Fishleg's Sister (reader x Tu...

By vibranium_assss

193K 4.5K 2.4K

Y/n. Fishlegs' little sister, is the complete opposite to him. he's nerdy, she's not so smart. he's a coward... More

chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28

Chapter 25

4K 97 49
By vibranium_assss

Y/n's P.O.V

I didn't get that much sleep that night. I was thinking about tuff. What's wrong with him, I know there's something up, I've known him all my life, I can tell if he's okay or not.

When the sun started to rise I realized there was no point in trying to sleep. I crept past fishlegs and walked out the house. I sat in the edge of a cliff, outside my house and watched the horizon. It cleared my mind, whenever I'm stressed or upset. I heard the door open, it was fishlegs.

"oh no, Whats wrong with you now?" he knows I do this whenever in upset.
I didn't answer him. I just faced the horizon again.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for what I said that night. I was just shocked... Please forgive me, you're the only thing i have left and I want to make sure my sister doesn't get hurt. Please y/n"he pleaded. I sighed. I guess he's right.

"I forgive you"I said. He smiled and side hugged me then moved away.

"Whats wrong"he asked.

"nothing. Just clearing my mind, didn't get much sleep last night"I said. I could tell he wasn't convinced, but stayed silent.

"okay. Just come to me if you need to talk. Come in, let's get some breakfast"he said. I nodded before walking with him to the hall. The gang and Einar was there. I sat next to snotlout. Ignoring all of his comments.
Once everyone started to leave, I got up and walked with them, keeping my distance from tuff. I don't know if he wants us to carry on or not, but I'm keeping my distance for a while just in case.

I walked over to spikeshot and petted him.

"hey y/n. Wanna carry in training? " I heard Einar ask, I turned to face him.

"yeah, okay"I said. He looked at me.

"are you okay? You seem a bit down" he asked.

"I'm fine"I said before getting on spikeshot, he got in death metal and we flew to the arena where the training started.

Tuff's P.O.V

I regret snapping at y/n last night. I just could say I was jealous, she'd think I'm crazy and leave me anyway.

I sat down in the hall and everyone started to sit down. Einar started to talk to me, he's okay, I guess. I still don't like him though.

Y/n and fishlegs walked in, she sat next to snotlout who flirted with her, like always. I've gotten used to him, but Einar is something completely different. He's probably gonna use y/n to get power of a dragon and probably kill us or something.

Talking of y/n, she looked really tired. I don't think she slept at all. She didn't even talk, she just zoned out. Guess who's fault that is? I'm a terrible person.

When everyone was finished, we walked out, y/n kept her distance from me. I fucked up. I looked at her talking to Astrid. Ruff noticed and when y/n was gone, she pulled me aside.

"Whats wrong?" she asked.

"I've fucked up"I said.

"what do you mean?" she asked.

"you know I'm jealous of Einar, well, she noticed something was wrong with me yesterday and asked and I snapped at her. Now she's not talking to me"I said. She shook her head at me. Then punched me in the face.

"idiot"she huffed and walked off.

I walked to my little place and thought of what to do. Should I apologize, if she would even talk to me. She probably doesn't want to talk to me, she probably wants to break up with me and go out with Einar, if she's not doing that already. They probably are already going out, that might be why she didn't talk to me yesterday until dark.

I don't blame her, I mean. Who would want to go out with me. She probably doesn't even like me, she was probably feeling sympathetic and agreed to go out with me. Ugh... I'm such an idiot, how do I only notice now??

I walked back to the village and walked to my house, I saw barf and belch looking at me with pleading eyes. Knowing ruff she probably didn't feed them. Idiot.

I got 2 buckets of fish and placed them in front if them. They started to eat the fish. I sat down in front of the door of my house and watched them.

"hey tuff!"I heard a voice say. I looked up. Einar. I huffed to myself and stood up.

"err..hi"I said. Why is he talking to me, what does he want?

"I need to ask you something important"he said. What could be so important that he needs to ask me, unless it's.. No, please don't be...

"okay.. What is it"I asked faking to be interested.

"so you're y/n's friends and I came to ask you how do you think I should ask her out?" he asked. Friend, he thinks I'm her friend, oh he wishes..

"what?" I asked shocked about what he just said.

"okay, I like y/n, a lot. She's so hot and I want to ask her out"he said. I couldn't say that she's my girlfriend because 1. He wouldn't believe me and 2. What if y/n wants to dump me. I just started at him.

