Veronica's Death *COMPLETED*

By shashi1256

756 10 0

This story revolves around the lives of people living in a small town. Laketown is famous for its paper produ... More

Where am I?
The Uninvited
The sweet-bitter get together
The Revelation
Investigation starts
Aunt Trista
Wooden Cupboard has a secret. Shhhhhh!!!!!!
The Paper...holds a clue
Potential Suspect!
Suspect hunt!
The Undercover Agent
On the move!
Smart plans
Someone knew about it!
A ray of hope to find the truth!
Understanding differences!

Preparing the Noose!

17 0 0
By shashi1256

At Neil's house

Angel walks along the path, crosses the garden and knocks at the front door.

Angel was calculating the distance in her mind. This house is really close to the factory and there are no houses nearby. This guy must own a very large area. Even if someone shouted from here, there are less chances that a passerby would take a look at the premises.

She is still waiting at the door.  No sound comes from the inside. She tries to turn the knob and it worked. The door is opened. They must have been expecting Neil. She entered into the hall and went inside. She was looking at the photographs hung on the wall. There were photos of a kid hugging his father. The kid had an eerie resemblance  to the guy she had seen with Verni.

"Took you too long to figure out!"

Angel turned to find the source of the sound and found a smirking Clark Young.

Angel was staring at the man whose name Veronica wanted to scream out to the world.

She wondered if she wanted to kill him slowly or finish him at once.

But she decided on the former option. Just how Veronica died.

CLAY in the handwritten note did not point to the covers in Luke's store room but to a certain CLArk Young who was standing in front of her.

Angel: Why?

Clark: why not! All I wanted was to live a peaceful life. Do you know how hard it is to earn this fortune! And I had a faithful son who was happy to follow what I said. Everything was turned upside down the minute that witch walked in.

Angel: She was not responsible for anything. She was just trying to find out.

Clark: You don't have an idea of what you are speaking.

Angel: You committed mistake in the first place trying to cover up the leaked pipeline. Instead of trying to plaster it or change it, you choose to ignore it and cover up.

Clark: So what?

Angel: I want to know the reason why you did that? Why cover up the whole thing? Why change the reports that you had to submit to EPA?

Clark: To fix the pipeline, we would have to evacuate the place. Then we would have to send the reports to EPA, they would come for inspection. The process in which we make the paper, we added irregular amounts of chemicals to prepare different type of sheets which we sell at a higher price. We earned a profit. We shared it. The environmental statutory limit was ignored. What do you think would have happened to this company!! They would have closed it. What would we do? They would sue the officers who were responsible!! If only the pipeline was intact. We did the analysis, it would impact in the coming two years. By that time we would have did the needful. We did not want our children to suffer. But that girl, I tried to warn her, but she did not pay any heed.

Angel: Why not tell her the same thing?

Clark: You think I would speak to that witch!

Angel: Why do you keep calling her witch?

A door opened and a guy comes in with Beer in his hand.

(Unknown): He is saying that Veronica bewitched his son.

Angel: Who are you?

(Unknown): The largest shareholder in this whole scam. Joseph Andre!

Angel: So, you were also involved in this.

Joseph: Involved! I was the master mind.

Angel: You don't like her?

Joseph: She was a sweet girl. But I did not like her sweet talking part. She got her filthy hands on my reports that I have hidden from the time we did the analysis. I knew she was bad news. But the nutcase did not believe me.

Angel: Which nutcase?

Clark: That would be my son.

Angel: Where is he?

Clark: Possibly killing someone else in order to escape his depression.

Angel: You guys have committed a mistake by sending wrong reports to EPA and are convicts for murdering Veronica. You are under arrest. We will soon find out where Neil is and arrest him.

Clark: Arrest! She is kidding right?

Joseph: You do know that you need warrants to arrest us. Needless to remind you the proofs that you need to prove us accomplice!

Clark: I don't know who trained these kids.

Angel: Warrants are on their way. Please cooperate with us. Come outside.

Clark and Joseph look at each other.

Clark: Let's see what you can do. Lead the way.

Angel: Please come.

Angel takes a step forward but suddenly feels a hammering pain in her head. She tries to take one step more but falls face first on to the floor.

At the same time, someone comes bursting through the door. He looked breathless; like he was running a marathon.

"They are after us!"

That was the last thing Angel heard before losing her consciousness.


At Latte

There was a knock on to Malcolm's door.

Malcolm: Come in!

The door slowly opened and Rose peeked from the doorway.

Malcolm: Yes Rose.

Rose: Malcolm, Did Neil came to meet you a while ago?

Malcolm: No, why?

Rose (looks a little worried): He came upstairs saying he wanted to talk with you.

Malcolm (brows bunched together and in thought): And did he come back?

Rose: Yes. Just now. He rushed outside. He looked like he saw a ghost.

Malcolm (realized that he had overheard his conversation): Don't worry Rose. Go back to the counter. I guess it's a bit busy down there.

Rose: Okay Malcolm.

After Rose leaves, he gets up with a huff.

He had not realized somebody was overhearing what he said standing just outside his door.

