
By Spriggs2756

189 6 1

In 2019, weapon companies around the world began making a killing on selling weapons to the public; a company... More

The Prelude: A life changing deal
This war of hers


9 0 1
By Spriggs2756

In Moscow Russia, in the dead of night, snow drifted from the sky and coated the ground. A man with a dark blue trench coat traversed the streets alone. He noticed the lack of people on the streets. Even though it was night, it was still Russia; even if some were to head in for the night, there would normally be stragglers hanging around after dark.

As the wind whipped past the man's head, he felt another person's presence in the air." Behind me." The man said to himself before turning around. Sadly, he was wrong about the feeling; but he then noticed something on the ground, a set of foot prints just a few feet away from himself.

He was on guard, but opted not to make a move; instead scanning the area for anything immediately visible.he felt a surge of danger shoot up his spine; the wind began to kick up snow and a storm rolled in," Was it just the storm ?" He quietly asked himself." It's not that cold."

Even though the wind was howling, the trench coat wearing man still heard a voice over the wind." Hale." it called out. The man turned around, he was feeling a mixture of annoyance and curiosity; the voice sounded familiar to the guy. The man focused and listened for the voice again, the next sound that met the man's ears was the sound of snow crunching under someone's feet as they got closer to him.

The second he heard the snow right next to him crunch, the man swung a closed fist in the direction of the sound; the figure next to him caught the gloved hand. Even though the man couldn't see who actually stopped his punch, he was able to make out their face somewhat. "Cole..Cole..Cole..You shouldn't swing your fist around in the dark."

Suddenly the voice was clear to the man, the howling wind was just drowned out by the other person's voice." Well well. I was expecting you to be faster than this Cole." The voice told him, judging his speed." I guess it must be the snow. Or you're losing it."

Cole pulled his hand away from the person, just as the storm started to die down. He got a look of the person's face, well at least part of their face; the person was wearing a tacky purple track suit with a hood over their head covering most of their face." Cole, I'm Justin. You know, when Dr. Mitheaas dumped me in my vat, I thought I'd come out the only one of my kind. I thought I'd be alone in the world with no one like me."

The man walked around Cole." But after I squeezed information out of that horrible woman. I found you - my brother. You may be darker than me, bu-"

Cole stopped the guy where he was. "You think you could cut to the chase? It's pretty cold out here and you're rambling."

The guy cracked an awkward smile and chuckled." My bad, I'll just cut to it then. I know your strength, if you wanted to, you could be a god to these mortals Cole. You and I could rule over the human race, brother do you understand ? We could crush anyone that gets in our way, and take whatever we would want."

Cole turned away. "No thanks, I believe I know what would happen if I took over the world. Also you're no brother of mine. You're just some creature, one with power and greed" Cole said as he walked away. "Lose that greed and do something else with your energy."

Back in the land of the rising sun, Eiko was in the twins' lab, the two intelligent children were examining Eiko's limbs, while the cyborg laid on an operating table in scrubs, suddenly one of them reattached Eiko's leg, and she immediately got off the table." Eiko, you should let us experiment on you, and replace more than just your missing limbs."

" No thanks. If I want to be a robot, I'll let you know." She told the two children.

They let out a sigh."Come on Eiko! We promise to be safe."

"And we'll only take out useless organs, Like your liver, your spleen, your tummy, or even your uterus." The black haired twin pleaded, trying their best to convince the girl.

"No means no." Eiko ended the conversation, while the other white haired twin reattached her arm. Eiko quickly walked out of the twin's lab. As she walked down the hallway to the rest of the sub basement, Eiko ended up making a wrong turn down a hallway and ended up in the weapons testing lab.

The lab was a giant room with a balcony overlooking a large pit. The pit had several different rooms with glass ceilings for observations, in the rooms were different types of training dummies, some with armor, some just dead pigs strung up to be beaten or cut.

In one of the many rooms, stood Jack, he was wearing his olive jacket tied around his waist; and in his hands were two pistols with large silencers over the barrels. Eiko leaned on the balcony's guard rail in her scrubs. The former mercenary aimed both the pistols at the dummies in his current room and blasted into the dummies' heads and chest. When the dummies had more holes than Swiss Cheese, Jack moved onto the next room.

In the next room, Jack reloaded his pistols before shoot center mass into armored dummies, he then fired into their heads leaving large holes in their heads; soon Jack moved into the dead pig room. Eiko was suddenly surprised when Jun snuck up on her and smack her butt saying." Nice booty Eiko ! The black boy shorts look." She stopped mid sentence to think of a word." Tight on you."

Eiko just rubbed her butt where Jun smacked her, Jun joined the cyborg in watching Jack in the testing pit." Ah, Jack's using the new silencers. They are made to be sixty percent quieter than actual silencers." She informed Eiko.

" Hmm so that's why I didn't hear any of his shots."

" Yuppers Eiko, they manage to trap the sound just better than those other silencers, I guess suppressor makers just aren't trying hard enough." Jun lightly bumped Eiko's robotic arm with her elbow." I bet you're wondering why we use pigs in the training room."

" No, it's because pig's flesh is very close to human's flesh. Hence the reason why dead pigs are used below."

"Oh." she almost sounded disappointed. "Well Eiko you're are just as smart as I thought you'd be."

