Haikyuu, KNB, & Free! x Reade...

By amy1234u

59.5K 1.8K 289

Just a bunch of drabbles of the Haikyuu, KNB, & Free! crew. Feel free to make requests. ♥(ˆ⌣ˆԅ) More

Haruka Nanase x Reader: Feelings
Tsukishima Kei x Reader: Got You
Kuroko Tetsuya x Reader: Tough
Kise Ryouta x Reader: Digits?
Midorima Shintaro x Reader: Stars
Kageyama Tobio x Reader : Clingy
Matsuoka Rin x Reader : Kiss
Aomine Daiki x Reader: Daddy Problems
Ryugazaki Rei x Reader : Numb
Sugawara Koushi x Reader : Bonds
Oikawa Tooru x Reader : Alien
Tachibana Makoto x Reader : Never again
Akashi Seijuro x Reader : Worth It
Iwaizumi Hajime x Reader : Morning
Seijuro Mikoshiba x Reader : Enough
Murasakibara Atsushi x Reader : Teddy Bear
Request! Tsukishima-like reader x Sugawara Koushi
Souske x Reader : Grand Piano
Nishinoya Yuu x Reader : Misunderstanding
Request : Assasian! Reader x Prince! Akashi
Takao Kazunari x Reader : For Real
Mibiuchi Reo x Reader: Waiting
Another Update :((
Mibiuchi Reo x Reader : Waiting Pt2
Akasshi Keji x Reader : Can't you be Mine?
Akaashi Keji x Reader : Can't you be Mine? Part 2
Momotaru Mikoshiba x Reader : Soulmate
Request! Akashi Seijuro x Reader : Childhood Promise Part 1

Empty : Kuroko Tetsuya x Reader x Eita Semi

1K 30 3
By amy1234u

"Oh yes I remember! You got your hand stuck in the vending machine and we all left you!" a classmate teased.

You laughed along. It was a mixer that a friend pulled you along. "Excuse me," you said quietly. You left the karaoke room and made your way to the bathroom.

As you entered, you took a glance at your reflection. "It's ok. You're ok," you whispered. But the girl that stared back looked so otherwise

It wasn't always like this.

4 years earlier

"Kuroko-kun, are you going to the library?" You asked.

Kuroko turned around and smiled gently at you. "I have to drop off a book. What about you?"

"I'm going to study in there. Might as well go with you!" You replied.

As you two walked side by side, the silence more of a comfort than excruciating. You met Kuroko on pure accident (or was it fate ;) -slapped-). You were on your way to drop off papers for Riko when you slammed into a lithe body. Thus your friendship unveiled.

You glanced at Kuroko's facial features, examining like it was going to be your last chance. You didn't know what drove you into liking this strange phantom boy, but it felt like magnets.

"How's practice so far?" You asked. You looked away and stared forward, hoping he doesn't catch your blush.

"It's been fine. I've been perfected my passing. If you want, you can stop by the gym and maybe I can show you," he spoke.

You beamed brightly at him, his eyes crinkle back. You hope he never finds out about your harbored feelings.

You jumped in surprise when someone entered the bathroom. You grinned sheepishly before exiting.

You made your way back to the room, giving yourself a prep talk along the way.

"Hey (y/n)," someone called out. You turned and saw one of the boys from the mixer approaching you.

"Hi," you answered. You looked at his eyes that bore into your own. It reminded you too much of the one you're trying so hard to forget. "What's your name again? I'm sorry I feel rude not remembering."

He gives you a crisp smile before it became serious again. "Eita Semi. And it's fine. I had to take a while to remember your name too."

You chuckled before the both of you stepped inside.
Kuroko never fails to amaze you. Whatever he does exceeds your very own imagination. You clapped and your mouth felt like it could break into an even wider smile than the one adorned right now.

"Wow! This new kind of pass is amazing!! It will surely hit everyone by surprise," you complimented, handing him a water bottle and towel.

He grins back, casting his eyes shyly. "Oh it's really nothing." Kagami passes by and gives Kuroko a hearty pat on the back, erupting laughter from the whole team.

You couldn't help but to laugh along, feelings the high that you could never get bored of. "Are you coming to the Winter Cup games (y/n)?" Riko asked.

You gave some thought about it. "I'll try to make it to every game. Don't keep you hopes up!" You teased.

Everyone laughed and began making their way out of the gym. "Hey (y/n), you wanna go to Maji Burger with us after this?" Kagami  suggested.

You looked at your phone, checking the time. It's not like I'm that busy. "Sure! Sounds like a good plan."

