Master, my Master | boyxboy |...

By JosslynWho

716K 35.1K 10.4K

Book One of The Master Collection In desperate need of a way to support his family, Eli goes for a position a... More

WARNING: Before You Read!
Enchantment - I
Seven Years Later - II
Misfortune - IV
The Wrath of Jasper Lancechester - V
Promises - VI
In the Evening - VII
The Ball - VIII
Our First Night - IX
Temporary Separation - X
Fragile State - XI
Advice - XII
Back Home - XIII
The Proposal and More - XIV
Keeper of Your Heart - XV
Lonely Road - XVI
The Calm - XVII
Scorned - XVIII
Return - XIX
A Time For Change - XX
Fire and Silk - XXI
Not So Private Moments - XXII
Lies, Lies, Lies - XXIII
The Storm - XXIV
For Now. - XXV
The Wait - XXVI
Book Two

Realization - III

40K 2.2K 992
By JosslynWho

If Eli ran the whole way back to Brimonhive, he was sure he'd make it there and back before sunset. He was just glad he had good stamina and didn't tire too easy. Jogging down the front steps of the manor, Eli came to an abrupt stop when his name was called out.

"Elijah," it was the silver haired butler, "Come along with me, I'll take you in the stagecoach. You'll never make it back before the sun makes its descent."

Eli honestly thought he could pull off the task of running, but the butler appeared genuine, and the offer was awfully kind. After giving a nod, he waited by the stagecoach for a couple minutes until the butler came back from around the side of the house with a pure white horse. When the butler had everything in place, he opened the side door of the stagecoach and gestured for Eli to get in.

The interior was flawless with two burgundy red cushioned benches facing one another, and drapes over the small rectangular windows. Privacy at its best.

They were on the bumpy ride back to Brimonhive now, not moving as fast as Eli would've hoped a coach could go, but they were getting along fine. He peered out the window after a while, noticing the slight change of color in the sky. It was getting darker. When they reached the edge of Brimonhive, the coach slowed and Eli got out. "I won't be long," he called to the butler. From there, he ran the rest of the way, dodging kids playing with domesticated dogs, large carts moving along, and scattering chickens loose in the street.

After racing down the woodland path, he reached his childhood home. The dull structure took on a more depressing look, what with the image of the Young Master's manor still in his mind. The small place looked more like an outhouse rather than a place suitable for living, but he was sure any noble household had that effect on people.

"Mother!" Eli called, bursting through the door, "Father, I got the position!"

They were in the front room, his father stacking firewood along the wall while his mother rocked Ava to sleep in the chair. "That's fantastic," his mother cheered, "What's the nobleman like, huh?"

Eli shrugged a shoulder, "He is a lot younger than I expected, around my age, though. And I can't lie, he is quick-tempered."

His father stood upright, rolling his stiff shoulders, "Well, I am sure you can handle him. Just don't make any of your smartarse remarks and do as he says. If you do that, I'm sure you'll be able to keep this job." He furrowed his brow, "How did you make it back here so fast?"

"Hopped a ride first class," He peered out the window a moment towards the sky. "But I have to make it back before the sun goes down or I'm fired."

Eli's mother's eyes just about popped out of their sockets. She kept her voice down to not wake Ava, "What are you doing here?"

"He was generous enough to allow me to say goodbye to you all. I'm not too sure when I'll see you next, what with living in the servant's quarters while I'm there."

"Right," his mother pouted and rose steadily from the rocking chair. Eli wrapped her and sleeping Ava in his tender arms and kissed the top of his sister's thin haired head. He at least hoped he wasn't stepping into a full-life contract with the Young Master, then he'd never get to see his little sister grow up.

Eli's father slapped a hand on his son's shoulder, jostling it with a smile on his proud face. "I know being ordered around by a child isn't' what you expected for your future, but you'll be doing us all really good, son."

"I know, father," Eli nodded, "I'll arrange to have my payments sent here when I receive them."

"Alright," he kissed Eli's hair and smiled, "We'll see you when we see you, son. Your mother and I love you."

"I love you, too."

The sun was on the verge of hiding beneath the horizon when Eli returned, and the first thing he noticed was another black painted coach in the crescent path in front of the manor. A slumped man in a tall hat and dark clothing was sitting up at the front with the horse reigns in his hands, but no one seemed to be getting out from the rear. Eli descended from the small steps of his own coach and started up to the door.