Eiko looked over to her boss, the purple eyed woman had her usual smile on her face. Suddenly the two noticed Jack walking out of the room, the pigs that were hanging from the ceiling were now lying on the pit's floor with puddles of blood growing from their bodies; Jack soon joined the two on the balcony, he redonned his jacket, and was wearing a black eye patch over his blinded eye.

When Jun laid eyes on Jack, she jumped up and hugged him, even taking her feet off the ground for the hug, Jack awkwardly wrapped an arm around Jun's back and patted her back. "Ah, thanks Mr.Hunter, I believe that the test went very well." Jun told him.

Jun looked back over to Eiko keeping her smile." Eiko, Jack meet me in my office. But Eiko get dressed first." Jun ordered the two before running off. Jack looked over to Eiko before turning around and leaving. Eiko wondered what Jun could be planning today ? Attacking another company's building ? She would have to meet up with Jun later and ask what's happening today.

Outside of Jun's office, Gaz was surrounded by several of the guards, but instead of fighting him, they were crowded behind him while he had his phone out; the large group were watching a video on Gaz's phone, a video where a guy lit himself on fire and tried his hardest to put it out, as he fumbled around attempting to put the fire out, the giant group began laughing at the man." Ah man ! I like that this dude started this up, with the idea of that fire doesn't burn things." Gaz said in between laughs.

Even Jun's secretary was laughing at the video, but the fun started ending when everyone caught sight of Maya, the group quickly went back to doing their daily duties trying to seem like they weren't slacking off from their jobs; Gaz tried to pull himself together as Maya closed in on him.

"Aye ! What up, Big Momma?!"

Maya cocked her head at Gaz at odd epithet he called her.

"What ? Not good enough ? Well I was gonna call ya green turtle shell, but it was too long. Ah, I got it! I'll call ya Green bean, no, no Kraut."

The German giant sighed. She was about to say something to Gaz when the elevator let out a ding and opened. Inside was Jun. When Gaz laid eyes on the suited woman, he saluted her saying." Hello ! miss boss lady." He greeted her.

" Heyo Gaz !" She greeted him back." Let's wait in the office for the other two to show up." The trio strolled into Jun's office wondering how long they'd have to wait for Jack and Eiko to show up. The wait was fortunately not long, Eiko appeared, she was wearing dress clothes, a black dress vest, simple dress pants and a blue tie.

Right after Eiko arrived Jack soon showed up as well, " Nice ! Everyone's here." Jun cheered leaping behind her desk and landing in her large cushioned chair. The purple eyed woman pressed a button on her side of the desk and suddenly the doors leading to her office locked, and what looked like a blast door trapped them inside.

Suddenly panels opened up in the middle of the room's floor, what looked like a projector came up from the new hole in the floor. Soon a hologram of a tall man with long white hair and dark skin appeared; he wore a long blue trench coat and black turtle neck sweater.

Jun kicked her feet up onto her desk." Okay my noodles, what we are doing this week, is merging."

Everyone in the room stared past the hologram and at Jun.

" Merging ?" Maya repeated following up with rubbing her chin.

" So another killing spree ? Well I'm down with making people into bitches." Gaz said to nobody in particular.

" You sure about this Jun ? Don't you need to ask higher ups about this ?" Eiko asked.

Jack on the other hand stared back at the hologram, he squinted at it as if he was trying to read the small print to a book.

" Why yes Eiko, I did ask my mother, she said it was alright for me to make my part of the company bigger."

" Well did you ask your Father too ? " Eiko asked.

Jun pulled her feet off her desk staring at Eiko with a blank face." We don't talk about him very much." Jun soon shook her head before regaining her smile. " Alright Noodles, the people we are merging with are a Russian company named, a word that I can not pronounce in their native lingua franca. So I'm just gonna say the translated version, Haven corporation."

The name didn't sound familiar to any of the others, but Jun soon explained the company." Haven corp specializes in making non-lethal weaponry, mostly items used by police forces, security guards, and in some home personal defense. They also dabble in bullet proof vest, but that's really it, everything else I got here is just boring things about money, and something dogs and guns."

The group soon noticed she had a small computer on the other side of her desk, and she was just reading off a website." Their company's C,E.O. is this guy, Cole Hale."

The moment Jun said the name Cole Hale, Eiko turned to the hologram quickly and stared at it like Jack was still doing." Sadly there isn't anything about Cole, besides his name, he doesn't have any past, any connections with anybody, or even a birth certificate."

Eiko crossed her arms and stared at the hologram intently, she and her father knew Cole, he looked like he changed a lot the last time they saw him. Eiko wanted to say she knew the guy, but she kept to herself, Jack didn't bother speaking about Cole either.

Suddenly Gaz spoke up." So, when this merger going down ?

" Oh, it's happening tomorrow, in France. It will be a dinner where we'll meet, and talk about the merger ."

" Wait France !" Maya exclaimed.

" Yuppers. good old Paris, France."

" I doubt that you've even been to France Jun." Eiko told her boss.

Jun stood up mouth open with nothing to say, she sat herself back down saying." Yeah I haven't, but in a couple moments team we will be knowing a butt load of French stuff."

Eiko crossed her arms before Jun continued." We'll be going to France later today and the flight will be somewhat long, so pack your best dinner clothes, and your best undies."

As the night came in France, Cole stood on the roof of a hotel alone, the cool night breeze made his trench coat billow. Out of nowhere Cole felt Justin's presence, he instantly spun around facing the blonde man, with his tacky track suit, and smug look." Justin."

" Hale."

" It's a nice looking night tonight. You can't let me enjoy my alone time ?"

