Fall Out Boy Imagines

By dandywentz

72.7K 2.6K 499

Just some imagines I wrote for the boys More

Introduction !!
1 - Pete
2 - Devil!Patrick
3 - Joe
4 - Andy
5 - Pete
6 - Andy
7 - Patrick
8 - Joe
9 - Pete
10 - Joe
11 - Patrick
12 - Pete
13 - Andy
14 - Joe
15 - Vampire!Pete
16 - Patrick
16.5 - Patrick
17 - Pete
18 - Joe
19 - Devil!Patrick
20 - Andy
20.5 - Andy
21 - Vamp!Pete
22 - Joe
23 - Patrick
24 - Andy
25 - Pete
26 - Vamp!Pete
27 - Joe
28 - Devil!Patrick
29 - Pete
30 - Joe
31 - Andy
33 - Pete
34 - Joe
35 - Patrick
36 - Pete
37 - Andy
38 - Patrick
39 - Joe
40 - Pete
41 - Vamp!Pete
42 - Patrick
43 - Joe
44 - Andy
45 - Pete
46 - Andy
47 - Devil!Patrick
48 - Joe
49 - Patrick
Thank You
50 - Pete
51 - Joe
Raffle winners !

32 - Patrick

1.2K 53 37
By dandywentz

(( reader you're a single mom in this™ ))

"Mom!" Your 6 year old son, Matthew, yelled. You ran to his room from the bathroom so fast you almost fell.

"What happened? Are you okay?" You asked, standing in the doorway. Matthew giggled and nodded. You let out an exasperated sigh, but smiled.

"You scared me little buddy. What's wrong?" You asked, sitting next to the small child on his bed. He fiddled with an action figure in his hand.

"When are you going shopping again?" This question puzzled you. You looked at Matthew with a quizzical look.

"Why sweetheart?" You asked, pushing back his hair gently. He just shrugged and puffed out his cheeks.

You thought for a couple moments, then it clicked. Last time you went out shopping and couldn't take Matt with you you had your friend Patrick babysit.

"You wanna see Patrick, don't you buddy?" You asked. Matt's eyes widened then he stuttered out a 'no' with a blush rising to his cheeks. You chuckled and pulled the child into your arms.

"Would you like if Patrick came over?" You asked. Matt was still for a moment, then nodded slowly. You kissed his fore head before letting him out of your grip.

"I'll call him up, maybe we can get ice cream." Matt beamed at this idea and shouted happily. You calmed him down a little before ruffling his hair.

You turned out of the room and into your own before dialing Patrick's number on your phone. He greeted you happily, which you returned in the same tone.

After explaining to him about Matt, he excitedly agreed to getting ice cream with you two. He said he'd be over shortly and hung up. You nodded to yourself and walked back into Matt's room to see him playing around with his action figures.

"Mattie, he's going to be here soon~" You said in a sing-song tone. The small child bounced around before hugging you and thanking you.

~ boop de doop time skip ~

Patrick knocked on the door causing Matt to bolt to open it. You followed him hastily and grabbed your purse before suggesting you guys leave now. Patrick complied and picked up Matt who was beaming.

You three walked to the ice cream place since it was fairly close and decided to hit up the park after that. You sat on a bench, sighing happily. You watched Patrick and Matt play around. It melted your heart to see the small child so happy.

"Aw look at those two!" A woman fairly close to you said and pointed at Patrick and Matt. Another one next to her giggled and nodded.

"I wonder if he's single, I always loved men who were good with kids." The other one replied.

Even though Patrick and you weren't together, you couldn't help but feel kinda angry at that comment. It wasn't even that rude, it just sparked something in you. Maybe it was the large crush you had the brunet, but we weren't going to get into that right now.

"Mom! Mom!" Matt's voice broke you from your thoughts. The child rushed up to you and jumped onto the bench. He was holding something behind his back and a large grin was on his face.

"What is it sweetheart?" You asked. Patrick sat next to Matt and winked at the small boy before pretending like that didn't happen.

Matt pulled his arms form behind his back and presented you with a pink tulip and four leaf clover. You gasped and took the two plants from the small child.

"Mattie!" You exclaimed and kissed the boy's cheeks. He giggled.

"Patrick said tulips were your favorite!" Matt said, grinning still. You looked over at Patrick, who was blushing and rubbing the back of your neck.

"Oh did he?" You asked, still looking at the brunet. He looked kinda nervous, probably thinking he got the flower type wrong now.


"Well, he's not wrong." You chuckled. Patrick let out a breath of air he's been holding for what seemed like 10 years.

Soon, you decided it was time to start heading home. Matt complained a little, but you could tell how tired he was. Patrick happily carried him back to your house and set him on his bed after he fell asleep in the brunet's arms.

You escorted Patrick to the front door with a smile.

"Thank you, again." You said.

"For what? You payed for-"

You shook your head, cutting him off.

"I meant for spending time with Matt, he adores you." You said. Patrick blushed and bit his lip.

"I-uh-really like the kid too." He smiled. You giggled and leaned upwards a little, kissing the man's pale cheek.

"Have a good night Patrick. I'll see you again soon." You said. Patrick just nodded, still a little in shock from the cheek kiss.

You closed the door and laughed to yourself a little. Patrick really was a sweetheart.

(( A/N: boY I honest to god love kids™ they're so cute tbhh ahh anyways I hope this was okay ?? Idk it's kinda cliche you could say, but whatever I tried I'm sorry ))

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