Changing Mr. Popular

By willferrel

4.9M 130K 69K

An arm snaked around my waist and he forced me to face him. "That kiss on Wednesday was hot, wanna continue... More

One | Welcome to the Jungle
Two | Pour Some Sugar on Me
Three | Take On Me
Four | Burning Down the House
Chapter Five | Tainted Love
Six | Under Pressure
Seven | Just A Friend
Eight | In The Air Tonight
Chapter Nine | Love is a Battlefield
Ten | I Melt With You
Eleven | Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)
Twelve | It's the End of the World As We Know it
Thirteen | What I Like About You
Fourteen | Girls Just Want to Have Fun
Fifteen | Love Will Tear Us Apart
Sixteen | When Doves Cry
Seventeen | Sweet Child O' Mine
Eighteen | Walk This Way
Nineteen | Another One Bites The Dust
Twenty | The Final Countdown
Twenty Two | Don't You Want Me
Twenty Three | Don't Stop Believin'
Twenty Four | Everybody Wants to Rule the World
Authors Note!

Twenty One | Our Lips Are Sealed

163K 4.5K 2.7K
By willferrel

Twenty One

"Can I draw on her face, please?" I heard a masculine voice ask.

"Be quiet! I think she's hungover!" Someone hissed.

"Come on! It's the perfect opportunity to fuc—I mean mess with her!"


I groaned, still halfway asleep. Whoever it was needed to shut up unless they wanted to be brutally murdered.

"Honey, are you awake?" I realized that it was my mom asking, and I bolted up so fast I got vertigo, causing me to fall back into my pillow.

My eyes fluttered open to see my mother peering at me anxiously, her blonde locks falling into her face.

"Mom?," I garbled, "I thought you weren't getting home till Sunday."

"Sweetie, it's Sunday morning, 9:39 to be exact." My Mom was frowning at me, and I noticed my brother standing right next to her.

"What?!" I yelled and instantly regretted it because it made my head pound worse than it already was.

How in hell did I manage to sleep all of Saturday, and how did I even get home?

"Honey, are you hungover?" she asked hesitantly, and I couldn't tell whether she was about to comfort me or scold me.

I bit my lip and avoided her scrutinizing gaze, confirming her suspicions.

"Well, at least you got home okay. But this won't happen again, or else you will be punished, understand?"

I nodded and sighed, sitting up.

"She's not in trouble at all for being drunk?!" Trent asked in disbelief. "You and Dad were pissed when it was me!"

"And to think I missed you," I muttered.

"Give it a rest, Trent, and don't forget that you just got back from a very expensive trip to Hawaii," My mom chastised.

"Yeah and it's not like I got to go, so just shut up, Trent," I couldn't help but add, even if it was juvenile.

"Lauren! Stay out of it, I'm the parent!" My Mom exclaimed. "Anyway, I'm going downstairs now, so get dressed and come down for food when you're ready." She stood up and backtracked through my doorframe. Trent gave me a weird look before following her out.

Suddenly, a thought struck me. "Mom, wait! Where's Tyler?"

A sly smile appeared on her face as she popped back in the doorway. "He went to pick up some groceries with your father, why?"

"No reason... oh shut up!" I said to her smirking face. She faked an innocent look before laughing lightly and leaving the room.

I smiled; she had her issues, but I had really missed my mom. I threw my comforter aside and stood up, groaning when that caused my head to throb with pain.

Last night—or Friday night, I guess—was a big blur. I had never been fond of drinking, but Tyler and never have I ever really pushed me over the edge. I could remember everything up to when I quit the game crystal clear, but after that, it was blurry. I could faintly remember finding Logan again, but I don't know what I said to him. I grimaced in embarrassment at what could've happened; I was known to be an emotional drunk, and word vomit was my forté.

I ran my fingers through my hair while I ruminated, kneading through the tangles.

I walked across the hall and into the bathroom, craving a shower. After turning on the shower and taking off my clothes from the party, I stepped into the hot spray. For a few minutes, I stood under the water, letting it hit my back as I thought. The thing that was really bothering me was how I got home. Did Carly bring me? I'd have to text her later and ask. After washing my hair and thoroughly ridding myself of any trace of the party, I turned off the shower and got out.

Feeling refreshed, I entered my room and traveled the short distance to my closet to get dressed. After putting skinny jeans and an oversized white sweater, I slipped on some tan Ugg boots and went downstairs.

My phone vibrated from where I had shoved it into my back pocket, and I fished it out as I slowly made my way towards the kitchen.

I slid into one of the three barstools that lined our counter and checked out all my new messages. Two were from Carly, and one was from Audrey.

Audrey just texted a simple "good morning!" while Carly had two attachments of pictures.