" Of course I can't let you do what you wish without knowing your on my side, so about my proposition."

" Denied. I've told you once, and now I'm telling you twice. I don't care for taking over the world."

Justin's smug look instantly twisted to a look of anger and disgust." How !? How can you have such power and not want to rule over these mortals ?!" Justin asked

Cole gave the guy a calm smile before crossing his arms and telling him." let's just say, I've thought about it, and I love my friends too much. I rather the people I know remember me for the right things I've done, than remember me for being a strong armed dictator."

Justin backed away from Cole with his hands in his pockets, keeping his eyes on Cole." Your making a mistake here Hale, by the time this morning, I'll have your corpse, if your not with me then you can die like the fool you are."

Cole watched as Justin hopped off the edge of the building, when he was out of his sight, the white haired man sighed shaking his head." If only he listened to me. Who am I kidding, it has to be this way."

The next day, Jun and her squad arrived in France. Eiko, Jack, Gaz, and Maya stayed close to Jun's side while she went sight seeing, when Jun entered a store, Jack told Maya and Gaz that he and Eiko would watch the store from the outside while Jun shopped for clothes.

Maya and Gaz didn't protest and followed Jun around the small store, Jack and Eiko sat on a bench across the street to watch out for anything that would seem sketchy. As Eiko and her father sat together, Jack rubbed his left eye before saying." You should lighten up a bit E."

Eiko sighed and tried to feel a bit calm." This is me calm dad." she tried to joke with him.

" You have too much of your mother in you, if you don't let yourself breath you'll pass out."

" Yes okay Father."

Jack tried his best to recline while on the bench without falling over." Does this young lady really need a thousand suits ?" Jack asked.

" I asked Maya the same exact thing, but I don't know why she buys so many."

" I'd hate to see how many clothes her mother buys."

As the wait began to grow longer, Jack sat hunched over before asking Eiko something more serious." Eiko, It was you who killed Kat."

Eiko looked over to her father who looked more serious than she ever saw him; his eye looked over to her before describing Kat." The woman with the track jacket and shorts, she was around your size."

Eiko got brief memories of the woman, and remembered her body twisted and broken." Yes I-I killed her." Eiko sounded a little reluctant to tell it, she felt a little nervous next to her dad right now.

Jack got out a sigh." How did she go ? "

" I shot her. I didn't beat around the bush with her."

" Sad, I didn't want her to end up this way, she kept me from just losing my mind and wanting to kill everything in sight, she should've done something better with her life than try to be like us."

" People like us were never her kind of people." Eiko added." She wasn't for a life like this."

Jack put his hands onto the bench before switching the conversation to something else that didn't seem dark.

" If this is really Cole, you think we should ask Jun if we can get Dr.Meeteusu ? If we find the rock shes under ?"

" I don't know Father, it would probably be easier to find Alice, than it would be to find the doctor."

Suddenly, their conversation was cut short when Jun came out of the store with Gaz and Maya; surprising Jun emerged with nothing not a single piece of clothing, Eiko cocked an eyebrow wondering what happened. Jun could read Eiko's face like an open book." Ahh you're wondering why I didn't buy anything." Jun said putting up her pointer finger, and waving it side to side while looking away from Eiko.

" Well that's because we don't have too much time to play around before it turns time to meet with Mr.Hale."

Eiko looked at the watch over her metal wrist, the watch told her it was past noon, the stoic cyborg looked to Jun, for once admiring that she was managing her rime a little more wisely than usual.

Jun put her finger into her pale chin and looked to the sky." Sooo, should we keep sight seeing guys. Or should we return to the hotel and get ready for later ?" Jun sighed." Ah choices...Choices..Eh, might as well get ready, no sense in wasting time on sight seeing too much. Let's go Noodles."

The group journeyed back to the hotel, the time they took getting ready for this dinner that Jun was having was enough for the sun to go down and night to arrive, Eiko stood in her room dressed in men's tux just her size.

She was looked out her room window wondering how this meeting Jun set up would go, she felt her stomach with her robotic hand getting a bad gut feeling about everything, she didn't know how this would go, or what would happen, she didn't want a disaster to happen.

At the restaurant that Jun had to appear at, Cole was sitting at a lone table among many other empty tables, he had his blue trench coat hanging on the back of his chair, he wore a black suit with a matching colored tie.

The white haired had a gloved hand tapping the table, he was starting to overthink how everything will turn out." If I'm not correct, then...." Cole began thinking of all of the outcomes of the situation, each seeming more gruesome, and bloodier than the last." Let my guess be right."

Cole put his hands together and put both his gloved hands in front of his mouth, he stared at the door wondering what would come through it, part of him was getting the feeling he'd be attacked by assassins, or Justin himself.

He soon began to space out while thinking, he was imagining Justin coming through the door and trying to give him a speech about taking over the world, while another part of him was wondering if a group of assassins were gonna kick down the door and try to gun him down.

Cole took a deep breath and reclined in the chair, and as he leaned back closing his eyes, he heard the door to the outside open, whatever it was he was ready to face it. When he opened his eyes and looked forward his eyes met someone different than Justin or Jun.

It was a young lady, wearing what looked like a simple high school outfit. Her hair was held up by a simple, dark Crimson ribbon, and on her face sat a pair of black framed glasses. The one thing, however, that caused her to stand out, was the large, rectangular case strapped to her back.