"I dunno"I said.

"come on dude, you gotta help me"he said. How about.. No..

"I'm sure you'd be fine. Just use the way you ask girls that you'd shag every night"I said. Shit, I wasn't meant to say that. Why can't I keep my mouth shut.

"what did you say"he said walking closer to me. I'm an idiot.

"I know you don't like her. You don't know her, you just like her for her looks and you're gonna use her for that" I said.

"so you think you know better?"he said. Yeah wanna know why?

"yeah, actually. There is more to a person than just looks, can you get that through your 11 year old brain?" I asked. He started to fine and he punched me. Good thing ruff punches me all the time, or I would be---

My minds got disrupted by him punching me multiple times. I could feel liquid coming from my nose and I saw the same liquid in his fists.

I started to loose consciousness. I was too weak to fight back, I don't know why, something was stopping me.

After his last punch I collapsed to the ground and I heard some shouting.

Y/n's P.O.V

I was trying to find Einar. I just go to the toilet and he's gone. I hear a hitting noise.

I followed the noise and saw Einar hitting someone. I didn't know who it was. I walked closer and I saw the guy he was punching fall to the ground. It was tuff. What is he doing??

"Einar!!! What are you doing!" I shouted running over.

"oh, hey y/n. Sorry I was just teaching this loser a lesson"he said and started to lean into me. I pushed him away, surprising him.

"what?"he asked as if he did nothing wrong.

"loser?... Excuse me but that 'loser' is my boyfriend "I said. He looked at me then back at tuff.

"really. Him? Are you serious??" he said.

"yes. I am" I said sitting in the ground next to tuff. He started laughing then shook his head.

"I'm not buying it"he laughed then walked off.

I grabbed tuff's sides and dragged him to Gothi. She told me to go, he was going to take an hour to wake.

Next day.

Tuff was up. I still haven't talked to him.

I saw the group and Einar gathered in the village center. Hiccup and Astrid walked off, probably to do some chief stuff. No way is Einar joining the group. I'm planning in making him leave.

I walked up to the group. I saw Einar looking at me with a 'you aren't together' looked, you know those looks, looks of disapproval.

He still doesn't think tuff and I are dating. Neither does snotlout, well they're gonna get a surprise, I thought of what I should do to prove it. Then I got the idea.

"hey y/n!" ruff said as she saw me walking over. Tuff turned around and faced me.

"y/n in really sor--"I cut him off by grabbing his face and connecting our lips. He was surprised at first, I don't blame him, but soon relaxed and put his hands around my waist. I heard snotlout say oh my god. I remembered what lungs are for and broke away. He smiled down at me, I smiled in return. I looked at Einar who's jaw dropped to the ground, I smirked.

"you buying it yet?"I said. He frowned and sneered at tuff before walking off. Snotlout was confused out if his mind and walked to the hall with fishlegs and ruff.

"I forgive you" I said. He still had his hands around my waist, I had mine on his chest.

"yeah.. Erm... That night, there was actually something wrong with me" he said.

"what was it"I asked.

"I was... Jealous. He kept flirting with you and I got jealous. When you were dragon training with him, I kept thinking that you'd leave me for him, because he's better looking and stronger and better than me" he said embarrassed.

"tuff.... There's no need to be jealous. I would never leave you for anyone. Even if there was the strongest, bravest viking ever, I'd still choose you"I said before hugging him. He held into me, tightly. I smiled. I love being in his arms I felt so safe.

"I regret shouting at you"he said. I pulled away from the hug.

"everyone makes mistakes"I said.

"yeah, true" he said. I noticed the sky was pitch black.

"whoa, it got dark quicky"I said

"follow me"he said grabbing my hand. He dragged me somewhere, until we got to a cliff and had the perfect view of the stars and the sea reflecting them. We sat down and I started in awe.

"its.. Beautiful" I said.

"just like you"he said. I blushed, even though it was really cheesy, he found a way to make me turn crimson red.

I could tell he was looking at me, he squeezed my cheek. I looked at him, as he looked at me.

We leaned in and connected out lips, they fitted as if they were destined to be together.


Whooo 2 updates in 1 day!!!!

If any if you have any requests of stories I should write, comment your requests. (don't think I can do imagines though, I'm probably really bad at those)

But any requests you want me to do, I'll write, if I can.

Thanks so much for reading this. I love you guys!!!

- thea


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