Awesomeclan Spoofs

By Stuck_In_Nightmares

162 19 28

Yo! Cinderflight here...again! I have now joined Awesomeclan! More

Meeting Awesomeclan
Elder Stories
Cinderflight's Too Hyper!, that's not right either...Allgiances?

41 4 7
By Stuck_In_Nightmares


Leader: Awesomestar-rainbow she-cat with very large, rainbow anime eyes
Deputy: Strictbutt-very strict brown tom with the word plastered on his butt; formerly known as Strictface, but after Cinderflight tattooed to word on his butt, he was renamed Strictbutt
Medicine cat: Quietbreeze-snowy white she-cat with purple eyes; she talks so quietly it's irritating; half the time, you can't even understand what she's saying
Apprentice, Fancypaw
Cinderflight-jet black she-cat with one white paw, white ear tips, white tail tip, and white speckles under her eyes; one yellow eye, and one blue eye with gray around the pupil; she's so awesome, you need too wear sunglasses so your eyes won't burn out.
Apprentice, Marysuepaw

Cheesyfur-dark gray tom with cheese permanently stuck in his fur from when he was a kit; orange eyes

George-brown tabby tom with amber eyes; former kittypet
Apprentice, Garystuepaw

Snowfur-white she-cat with gray eyes; Awesomestar got lazy and decided not to trouble herself with finding a new name
Apprentice, Bluepaw

Electricshock-his fur color is unknown, because when he was a young kittypet, he played with an outlet and his fur became singed; yellow eyes

Bloodfang: pitch black tom with blood red eyes; is totally not the villain
Apprentice, Fatpaw

Whitefur: white tom with green eyes; he is the plainest cat ever with the plainest name ever

Lostfoot: ginger she-cat with a missing foot; everyone wonders how she got her name

Prettypinkprincessheart-hot pink she-cat with light pink claws and pink eyes
Apprentice, Ihateyouallpaw

Garystuepaw-electric yellow tom with red paws and tail and red eyes; perfect personality; total Gary Stue

Marysuepaw-sky blue she-cat with light pink paws, face, and tail and purple eyes; yet another perfect personality; total Mary Sue

Fatpaw-very fat pale ginger tom with amber eyes

Ihateyouallpaw-red tom with an angry face and red eyes; hates everyone

Bluepaw-blue-gray she-cat with icy blue eyes

Fancypaw-fluffy light gray Persian she-cat with a necklace, bracelets, earrings, and other kinds of pointless jewelry

Milkshakeheart-pretty light brown she-cat with sky blue eyes; former kittypet; was named after the song, "Milkshake" (mother of Cheesyfur's kits, Cheddarkit, a orange she-cat with blue eyes, and Swisskit, a pale-ginger she-cat with blue eyes; mother of Whitefur's kit, Brownkit, a brown tom with brown eyes; mother of Bloodfang's kits, Evilkit, a black tom with red eyes, Killerkit, a black tom with red eyes, and Icekit, a black she-cat with icy blue eyes; mother of Electricshock's kit, Shockykit, a light brown she-cat with yellow eyes; mother of Strictbutt's kits, Turdkit, a brown tim with amber eyes, and Nastykit, a fat brown tom with brown eyes; mother to George's kits, Tabbykit, a brown tabby she-cat with blue eyes, Stripekit, a brown tabby tom with amber eyes, and Bootifulkit, a sparkly rainbow she-cat with blue eyes)
Coldheart-silver tabby she-cat with silver eyes; cats think she is mean for some reason, but she is actually very nice (mother to Whitefur's kits, Freezekit, a silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes, Icekit, a white she-cat with blue eyes, and Frozenkit, a white tabby she-cat with blue eyes)

Grumpyface-light gray tom with white paws and a very grumpy face; yellow eyes
Puffytail-golden she-cat with a very puffy tail

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