Cole put his hands onto the table stating down the girl, she had some what of an authoritarian look on her face, must've been the glasses she wore, Cole put his pointer finger in between his eyebrows and tried to focus, but his focus was broken when the young girl put what looked like a guitar case onto the table.

" Well that was rude young lady."

She didn't answer him, she began opening her guitar case, she quickly flipped the latches off the case, and before she could reveal what she had in her case. Cole firmly put his hand on the top of the case holding it shut.

" Before you open that case,I need to ask you 2 things." He put up two fingers with his opposite hand," First your name please."

" My name is Erys."

" Thank you, now for the second question. Do you really want to do this ? You don't seem like the person for this. I'm not saying your not capable of fighting, but what I'm asking is if you really want to go down this path ?"

The two stared at each other, Cole waiting for Erys to answer, and Erys taking her time to answer." I'll just say this, in another life line we meet twice, the second time on better terms. You don't have to do this, you could walk away right now." Cole told her.

" I'm sorry, but I must do this." She said to him

Cole just simply nodded before taking his hand off the case. " I'm sad it came to this Erys." The white haired man told her, he stood up from his chair taking off his tie and suit jacket. He began rolling up his sleeves," We should take this outside." Cold told her as he headed for the door.

But before he could even touch the door. Erys threw a small knife near the door, Cole took it as a sign to stop and turn around." Or maybe not." He told her. He completely faced the young lady to see her armed with a long katana. Cole stared her down looking her in the eye." It's still not too late to stop Erys."

Jun and her team rode down the vacant French streets in one of Jun's luxury limos, and everyone inside were dressed for a classy dinner party, when the limo stopped, Jun was the first to step out of the limo.

Eiko could tell by how quick Jun moved that she was eager to meet with Cole. The second everyone else left the safety of the limo, a young woman with a sword, was thrown through the restaurant's bay window. She landed back first onto the limo's hood, her clothes looked more disheveled than Gaz's tuxedo.

The group immediately surrounded the woman, Jun looked over the woman she felt an odd sense of deja vu while looking at her. Suddenly the woman's eyes opened, the first person she saw just happened to be Jun.

In a flash of speed, the woman swung her sword; the blade was heading for Jun's neck at almost the speed of light. A clang soon filled the air, right next to Jun's head was the blade; it was caught by Eiko's robotic hand.

The stoic cyborg looked down to the sword wielding assassin." Jun, get back into to Limo this woman's an assassin." She told the purple eyed woman. Jack took out his knife and attempted to stab the assassin woman, but Erys kicked him in the before pulling her sword away from Eiko, she rolled off the hood of the limo.

The short cyborg got in front of Jun, she put her fist up and glared at the assassin. Out of nowhere a tall man wearing a blue trench coat appeared, and he had a shocked look on his face, but it soon changed to a warming smile." Jack, Eiko. It's good to se-." Suddenly a gun shot went off.

Everyone besides Eiko and Erys' turned to see where the sound of the shot emerged from. Across the street from the Limo, the street had several odd looking people in the street, one of them held a gold revolver in one hand. It was a young woman. She wore what looked like a bikini top, and cut off shorts, on her head she had a large cowboy hat.

" Hey now ! Looky at what we darn got here people !" She blew the smoke from the barrel of her revolver." Ohhh boy, we gonna ha've us a hog killin' good time !" She yelled out." That billion gonna be ours !"

Cole and Jack rushed the group, without thinking twice. As soon as Cole was in point blank range of the cowgirl, she shot him in the gut. The bullet managed to rip through his clothes, but stopped at Cole's skin. The white haired man simply brushed the bullet off his stomach, he kept his calm composure a

In a quick motion, he told her. " My turn." In a stoic tone, He quickly extended his pointer finger and poked the cowgirl in her stomach, the simple poke, sent the cowgirl flying down the street almost out of Cole's sight.

Eiko stared down Erys, as Jun slowly got back into the Limo. Erys swung her blade at the stoic cyborg twice, the first time Eiko used her robot arm to block the swing, the second time she caught the blade and was pulled close to Erys." Out of the way. I have no quarrel with you, cyborg." Erys told her.

The stoic cyborg glared at Erys with her bright blue eyes." Too bad, your trying to kill my boss, so you now have one with me." Eiko told the bespectacled samurai. Suddenly, Gaz appeared behind of Eiko, he had a number of weapons with him, in one of his hands he had a katana.

He tossed Eiko the curved blade yelling." Yo I got you fam !" Without taking her eyes off Erys, she caught the katana with her off hand while keeping her robotic hand on Ery's blade, she slid the scabbard off the Japanese sword. In a quick motion Eiko spun the blade around in her hand and aimed the point at Erys, she tried to thrust the sword into Erys' gut.

Right when Eiko thrusted the blade, Erys pulled her blade away from the cyborg, and hopped away from her. Suddenly Maya stepped in front of Eiko in full armor," Eiko I got your ba-" Before the giantess could finish, she noticed several more people down the street, the giantess sighed." Never mind, I got the back up, you handle this girl. Just don't let her end up like the other one." She turned to Gaz." Let's go boy."

Gaz jumped onto Maya's back as she dashed by Erys heading to fight with the incoming enemies. Eiko watched the others fight against the assassins, before she slowly turned to her opponent. She held the samurai sword that Gaz gave her with both hands, she took a strong stance and stared down Erys." I can't let you hurt Jun, as cheesy as it sounds. She gave me a leg to stand on."