My mouth dropped open in surprise as I opened the first picture: it was me, with a goofy grin on my face, as I stood on a counter in just my leggings, shoes, and bra.

I slapped a hand to my mouth in shock; what else happened that night!?

The second one was a shot of me dancing with Logan, and she had sent a suggestive little winky face along with the picture.

Suddenly, my ringtone blared and I yelped in surprise, dropping my phone on the counter in front of me. Feeling stupid, I scrambled to grab the phone so I could answer it.

"Hello?" I asked, stifling a yawn as I watched my mom move into the kitchen to fix me a plate of breakfast.

"Lauren, it's Brandon."

"Oh hey, what's up?" I spun back and forth on the stool while we talked.

"Um, well I kinda need to talk to you. Could you meet me at Starbucks or something?"

I raised an eyebrow. "Sure, what time?"

"Like, now?" Uneasiness was evident in his voice, and I could tell something was bothering him.

"Okay, yeah," I nodded, then felt ridiculous because he certainly couldn't see me through the phone.

"See you soon."

"Bye," I muttered, seeing that he had already hung up.

"Mom can I borrow the car? I want to go meet up with Brandon."

"Your breakfast will have to wait then, but of course! I really like that boy, what a dear he is!"

"Ugh, mom," I groaned. "A simple yes would suffice."

"Where exactly are you going?" she inquired while pouring herself a small glass of orange juice.

"He just wants to meet up for Coffee at Starbucks, I should only be gone for an hour or so."

"Who does?" asked a deep, melodious voice, and I spun around on my barstool to see Tyler leaning against the doorframe of the kitchen.

"Brandon Ellison! I think you were here and met him at dinner last month! He's the son of one of my husbands biggest clients!" my mom chirped, oblivious to the tension in the air.

I face palmed and let out a deep sigh, before standing. "Okay! Tyler can just have my breakfast because I'm gonna leave now, so um, bye!" I awkwardly waved at them before shoving past Tyler and leaving the room.

I passed by my dad and sent him a quick wave as he headed toward the kitchen armed with plastic bags. Quickly, not wanting to be late, I grabbed my moms car keys from the hook by the door and slammed it behind me as I left.

About ten minutes later, I arrived at Starbucks and went inside, scanning around the room until I saw Brandon sitting at a small table tucked away in the back corner. He gave me a quick wave and a grin when he spotted me.

He had two drinks in front of him, and I slid into the seat across from him. "What's cookin', good lookin'?" he asked jokingly.

"Meth." I replied in a very serious tone.

He looked dumbfounded, before a grin spread across his face and we both started laughing. He pushed one of the drinks towards me and I smiled. "How did you know I love caramel macchiatos?"

"I had a feeling," he shrugged.

I took a big gulp, savoring the taste, while he looked at me like he was suppressing a laugh.


"You're wearing, like, the classic white girl outfit. You know that, right?"

I wanted to laugh but I hid it, raising an eyebrow, "This is, like, white girl central. You know that, right?"

He laughed heartily, taking a drink of his coffee, before his expression turned solemn. "Lauren, I need to tell you something. It's something I've been wanting to tell you for a while, I just haven't known how."

I cocked my head to the side, and smiled uneasily. "What is it, Brandon?"

His long, slender fingers came up briefly to hide his face as he rested it in his hands. After letting out something akin to a groan, he met my eyes hesitantly. "I'm ready to tell people now so I wanted you to be the first...really, I've wanted to tell you since the day I asked you out. I probably should've, because I feel like I've been lying to a way."

I frowned, now feeling fully confused and a bit anxious after his speech. "What? Just tell me, Brandon. I'm your friend no matter what, you know."

He blew out another big breath of air, slowly nodding.

What he said next wasn't at all what I expected but, at the same time, not that surprising when I thought more about it.



Tyler Morris

"Ugh I'm such an idiot!" I groaned.

I clenched my fists in frustration as I paced around "my" bedroom. Lauren's Mom had all but shoved me out the door this morning to go to the store with her husband, but now that we were back and I finally saw her, everything was catching up to me.

I probably ruined everything. If only I hadn't kissed that girl sat the party, if only I wasn't a complete dick during never have I ever, and if only I had tried to talk things out with Lauren, then maybe she wouldn't be out with that douche bag, Brendan, or whatever the hell his name was.

There's no point denying my feelings for her anymore; just the thought of her talking to any guy makes me want to punch their lights out.

Now I have no idea what to do. I'm too much of a pussy to tell her how I feel, especially when the chance she feels the same is at an all time low.

I guess I'll just have to see how everything plays out.


Hey guys, idk how I feel about this chapter & if it sucks or not, and also sorry it's pretty short compared to the last one.
And don't worry, I'm going somewhere with the Brandon thing ;)

And THANK YOU SO MUCH for almost 1K reads holy crap!!!!

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