going over to Saul, "Good morning, I was informed you are having car issues. If needed, we can drive you to where you need to be." She settled down next to him on the sofa.

Saul noticed the woman walk in and damn it but she was as both as comfortable and as familiar as the other, "Good morning and it depends. I am going to have to find out what is wrong with my car. I am not happy since I just checked her out darn it." He looked out the window at his car again and shook his head, "One drawback to owning a classic is the occasional breakdown."

Smiles did a quick search of the vehicle and smiled, "She is a lovely vehicle and a wonderful paint job. What engine does she have?" She was doing her best to engage him and get to know him as they were talking.

He looked out the window and had to smile at his car. Saul couldn't help but smile, "It is a sexy paint job and I named her a Dark Storm for some reason. Not sure why but it felt so damn right. There was something to the name which resonated with him. The paint job was something he had come across called purple lightening. It was totally custom but based on a motorcycle he had seen many years ago.

Smiles almost flinched and barely managed not to. He did remember something even if he didn't realize it, *Kevin, he remembers Gentle's mother. He named his car for her and I can feel his missing her. We need to deal with this and now.*

Kevin leaned back in his chair and looked at the ceiling. This was both expected and not expected. It wasn't wanted either. They, the Folcian's had plans for so many things and he didn't know all of them, *Keep talking to him, I am going to try and contact Folicia.* Thank goodness he had a priority to contact the home world.

He took a deep breath and activated the link from the hyper relay. This was something for the senior Pack Father to deal with. It didn't take long before the link activated and Golden showed up. It was obvious Kevin had caught Golden in the middle of the night. Dancer sat up as well and she didn't have anything on, "Sorry for the call but I have the father of Gentle in the building. What should I do?" He definitely needed some advice.

Golden looked somewhat startled before he took a breath, "Bring him to your office and unlock his memory. See what his reaction is and then contact me. I will place a priority on your call back. Do this now. I will be waiting for your reply." He disconnected and looked at his mate. What was going to happen was up in the air and he looked rather pleased. If this worked out it might be the final healing Dark Storm needed.

Dancer looked at him and then pulled him into a good kiss. She had a feeling the Pack Lord had his finger in, how did the human's put it? Oh, he had his finger in the pie. Since it didn't concern her directly she settled back in bed and waited for her mate to join her.

Back on Earth Kevin listened to what Golden told him and agreed it was the best thing to do. He would do as ordered and sent a message to Smiles, *Bring him to my office and Golden told me to return his memories.* He took a sip of his coffee and wondered what was going on.

Smiles looked at Saul and gave him a nice smile, "Why don't you come with me? My boss wants to say hello to you." She tapped her ear as if she had an earbud in, "He loved the paint job as well and wanted to talk cars with you." She stood and waited to see what he would do.

Saul couldn't help but grin since it sounded like the other man was a gear head as well, "Cool and later a ride would be greatly appreciated. I do need to get to New York this evening. I do love that car and she is lovely. If I had a woman in my life it would be like her, hot, energetic, and would wind me up." He didn't realize it but he was showing more since he felt Smile's impact. He stood and followed her out of the waiting room.

She started laughing, "You almost sound like my mate. Except for him it is studying and learning. Occasionally I manage to pry him from his other mistresses, you know books." She settled for general chatting as they headed to Kevin's office.

When they entered Kevin's office Saul glanced around and it was a very nice office, "Nice to meet you and I am Saul. So you liked my car? I have had it for years and how I love Dark Storm. She is a wonderful car even if she takes too much gas."

Kevin gave Saul a knowing grin, "Doesn't that describe most cars and females?" He contemplated the man before choosing activating the memories, "Saul take a breath. You are going to see something you need to."

When the memories hit Saul's face drained of blood. Now he knew why he had been running for so long. Now that the memories came back he knew he had been running from her memory. Dark Storm had been such a beautiful woman and he had been drawn to her. He had grown to care from her and knowing he was going to lose those memories had hurt, "Oh god, Dark Storm, how could I have forgotten you?" He curled forward and wrapped his arms around his head as he started crying.

Smiles settled down next to Saul and wrapped her arms around him and held him close. She very gently applied her powers to him even as she looked at Kevin. Not all the males were bad. It was just they had mostly gone for loners or those who wouldn't be missed for weeks or longer at a time, "Talk to me Saul, tell me what you remember of Dark Storm."

Saul finally sat up and stared out the window and swallowed several times, "She was so lovely, so... So active and interesting. How she drew me since she almost called to me. Oh god, why did I forget her?" He started crying again. How he had cared for her but knowing that he was going to forget her he had forced her away. She had been the woman he had been searching for so very long, "Where is my Dark Storm? I want to see her. I need to see her."

Even as Smiles dropped her shield Kevin spoke, "Saul in the beginning the Folician's hid the memories of those they took. There are reasons and I will talk to you later. You were forced to forget since many years ago they hid the fact aliens existed. It was to protect us humans. We will help you."

Smiles dropped her shield and held her as he was looking out the window, "We will help you Saul. Since you found your way here we will take care of you. You do have a daughter named Gentle Resolute Song and she has a mate named Rayfuso Johnson. He is human and yes you have grandchildren. Would you like to see some pictures of them?" She was doing her best to comfort the man.