Eiko held the blade with her robotic hand and pointed at Erys." And an arm to defend myself." Some how she could feel that Gaz was laughing at how cheesy she sounded. The bespectacled woman pushed her glasses back up onto the bridge of her nose." Fine, if your feeling suicidal then let's do this."

The two rushed towards each other, and in a quick movement, they both cut each other across their stomachs, then rolled past each other, Eiko felt the blade cut through her bullet proof vest, and almost cut her skin. she looked over to Erys to see that she wasn't even wounded from the cut.

Eiko got to her feet and charged at Erys again, without thinking, she began a flurry of slashes with the sword, and with each strike, Erys just blocked it with her own blade, in between the flurries, she saw Erys look almost relaxed and even brush some of her hair behind her ear with one of her hands.

The bespectacled woman sighed as Eiko quickly cut her shirt, when her shirt was shredded, what looked like advanced body armor covered Erys' torso. Eiko stared at the body armor while sweat dripped down her forehead, she wiped away the sweat with her left hand while Erys brushed off one of her shoulders." You seem to be struggling with this, I don't think using a sword is your cup of tea, you should stick to using guns." Erys told the sweating cyborg.

The cyborg knew she was fighting someone that was a master of her field. Eiko wiped the new beads of sweat forming on her forehead, then got her second wind. She held the sword with two hands, she dashed towards the four-eyed girl planning on delivered a heavy strike to her. Erys easily defended herself from the attack and parried the samurai sword Eiko was using and pushed her sword away.

In the split second Eiko's sword was pushed away, Erys cut Eiko several times across her chest destroying her body armor, shirt, and dinner jacket. The four-eyed woman then delivered a light cut across Eiko's belly, the cut from her sword, even though it was light, badly injured.

Eiko dropped to a knee, and slowly rose back up she collected the blood from the wound on her gut and wiped it onto her pants, she gripped the sword with her robotic hand and stared at Erys; before she could attempt to run at Erys with the sword again. Jun got out of the limo, she had a glare on her face besides the usual smile that would be occupying her face.

The purple eyed woman looked to Erys then to Eiko, she pointed to Eiko." Put the sword down Eiko. You're not skilled enough to fight her." Jun told the cyborg. Eiko turned to her boss. taking her eyes off of Erys, in that couple of seconds, Erys dashed towards Eiko's back. Jun Acted quick pulling out a handgun and firing at the side of Erys' head cutting some of her hair off her head, the four-eyed woman jumped back away from Eiko and quickly looked to the lock of her hair drifting to the ground, then put her eyes back onto Jun and Eiko.

" Eiko toss me the sword, help Maya and Gaz, or take a seat out of this fight, your injured." Jun told Eiko, Jun sounded different, she sounded as if she was a mother talking to her daughter, or a teacher talking to a student. Eiko slowly backed away from Erys getting to Jun's side, she took the gun from Jun, as the purple eyed woman took the sword.

The cyborg watched Jun slowly walk up to Erys, as Jun slowly walked up to Erys, the purple eyed woman spoke to her." So your this Erys Onell that my mother is talking about."

Erys grew a surprised look on her face." H-how did your family know about me ?"

" We're like the Masons, we know a lot of information, and get fed it well, also when you steal prototype body armor, it makes people know about a little more. You shouldn't have taken your father's business personally, it's business, there's suppose to be nothing personal about it."

" N-nothing personal ?! My Father poured his life into company, and he died for it wh-."

" Quiet !" Jun cut her off." Your father's life was taken by his own hands, if you want someone to be angry towards, be angry towards him, he took his own life, not me."

Erys had a fire in her eyes, she was took up a strong stance, she began running towards Jun."I'll fucking kill you!" She yelled at the purple eyed woman, she tried to cut Jun in half with an over head swing, but Jun quickly spun the blade around in her hand and held it in a reversed grip.

The purple eyed woman blocked the attack and looked Erys in the eye." So much anger in your youth, you'll waste your life doing this. " Jun pulled back the sword to quickly deliver a kick to Erys' gut with her heels and knock the wind out of her. Jun quickly cut the body armor that Erys was wearing only for the armor to protect the young lady.

" Smart idea to wear Hammer tech's body armor, their weapons are as useful as a grenade glued to your hands, but their body armor is as good as a suit in a fire fight." Jun cut the body armor at Erys' shoulder's and soon the seams to it ripped and the armor fell right off Ery's chest, revealing her black bra." It's useless."

Erys had a shocked look on her face again, she watched as the body armor she stole fall apart and drop to her feet, she bit her lip as Jun pointed her sword at Erys." Your wearing Hammer tech gear, it would be more useful if you wore pieces of wood or scraps of metal to protect yourself."

Jun blocked a couple swings Erys sent her way, then gave her a cut across her stomach similar to Eiko's." That one is for Eiko. Now I should probably not drag this fight out too much." Suddenly Jun noticed the young lady change up from her old stance, she had a stance that looked like she was on more of a defense.

The purple eyed woman groaned seeing Erys take up her new stance." Just make this harder why don't you." Jun Held her sword by her hip as if she had a scabbard on her waist, Erys moved slowly towards Jun with her sword in a defensive angle, but in a quick second, Jun swung her sword in a fast flurry of strikes breaking Erys' guard. Jun tried cut the top of her head off in one of the swings, but the four-eyed woman managed to pull her head back in the last second and get some more of her hair taken off.

