Lost Stars

By anthem-

18.7K 1K 537

in which two nihilistic teens find the meaning of life when their hands entwine. current cover :: @parthenons... More

elle + jack
i. andromeda
ii. black holes
iii. comets
iv. dark matter
v. eclipse
vi. flare star
vii. gravity
viii. heliocentric
ix. interstellar
x. jovian
xi. kuiper
xii. light year
xiii. meteor
xiv. nebula
xv. orbit
xvi. planetarium
xvii. quasar
xvix. solstice
xx. tidal
xxi. universal
xxii. vega
xxiii. whirlpool
xxiv. xanadu
xxv. yellow star
xxvi. zenith
behind the scenes

xviii. radiation

273 23 14
By anthem-

The sound of Elle's heels hitting the cobblestone staircase that lead towards Jack's front door came at a steady but upbeat rhythm as she slightly threw her head back at the beautiful flashes of memories that she was living just moments ago. The celebration was absolutely grand, and no amount of money was spared as the entire banquet hall was adorned with precious jewels of every kind, but none shined brighter than the love that has all the right to be celebrated so splendidly. The love between Jack's parents seemed absolutely flawless that it almost seemed like the expensive event wasn't enough to honor the adoration they had for each other that was still shining as bright as it did when they first saw each other.

The food was absolutely divine as they hired the most talented and prestigious chefs to serve. Everyone that they held close to their hearts gave a heartfelt speech, but none provoked tears in their eyes like how the closest thing that they had did. Jack's demeanor of the mysterious lone wolf was demolished, and the man who attended the event and stood proudly on the stage giving a beautifully written speech was a son who couldn't have felt more blessed to have genuinely wonderful parents who only gave him their purest forms of love.

His parents were also pleased to have met the girl who has grasped their son's heart with both hands. They talked about how he came out of his shell now that she was in his life and how it seemed like he was now the best version of himself ever since they met, which was a very sweet thing to say.

The night couldn't have went better as it was ended with another slow dance that granted Elle the satisfaction of intimacy with Jack. She remembered the feeling of his warm hand on her lower back, while the other was wrapped around hers with the promise of eternal love. His eyes shined brighter than all the stars of the Galaxy gathered together in an interstellar symphony, and she couldn't keep her eyes off of his face that was absolutely touched by heaven. Soon after they were submerged in darkness as the lights started to dim, he cradled her jaw with both hands and give her a kiss that sparked a thousand fireworks.

Her lips still tingled from the sensation of what love might feel like as she ran her hand over his knuckles, while he allowed her to lead him up to the front door. She couldn't help it but the memory of the groundbreaking kiss made her fingers come up to her lips and actually smile about it. Jack soon did the gentlemanly thing to do and opened the door for her and allowing her back into the place where no one other than his parents entered. He placed his hands over her shoulder and took her coat off before tossing it over the armrest of the couch.

"Thanks for bringing me to the party tonight, Jack. I really enjoyed it." Elle genuinely meant every word as she sat on another couch. She couldn't help but dig deeper into what seemed like a never ending abyss of mesmerizing affection for this man as she watched him shrug his coat off and laying it over the island before he went to the other side and flipped through the few letters he received.

But it seemed like one of the letters has caught his attention as she noticed that he suddenly froze in place. Her eyebrows furrowed with concern as he threw the others back down and focused all of his attention on that one letter that could be about anything. She flipped through all the possibly bad things he could have received. It couldn't have been grades, since she knew that Jack was quite intelligent. That also ruled out expulsion, since he hasn't done anything that could be filed under delinquency. Those were the two things that could have possibly happened.

"Jack, what's wrong?" Elle could no longer handle the suspense, and she stood up and slowly approached him with every intention of looking at what could have flooded him with a terrifying combination of shock and terror. Each step brought her closer to her anxiety, but she couldn't even graze the horrific envelope with the tips of her fingers, since he shoved them down in his pants pocket before she could get it. "It's nothing.Its just the bill, and no one likes getting those."

Elle smiled, partly because of her relief, because of his ability to find a reason to smile about everything. Regardless of what had happened, she still made her way around the counter just as he did and landed her hands on his shoulder, giving him a little run, before she went on the tips of her toes and landed a warm kiss on the side of his neck. She was satisfied when he threw his head back and released a slow breath. "You sure? You know you can tell me anything, right?" Her warm breath caresses his ear, while she slid her hands down and snakes them around his waist.

