Lisa blossoms -naruto fan fic...

By RaptureAndDispair

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*****hi my name is lisa mckenzie i do not own most of this story i am useingthe ppl on here from a show calle... More

chapter one--welcome back--
chapter 2 --A lost father--
chapter 3 --family i never new--
chapter 4 --A new team mate WHAT!!!--
chapter 5 --a freak of nature--
chapter 6 --betrayed--
chapter 7 --Daddy's Home--
chapter 8 --first misson--
chapter 9 --fake girlfriend and fake boyfriend--
chapter 10 --kidnapped--
chapter 11 --sasuke's brother--
chapter 12 --Ataske hideout--
chapter 13 --everyone hates me--
chapter 14 --WHATS GOING ON--
chapter 16 --Blast from the Past--
chapter 17 --the game and sasuke flips--
chapter 18 --garra takes over--
chapter 19 --The Forest of Death--
Chapter 20: forest of death part 2
Chapter 21: snow storm and cornerd
Chapter 22: Kabuto Attacks sasuke's jealouesy
Chapter 23: sesori is back

chapter 15 --Cunin Exams--

428 3 3
By RaptureAndDispair

are you sure she medical ninja healed you okay i mean if you want i could carry you Lisa, sassori you worry too much relax I’m fine look we are here anyway so it doesn’t matter anymore, we walked into the school and walked up to room 103 okay where here, well good luck sassori hugged me tight i didn’t want him to let go i felt so safe when i was with him like i use to with sasuke until he said i remember i don’t care about you Lisa, sasuke shoved his way through our hug come on we will be late, we all walked in and sat in different spots the teacher was scary looking and explained if there’s one answer wrong we fail the test and can never take it again but if we answered the bonus question right we get a pass, oh man i scratched my head come on naruto don’t fail plz thank god i whispered to ices turn to the size of a flee before we got in, YOU MAY BEGIN THE EXAM the teacher yelled, dam it i don’t get any of this wait sakura is smart i whispered to ices sakura's answers plz ices hoped down and crawled on the ground without anyone knowing and looked at sakura's answers then ran back and moved my pencil to spell them out for me I’m pretty sure i passed now, i looked at sasuke he was finished test flipped over and everything naruto had nothing on his paper go help naruto i whispered to ices she hoped over naruto relished it was a very small ices and smiled at me i smiled back PENCILS DOWN he yelled, we all waited in this big room full of the other students, he called out who passed team 7 your turn we all stood up, sakura haruno pass she jumped in the air, well that means me and naruto passed to i smiled, sasuke uchiha pass, naruto usomocky pass, Lisa hakate fail, we all gasped WHAT YOU HAVE GOT TO BE JOKEING, now everyone who passed left the room so the students who failed can do the bonus question, i sat down everyone in my team looked worried i looked at the door and saw sassori looking sad and ask in why i was not coming out i read the question what is the whole purpose of this exam, to test how smart we are no that can’t be it he likes puzzles stupid teacher then i saw my doll wink at me sassori must be controlling it the doll toke my pencil and wrote down to test us on collecting information without being count, this better be it ALRIGHT STOP YOUR PENCILS i looked up he looked at our test it was only me and some sand dude left Lisa hakate pass YES I JUMPED IN THE AIR YES YES YES Garra of the sand pass i looked over at him wait a minute sassori i said to him who is sassori I’m garra I’m sorry you look like my friend sassori, come with me garra said we walked out my friends asked how i did i passed we all cheered I’ll be right back okay guys i need some air i followed where garra went, so your her daughter huh, wait what are you talking about you knew my mom how, sit down you might get a little upset when i tell you this story i sat down, sassori and the others where peeking through a window at me and garra, your mother came to the sand village hearing about the boy with the sand that shields him which is me and she wanted to know what kind of power it was she wanted to protect her daughter you were 5 when me and my father last saw you well my father told your mother i was born with this power and they arranged something for protection for you, what do you mean like you being my body guard, something like that your mother and my father arranged a marriage for us when we were old enough so i could protect you