Erys stumbled back and stared at Jun, the purple eyed woman noticed the young girls miss matched eyes, but didn't focus on them for too long." So..How does it feel to be on the opposite end ? To be the one out matched ?' Jun asked Erys.

The four-eyed woman didn't answer Jun, she stared at her, keeping a strong look on her face. Erys lept towards Jun moving as fast as she could, she moved almost at the speed of sound, The four-eyed girl swung faster than Jun could even see, Jun held her blade infront of her as Erys cut her back stomach, arms, legs, and almost her head. Jun protected her head during the unseeable flurry.

When Erys was finished she appeared infront of Jun out of breath and sweating; Jun stared at Erys, as she was struggling to just keep herself from collapsing onto the ground."H-how are you still standing, I cut you with my strongest and fastest attacks." Erys told her.

Jun gave the girl a stoic look, as she walked over to her tired form." Erys, I've been hurt over the years by stronger beings than you, just because you have a sword and move fast with strong attacks, doesn't mean you can hurt me as you hurt others. I've known people that have hurt me both physically and mentally in my years being alive."

The purple eyed woman, impaled Erys on her sword, pushing the blade through her gut and out her back, Jun then whispered into the four-eyed girl's ear, holding the back of her head with a hand." But I will say your more skilled than the people, I've killed though." Jun pulled the sword out of Erys and pushed her to the ground." You shouldn't get back up, stay down and out of this fight Erys, it would be better this way, for you at least."

Eiko emerged from behind the limo, she had her shirt open and around her small stomach were a couple bandages, the cyborg walked around to Jun, she looked to the others witnessing them fighting what looked like an unending horde of assassins. Eiko saw Jun put her foot onto Erys' face, the purple eyed woman turned to Eiko,"Kurosawa-san, help Gaz and Maya." Jun gave her an order.

The cyborg took a breath before running to Maya and Gaz, the two were fighting a mob of assassins wearing animal mask, all of them wore casual clothes with their odd animal mask. As Eiko closed in on the mob of people, someone else from the opposite direction slowly approached the mob as well.

Eiko couldn't make out the person from the distance she was at, and slowy joined Gaz and Maya as they finished off the last of the assassins, the second Gaz saw Eiko he glared at her." Well damn, nice fucking time E, it's not like me and Maya got jumped by these fuck boys here. You might just wanna help Jack and Cole with those other decoy dikes." Gaz suggested. " Agreed, we have this covered Eiko." Maya told her.

Suddenly what sounded like a rocket being fired came from down the street, the trio looked down the street to see a robotic fist speeding towards them like a rocket, with a blazing trail of fire behind the fist. The fist slammed into Gaz's masked face and knocked him to the ground.

The fist didn't stop after hitting Gaz, it attempted to hit Eiko going in a circle, but the cyborg quickly dodged it, and the fist hit Maya's armor to just bounce off and hit the ground with the fire behind it extinguishing. Eiko and Maya looked to where the rock fist came from, down the street there was a woman wearing a black tank top, with fatiuge pants and boots, she had blonde hair pinned up in a ponytail. Something about the lady that stood out about her was her gray robotic arms, or arm in this case.

Eiko stared at the woman from a far, and as her eyes gazed at her body. A thought erupted in Eiko's mind, how could this woman just parade her robotic arms around, and not feel embarrassed. The stoic cyborg kept her guard up; the tank top cyborg approached the two slowly with an excited look on her face.

The new cyborg put a new hand over her arm stump, she flexed her robotic fingers." So which one of you wants to come at me first ? " She asked the two. Responding with an attack. Maya charged at the cyborg woman, she swung her giant fist, only for it to be stoped by the woman's dull gray robotic hand.

"Your big, and all metallic. Too bad your not a machine, or part machine, if you were, you'd be able to keep up with me." The cyborg woman flawlessly threw Maya onto a French car, and a red vespa crushing them both. Eiko's eyes widened seeing the woman toss the German giant without breaking a sweat." Two down, one left. Then Mr.Hale's next."

Eiko balled up her fist, and locked her eyes onto the woman, the woman looked to Eiko's right hand before smiling." So I'm not the only one with cybernetics." The woman said to Eiko." Myoelectric prosthesis ? Or, are you one of those, neural interface borgs ?" She asked the pale girl.

"Myo prosthesis." While Eiko answered her, the woman attempted to punch her, but Eiko quckly ducked under the swung and got behind the cyborg. In a quick spin the woman turn around to face Eiko.

The woman kept her eyes glued onto Eiko, she then asked Eiko another question." Why do you hide your prosthesis ? You should be proud to show them off." She flexed her metallic gray arms.

" Sadly, I'm not that kind of person. I rather not be stared at by people." Like the last time, the cyborg lady swung at Eiko only for her to duck the punch once again, she got behind the cyborg woman again. The pale cyborg kicked the lady in the back with her robotic leg making her stumble and fall to the ground, with a metal clang.

The cyborg assassin got to her feet quickly, and brushed the dirt off her cyborg prosthesis." Ah I see what's wrong with you, unlike me and probably the others with cybernetic prosthesis, your shy. Scared, that people will call you a freak, you don't realize it, do you ? If you embrace your cybernetics instead of hiding them, then they will strenthen you."

Eiko quickly punched the cyborg woman in the gut knocking her to her knees, holding her stomach. Eiko looked down to the assassin and pulled back her robotic arm for a heavy punch. When she let the punch fly, the cyborg assassin blocked the attack with her robotic fist, she then grabbed Eiko's sleeved with her other hand.

