Holland Road | Mumford & Sons...

By LittleLionLove

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High schooler Marcus Mumford wants nothing from life but to make music. However, with cruel classmates and un... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 6

283 11 9
By LittleLionLove

xChapter 6x

Tuesday, January 21, 2003

8:38 P.M.

Mumford Household... Sort of

"Oof," I grunt. A bolt of pain shoots through my skull and I look up to curse the open window that I just banged my head on. I immediately stop and listen for any stirring inside the house and am greeted by nothing but the hum of city life and occasional beeping of far off car horns.

Both my legs are on either side of the window sill, straddling it. Upon realized how terribly uncomfortable it is, I swing my left leg over the ledge and land on the awning over the front porch with a soft thump.

I set my trainers that I've been holding in my hands down and sit very slowly on the shingled roof. I didn't put them on because I was afraid if I did my landing would make too much noise, but now that I'm here, I realize that if I walk around up here any longer wearing just socks I might slip and go hurtling towards the ground below. And that would definitely not be fun.

Once I've laced up both my shoes I tiptoe back over to the window and inch the pane down as slowly as possible as to not make any noise. After sticking the pencil from my pocket between the pane and the sill so I don't get locked out, I take a deep breath and straighten up. I guess there is no going back now.

So I'm going to be honest. I've never really snuck out of the house before. I'd always thought about it but never had the balls to do it, but now this situation is diar. This Christian McBride show will basically determine the fate of the rest of my life; I have to do it. But needless to say I'm terrified out of my mind.

Slowly tiptoeing to the edge of the awning, I peak over the edge and am greeting with nothing but darkness. My stomach does a complete flip and I take a sharp step back and squeeze my eyes shut, trying to calm myself.

After a couple of moments of trying to calm myself down, I go back over to the very edge and peak over again. Squinting into the blackness, I can eventually make out a couple bushes that I had already scoped out earlier today. Either I land in the thorny bushes or in the dirt the makes up the rest of the smallest front yard in the entire universe (Oh, London) that's rock-hard thanks to the fact that its frozen.

Today is the day that I die.

I swallow the massive lump that has formed in my throat and decide if I don't jump now it'll never happen. "For Christian McBride," I whisper right before clunching my fists and taking a huge leap into the dark night.

My landing is not quite as graceful as I was hoping it to be. I thankfully land in the bushes as planned, however what I hadn't planned for was the force of my impact sending my falling and doing a face plant into the thorns.

"For the love of God," I mumble to myself as I straighten up. Thankfully my thick puffer jacket cushioned the rest of my body from this evil sharp death trap. I climb my way out of the bush and try to ignore the stinging on my face. I dig my hand into my jeans pocket for the millionth time and feel the glossy paper of the tickets, just to make sure they're still there. Finally, I sprint towards the street and down the sidewalk until completely out of the view of my house.

Once I reach Goldhawk my pace slows to a more casual walk. Two figures appear huddled together at the corner, huddled together to fight the cold winds. I'd jog over to them but, quite honestly, I'm pretty winded from the sprinting I just did. They can wait.

"Hey, Marcus," Ben says as I approach him. Instantly the girl who had been facing away from me whips her head around and I see her eyes go wide before she greets me by pretty much jumping onto me and squeezing me as tight as she can. I get a nose full of cigarette smoke and roses.

"MARCYYYYY!" Colombo shouts into my ear. I can see Ben over her shoulder and he looks to be quite amused with the situation. "I haven't seem you in forever! I missed you so much!"

"I missed you too, love," I say back as she peels herself away from me. Honestly I saw her just last week when she stopped by Joe's, but one week for her might as well be a century. She basically acts this way every time she sees me or Ben. I think she thinks of us as her pet cats or something.

"Ben was just telling me how you snuck out of the house for the first time!" she says, her green eyes like a fire that never burns out. Her insanely curly blsck hair starts blowing into her face and she ties it in a knot on too of her head. "I'm so proud of you. Finally defeated the Mama Mumford!"

"Yeah, something like that," I mumble. I honestly don't feel too good about defying my parents like this; I just hope I don't regret it later.

"You got my ticket?" Ben asks and I gratefully nod and pull the two slips out and hand one to him.

"Let's go, lads!" Colombo says enthusiastically, grabs both of our arms, and drags us on behind her.

There's a massive amount of people crowded in front of the Empire. The three of us start to weave through the mass and at one point Colombo's hand loosens its clamp on my arm and she disappears. Ben, unfortunately, is nowhere to be found either. Bodies start to close in on me and I can hardly get past anyone.

My shoving and maneuvering stop completely when I see a piece of paper flying through the air. I reach my hand up and close my fingers around the slip, and bring it towards my face to have a better look. It's someone's ticket.

My thoughts are interrupted by the clearing of a throat and a soft "Excuse me."

I bring the ticket away from my face and my eyes focus on a girl who is about my age. Her hair is long and blonde and her frame is small and delicate, and all at once my brain stops functioning and my heart starts going double time. She's the cutest girl I've ever seen.

"I think you have my ticket," she says, biting her lip and then giving me a small smile while pointing up at the one in my grasp. Her smile reveals dimples that make me a little weak at the knees.

"Uh, yeah," I say stupidly. I mentally kick myself for being such a dunce as I hand her her ticket.

"Thanks!" she says and disappears into the crowd of people.

"Wait-" I start, not quite loud enough to here. I let my arm drop after reaching for something that wasn't there. I close my eyes and all I see is her, the image of the blonde haired girl smiling at me burned into my mind. I didn't even catch her name.


Think what you want, I ain't sayin nutin.

Though I will say this has been my fav chap to write so far, you can guess why

Okay, I'm really tired right now. Like really really. Balls to 11th grade. Balls to it.

I've been working to include more of a variety of characters. They haven't been doing much so far but trust me, they are key. I like them but you can tell me what you thing in the comments!



Buh bye Lovelies!

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