Why Me? ( A TFP Fanfic)

By Lava_Star95

55.7K 1.8K 883

Lavanya (Lava for short) is a 17 year old girl she grew up in New York until her mother died in a car acciden... More

Lavanya Stars
Chpt. 1 The Begining (edited)
Chpt. 2 School (Edited)
Chpt. 3 Vince
Chpt. 4 Help! Mrs. Darby!
Chpt. 5 No Not HIM!!
Chpt. 6 The Autobots
Chpt. 7 My Guardian
Chpt. 8 Where are your parents?
Chpt. 9 Wheeljack?
AN: I'm Sorry
Chpt. 10 What am I?
Chpt. 11 The Escape
Chpt. 12 Thank you
Not A Chapter But A Thank You Note
Chpt. 13 What now?!
Chpt. 14 You're Leaving?
Chpt. 15 What's Happening!
Chpt. 17 O COME ON!!!
Chpt. 18 Doc's Discovery
Chpt. 19
Chpt. 20 The Test (For lack of a better title)
OH MY PRIMUS (Not A Chpt.)
Chpt. 21 An Explanation
Chpt. 22
Chpt. 23
Chpt. 24 It Has Begun
Chpt. 25 Let the hunt continue!!
Chpt. 26
Chpt. 27

Chpt. 16 Can you be my sire?

1.8K 66 25
By Lava_Star95

AN: So instead of Optimus pretend it is Lava. We good? Good.

I sat up on the berth screaming my head off. I quickly realized that what had occurred was only a dream. I heard quick pedsteps approaching, but I didn't do anything. I just sat there frozen whimpering kind of loudly and shaking nonstop.

"Lava what's wrong?" I heard Doc ask. I wanted to ask, but I couldn't get myself to say anything I just sat there, staring at the wall across the room. Then all I saw was doc standing in front of me. I didn't make eye contact with him. I just kept looking straight ahead, but of course he knelt down so that he was looking into my eyes.

"Lava what's wrong." I couldn't hold it in anymore and started sobbing. I pulled my knees up to my chest and continued sobbing. I don't like crying, but I couldn't stop. I then felt doc pick me up and hold me against his chassis. I slowly started to calm down and think about what the dream might of meant.

'Do they really hate me so much? I know I'm nothing but trouble, but I didn't think that much. Actually it is probably my fault that Wheeljack is leaving so soon.' I asked/told myself. I look up at Doc, who wasn't saying anything else. He just held me against his chassis and rubbed my back with his digit.

"S-s-so-o-or-r-r-ry-y-y" I whimpered curling up into a tight ball while snuggling into him.

"Shhh. You have no reason to apologize." Doc said in a soft tone. If anyone else had heard him they would have been shocked. Even I was shocked at how soft it was, but was too shaken up to really notice.

We sat there for a few minutes while I calmed down. Eventually I was able to stop shaking and calm my breathing.

"Th-thank you Doc" I croaked out my voice was hoarse from all my sobbing.

"For what?" He asked still in his soft voice.

"Everything." I took another slow deep breath. "For helping me, for not just leaving me, for comforting me. For being like a true dad to me." I whispered the last part, but he obviously heard it because I felt him stiffen. I curled up tighter into his chassis. "S-sorry I-it just came out." I didn't think he would see me as a daughter, who would ever want me as a daughter. I hid my face and withheld a whimper, waiting for him to scold me.

"Lava, look at me." Doc commanded firm yet still in a soft tone. I shook my head. "Lava" He said even more firm. I didn't want more trouble so I complied. I slowly I curled slightly and looked up at him. "Lava" he said with a sigh. His features on his face softened a LOT when he saw how scared I was.

Honestly I was scared. I was terrified. I was scared of being rejected, of being hated, of causing problems,  of being alone.

"Lava I will keep you safe. I have never had a sparkling before to care for, but I promise I will try to be the best sire I can be." He promised looking me straight in the eyes. It took me a sec to realize what he had said. Once I did my eyes opened wide.

"R-really?" I asked not believing my own hearing.

"Yes. I do care for you Lava. You are the sparkling I've never had." He said looking at me with an even softer look if that is even possible. "I promise I will not purposely hurt you, and I will never abandon you." He put his other servo around me and hugged me into his chassis. After a minute or so I look up at him.