The woman ripped her shirt's sleeve off revealing her cobolt robotic arm. Eiko kicked the robotic woman in the face with her metal foot throwing her to the ground, when she was off her arm. Eiko quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching them, a bright red blush appeared on her cheeks. She became a statue, but somehow, she shivered as if she was cold, and her breathing went heavy.

The assassin got up, and wiped the foot mark off her face." So I was right." She said with a smile." I bet right now you feel naked. Like your standing in the middle of the street topless." The cyborg assassin paced around the paralyzed Eiko." In order to truly use the strength of your cybernetics to it's fullest, you should show them off to the world and embrace them. Not hide them away from the world and pretend your a normal person like everyone else, and conform with normacy."

Eiko took a deep breath before the blush on her pale face subsided." Thanks for that." Eiko told her coldly, she then ripped the pant's leg showing off her robotic leg. The woman smiled gazing at Eiko's leg." Nice ! Now your getting it." She told Eiko. The pale cyborg had a stoic tone of voice before she spoke again." But your an idiot. Gaz throw me a gun !"

"Got you again fam !" Gaz groaned. He leaned up from the ground to throw Eiko a pistol from his jacket. The pale cyborg flawlessly caught the pistol and aimed it at the assassin. She fired the hand gun at her a couple times. The assassin covered her head with her arms, only for Eiko to shoot out her knees and drop her to the ground.

" Rule number one of a fight, no matter how much you admire your enemy. Never give them tactical advice, or personal advice." Eiko told her in a stoic tone." Also for future referance, have robotic legs and knees." Eiko turned, and put the pistol in the back of her pants, and began walking over to Gaz to help him up. Suddenly she heard the same sound from before, something launching. Eiko quickly spun around to catch the rocket propelled fist with her hands.

Eiko glared at the downed cyborg assassin, she knew she couldn't get the gun she had in the back of her pants. She started to get pushed by the force of the rocket punch. Eiko looked to the woman as she laid on the ground with her stump aimed at Eiko. Before Eiko could attempt to do anything. Gaz Jumped into the last minute attack, he fired three rounds of a hand gun through the assassin's chest, then one in her head.

He slowly got up before yelling." Yeah ! Got you back bitch, that's for fucking sucker punching me from down the street ! You fucking Decoy Dike !" The robotic fist lost it's rocket power and stopped in Eiko's hands. She took a breath trying to ignore Gaz's yelling as Maya slowly got up.

Eiko went to the German giant's side, and helped the best she could to get the giant onto her feet. When she was, Maya held her side, and stood with a slouch, she then spoke a sentence in German, and Eiko could only make out the word Vespa, Suddenly Gaz started laughing." Yeah ! No shit you had a Vespa up the ass, that bitch judo flipped your ass right onto it."

Maya swore a couple times in German, then she tried her best to try and stand up straight only to groan, and returned to her previous position." Yo, Armored Momma, I think the fighting stopped, because I don't hear any bones breaking or gun shots. Wait." Gaz held up a hand and another magnum shot was heard in the distance." Okay now, I think that it, it's over now."

The trio made their way back to the limo, to see the others lounging around the limo. Eiko noticed that the body of the sword wielding assassin, was gone, Eiko looked around the area before her eyes locked onto Jun. She was standing next to Cole, and wearing the coat that he was formerly wearing, she was smiling as Cole talked to her next to the limo. Jack on the other hand was sitting on the hood of the limo watching the two.

The one eyed man soon turned his gaze to the trio. He jumped off the limo's hood and rushed to Eiko, he looked over her." E ! Are you okay ? " He asked.

" I'm fine, Maya got injured, and thrown onto a vespa. I think." Eiko told him.

" Naw ! Shes gonna be fine, she just needs some milk and a nap." Gaz told them as he helped the Injured Maya into the limo.

Jack noticed the arm, and leg." Hey, um. Do you want my jacket, to cover up your arm ? "

" Ye. No, I'm fine." Eiko told him.

Jack just randomly put a hand onto Eiko's head and tussled her short hair." My daughter." He said with a warm smile on his face. In an instant his smile disappeared, he sniffed the air before turning away from Eiko.

"Dad is something wrong ?" Eiko asked.

Suddenly Cole got serious as well, the white haired man looked around, he looked up to the buildings' roof tops, he then put his hands at the sides of his mouth." Justin ! Quit hiding in the shadows and reveal yourself !"

Out of nowhere, a man landed on the roof of the limo. Everyone turned to the man. He wore a purple track jacket, with a hood over his head." Who the hell is he ?" Jack asked. Cole sighed answering." This man's name, is Justin."

Cole looked up into Justin's eyes." It's still not too late Justin, you can change, you don't have to stay on this path your on, there is still time to-."

" Quiet !" Justin yelled." I gave you two chances Hale, two chances to join me in my world purging crusade. But you had to just roll around with these.Filthy fucking pigs !"

Cole glared at Justin." I know how that path ends Justin ! And if you're gonna do this, then I'm going to stop you."

"Your really gonna stand up for the monsters that bash each other's brains in."Justin laughed at Cole." Your a bigger idiot than I thought you'd be. If your gonna stand in my way of Utopia, then I'll keep attempting to bring you down."

Cole pointed at Justin." If you think that a couple F plus ranked assassins are gonna make me turn to your side then your dumber than me !" Cole yelled." And if your gonna keep going down this road, then I'll be the last person you'll see before you die Justin !"