Laughter and loud music filled your senses. You smiled and politely conversed. "So what about you Eita, another round?" Yuuki, one of the girls suggested.

"No thanks. I'm supposed to be heading back to my dorm anyways."

"Oh, what college do you attend?" You blurted out. You blushed at your sudden question.

He laughed, something that made you feel better. "I'm attending Tokyo University. I use to live in Miyagi."

That's a big move actually. You nodded. An actual adult here.

He saw your pondering gaze and when your eyes met, his eyes crinkled as he flashed you a small smile. Too similar.

It was the last game, the final game. You were on the edge of your seat, your breath stolen along the adrenaline.

As the final shot made it in, cheers erupted within the stadium. You cheered too, tears spilling down. Akashi was defeated. Serin won.

You rushed down the stairs, eager to celebrate along side with everyone.

As soon as you made your way to the team, a sight made your stomach drop. Momoi, Kuroko's friend or girlfriend as the team refers to as, was pressed closely to him. He had his arms wound around.

You coughed, feeling shy and small all of a sudden. You knew she had feelings for him and displayed them at large. But Kuroko had always told you that they were nothing more than friends.

"Congratulations everyone!!" You cheered. Everyone came together in a hug, ruffling heads and head locks exchanged.

You felt happy but the gut wrenching feeling you still had lingered. Momoi was holding Kuroko's hands, Aomine slouched against the wall nearby, loudly complaining.

"(Y/n), can I tell you something?" Kuroko whispered. You nodded and he took you aside. Momoi was already back with Aomine, prodding him.

"What is it?" You asked, taking a gulp of air.

He smiled and looked over at Momoi fondly. "Umm..you can't tell anyone though. I trust you."

You nodded. Your heart was racing , your chest feeling too light. "You can trust me."

"Well..Momoi and I are dating..actually we have been for a while but we are planning to keep this a secret. " His smile grew fonder.

Oh...Oh that's why. You felt your body become lead.

The mixer ended a while ago, and you were waiting for you bus. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned to see Eita. "Eita-San."

"Please call me Semi. It's just easier that way." You nodded and silence hung over the two of you. "I don't mean to be rude but are you also in college?"

"Ah yes! I'm a 1st year at Tokyo University."

His small smile caused an uneasy feeling inside. "I see. Maybe we can hopefully get to know each other better."

You smiled back, clenching your fists. "Yes..I hope so too."

6 years later
You have been invited to Kuroko Tetsuya's and Satsuki Momoi's Wedding. We hope to see you there.

The words seems to be engraved into your mind after you read the invite a couple days ago. You were settled nicely into college and made new friends from your classes. Just a few months ago, you celebrated your 23rd birthday with friends from
high school, excluding Kuroko.

Kagami didn't say anything about the blue haired boy except just that he said 'happy birthday'. You could hardly care though.

Semi  was very helpful in helping you adjust to college life. He became a very close friend.

You learned that he played volleyball and was now working as a coach and teacher  for a high school in Tokyo. He made sure to stay in touch after he graduated.

You also learned that he was not always serious as you thought. He tended to be brash and always in competition. You didn't mind you liked that side of him too.

Semi had shown interest in you but you told him about Kuroko. He backed off but remained at your side. You appreciated every bit.

"Are you planning to go?" Semi pointed. You winced. Semi gave you a frown. "You don't have to force yourself to. I mean he invited you out of courtesy."

"I want to go, Semi. I just...don't know if he still remembers what I said to him many years ago."

You sighed and slumped into your seat. He reached across the table and held your hands. "If you want, I'll go as your plus one. I'll be there for you."

You felt your lips quiver. You hoped that Kuroko had forgiven you for the words you said.

"Dating?" You hoarsely asked. He nodded, facing you now.

"Is something wrong (y/n)?" He asked, eyebrows furrowed. He reached out to you but you stepped back.

"Yes..yes there is." No there isn't. "I just...Well I mean..." you stuttered. You looked down, your face burning red of shame. This isn't worth it... "I've had feelings for you. A long time now actually. It's just...seeing you with her.."

"(y/n)...I don't know what you say. Why didn't you say anything before?" he asked. He stepped closer to you but you backed away. 

"Stop! Don't come any closer...Momoi-san wouldn't like this. You should go back to your girlfriend," you snapped. You flinched at your own tone. Kuroko's eyes were filled with hurt. You never meant to hurt him.  You're going to regret this..

"Why are you like this? (y/n), why are you like this now? Do you not like Momoi?" he questioned. You flinched at the rising tone. He rarely talks like this. 


You paled, realizing what you just did. The pain was no longer there, there was just shame and guilt. Kuroko's face was unrecognizable through the tears that were spilling. You turned around and continued to run. You couldn't face the pain anymore. 



