Aidan Turner one shots

By nz-taika

8.5K 156 28

These are my short stories starring Aidan Turner. More

Aidan Turner one shots
The Miracle
A series of Coincidences
Tweet Me Baby
The Best Christmas Present Ever
The Mistake
First Meeting
Valentines Hookup
The Wedding
The Proposal
The Billet
Loving Freely
The Forgotten? Birthday
Comic Con Connection
Save Me
The Kiss
The Christmas Surprise
Medieval Proposal
A Day At The Tennis
Christmas Renewal

The Birthday Surprise

158 6 2
By nz-taika

This is for Snakycake1975 :)

It is the morning of your birthday and you feel excited as you wake up. You know your friends are having a middle earth themed party for you and you're planning to wear your Kili costume. You had made a joking comment about them inviting Aidan Turner to come to your party and you laugh as you remember it knowing full well it would never happen. Even though he had finished filming season 2 of Poldark you couldn't imagine him travelling all the way to where you lived for a party. After getting up you join your flatmates and see that you have a pile of gifts to open. As you suspected they were Middle Earth and Kili related items. You thank your flatmates and put your gifts away then set about eating breakfast.

"So what are you doing today Y/N one of your flatmates says.

"There's a party tonight for me and it has a Middle Earth theme," you say.

"Is Aidan Turner going to be there?" one of your flatmates asks.

"I doubt it. Like he'd come all this way for a party," you say.

"You never know," your flatmate says.

"He won't be there and it would be silly to even think he would be," you say.

Once breakfast is over you get your costume out and get it ready for that night, making sure everything looks good. You then get out the makeup you use to do Kili's stubble and check that over. Everything is ready for that night and you have nothing left to do but relax until it's time to get into costume and makeup. As the day progresses you get birthday messages from your Facebook friends and texts from other friends and family. Your family will be at the party as well and you wonder if they will dress up. Your Middle Earth costuming friends will all be there in their costumes and you are looking forward to seeing them as it's been awhile.

Finally, the time of the party draws near and you get into your costume and makeup. Once the wig is on you are transformed into Kili. Your sword is in the scabbard which is next to the quiver and attached to your bandolier and you are carrying the bow.

"You look amazing. You'd knock Aidan's socks off if he was at the party," one of your flatmates says.

"Guys Aidan will not be at the party. So please stop talking about if he was at the party," you say.

A short while later a torn hoots indicating your ride had arrived. You say goodbye to your flatmates and head out to your friend's car.

"Happy birthday," your friend says.

"Thanks. How are you doing?" you reply.

"I'm good. Tonight's going to be amazing," your friend said.

"Yes it is. I'm really looking forward to it," you say.

Getting into the car you are soon on your way to the venue where the party is being held. When you get there you greet the friends that have arrived and are soon enjoying yourself. Photos are taken and there are gifts to open at some point. The party is going to start with a dinner and just before the dinner is due to start your best friend calls for everyone's attention.

"Thank you all for coming tonight. What you and Y/N of course don't know is that we have a very special guest joining us to help celebrate Y/N birthday," your best friend says.

Everyone turns to look at the door and to your complete shock Aidan Turner walks through the door. You gasp and cover your mouth with your hand as you can't believe it. He's there, actually really there. Suddenly you feel like you're going to faint so you will yourself not to actually faint as you'd look really silly and it would be extremely embarrassing to faint in front of Aidan.

As Aidan reaches you, you feel faint again and suddenly you know you're going to faint. And then you're collapsing forwards as the room goes dark. A few minutes later you come to and you realise that Aidan has caught you.

"Crap I am so sorry," you say.

"Don't worry about it. It's not every day I get to have a hot girl in my arms. Oh and happy birthday by the way," Aidan says

You are completely embarrassed and even more so when someone decides to make a joke about it.

"You've literally fallen for him Y/N" one of your friends calls out.

You realise then that you are still in his arms and quickly stand up blushing furiously.

"I like your costume Y/N. Are you ok now?" Aidan asks, passing you your bow which you'd dropped.

"Yes I think so. Don't' know why I fainted like that. Thanks for catching me," you say.

Aidan looks amazing in dark blue skinny jeans, a black tee-shirt and his black leather jacket and you can't get your eyes off him. You can't believe he called you a hot girl just before especially as you are currently dressed as a male dwarf.

"My pleasure to catch you. Now I want to hear all about that amazing costume," Aidan says.

He sat down beside you and soon you are telling him how you made your costume.

"Are you serious? You actually made every piece of that? Incredible," Aidan said.

"I did. It was a lot of work but totally worth it. I wear it to conventions and things like that," you say.

"Do you have any other costumes?" Aidan asked.

You tell him about your other costumes and then he asks if you have photos of them. So you show him your costuming Facebook page and he browses through the photos there.

"You're amazingly talented he says.

You are glad Aidan likes your costumes as you had hoped he would if he ever got to see you in them or see pictures of them. Dinner is then ready so everyone makes their way to the buffet and serves themselves some food. To your delight Aidan comes and sits next to you to eat and you are able to continue your conversation. Before getting his food he had placed a gift for you on the gift table that is in one corner of the room. You wonder what he has bought you and then begin wondering how he knew it was your birthday and who had arranged for him to be at your party.

"How did you know it was my birthday?" you ask.

"Your friends contacted me and told me and invited me to come to this. I wasn't doing anything so I thought why not as they wanted to surprise you," Aidan said.

"That they did. I never imagined you would actually come to my party," you admit.

"They included a photo of you and I liked what I saw. So this was also an opportunity to meet you as your friends told me you were extremely nice and that you happen to be single," Aidan said.