And he can't let Rose worry. Everybody were already apprehensive of recent police visits. He have to call AJ. Just then he hears the sound of tires screeching. He gets down to the counter and finds Daniel storming in.

Malcolm: Hey Daniel.

Daniel: Hi Malcolm, Where is Neil?

Malcolm looked at AJ.

Malcolm: Apparently that kid came upstairs to speak to me about god knows what. And he ran away a while ago. So, I have a doubt that he overheard our conversation.

AJ: Jesus!

Malcolm: I know! Hurry! he should not get away!!

Daniel: Let's go!

Daniel can only wish Neil would not do something destructive.


After some time, a stale smell comes from where she was lying. She opened her eyes and finds herself on a muddy forest road. She got up and rubbed her head. She could feel a bump on the backside of her head. She tried to get up and sit straight. She opened her eyes and found herself staring at a smiling face. One which she did not recognize.

Neil: You are her friend.

Angel: What?

Neil: Oh! I am sorry. I did not introduce myself. I am Neil.

Angel (Shocked): You knew Veronica was my friend?

Now that she tried to concentrate, she can see the similarity. But it looks like he has lost weight. Like something is eating him up. His brows were bunched together. And he was studying her.

Neil: You did not change much from the last time I saw you. That is the reason I could easily recognize you.

Angel (Confused): When did you see me?

Neil (Lost in thought): Four years back at Duke.

Angel (Shocked would be an understatement): How the hell do you know us back then?

Neil: C'mon Angy! Are you asking me? You are the one with the brains and charms. Rest of us are fools!

Angel: What are you saying?

Neil: Don't you try to trick me like your friend. Always ignored my feelings but used me to get what she wanted.

Angel: What?

Her pain was increasing with all the talk. She closed her eyes for a moment. Then slowly she asked.

Angel: What were you doing at Duke and how did you know Veronica then?

Neil (Smirking): I think her death was fated with my hands.

Angel: What do you mean?

Neil: You are really slower than what people give you credit for. Poor Danny boy!! I was the one responsible for her accident at Duke. Daniel ditched me for the holiday. I was on a hunt for him and all of a sudden this beautiful girl jumped right in front of my jeep.

Angel: You?

Neil: Yes! Me! Anyways, I was very guilty because I could only provide her medical attention. But I wanted to know more about her. So, I searched for her. I found her at Heather and joined along with her. Albeit a little late.

Clark: All that time I was wondering what came over my son to suddenly change his major. And later when I came to know it was all about a girl!! The shame!!

Joseph: A girl promised to another. Huh! The drama!!

Angel could not turn her head and look at them. She could only glare at Neil.

The pain was getting to her. She should control her feelings.

Neil: Everything was fine. I was actually happy that I was getting what I want. But, what I did not know was that she never considered my feelings then.

Angel: Were you angry for that?

Clark: He was lovesick! He lost his wits and wanted to propose in front of the whole college!

Joseph: How romantic!

Clark: Shut up Joseph!

Angel remembered what Dean told her.

Neil: I wish I had listened to you father. I thought I missed my chance and I lost her. But I found her again here at Latte's! But I was introduced as her fiance's friend! I felt bad. I followed her one day and found her sneaking on Uncle David. He was going to cemetery to visit Aunt Morainne. I stopped and scolded her. Once she realized he was heading for visiting Aunt, guilt was evident on her face. She hid the reason from me. I did not bother to ask. I was too happy to talk to her. I wanted her back. I wanted her to be with me all the time. So, I did whatever she asked me for. I did not look at the time and place.I took her wherever she wanted to go. I went with her to factory, took her to all the areas where she did not have access. All that while thinking she was just a curious onlooker. Little did I know, she was sneaking on the reports that would bring my dad to harm's way!

Angel: When did you realize that?

Neil: I went to drop her home after visiting Joseph. She was really anxious that day. It was clear she saw something very disturbing and she wanted to hide that from me. After I was two blocks away from her home, I went to check on her and to my surprise saw her taking out some documents which I found her reading at the factory. She was hiding it in a locker. I was furious. All this time, she came with me to get hold of some documents. Then it all made sense to me! It was either Vivian or me. She was just using all of us. I wanted to kill her. I was angry at myself for not listening to my dad. I did not know what to do. I came and told my father everything.

Angel remembered what Nina had said. The murderous look on Neil's face.

Angel: Where did you kidnap Veronica?

Clark: Kidnap! That girl is gullible. I said I wanted to talk and we wanted to clear the bad blood, assured that Neil will not bother her and she came to dine with us!

Joseph: If only she was as patient as you. She tried to run away.

Neil: But how can I let that happen? I wanted her to suffer like I did!

Angel could see that Neil was crazy. Clark was angry at Veronica for making his son like this. If according to their story, they took her to dine, then even though the master mind was Joseph, Clark must look as a culprit to her. That's why Veronica must have written CLAY to point to him.

Angel: But you loved her?

Neil: But she played with my feelings!

Angel: But she would have never encouraged you, not intentionally!