The butler who'd accompanied him opened the door for them both and let him enter first. At the bottom of the stairs in the foyer stood a towering man with light auburn hair and a clean-cut face. He wore a pressed tan suit with white cuffs and shiny brown shoes. Beside him was a graceful-looking woman in a rose-pink gown and she had blonde curls tumbling down her thin shoulders. The man, whom Eli expected was the Young Master's father, gave Eli a stink eye and then addressed the butler, "Samuel, does this belong to Jasper?"

Eli held back from making a face of displeasure after being referred to as a something rather than a human being, but he was sure to keep his comments to himself lest he be thrown right out.

"Yes, Master Ronald," Samuel, the butler, answered. "He is here to take my place."

Master Ronald huffed a small laugh, "I'm sure you must be overcome with joy now that you will not have to serve under my son any longer." There was a pause of silence so definite, it made Eli's ears ring, and the invisible tension in the vicinity seemed to thicken. "It's alright, Samuel, we all know how Jasper is..."

This bothered Eli. So, he was Samuel's replacement? And with the way the Young Master's own father spoke of him, Eli could only imagine why Samuel would be ecstatic that someone else was taking over his occupation. Without another word, Samuel nodded for Eli to follow as they ascended the curved stairwell. He heard the subtle laughter of Master Ronald and his wife, but nothing was uttered loud enough for him to perceive.

At the end of the corridor on the second floor, Samuel led Eli to a room at the very end. His personal bedroom. The walls were a night sky blue. Tall dark wood shelves were empty, and a large king sized canopy bed was pressed to the north wall with fresh black and blue sheets, and there were two lanterns atop the nightstands on either side. There were so many pillows, Eli wasn't sure which one he was supposed to use. Tall windows adorned white curtains, and a large circular Persian rug centered the dark blue carpeted floor. It all seemed so overwhelming. He almost felt bad for being able to live in such luxury, while his family remained in the current conditions of Brimonhive.

Samuel crossed the room to a lofty wardrobe, pulling out clean clothing and laid it out at the foot of the large bed. "Given the convenience the Young Master prefers to keep with his personal servant, you will not be rooming in the main servant's quarters at the rear of the property. Instead, this will be your chamber." He gestured to a bell that dangled beside the bed, and Eli noticed how it was attached to a thin rod that went up through the ceiling overhead. "During the day, you are to remain at the Young Master's side at all times, and at night, if ever he needs something, this bell will be rung to wake you to complete the task. Now, water has been prepared for you in the bathroom," he gestured to a second door across from the bed. "Bathe swiftly, then dress in the uniform I placed out, and I will inform the Young Master you are here. Hurry and ready yourself."

After he was cleaned from the day, pleased to having been able to use hot water and a flowery fragranced soap, Eli was standing buck-naked in the middle of the bedroom. Being as tall as he was, he hoped the clothes Samuel put out for him were big enough. It was a charming butler's uniform and he put it on. The coat was a bit tight at the shoulders and the white gloves were almost the right size, but other than that, everything fit just fine.

Now all he had to do was figure out what to do with the tie. He didn't know how to put one on.

As if on cue to his confusion, Samuel graced Eli with his presence again. He perceived the red-haired boy's bewilderment and adjusted the tie for him. Samuel said, "Your job as Master Jasper's servant begins now. If there is any advice I can give you, it would be to bite your tongue as much as you can. I've been working under him since he was a small boy, and he can be a handful if you don't know how to deal with him. I've been fortunate to have had a pleasant experience with him, however, you are new to the manor, so do not be discouraged if he appears uncouth at times. Just do as he commands, do not talk back, and I would say you will have nothing to fret over."

"Thank you."

Samuel gestured towards the chamber door, "He waits for you in the library."

Eli nodded and started for the door, stopping to look back after a second. "Where is that exactly?"

Samuel gave a wary smile, "Up the stairwell to the third floor, take the first left, and it will be the largest archway you see."

With that in mind, Eli headed out. It was lonely in the halls as he trekked back to the stairs, climbing them two steps at a time with his long legs. Just as Samuel had said, there was a large arched opening midway down the corridor on the third floor. All its walls were in-wall shelves filled with more books than Eli had ever seen. A grand fireplace was lit, bouncing reddish orange light, and filling the huge room with quivering shadows. There were two black club chairs facing the fireplace, and over the top of one, Eli caught a hint of blonde hair.

He took a breath, readying himself, getting a feel for the word Master, and then entered. The library was warmer than the rest of the house, and the faint smell of books and burning wood filled it. Eli approached the occupied chair from behind and stood alongside it.

Master Jasper had his feet pulled up, looking smaller than he already was for a seventeen-year-old, and he was evidently engrossed in the small hardcover in his possession. "Master–."

He was cut off on the spot, "First rule," Master Jasper said, "No talking while I am reading."

"My apologies..."