You blush at that wishing your friends hadn't told him so much about you.

"How long are you here in your/country for?" you ask.

"Well as I'm finished filming Poldark I'm here for 6 weeks as I'm having a bit of a holiday," Aidan says.

"Are you spending it here in your/town/city?" you ask.

"Yes I am. I hope to see lots of you while I'm here" Aidan says.

You can't believe it. But realistically you know it's unlikely that anything could happen since Aidan has to go back to the UK at the end of his holiday. You've gotten the impression though that he is interested in you and that is also something you find hard to believe. You're just a normal ordinary person so why would he be interested in you.

"So do you like your birthday surprise?" your best friend who is sitting on the other side of you asks.

"Do I like my surprise? YES. I have the best friends in the world," you say.

Your best friend smiles and you smiled back.

Your meal is delicious and it is fun chatting with Aidan and getting to know him. He is easy to talk to and soon it feels like you've known him forever. He looks totally sexy and it's all you can do not to grab him and crash your lips into his as you'd like nothing more than for him to kiss you and hold you in his arms again. At the end of the meal your friends present you with a cake and you blow out the candles after everyone sings happy birthday to you. You smile hearing Aidan's baritone tones and wonder why he had said he couldn't sing. He sounded great and you guess that when he'd said he couldn't sing that he had been being modest.

"You've got a lovely singing voice," you say to Aidan after the singing is done.

"No I haven't," Aidan say.

"And now you're being modest," you say.

You cut up the cake and it is passed around after you've taken a piece. After you've eaten your piece of cake it is time to open your gifts. You find that Aidan has given you a beautiful gold necklace.

"You shouldn't have. I'm not your girlfriend," you say.

"I know you aren't my chailín but as I said this was an opportunity to meet you as I liked what I saw when I saw your photo and you never know what might happen," Aidan says.

That tells you that he is hoping something might happen.

"It's beautiful," you say.

"A beautiful necklace for a beautiful girl," Aidan says, as he fastens it around your neck.

You suddenly feel week at the knees hearing him saying you're beautiful.

Once you've opened all your gifts and thanked everyone the party moves next door into a large room with a stage at one end. There are some tables around the edge of the room for everyone to sit at leaving the rest of the floor for dancing. You go to sit down at one of the tables but your friends want you to dance with them so you join them conscious of Aidan watching you. He has sat down at one of the tables and is talking with your family. You briefly wonder if he's asking your father for permission to date you but then put the idea out of your mind as you know it can't possibly happen since he will have to go back to the UK at the end of his holiday. After a few fast songs a slow song comes on. A few couples drift onto the floor and you turn to find a table to sit at only to find that Aidan has stood up and is offering you his hand.

"May I have the pleasure of this dance?" he asks.

You nod and he draws you close and wraps his arms around you. The feeling of being so close to him is amazing and you feel your body growing hot. You hear a few hoots and whistles and you look at Aidan and blush.

"Let's really give them something to hoot and whistle at shall we," Aidan says.

And then his lips are on yours and you are kissing as you sway to the beat of the music. You can hear more hoots and whistles and when you come up for air you're blushing furiously. Aidan smiles at you again.

"I really liked that," he whispers.

"So did I," you admit.

At the end of the song you and Aidan returned to the table you'd been sitting at and he smiles at you.

"I asked your dad if it would be ok to try things out with you while I'm here. See where this takes us," Aidan says.

"What did Dad say?" you ask.

"He said that as you don't live at home anymore it's not his place to give or deny permission. And that you're an adult and can make your own decisions," Aidan said.

"He's right. I'm your/age years old," you say.

Aidan smiles again.

"So can we see each other while I'm here?" Aidan asks.

"I think I'd like that," you say.

"Thank you," Aidan says.

He leans over and kisses you softly on the lips and when you come up for air he smiles again.

"I'm glad that my friends included a photo of me when they contacted you as I look quite different when I'm not in costume," you say.

"I can't wait to see the real you," Aidan says.

You smile and nod. Your friends are looking at you curiously and they look even more curious when Aidan slips his arm around you and you cuddle into him. It feels divine and you smile happily.

"What's going on eh?" one of your friends asks.

You look at Aidan wondering if it's ok to tell your friends.

"I'm staying here for the next six weeks so Y/N and I are going to see each other again and see what happens," Aidan says.

Your friends gasp then smile.

"Congratulations," they say.

"Thanks," you say.

You decide to dance some more and after a while one of your friends wants to take some photos of everyone in costume. Of course she insists on you being front and centre of the photos. And then she insists on taking some photos of you with Aidan. And Aidan decides to cuddle up with you which causes you to blush furiously and results in more hoots and whistles from your friend.

"Girl he's got the hots for you alright," one of your friends calls out.

You blush even harder at that as you know she is right.

"Yes Y/N is a beautiful girl and yes I do like her. I like her a lot," Aidan says.

He smiles, his arm draped lazily around your waist.

"This is a dream come true," you say.

The two of you return to dancing after the photos are all taken and spend the rest of the night dancing with your friends and family. At the end of the night Aidan helps your family and friends take down the decorations and tidy up.

"What are you going to do now?" Aidan asks you as you get ready to head home.

"Going home and getting out of this," you say, gesturing at your costume.

"Could... could I come back to yours for a little bit?" Aidan asks.

"Sure I don't see why not. My flatmates won't jump you I promise," you say.

Aidan smiles and slips his hand into yours as you head out of the venue the party was at. Your friend looks surprised that Aidan is going home with you but reassure her that it is ok. As you leave the venue of the party you wonder what is going to happen with Aidan. Could this be the start of something amazing and magical?

The End

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