The wedding was everything you pictured it to be. Pink and blue themed, abundance of flowers everywhere, it was like a fairy came and puked all her blessings. Semi was dressed neatly in a dark blue suit while you matched with a blue and white Princess dress. 

You sipped quietly on your champagne, easing the small guilt that piled up inside of you as you watched the happy couple. The wedding ceremony was tear-moving and the reception was just starting. 

"Well, if it isn't the famous (y/n)" a deep voice called out. You turned and broke into a grin. Kagami grinned back and gave you a side hug. "How are you?"

"Great! I actually considered not coming here but you know..I should also drop off my regards," you sighed. 

"She wouldn't stop groaning about this since the moment she got the invitation," Semi pointed. You elbowed him, causing Semi to almost spit out his water. He was your designated driver of the night. 

"And who is this? I'm Kagami by the way," Kagami eyed at Semi. Semi reached out a hand and they shook. 

"I'm Semi, (y/n)'s plus one for the evening," he said. You couldn't help but to gaze fondly at him. He's been through so much with you, you owed so much. 

"Ahhh, well the groom of the evening is heading this way, prepare yourselves."

You were hesitant to turn but you did. You felt your heart stutter to a stop as your eyes finally rested on Kuroko for the first time in almost 10 years. He smiled softly, seeing you then. As he walked over, you could feel Semi inching closer. 

"(y/n)-san. It's so nice to finally see you again," he said quietly. You nodded, sweat building up on the back of your neck. "I don't mean to be rude..but may I steal you for a moment?"

Your eyes widen at the request but all you could do was nod. He motioned for you to follow him. You looked back at Semi, only to see his encouraging gaze. 



The night air was crisp and warm as you walked outside. There was a small veranda on the side of the reception venue. Kuroko waited until you were side by side with him. You felt your breath turn a bit more relaxed as the alcohol was setting in from your previous drinks. 

"It's been almost 10 years..hasn't it?" Kuroko pointed. You nodded. Your eyes were drifting to the ground. 

"Look..I'm sorry for all the things  I said before. I didn't mean to be such a jerk," you mumbled. You heard a breathless laughter and looked at the boy, now a married man, beside you. Even with this lighting, he looked even more handsome than back then. 

"I'm sorry too. For not realizing how you felt back then. I was also a jerk."

Silence drifted between you two for a while. You sighed and felt a smile crawl onto your face. "You know..I'm happy for you. I really am. You deserve a wonderful woman like Momoi. She's amazing and you two suit each other. I was just delusional and I pictured the impossible. But when I realized how much of a fool I was to want you two apart...I realized how much I was selfishly wishing to take someone's happiness away. You were my happiness. Now you are someone else's. I have no right to take that away. You deserve everything in the world to be happy..I'm sorry I'm saying so much," you chuckled. 

You were about to step away when Kuroko stopped you. His eyes were twinkling with un-shed tears and you winced. "(y/n)..I need to say my part too after your speech. I did have feelings for you..But I never said anything about it. I was selfish to keep them silent and instead I turned to Momoi. Then I ended up falling in love with her. I regret not telling you how much you meant to me and I also regret letting you go. I hope that we can keep in touch and...become friends again," he croaked out. 

For the first time, you felt the guilt rise and bubble away. Your body felt warm and happy. You patted his shoulders and smiled. "I would like that."



A couple months after the wedding passed, you and Kuroko did remain in touch. You occasionally had a brunch with the Momoi too and also grew close to her. 

You were reading a magazine while Semi was busy making a snack for the two of you. "I have to ask..what exactly happened between the two of you that night? I mean I'm happy that the two of you are back on friendly terms but really?" Semi asked. 

You sighed and turned to look at him from the couch. "All we did was talk it out. That was it. We told each other the truth and forgave. There's nothing much to it really," you smirked. 

Semi huffed and carried the plates of (favsnack) to the coffee table. He flopped down next to you, his arms around your shoulder. "I was hoping for a full on essay but I guess I'll be kept in the dark forever," he sighed. 

You rolled you eyes and leaned into his embrace. "Well..maybe in a few years I'll tell you."

Semi snorted and turned to kiss your head. "Yeah right," he fondly replied. You closed your eyes and relaxed. The empty part inside of you created by your own reckless emotions stirred up by Kuroko was now a vessel filled with happiness you found with Semi. 

"I really really love you," you whispered. 

Semi chuckled, looking down at you. "And I love you too."



I finally updated after so long!! This is the longest chapter every goodness sake. I kinda got carried away. Sorry for not being active!!! 

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