He didn't notice either talking since his memories were overwhelming him. She was an alien but she had been so beautiful. How he had wanted to ask her to be his wife. Dark Storm was beautiful and she had rocked his world. When the woman mentioned he had a child and even grandchild he started crying even more. Damn it he wished he had been there for Dark Storm and his child. What had the woman called her? Oh, Gentle Resolute Song. She sounded like a wonderful person.

Smiles glanced at Kevin as he stood and left the room. He could feel the man's distress at what he had learned. If nothing else maybe he could take a look at the car and see what might be going on. It would give him something to do as the other tried to deal with his emotions.

It took some time for Smiles to calm Saul down. He was dealing with what the memory replay showed him and damn it he missed her. He didn't know if she felt the same but he realized it was the reason he kept moving, "I want to talk to Dark Storm. She was so wonderful. I know she wasn't pleased to be there but damn she drew me. I forced her away since I knew I was going to forget." He had noticed her almost from the first and damn it she was sexy. Once he had come to know her she drew him even more.

Smiles held him close as he was trying to deal with what he had dealt with. Most of the human's simply kept going but there had been a chance one or two might have some residual emotions. In this case it was obvious he had residual memories, "We will help you contact her Saul. I promise this."

While Smiles was dealing with Saul and his emotions Kevin walked out to the car. He had to stop and appreciate it. It was in mint condition and the paint job was incredible. The interior was obviously custom since the seats were leather and the dash had been upgraded to digital. He opened the doors, Smiles had handed him the keys, and settled down. He would almost kill for a car like this even if they were bad for the environment. When he tried starting it the darn thing caught immediately and came to life with a deep rumble, "Great, this was a set up wasn't it? I feel someone's fingers in the mix. I might grumble later." He turned it off and headed back inside. When he walked into his office Smiles was talking with Saul.

Kevin hoped this would be good for everyone, "Saul we will get you in contact with Dark Storm. It might take a bit of time but we will. For now, go with my mate Smiles and get something to eat. She will show you to the Enclave dining room and set you up with a room. Not saying that you can't keep doing what you have been. I am just saying that you will have a place you can come and relax while you come to terms with what you just learned. I would suggest you contact who you work for and ask for a week off. It does take time to accept what you learned. Believe me I understand. I encountered much the same."

Saul looked at Kevin and it was obvious he was curious, "So how did you end up being the CEO of this place? Well and work with the aliens." He had heard the name but he didn't quite catch it.

Kevin snorted, "Man that is a long story. Um, you haven't met them but Ray, Misty, and Hands came back for a Christmas visit. While they were visiting Misty said hello, we had been dating a number of years ago. Again long story short I discovered I was a Pack Father," he waved his hand, "I will explain it later. I went to Folicia, met my mate Smiles and was returned to Earth as the Enclave Pack Father..."

Saul glanced at Smiles and then back at Kevin. It was obvious he was still trying to deal with the memories, "Oh, um, I think I would like to go and relax for a while if you don't mind." He needed the time to try and deal with the memories.

Kevin waved at Smiles, "Allow my mate to help you with the memories. It is part of who she is to help people. We have someone else who can help you and talk if needed. Her name is Storm and is the girlfriend of one of my staff. I don't know if you recognize the term Liraque but that is what they are. Go, relax, ask Smiles or Storm if you have any questions. Oh, your car is working fine. I have a feeling one of the Deities of Folicia had their hands in getting you hear." He tossed the keys back.


Saul was sitting in the apartment they had given him. He had done as asked and asked for some time off. He had gone for the appointment he had with one of their clients and had sold well. He had been half distracted but had come through for his company.

As he was standing there looking at images on the window, screen, or whatever the hell it was Saul didn't bother trying to think. It was showing sections of Folicia which was where Dark Storm was from. That was something Smiles had told him. He still didn't know what to think since it had been only a short time since his memories had been unlocked. Currently he had Gloria and Storm, not his Dark Storm, in the room and they were comforting him. As much as he cared for her how could he have forgotten her?

Even knowing they were more advanced how could he? She had been so lovely and wonderful. They had hit it off well and damn it she had rocked his world. Dark Storm was taller than many of the women he had met, she drew him and god he had enjoyed being in bed with her. Saul didn't know what to really say about how much she had meant to him.

"What am I supposed to say to her Storm? I shoved her away from me. I closed her out of my heart, and ran. I know that I was going to lose my memory but what else could I do? I knew losing her was going to hurt me and badly."

Gloria leaned against him and held onto him, "Saul, I knew Ray as it has been mentioned. I have two children by him and I knew his former mate. When he had been forced to forget her it hurt him. When she came back into his life how Ray embraced her. He took her into his life and showed how much he loved her. Give Dark Storm a chance. Talk to her and ask her how she feels. Go to Kevin and have him make a call." She gave him a good hug before glancing at Storm and leaving the rooms. Storm could comfort him.