A sigh left the Young Master, "We will work on that."

For several minutes Eli stood there beside the chair as Master Jasper continued reading, laughing lightly to himself, and even commented on the contents of the story. Eli's legs were getting restless. He wanted to do something other than stand around, but that wasn't an option for him right now. If he asked a question, he risked upsetting the Young Master, and that was something he wanted to avoid at all costs.

A thud sounded through the room then, it was Master Jasper closing his book. "I absolutely love reading," he said, not seeming to speak to anyone in particular. He rose from the chair then, the hardcover hugged against his small chest. "Have you ever read The Hunchback of Notre-Dame, Elijah?" He didn't wait for an answer, "It is truly an exquisite piece. Tragic as it is. I have always wanted to write my own story, but I do not think I have got the imagination for it."

"If ever you do," Eli voiced, "I'm sure it would be quite the story, Master." He then wanted to curse aloud when he spoke. He wasn't used to being quiet all the time. It was hard getting the hang of.

But the Young Master just stared up at him, irritation absent from his sea blue eyes. "You think so?"

Taking this as a chance to make up for his previous mistakes, Eli said, "I would not lie to you."

A dash of red came to Master Jasper's cheeks, but before Eli could notice the change, he set the book he'd been reading back on the shelf he'd gotten it from and started out of the library. So, Eli followed.

"I enjoy sweets before I go to bed. Since you are not Samuel, I suppose you do not even know where the kitchen and pantry is. It is on the first floor all the way down the corridor passed the stairs, second to last door on the right. I would like you to bring me a slice of chocolate cream pie, and do not forget the cherry. Make sure there is milk. I will be in my chamber." They reached an intricate double door down the hallway. "This is my chamber," Master Jasper proclaimed, "I will be waiting for you to see me off to bed."

Eli thought it strange he had to be there just as the Master went to bed. He hadn't been tucked in at night by his mother or father since he was a young child, but without further questioning a thing, he nodded, "Yes, Master," and then he turned to leave.

Master Jasper watched his new servant walk away, able to imagine those grisly scars that marked Eli's back. The young commoner was truly handsome, even more so now that he was dressed in proper clothing, and his body beneath the clothing was flawless even with the scars. He had a strut about him, too, but no arrogance showed in his demeanor. When his rose red hair disappeared around the bend of the hall, Master Jasper touched his forearm with a look of disdain and entered his room.

In the kitchen after a moment, Eli looked around, lost as a puppy. Chocolate cream pie; that's what the Master wanted. Now all he had to do was find it. A flapping door at the opposite end of the blue kitchen opened, and a girl in a black maid's dress holding a soaring stack of glass plates entered. She seemed quite talented to be able to balance such a tower, but when she went to place them down, she cursed when the stack in her left hand began to sway. "Shit!" she cursed.

Eli, fearful of her dropping the dinnerware, rushed over to help. He straightened out the pile as they slid onto the countertop, offering a smile to the maid. "Better?" he asked.

Noticing him at last, the black-haired girl was finally able to see when she stepped away from the dinnerware. For a moment, she seemed at a loss for words, and then said, "Th-Thank you so much. You must be Young Master Jasper's new servant. And if you're in here, I'd say he wants his pie."

"Yes," Eli said, "Where might I find this chocolate cream pie?"

The girl said, "There is still some in the cupboard," and opened a wide wooden cabinet door, and there was a half-eaten pie on a clear glass disc.

"And the cherries?"

With a quirk to her brow, the girl looked toward Eli, "The Young Master wants cherries? Strange, I've heard he doesn't quite like them. Anyhow, they're in the pantry," and she pointed towards a door at the far end.

With a nod of gratitude, Eli snagged one of the glass plates and cut a slice of the pie. The pantry was more like a basement with spices and vegetables scattered about the shelves or in weaved baskets. When he had the cherry and everything seemed in order, he placed everything including a glass of milk, a fork, and napkin on a tray before heading out.

"My name is Anna, by the way," the girl called through the door. "If you ever need any help, don't be afraid to ask. I'm sure Samuel didn't go over every duty of a servant to the Lancechester manor."

"Thank you, Anna."

Back on the third floor, Eli balanced the tray in one hand and opened the door. Young Master Jasper was standing at the far window, gazing out at the starry night sky. The only light in the room being a side table's lantern brought a faint glow. "Here you are, Master," Eli said, coming into the room, and he closed the door with his foot. He didn't get a response.


"Come look at this, Elijah," Master Jasper ordered.