Neil: Stop arguing like her. She was irritating me saying the same thing. Do you have an idea how I was played according to her wishes. She would say she is happy to have a friend here. And she would never take my feelings into account. And When I came to know that all I did was going against my father! That did it. I understood that she was using me. using my love!

Angel: She never loved you. She loved Vivian?

Neil: Seriously! Then why did she go out with me?

Angel: She did not come on a date with you dammit. You know very well that she did it for a reason.

Neil: And I hated the part that the reason was not me.

Angel: You are the one who expected. What is her mistake? You were the one who had a misunderstanding.

Neil(Got up from where he sat) : Don't you dare call my love a misunderstanding. Otherwise you will end up with the same fate as her.

Angel: What did you do to her?

Neil(Sits back with a deadly look on his face): We asked her to stop snooping around. When she refused, we started threatening her. Joseph wanted to know where she kept the reports. When she refused to tell, Joseph started hitting her. The struggle resulted in few scratches on her face and many cuts and bruises on her body. He gave a huge blow to the stomach and pushed her. Her skin cut on the thigh from the fall. She screamed and pushed us aside. I let her run. We were walking behind her. She was dragging herself. You know what I was actually satisfied with seeing her like that. She shouted on my face that my feelings are not love, they are madness. How dare she say that? I lost my control and started hitting a tree. Clark and Joseph tried to stop me. When they got me under control and we turned, she was nowhere to be seen.

She headed towards the factory. She went inside David Uncle's cabin and locked it. Because of the muddy trail, we followed her footprints. When we neared the factory, we understood where she would try to go. In such a panic, I expected her to go to David's cabin and she did the same thing. How predictable or is it the fact that I know her in and out! I tried to push the door but to no avail. So, I broke the window and made her walk on the pieces. She was screaming all the time. Then I took hold of her hair and dragged her outside. After some time, I stopped at a place and looked at her. I did not want to get manipulated again listening to her pleas. By that time, Joseph hit her from behind with the wooden log that he found around.

Angel could not understand why the guy could not understand Veronica's affection.

Neil: I told that her death is in my hands and how I was responsible for her accident, which was the reason for me wanting to take care of her. But she did not reflect my feelings and is now sabotaging my dad's fortune. I would not allow it. I hit her one last time with the log and looked at her when she was bleeding to death.

Everybody was silent.

Clark: I thought this will clear your head. But you ended up being more depressed. Why love such a girl in the first place!

Neil: Enough! You will not question my choices. I know you did not stop me from killing her to silence her. But I did all that in a rage. Till date, I regret it.

Angel was suddenly suspicious of the change in his tone. Just a while ago, he sounded as though he was the demon himself. Now, he is nothing but a vulnerable person. Clark was sad too.

Neil: I do not want to be free anymore. The more I think of it, the guiltier I feel. She was never mine. I was the selfish one. She did not have to die a cruel death. I could not fathom how I ended up doing that.

Saying that Neil breaks down and starts crying.

Joseph: Clark, clearly your son is having a nervous breakdown. Get hold of him! I am going to kill this kid.

Suddenly, police surround them from all the directions emerging from behind the bushes.

Neil looks up at an approaching Daniel and gets up

"Arrest me! I was the one who killed her. My father did not help me do all that. I killed her. I told you already. I will tell you the location where we are taking Angel and you should let go of my father!"

Everything was sudden. Everyone was shocked by the sudden change. Angel looked at Daniel who was nodding at Neil.

"But Neil, I can't let your father go off the hook. He is an accomplice. Maria, arrest him! Vicky, get Angel some medical attention! Ron, Check if we have recorded everything clearly!"

Now, Clark understood why his son was narrating the grievous incident. He thought he was letting some weight off his chest. But his son was tightening the noose around his neck. Kids these days are blind when it comes to love like people do when it comes to money.

AJ arrests Neil, Joseph and Clark.

Vicky comes near Angel and helps her lean on her back to the tree. 

Vicky: You decoded Clark Young's name correctly. Looking at the word 'CLAY' never made any sense to me. But even though you are brilliant, you are equally stupid.

Angel looked at her questioningly.

Vicky: Oh please, don't give me that look. Do you even know how worried we were to what was happening inside that house. Even though Ron was recording everything, he was itching to come help you when you were hit. We followed them carefully without being noticed. All the while listening to them talk.

Daniel came over and kneeled in front of her.

Angel: What.....(takes a breath)....Why was....Neil...saying...he told y

Daniel: I understand! Don't stress yourself. he must have called me after hitting you. Clark and Joseph were taking care of you then. He said that he would turn himself in and asked for my help. I did not believe him. He told me that you can be found in this place. Maria called Vicky and Ron as they started with you. They updated us. We all came here. All the time, Neil was talking, I and Ron were listening. Neil never had the intention to harm you. He was protecting you from his father and Joseph.

Angel: ok

Saying that, Angel closed her eyes.

Daniel panicked.

Daniel: Don't close your eyes yet. Talk to me. Medics are here.

Angel was opening and closing her eyes.

What will happen to Angel now?

Will Daniel and Angel reunite? Or......

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