Jack released a low groan before turning around and grabbing her face gently and kissing her lips. There was the familiar spark that only got stronger when they were together. Elle wrapped her hands around his wrists, keeping them in place, as she kissed him back with the same amount of urgency. Their bodies swayed sideways in a slow rhythmic love ballad before Elle tore away from the kiss and grabbed his hand before leading him up the staircase with only one intention flooding both of their minds.

Slowly, Elle twisted the doorknob to his room that would soon be filled with blissful memories that shall be conceived tonight. Jack allowed her to lead him to wherever she wanted before he was lead into his dimly lit room. Both of their minds were in a haze that allowed them to revel in the intensity of their affection as it seemed to have been heightened tonight. Jack couldn't help but feel excitement as Elle lead him towards his seat before sitting him down on his chair before she sat on his lap and started showing him how alive she felt by loving him with her cherry red lips.

He could feel her fingers trailing over his chest before they found the buttons of his shirt and started unbuttoning the, each button that went undone made Elle feel like she was approaching the Garden of Eden. And finally, the barrier that separated her from him was being shrugged off of his shoulders and thrown on the floor.

Nothing seemed more important now than allowing their instincts to drive them over the edge. Jack was reaching euphoria when Elle threw both legs on each side of him. She could feel her warm fingers graze over his chest, while her lips were attached to his neck and giving him the purest form of bliss.

He couldn't stop himself anymore as he grasped her legs and carrying her over to his bed, enjoying when she released a surprised squeak. Now it was his turn to shower her with his love, and that was when they eternally bound with their now entwined love.

•     •     •

Elle woke up, and it took the memories of the happiness she felt a while to sink in. Her eyes scanned around the room as it was now being drowned in pitch black darkness, the only source of light coming from the moon outside. She realized that her body was covered in a satin dress that ended above her knees, and a smile crawled up her face knowing that it was Jack who put it on her.

She was still overwhelmed by the things that happened a while ago, but it was a feeling that was bathed in divinity. She sat up on the bed and rubbed her eyes before she noticed that Jack wasn't beside her, only a blanket that was thrown over taking his place. Her hazy mind only gave her the option of confusion, but then she realized that this was a perfect chance to grab the letter that he has chosen to keep from her, even when she saw his uneasiness.

Her bare feet touched the carpeted floor and was only guided by the illumination of the stars as she picked his pants up from the floor and started digging her hands in, but it was empty.

Suddenly, the sound of a broken vase pierced the silence, and it seemed to have come from downstairs. With only worry and concern filling her mind, she opened the door and ran down the staircase, hoping that nothing bad happened to Jack.

Elle watched Jack as he paced around the living room with his hands in his hair, threatening to pull them out if he wasn't relieved of this madness. Elle's eyes finally landed on the case of lilies that were now on the floor as it stained the marble with soil and water combined. She also saw the other things that Jack must have wrecked in this feral mindset, one of which was the letter that he refused to show her.

He was only wearing a loose pair of gray jogging pants, and he has yet to notice her eyes on him. "Jack?" Elle whimpered with her eyes turning glassy as they were forced to watch this once civilized man show his animalistic side. Her hands slowly trailed down the handrail as her feet padded down each step and fought her closer to him. Jack seemed to calm down and compose himself, when he saw her in such a fragile state. "I'm sorry, did I wake you?" He asked her in a defeated tone as he crashed on the sofa.

"What are you doing?" She asked him while her hand swung around the room, and only now did it seem to dawn over him just what damage he had done.

"Nothing. Just something on my mind." He replied, but it gave Elle the chance to see that the letter that was crumpled into a ball that may have provoked him to go on such a violent rampage.

Jack approached her and held her face between his hands before landing a sweet kiss on her forehead that succeeded in giving her the sense of serenity in the midst this new wave of confusion. "Go back to bed, Ell. I'll join you soon."

Elle couldn't handle not being with him, so she grasped his hand and pulled her along with her. Jack did not pull away as they ascended the staircase before he felt her let go of his hand, knowing that he would be following. Elle already reached the peak of the staircase before she heard a violent sound and turned her head.


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