The track suited man flipped off the limo, he landed in front of the whited haired man. He had an angered looked on his face, like he was just challenged by Cole, he then threw a punch, but he hit the limo shattering one of it's bullet proof windows that Cole was leaning on. Cole glared down at Justin before giving him a hard kick.

The simple looking kick send Justin down the street on his back, soon the purple track suited man roared like an angry beast. Cole looked to Jun." I'd hate to ask of this." He said in a calm tone to Jun, as Justin slowly rose up like an old horror movie vampire." But could I borrow your sword ?" He asked.

" Sure." Jun tossed him the sheathed blade.

Cole slowly walked towards Justin with the blade, as he closed in on him, Justin began talking." Just who the hell do you think I am ? Kicking me like I'm some...Some..Some human. Who the hell do you think your messing with ?"

" Some little brat who wants to destroy the world because he doesn't like the way it looks ? Did I get it right ? Or did I get something wrong ?" Cole asked.

Justin pulled up his jacket sleeves, he brought his wrist up to his mouth, and tore into it with his teeth gnawing on his veins. Instead of dark red blood coming from his veins, a putrid, bright, yellowish green colored liquid emerged from his injuries. Cole grimaced at the sight of Justin's blood, soon his blood defied gravity, it wrapped around his hands and wrist. His putrid blood formed into claw like gauntlets around his forearms.

When Cole saw Justin show his claws, he began slowly unsheathing the katana." So showing your claws ? Fine, probably better than most of your other ideas."

The abomination disappeared before Cole's eyes, suddenly Cole felt a presence next to him. In a split second he ducked, as Justin attempted to take his head off with his putrid colored claws. Cole quickly rolled around Justin, then he stabbed him through the side of his abdomen, right where his kidney would be. He looked up to the purple track suited abomination, and Justin looked down to him frozen in place." What ? Did you really think I would stand there, and just tank having my head be clawed ? I rather not have my head attacked."

" I know your every move Justin, even some of the thoughts in your head."

Justin looked at Cole surprised at what he said." H-how ? Is this because of the blood ? "

" No." Cole answered in a stoic tone." Let's just call it, past experience for me."

Justin gave him a dirty look before saying." Bull shit."

"But it's true." Cole told him almost showing emotion." Justin. I want to tell you this again, so you can remember it for later. You had a chance to stop, a chance to turn around and walk away, and be normal. Now both our fates are locked."

" Shut up !" He yelled." It's bull shit, and your trying to psych me out, trying to confuse me. Trying to make think wrong, trying to make me conform to their rules, their standards, and drag me down to their level. You bastard."

Cole pulled the sword from Justin, and spun around in front of him. Cole took a strong stance with the blade in both of his hands, Cole delivered a single swing across Justin's chest and stomach. Justin fell to his knees, then hit the ground face first; Cole sighed before sheathing the blade, he slowly turned around and started walking back to the others. " This wasn't suppose to happen." He said to himself." I never thought he would die here." He spoke to himself as he got closer to the others.

Immediately Justin rose up from the street, he held his large injury with a single hand; the blood that wrapped around his hands slowly dripped off his hands. When his hands were bare, Justin charged past Cole quickly; he set his sights on Jun. Cole did his best to catch up with Justin; Eiko caught sight of Justin heading for Jun with one of his hands cocked back and balled up into a fist.

Eiko hopped in front of Jun, and she mimicked Justin's arm with her robotic arm, she knew that she could stop him with her robotic arm. When the two's fist collided, Eiko's robotic hand and arm were smashed against Justin's fist; her entire right arm broke into pieces before her eyes. Eiko's eyes widened, and she dropped to her knees looking at the pieces of her arm scattered across the asphalt, what was left of her arm shook uncontrollably.

Even though her entire arm shattered from the impact of his fist, Justin's fist recoiled and Jun got down to Eiko's side." Eiko are you okay ?" Jun asked. Eiko just stared at her stump, she started to remember her old arm being cut off, as sparks came from the broken stump; Eiko instead saw blood spurt from her mutilated stump.

" Eiko ! Eiko ! It's gonna be okay !" Jun held, speaking in a calming tone. The second he saw Eiko hurt, Jack rushed the Justin, only armed with his knife. Jack plunged the knife into the side of his neck and broke the blade off at the hilt. The new injury did nothing to Justin; he turned to Jack, giving him an angered look." You think that's eno-"

The attack didn't spark much of a reaction from Justin, he turned Jack with a glare on his face. Before Justin could do anything, Cole threw Jun's katana into his back and pinned him to the limo. Cole then jumped high into the air, and brought down both of his fist breaking the entire limo in half.

The heavy attack kicked up a dust cloud covering the entire team, when the dust cleared Jun's limo was broken in half, and Justin was no where to be seen, Jun's katana rested on the ground. Cole gently took the blade into his hands and turned to Jun saying." Well, after all that I guess you can say the merger is going through."

Jun looked up to Cole surprised by what he said, but she cracked a smile." Well Mr.Hale I expect to see you around the Excalibur offices." Jun then lifted Eiko off the ground, she held Eiko close to her saying in the pale cyborg's ear it's gonna be okay Eiko it's gonna be okay, I'll make sure your okay, alright."

After hearing Jun's soft voice in her ear, Eiko calmed down, let out a short sigh and fainted in Jun's arms.

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