When the call came in Gentle and Dark Storm were relaxing next to each other. Gentle had realized that loosing Saul had caused some of the problems. It was also that she reminded her Dame of her Sire as well. When he had ended up giving her Dame the cold shoulder it had hurt her more than she wanted to admit. Gentle tried to imagine how it might have impacted her if Ray had done the same. She really couldn't though and wanted to know why Saul had.

She accepted the call and tilted her head as Kevin showed on the screen. He glanced at Gentle and then Dark Storm. His expression was serious when he started speaking, "Gentle, Dark Storm, I have someone who wants to talk to you. This is actually for Dark Storm but it is good you are there as well Gentle." He looked at Dark Storm and gave her a smile, "We have Gentle's father Saul here and he wants to talk to you Dark Storm. Will you talk to him?"

Dark Storm tensed but before she could lose it Zantha walked in. She rested her hands on Dark Storm's shoulders, *I am here to help you. Let him talk to you and we will go from there. You are related to this pack and by that I have some responsibility to help you.* She leaned over and nuzzled the woman's neck before standing back up.

Gentle looked at her Dame and gave her a tentative smile, "Do it Dame, talk to him, let him know how you feel. Let him explain why he did what he did. Deal with this." She again stroked her daughter's cheek, "Let him know he has both a child and grandchildren. That will show what he is really like." She sat up and waited to see what she was going to do.

Dark Storm shivered as she tried to choose what to do. She wanted to have an explanation but she was scared about what he might have to say. When Zantha rested her hands on Dark Storm's shoulders she was forced to relax, "Thank you Zantha and Kevin I will talk to him but not via some long distance call. He will tell me face to face. I will arrange for a transport to Earth." She stood and walked out of the room.

Kevin glanced at Gentle and nodded, "I will ensure he is here when she arrives Gentle. Get me the schedule and... I will deal with it. If you are going to come let me know." He disconnected the call and leaned back in his chair and rubbed his head. At the moment Saul was residing in one of the apartments even though he was still working his job. As they had found there wasn't any problem with his car. There was hints that the Pack Lord has something to do with this.


It was two weeks later when the transport was at Earth. Ray looked down at the planet as he had an arm wrapped around both Gentle and Dark Storm. Zantha was there as were all their pups. Ray was pleased to finally meet the father of Gentle even if it had caused problems long terms. He had talked to both women and had an idea what had happened. He wanted to know why he had hurt Dark Storm. Once the ship was in orbit around the planet he escorted everyone to the transport room.

Dark Storm appreciated Ray's attention since he was a Pack Father. She was so damn scared to see the father of her child. She had spent a great deal of time with Zantha since she found out and it had helped. It also helped that she remembered the woman from when Zantha was a child. She had been one of Gentle's few friends and she cared. When they moved to the transport room Dark Storm tried to slow down but Zantha had an arm around her and urged her to the room.

Shortly they were down on Earth and it was going to be so very soon she was going to be facing him. Goddess what was she going to say to him? Damn it she wanted to go and hide and not see him. She had finally admitted that she had come to love him and wanted him as her mate. It was so hard to know what to do, "I am scared Zantha, what am I supposed to do?" She turned to the young woman and wrapped her arms around her.

Zantha wrapped her arms around Dark Storm and held her, "Dark Storm you need to face Saul and deal with this. You can't move forward until you deal with this. I am here for you, Gentle is here for you and so is Ray. We have their pups as well and you will be fine. Let us support you and help you."

Ray moved forward and wrapped his arms around her, "We are here for you, I am here for you Dark Storm, I am a pack father as you know. I will help you since you are the mother of my mate and the grandmother of our pups. Now we are going to go and introduce my mate and our pups to Saul." He urged Dark Storm out of the room.

When they finally walked into Kevin's office they found Saul there. He jerked out of his chair and stared at Dark Storm. His eyes tensed before they softened and he took a stepped towards her before freezing. His hands started to reach out before he dropped them and simply looked at her. God she looked so much like when he had been on that ship, "Hey Dark Storm and you look good." His voice was husky and strained.

She looked at him and even though he was older he looked as good as when she had known him, "You look good as well Saul. I want to introduce you to our daughter Gentle Resolute Song, her mate Rayfuso, and our grandpups. Why Saul? Why did you push me away?" Tears started flowing.

He looked at the woman standing next to Dark Storm and she was a lovely looking woman. How she looked like he remembered when he was younger. She was close to his height and well-muscled. The male next to her was well muscled and not bad looking but the children he could tell they were related to him. He started to tear up, "All of you look... Wonderful, god I missed so much. How much have I missed? I knew I was going to lose you and it was to protect you. I loved you and didn't want you hurt when I was sent back."

Dark Storm moved towards him and wrapped her arms around him, "How I have missed you Saul. I missed you even though I didn't realize it. What can I do to get you back in my life?" Feeling him in her arms she remembered how much she had cared for him, "Damn you Saul, we could have dealt with this if you had just talked to me. Damn you!" She was starting to cry.

Saul wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. If he had any say in it he would never lose her again, "I named a car after you. I didn't know I was missing you Dark Storm. My memories appeared to have somewhat leaked." He moved back and opened a small box, "Dark Storm I don't know the Folician way of asking but will you marry me?" He held out the box with a ring in it.


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