"Thank you Do- er, Sire" I said smiling up at him. He gave me the the biggest smile I've ever seen from him. Which isn't that big, but for D-Sire it was huge.

"Your welcome, Lava"

(UGH this would be such a good place to end the chpt. but it's too short!!!)

"Hey Sire?" I said to get his attention, after about twenty minutes of us sitting there my cuddled into his chassis.

"Hmm?" he hummed in response a gesture for me to continue.

"Has Wheeljack already left?" I asked looking up into his optics.

"Yes, He left soon before you woke up screaming. I'm sorry you didn't get to say goodbye." He said as he continued petting my back.

"It's ok. It is probably a good thing he's not here. I don't think I would be able to stand seeing him right now." I said my voice cracked very slightly at the end of the last statement.

"And why is that?" Sire asked raising an optical ridge at me. I whimpered and curled into his chassis at the thought of it. I took a deep breath.

"In my nightmare I was in base." I paused and took a deep breath. "I woke up on the berth in Medbay just like I have been. It felt very realistic. Anyway, I climbed off the berth somehow and ran into the main area finally I ran down the main hallway, because I heard a noise. I followed the noise into what I later realized was the training room. I enter as I walked close to the door it automatically opened I walked in and in the corner was Wheeljack dying. I walked up to him and he looked at me with pure hatred and said that it was my fault all my fault. I didn't know what he meant until I turned around." At this point, tears were pouring off of my face.

"All of the Autobots were murdered not like killed in battle. No that would have been a lot easier to bare. They were all ripped apart except for you. You were still slightly alive. I ran over to you and when I got there you looked at me with the same look of raw hatred my biological father would use. You also blamed me. Your spark then went out. Horrified, I ran back to where I left Wheeljack." My tears had just stopped running now and I was talking very bluntly with no emotion, my mask had come back.

"He turned on a light. And there in front of me was a HUGE con I don't know who he was, but he was bigger than Optimus. Anyway he told me that  Wheeljack was indeed correct. It was my fault. Then Wheeljack stood up and slowly walked toward me with the same cold look. He stopped in front of me, told me to die, and stabbed me through the chest." I think I scared Sire with how bluntly I had finished. I couldn't help it all the crying so much along with all the emotions had triggered me to slip my mask back on.

"Lava." He said in a warning tone.

"What." I snapped. I heard him sigh and instantly regretted it. "Sorry I'm used to slipping a mask on after I cry so much. And I also become defensive. I'm Sorry."

"Lava. Stop apologizing." Sire said obviously annoyed with me constant sorrys


"Stop." Sire said in a warning tone. I bit my to prevent me from apologizing aloud. "Stop it" I look up at him confused.

"I didn't say anything."

"No, but you were thinking it." He said in a dog scolding tone. I sigh in defeat. The sigh quickly turned into a yawn. I then felt sire shift so he was laying down on the birth.

"You can sleep Lava I won't leave you." Sire said as he set his hand on top of me like a blanket. I snuggled into him, comforted by the sounds of him running air through his systems and the beating of his spark. It was mainly the thrum of his spark that coaxed me into a peaceful sleep.

AN: OK here y'all go. Also so on my computer when I go and look at this story on my account it says #99 in Fanfiction. SO THANK YOU All so much for reading my story I am glad that so many people have read it and enjoyed it that you.

OK SO @Wiredhawkes won last chapters guess the song and funny enough she is also the one who suggested this chapter's song so here it is. Bueno suerte!!!!!

He stumbled into faith and thought,

"God, this is all there is."

The pictures in his mind arose

And began to breathe

And all the gods and all the worlds

Began colliding on a backdrop of blue

Blue lips, blue veins

He took a step but then felt tired

He said, "I'll rest a little while"

But when he tried to walk again

He wasn't a child

And all the people hurried fast, real fast

And no one ever smiled

Blue lips, blue veins

Blue, the color of our planet

From far, far away

Blue lips, blue veins

Blue, the color of our planet

From far, far away

He stumbled into faith and thought,

"God, this is all there is."

The pictures in his mind arose

And began to breathe

And no one saw and no one heard

They just followed the lead

The pictures in his mind awoke

And began to breed

Have fun!

Till All Are One

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