with my sand,  i stood up i don’t know what kind of sick joke this is but i will have no part in this, trust me I’m not too happy about it either but you did like me back then, what do you mean back then i snarled, we would play with my sand when we were little a lot you really liked it when i made my sand possess your body and move your arms for you, YOUR  A SICK PERSON YOU NO WHAT i yelled, fine don’t believe me let me show you his sand rushed in threw my mouth it hurt so much, what’s going on everyone ran outside stop, the sand rushed out and i gasped catching my breath i don’t know who you think you are but my mother would never stoop that low i slapped him and walked away and hugged sassori, you okay he said hugging me tight, yes i said looking over and relishing sasuke was holding his arms out thinking i was going to hug him then i let go and we walked off, the speaker phone went off the fight part of the Cunin exams will start in 30 minutes all students go to your seats in the stadium, we walked to our seats sassori sat beside me sasuke and sakura and naruto, alright first fight we have Neji huga and naruto osumaky GO NARUTO I WHISTLED as he jumped down from the stadium and into the arena, they stood there for a few minutes then i yelled KICK ASS NARUTO SHOW THIS LITTLE BITCH WHOS THE BOSS, he smiled and they clashed and banged huga somehow turned naruto’s body when naruto attacked and made him fall on his face they did that for 3 more times than naruto relished he needed a new plan shadow clone jutsu he yelled doing a hand sigh all his clones attacked the huga boy and i yelled WHOO, then Neji used some spinning shield thing and knocked naruto off naruto tried to get back up but couldn’t, naruto is unable to battle Neji huga takes the victory in this dam it i said grinding my teeth, sakura said don’t worry we all passed the exam so no matter what if we lose or win we pass it just gives us better marks on our records if we pass, next was sakura haruno and ino yamanaka, sakura toke the stares from the stadium so did ino, ready FIGHT, they walked around in a circle for a while sakura threw 3 kuni's ino dodged them ino jumped and stabbed sakura with a kuni but it was really a substitution jutsu they fighted then they both punched each other in the face they both flew back and tried to get up but their heads both fell back to the ground, both ninja's are unable to battle so it’s a tie everyone clapped and WOO'D next up  sasuke uchiha and garra of the sand they threw kuni's but garra's sand shielded over him sasuke punched and kicked but the sand blocked the hits too finally he did his chidori that’s the attack that he hit me with i stood up and waited to see garra knocked out but it didn’t happen the sand stopped it and then it threw sasuke sasuke-kun i stood up and screamed, sassori grabbed my hand relax he will be okay no one dies in these things well they haven’t for 5 years so yah, WHAT THE SENSI'S ALLOW THERE STUDENTS TO DIE i toke a step closer to the edge of the arena stands Lisa you’re going to fall naruto said, garra made a big fist with the sand and punched sasuke i toke a step closer and fell over the edge sassori grabbed my hand well i was hanging from the edge of the stadium sassori pulled me up i sat back in my seat staring at sasuke, clenching my fists god dam it KILL HIM SASUKE FUCKING KILL HIM i yelled, Lisa what’s got you so worked up sassori looked at me then sakura and naruto looked at me, that stupid garra basterd was talking about my mother, what did he say naruto said with a worried voice, he said my mother came begging to his father to get me sand like garras but garra's father said he was born with it so they discussed what to do for protection for me mother new i would need it and garra said we have an arranged marriage with when we turn of age i turn 20 in less than  a mouth, sassori stood up holding his fists dam it, sasuke got thrown on a tree THATS ENUFF i yelled garra put his hand in the air i for fit, what the- everyone in the stands got silent, sasuke is victories by for fit,  next match we have Lisa hakate everyone gasp hakate does that mean she’s kakoshi’s child and wait remember kakoshi's ex-wife omg is she like her mother i bet she’s a freak just like her, i lowered my head, she will be fighting naruto sakura sasuke and sassori leaned closer to hear better garra was staring at me from across the stadium,

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