As commanded, Eli set the tray beside the lamp near the bed and went to stand alongside Master Jasper. When he was at the window, he peered out into the night. The window looked down over the garden at the rear of the manor. The veranda was lit softly by glass covered torches and there were several people dressed formally, smiling, chatting with one another as they shared cups of what Eli guessed was either tea or some sort of wine.

Master Jasper said, "That is a small family gathering my father planned. The large woman in blue is dear Aunt Stephanie, and the dark-haired oaf to her right is my Uncle Hector. The two identical boys in the ginger clothes are my cousins Jacob and Maxwell. They think they are so significant, because they share the same pretty face. In front of them is my whore of a sister Beatrice. The old woman is my Grandmother Petunia. Her husband died just last month, the only decent one of them all. The man in that tacky beige suit is my father, and the woman in pink, she is my stepmother."

With the way Master Jasper spoke of the people below, Eli already got the impression he didn't have a great relationship with his family. None of them, except for his aunt perhaps. Next, he said, "You are to only serve me, Elijah. No one else but me. I do not want you speaking to them, looking at them, do not listen to a word they say. Ever." He closed the thick drapes over the window, "Do I make myself clear?"

Eli nodded, "As you wish, Master."

"Good, now get me ready for bed. I have grown quite tired from the day."

Eli went stiff for a moment. He was supposed to undress and then redress Master Jasper? Couldn't this kid do anything on his own?

Without a second to waste, Eli reached for Master Jasper's tie and loosened it, slinging it over his shoulder when it was off. He slid off the velvet green coat, hung it over his arm, and then proceeded to un-tuck and unbutton the white shirt beneath. Master Jasper's skin was pale, as if it'd never seen the light of day before, and had a faint tone of freckles across the top of his small framed chest.

He could feel the Young Master's eyes on him when he knelt to undo his trouser shorts, and he unbuckled the socks from his knees after the shorts fell. Master Jasper's legs were thin, almost as though they would break if he were handled without proper care.

Eli flinched within himself when he felt a gentle hand touch the top of his hair, calm fingers running through his tresses, pushing it tenderly out of his eyes. It was a soothing gesture, comforting in a way.

Then something caught Eli's eye when the Young Master glided his soft hand down the side of Eli's face. There on his right forearm sat a long healed scar dug into his flesh. It reminded Eli of his own wounds without delay, of how he'd gotten them, and then something struck him; a flashback of that moment, the fearful little boy he'd rescued all those years ago and his sweet weepy blue eyes, curly blonde hair. "It's you..." he said, now looking up into Master Jasper's eyes, "You're the boy I saved."

"Took you long enough to recognize me." The Master turned his back on Eli and went for the wardrobe, naked, and grabbed out a fresh white ruffled nightgown.

Gathering all the bits of clothing in his arms, Eli dropped them in a nearby hamper and approached Master Jasper. "But that's not possible," he said, helping the Young Master button his sleep attire. "You were a commoner, like me."

Letting Eli finish with the buttons, Master Jasper said, "I was never a commoner."

"Then what were you doing in Brimonhive? I thought Mr. and Mrs. Lindborg were your mother and father."

When the buttoning was done, Master Jasper heaved himself into the tall bed, bringing the tray of chocolate cream pie to his lap. "Let us not talk about that right now. Perhaps another time..."

Eli took a step back, "I'm sorry I didn't recognize you. After all, it's been seven years. And with your fancy clothing, you look so different. You've grown a lot from the last time I saw you."

"I have tried with all my might to forget that time of my life, but then I saw your scars, and it all came rushing back."

"Apologies." Pondering over the past they had shared; Eli couldn't help it when a smile of remembrance touched his face. "I looked for you," he started, "For weeks after we last met. I had wanted to keep my promise that we'd be friends, but I was never able to find you again after that. Mr. and Mrs. Lindborg even disappeared, and I thought they'd taken you along."

As if remembering every detail from the day they'd met as young boys, the Young Master held the single cherry out to Elijah and the footman took it. "You said cherry pie was your favorite."

With the stem of the cherry dangling between his fingers after taking it, Eli swallowed a nervous lump when Master Jasper rose to his knees then, wrapping his skinny arms around his neck. He held on to the red-haired boy as though he were afraid to let go, his fingers smoothing into Eli's soft mane. "You were the only one to ever show me kindness back then," the Master voiced, and then he left the most endearing kiss upon Eli's cheek, a gesture that sent a tremor throughout both their entire bodies, tingling the tips of Eli's gloved fingers. "Now, leave me. I must rest."

Eli backed away when he was released, staring down at Master Jasper as he made himself comfortable with the tray of pie atop his lap.

Before leaving, dumbfounded, he lowered his head in respect, and said, "Have a goodnight, Master."

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